
Slavery was a profit for business.

They imported, or supported Blacks in their own backyards.
How is that racist?

it's all about profit.

Slavery was partly money of course and yes in 1807 the slave trade was officially abolished. But you're acting like when slavery ended racism just stopped and although in 1807 the slave traded ended.

Slavery was not.
The outcome of that operation is the crucial factor which in terms of scale and magnitude has gone unsurpassed and has had a profound effect on millions worldwide. Not just because of slavery, that was just the starting point. But because white supremacy would not allow themselves to see blacks as humans and it carried on long after the slave trade was abolished.

And here's the real crux of the matter.

Most whites would be more than happy if we were back in chains. You would never admit this. But you know's it’s true.

The only reason why some whites put on airs is purely political. It looks bad to be racist. It carries a bad feeling and tone. White people enjoy the doings of the past because of the power it gives them.

White man’s burden is a myth.
Most whites would be more than happy if we were back in chains. You would never admit this. But you know's it’s true.

I don't think that's it, more like a 1/3rd of Whites like you being here, 1/3rd of Whites wish you would change, and 1/3rd of Whites wish you'd leave.
Yes. Everyone does. So stop pointing the finger because for every one *you* point towards, five more will be pointed back.
None of us are perfect. Horrors have happened since the beginning of time.

Move on. Move up. Move forward and stop looking back.

If talking about the beginning of time is not looking back there is no such thing.

Moving forward means confronting the current racism that exists in places like this by people like you who want to tell somebody to not look back when I look at your racism now in these forums..

Move on. Move up. End your racism..

I find it interesting that various groups hold yearly vigils and prayer services in order to "remember the past, so we do not forget it." But when black folks bring up history they are pretty much told to forget it.
nobody should forget, but too many blame whites for the history of white slave owners of the past.

Whites are blamed for their racist past and their continuing racism now. Whites are responsible for the slavery of the past. Because if you actually studied the issue, you would see how whites did it. On top of that things went far beyond slavery. Slavery ended in the 1860's but in the 1960's blacks were still fighting for equal rights. Can one of you white people explain this? Or did blacks create segregation too?

Most Whites didn't enslave Blacks, not only did more than half of Europe not participate in the Atlantic Slave Trade, but out of countries that did only a minority even did own Slaves.
He can't see the forest for the trees, Rodishi. Hence...not wasting time on him. Those that can be reached, I will engage and swap beliefs, ideologies, infor, etc with. Some are just determined to stay in their tunnel vision, then pass it on to the next generation. And the next generation is already here. Hence..what you are seeing in his responses.

Meh. I got no time for dat shit.
This one is just a nasty racist and they keep proving they are nothing more than a nasty racist that thinks all whites should pay a price because he apparently from his claims did not feel like he was treated fairly with that inferior mind of his. The moment he started claiming the Bundy's shouldn't have their ranch was the turning point to be certain about what a race baiter he is.

My mind is so inferior you can't out debate me.

Nah I never said the Bundys should not have their own ranch I did say that the ranch wad ab example of the history of government handouts given to whites.

I've said nothing racist. But to ignorant uneducated whites talking about the history of racism by whites is supposed to be racist.

If I had this fool in a debate hall with people in it, she's be laughed out f the room. You guys only survive in places like this.

And I said the governments of this nation should pay us reparations for t he human rights violations committee by this nation which was sanctioned by governmet laws upon blacks.

You see retard, all whites are still paying native americans every year for things done to them before you were born.
You don't debate you merely sling shit about whites and how you as a black man has gotten such a raw deal but at the same time you attempt to toss in a brag about yourself.

A few Indian tribes have members that receive federal checks because their ancestors signed treaties with those boat people that originally settled the land. It doesn't sound like you got the luck of that draw on that so blame your ancestors not other people for that.

Just like Bundy's ancestors some blacks also received land when territories were settled. NebraskaStudies.Org Yours must have not been intelligent enough to be in with the ones that did that.

I was intelligent to run 3 businesses so successfully that I am retired now. | PBS

One who mows lawns by himself also manages his own business, no?
He can't see the forest for the trees, Rodishi. Hence...not wasting time on him. Those that can be reached, I will engage and swap beliefs, ideologies, infor, etc with. Some are just determined to stay in their tunnel vision, then pass it on to the next generation. And the next generation is already here. Hence..what you are seeing in his responses.

Meh. I got no time for dat shit.
This one is just a nasty racist and they keep proving they are nothing more than a nasty racist that thinks all whites should pay a price because he apparently from his claims did not feel like he was treated fairly with that inferior mind of his. The moment he started claiming the Bundy's shouldn't have their ranch was the turning point to be certain about what a race baiter he is.

My mind is so inferior you can't out debate me.

Nah I never said the Bundys should not have their own ranch I did say that the ranch wad ab example of the history of government handouts given to whites.

I've said nothing racist. But to ignorant uneducated whites talking about the history of racism by whites is supposed to be racist.

If I had this fool in a debate hall with people in it, she's be laughed out f the room. You guys only survive in places like this.

And I said the governments of this nation should pay us reparations for t he human rights violations committee by this nation which was sanctioned by governmet laws upon blacks.

You see retard, all whites are still paying native americans every year for things done to them before you were born.
You don't debate you merely sling shit about whites and how you as a black man has gotten such a raw deal but at the same time you attempt to toss in a brag about yourself.

A few Indian tribes have members that receive federal checks because their ancestors signed treaties with those boat people that originally settled the land. It doesn't sound like you got the luck of that draw on that so blame your ancestors not other people for that.

Just like Bundy's ancestors some blacks also received land when territories were settled. NebraskaStudies.Org Yours must have not been intelligent enough to be in with the ones that did that.

I was intelligent to run 3 businesses so successfully that I am retired now. How about you? You call this a brag, I call it defending myself when a fucked up retarded ass white person decides to tell me how I am blaming whitey for my failures.

Indians are getting reparations fool. That's what those checks are. You show your ignorance when you make the comments you make in this regard. Because blacks had agreed to a settlement for a specific amount of land per slave after slavery which a president shot down and stopped. .

After the American Civil War many African-American people were promised land throughout the South via the Southern Homestead act of 1866. Few actual claims were granted after 10 years of legal wrangling, and the act was repealed in 1876.

I have specifically stated that racist laws and polices by whites have created damage to black communities that exist today. You can't dispute that so you fall back on the dumb ass he's blaming whitey line.

Only ignorant uneducated white people try this tactic. I've worked with far too many whites who will tell you exactly what I have said to you who have worked to help black communities to concern myself with what some uneducated batshit crazy retarded white woman thinks.

Whitey will be blamed for what whitey is responsible for. .Deal with it.

So go read up on why more blacks did not participate in homesteading instead of arguing the classic whitebread bullshit.

Why didn't more blacks from the South claim land in the Midwest following the Homesteading acts? • r/AskHistorians

The 1862 Homestead Act followed suit, giving away millions of acres - for free - of what had been Indian Territory west of the Mississippi. Ultimately, 270 million acres, or 10% of the total land area of the United States, was converted to private hands, overwhelmingly white, under Homestead Act provisions.

RACE - The Power of an Illusion . Background Readings | PBS
You claimed you worked for others and you whined you were not treated right. Now which is it? Did you build your own businesses or did you work for someone else. Again if your ancestors made choices and you don't like the results take it up with them as you ain't getting anywhere with me or any sympathy for any reason because you are an ass.

Me, I already said what I did but apparently you are too stupid to read or your so busy whining you don't take the time to read or you can't read and do not comprehend. In my businesses I never considered anyone's color or ethnic background. I hired based on ability solely to do the job (dickwads with attitudes were no hires for any reason.) I actually retired from my own business at forty.I started several other projects. I bought houses, fix them them up for they weren't shit holes with nasty leaky basements and new carpet, plumbing, etc and rented to people that no one else would rent too. Like handicaps who needed special fixtures installed (I spent my money to do all those things), rented to mixed couples, and even a tranny once. I also started a mine operation and when I wouldn't sell out or partner with crooks I was taken out. And there were some that were very discriminating against females along the way. I had to stick up for my ethnically diverse employees and I took a lot of heat over the years for doing so but hey f' you and the horse you ride on as I wouldn't hire some asshole no matter what their color was.
Slavery was a profit for business.

They imported, or supported Blacks in their own backyards.
How is that racist?

it's all about profit.

Slavery was partly money of course and yes in 1807 the slave trade was officially abolished. But you're acting like when slavery ended racism just stopped and although in 1807 the slave traded ended.

Slavery was not.

So whites who wanted to do the cool thing said ” Sure, we’ll stop bringing slaves over from Africa, but I’ll be damned if I give up the ones raising my children and tending my land.”

You can deflect and talk about other forms of slavery but I know of no-one who has been affected by the Christian slave trade. I know no one who has been affected by the Arab slave trade nor do I live in a country that has been shaped and continues to be shaped by that trade. That is quite untrue about the Atlantic slave trade.

The central impact of the African Transatlantic Slave trade is the legacy. And it’s that legacy that connects everyone posting in this forum today.

You can't (and here's a challenge if you are up for it) point to any other form of slavery (present or past) that has had such a global impact on this planet as the African Holocaust

The outcome of that operation is the crucial factor which in terms of scale and magnitude has gone unsurpassed and has had a profound effect on millions worldwide. Not just because of slavery, that was just the starting point. But because white supremacy would not allow themselves to see blacks as humans and it carried on long after the slave trade was abolished.

And here's the real crux of the matter.

Most whites would be more than happy if we were back in chains. You would never admit this. But you know's it’s true.

The only reason why some whites put on airs is purely political. It looks bad to be racist. It carries a bad feeling and tone. White people enjoy the doings of the past because of the power it gives them.

White man’s burden is a myth.

The fact that the rich white boys club still rules in this country is more about money than racism at this point. Would it be nice to crash their party? Sure. Us ladies have been working on that for awhile. Join in.

When wasn't the U.S.A more about money, than about racism?
Racism was a real factor for a long time here. Southern slave owners knew what they were doing was wrong and they worked hard over the years to justify it, encode it in law, make it part of the culture in the South. After the Civil War, the only thing that changed was the legality of owning slaves. Nothing else changed and the ingrained devaluation of blacks and the culture of keeping blacks and whites separate didn't change for a hundred more years. Now it's more about $$$ and who has the power. Racism isn't the controlling factor it was for such a long time. At least I don't see it that way.
He can't see the forest for the trees, Rodishi. Hence...not wasting time on him. Those that can be reached, I will engage and swap beliefs, ideologies, infor, etc with. Some are just determined to stay in their tunnel vision, then pass it on to the next generation. And the next generation is already here. Hence..what you are seeing in his responses.

Meh. I got no time for dat shit.
This one is just a nasty racist and they keep proving they are nothing more than a nasty racist that thinks all whites should pay a price because he apparently from his claims did not feel like he was treated fairly with that inferior mind of his. The moment he started claiming the Bundy's shouldn't have their ranch was the turning point to be certain about what a race baiter he is.

My mind is so inferior you can't out debate me.

Nah I never said the Bundys should not have their own ranch I did say that the ranch wad ab example of the history of government handouts given to whites.

I've said nothing racist. But to ignorant uneducated whites talking about the history of racism by whites is supposed to be racist.

If I had this fool in a debate hall with people in it, she's be laughed out f the room. You guys only survive in places like this.

And I said the governments of this nation should pay us reparations for t he human rights violations committee by this nation which was sanctioned by governmet laws upon blacks.

You see retard, all whites are still paying native americans every year for things done to them before you were born.
You don't debate you merely sling shit about whites and how you as a black man has gotten such a raw deal but at the same time you attempt to toss in a brag about yourself.

A few Indian tribes have members that receive federal checks because their ancestors signed treaties with those boat people that originally settled the land. It doesn't sound like you got the luck of that draw on that so blame your ancestors not other people for that.

Just like Bundy's ancestors some blacks also received land when territories were settled. NebraskaStudies.Org Yours must have not been intelligent enough to be in with the ones that did that.

I was intelligent to run 3 businesses so successfully that I am retired now. How about you? You call this a brag, I call it defending myself when a fucked up retarded ass white person decides to tell me how I am blaming whitey for my failures.

Indians are getting reparations fool. That's what those checks are. You show your ignorance when you make the comments you make in this regard. Because blacks had agreed to a settlement for a specific amount of land per slave after slavery which a president shot down and stopped. .

After the American Civil War many African-American people were promised land throughout the South via the Southern Homestead act of 1866. Few actual claims were granted after 10 years of legal wrangling, and the act was repealed in 1876.

I have specifically stated that racist laws and polices by whites have created damage to black communities that exist today. You can't dispute that so you fall back on the dumb ass he's blaming whitey line.

Only ignorant uneducated white people try this tactic. I've worked with far too many whites who will tell you exactly what I have said to you who have worked to help black communities to concern myself with what some uneducated batshit crazy retarded white woman thinks.

Whitey will be blamed for what whitey is responsible for. .Deal with it.

So go read up on why more blacks did not participate in homesteading instead of arguing the classic whitebread bullshit.

Why didn't more blacks from the South claim land in the Midwest following the Homesteading acts? • r/AskHistorians

The 1862 Homestead Act followed suit, giving away millions of acres - for free - of what had been Indian Territory west of the Mississippi. Ultimately, 270 million acres, or 10% of the total land area of the United States, was converted to private hands, overwhelmingly white, under Homestead Act provisions.

RACE - The Power of an Illusion . Background Readings | PBS
You claimed you worked for others and you whined you were not treated right. Now which is it? Did you build your own businesses or did you work for someone else. Again if your ancestors made choices and you don't like the results take it up with them as you ain't getting anywhere with me or any sympathy for any reason because you are an ass.

Me, I already said what I did but apparently you are too stupid to read or your so busy whining you don't take the time to read or you can't read and do not comprehend. In my businesses I never considered anyone's color or ethnic background. I hired based on ability solely to do the job (dickwads with attitudes were no hires for any reason.) I actually retired from my own business at forty.I started several other projects. I bought houses, fix them them up for they weren't shit holes with nasty leaky basements and new carpet, plumbing, etc and rented to people that no one else would rent too. Like handicaps who needed special fixtures installed (I spent my money to do all those things), rented to mixed couples, and even a tranny once. I also started a mine operation and when I wouldn't sell out or partner with crooks I was taken out. And there were some that were very discriminating against females along the way. I had to stick up for my ethnically diverse employees and I took a lot of heat over the years for doing so but hey f' you and the horse you ride on as I wouldn't hire some asshole no matter what their color was.

Things just did not happen as you say relative to my ancestors. And as for me it doesn't matter how I got paid, I got paid, did well and now am retired.

Your long story doesn't change anything. Whites still practice racism. You are a ignorant woman arguing about issues you know nothing about just because you saw somebody say the word white.
This one is just a nasty racist and they keep proving they are nothing more than a nasty racist that thinks all whites should pay a price because he apparently from his claims did not feel like he was treated fairly with that inferior mind of his. The moment he started claiming the Bundy's shouldn't have their ranch was the turning point to be certain about what a race baiter he is.

My mind is so inferior you can't out debate me.

Nah I never said the Bundys should not have their own ranch I did say that the ranch wad ab example of the history of government handouts given to whites.

I've said nothing racist. But to ignorant uneducated whites talking about the history of racism by whites is supposed to be racist.

If I had this fool in a debate hall with people in it, she's be laughed out f the room. You guys only survive in places like this.

And I said the governments of this nation should pay us reparations for t he human rights violations committee by this nation which was sanctioned by governmet laws upon blacks.

You see retard, all whites are still paying native americans every year for things done to them before you were born.
You don't debate you merely sling shit about whites and how you as a black man has gotten such a raw deal but at the same time you attempt to toss in a brag about yourself.

A few Indian tribes have members that receive federal checks because their ancestors signed treaties with those boat people that originally settled the land. It doesn't sound like you got the luck of that draw on that so blame your ancestors not other people for that.

Just like Bundy's ancestors some blacks also received land when territories were settled. NebraskaStudies.Org Yours must have not been intelligent enough to be in with the ones that did that.

I was intelligent to run 3 businesses so successfully that I am retired now. How about you? You call this a brag, I call it defending myself when a fucked up retarded ass white person decides to tell me how I am blaming whitey for my failures.

Indians are getting reparations fool. That's what those checks are. You show your ignorance when you make the comments you make in this regard. Because blacks had agreed to a settlement for a specific amount of land per slave after slavery which a president shot down and stopped. .

After the American Civil War many African-American people were promised land throughout the South via the Southern Homestead act of 1866. Few actual claims were granted after 10 years of legal wrangling, and the act was repealed in 1876.

I have specifically stated that racist laws and polices by whites have created damage to black communities that exist today. You can't dispute that so you fall back on the dumb ass he's blaming whitey line.

Only ignorant uneducated white people try this tactic. I've worked with far too many whites who will tell you exactly what I have said to you who have worked to help black communities to concern myself with what some uneducated batshit crazy retarded white woman thinks.

Whitey will be blamed for what whitey is responsible for. .Deal with it.

So go read up on why more blacks did not participate in homesteading instead of arguing the classic whitebread bullshit.

Why didn't more blacks from the South claim land in the Midwest following the Homesteading acts? • r/AskHistorians

The 1862 Homestead Act followed suit, giving away millions of acres - for free - of what had been Indian Territory west of the Mississippi. Ultimately, 270 million acres, or 10% of the total land area of the United States, was converted to private hands, overwhelmingly white, under Homestead Act provisions.

RACE - The Power of an Illusion . Background Readings | PBS
You claimed you worked for others and you whined you were not treated right. Now which is it? Did you build your own businesses or did you work for someone else. Again if your ancestors made choices and you don't like the results take it up with them as you ain't getting anywhere with me or any sympathy for any reason because you are an ass.

Me, I already said what I did but apparently you are too stupid to read or your so busy whining you don't take the time to read or you can't read and do not comprehend. In my businesses I never considered anyone's color or ethnic background. I hired based on ability solely to do the job (dickwads with attitudes were no hires for any reason.) I actually retired from my own business at forty.I started several other projects. I bought houses, fix them them up for they weren't shit holes with nasty leaky basements and new carpet, plumbing, etc and rented to people that no one else would rent too. Like handicaps who needed special fixtures installed (I spent my money to do all those things), rented to mixed couples, and even a tranny once. I also started a mine operation and when I wouldn't sell out or partner with crooks I was taken out. And there were some that were very discriminating against females along the way. I had to stick up for my ethnically diverse employees and I took a lot of heat over the years for doing so but hey f' you and the horse you ride on as I wouldn't hire some asshole no matter what their color was.

Things just did not happen as you say relative to my ancestors. And as for me it doesn't matter how I got paid, I got paid, did well and now am retired.

Your long story doesn't change anything. Whites still practice racism. You are a ignorant woman arguing about issues you know nothing about just because you saw somebody say the word white.
No you are ignorant being an asshole to people you know nothing about as you blame whitey for all your perceived woes. Whether you like it or not people are individuals and that is how our system is set up. We each get to make choices that determine our futures. If you make bad choices along the way once you come of age that is on you.
Slavery was partly money of course and yes in 1807 the slave trade was officially abolished. But you're acting like when slavery ended racism just stopped and although in 1807 the slave traded ended.

Slavery was not.

So whites who wanted to do the cool thing said ” Sure, we’ll stop bringing slaves over from Africa, but I’ll be damned if I give up the ones raising my children and tending my land.”

You can deflect and talk about other forms of slavery but I know of no-one who has been affected by the Christian slave trade. I know no one who has been affected by the Arab slave trade nor do I live in a country that has been shaped and continues to be shaped by that trade. That is quite untrue about the Atlantic slave trade.

The central impact of the African Transatlantic Slave trade is the legacy. And it’s that legacy that connects everyone posting in this forum today.

You can't (and here's a challenge if you are up for it) point to any other form of slavery (present or past) that has had such a global impact on this planet as the African Holocaust

The outcome of that operation is the crucial factor which in terms of scale and magnitude has gone unsurpassed and has had a profound effect on millions worldwide. Not just because of slavery, that was just the starting point. But because white supremacy would not allow themselves to see blacks as humans and it carried on long after the slave trade was abolished.

And here's the real crux of the matter.

Most whites would be more than happy if we were back in chains. You would never admit this. But you know's it’s true.

The only reason why some whites put on airs is purely political. It looks bad to be racist. It carries a bad feeling and tone. White people enjoy the doings of the past because of the power it gives them.

White man’s burden is a myth.

The fact that the rich white boys club still rules in this country is more about money than racism at this point. Would it be nice to crash their party? Sure. Us ladies have been working on that for awhile. Join in.

When wasn't the U.S.A more about money, than about racism?
Racism was a real factor for a long time here. Southern slave owners knew what they were doing was wrong and they worked hard over the years to justify it, encode it in law, make it part of the culture in the South. After the Civil War, the only thing that changed was the legality of owning slaves. Nothing else changed and the ingrained devaluation of blacks and the culture of keeping blacks and whites separate didn't change for a hundred more years. Now it's more about $$$ and who has the power. Racism isn't the controlling factor it was for such a long time. At least I don't see it that way.

Racism is why Trump is the president. That's how controlling racism is. Also the power and money come as a result of .things that have occurred over this entire history.

I know most people who aren't of color love to believe that racism is no more or reduced to insignificance, unfortunately that is not the case.

Fear of Diversity Made People More Likely to Vote Trump

New election analysis: Yes, it really was blatant racism that gave us President Donald Trump
My mind is so inferior you can't out debate me.

Nah I never said the Bundys should not have their own ranch I did say that the ranch wad ab example of the history of government handouts given to whites.

I've said nothing racist. But to ignorant uneducated whites talking about the history of racism by whites is supposed to be racist.

If I had this fool in a debate hall with people in it, she's be laughed out f the room. You guys only survive in places like this.

And I said the governments of this nation should pay us reparations for t he human rights violations committee by this nation which was sanctioned by governmet laws upon blacks.

You see retard, all whites are still paying native americans every year for things done to them before you were born.
You don't debate you merely sling shit about whites and how you as a black man has gotten such a raw deal but at the same time you attempt to toss in a brag about yourself.

A few Indian tribes have members that receive federal checks because their ancestors signed treaties with those boat people that originally settled the land. It doesn't sound like you got the luck of that draw on that so blame your ancestors not other people for that.

Just like Bundy's ancestors some blacks also received land when territories were settled. NebraskaStudies.Org Yours must have not been intelligent enough to be in with the ones that did that.

I was intelligent to run 3 businesses so successfully that I am retired now. How about you? You call this a brag, I call it defending myself when a fucked up retarded ass white person decides to tell me how I am blaming whitey for my failures.

Indians are getting reparations fool. That's what those checks are. You show your ignorance when you make the comments you make in this regard. Because blacks had agreed to a settlement for a specific amount of land per slave after slavery which a president shot down and stopped. .

After the American Civil War many African-American people were promised land throughout the South via the Southern Homestead act of 1866. Few actual claims were granted after 10 years of legal wrangling, and the act was repealed in 1876.

I have specifically stated that racist laws and polices by whites have created damage to black communities that exist today. You can't dispute that so you fall back on the dumb ass he's blaming whitey line.

Only ignorant uneducated white people try this tactic. I've worked with far too many whites who will tell you exactly what I have said to you who have worked to help black communities to concern myself with what some uneducated batshit crazy retarded white woman thinks.

Whitey will be blamed for what whitey is responsible for. .Deal with it.

So go read up on why more blacks did not participate in homesteading instead of arguing the classic whitebread bullshit.

Why didn't more blacks from the South claim land in the Midwest following the Homesteading acts? • r/AskHistorians

The 1862 Homestead Act followed suit, giving away millions of acres - for free - of what had been Indian Territory west of the Mississippi. Ultimately, 270 million acres, or 10% of the total land area of the United States, was converted to private hands, overwhelmingly white, under Homestead Act provisions.

RACE - The Power of an Illusion . Background Readings | PBS
You claimed you worked for others and you whined you were not treated right. Now which is it? Did you build your own businesses or did you work for someone else. Again if your ancestors made choices and you don't like the results take it up with them as you ain't getting anywhere with me or any sympathy for any reason because you are an ass.

Me, I already said what I did but apparently you are too stupid to read or your so busy whining you don't take the time to read or you can't read and do not comprehend. In my businesses I never considered anyone's color or ethnic background. I hired based on ability solely to do the job (dickwads with attitudes were no hires for any reason.) I actually retired from my own business at forty.I started several other projects. I bought houses, fix them them up for they weren't shit holes with nasty leaky basements and new carpet, plumbing, etc and rented to people that no one else would rent too. Like handicaps who needed special fixtures installed (I spent my money to do all those things), rented to mixed couples, and even a tranny once. I also started a mine operation and when I wouldn't sell out or partner with crooks I was taken out. And there were some that were very discriminating against females along the way. I had to stick up for my ethnically diverse employees and I took a lot of heat over the years for doing so but hey f' you and the horse you ride on as I wouldn't hire some asshole no matter what their color was.

Things just did not happen as you say relative to my ancestors. And as for me it doesn't matter how I got paid, I got paid, did well and now am retired.

Your long story doesn't change anything. Whites still practice racism. You are a ignorant woman arguing about issues you know nothing about just because you saw somebody say the word white.
No you are ignorant being an asshole to people you know nothing about as you blame whitey for all your perceived woes. Whether you like it or not people are individuals and that is how our system is set up. We each get to make choices that determine our futures. If you make bad choices along the way once you come of age that is on you.

You are wrong. I have not been the asshole. You have assumed things about me that are wring and your raggedy ass keeps repeating that wrong shit in every post.

You left home at 12, that's not a good choice. So shut up about making choices.

You talk about this system is about individuals That's a lie. For example the ruling in the Dred Scott case did not say that Dred Scotto has no rights that John Sandford is bound tp respect. That would show a system predicated solely on rights of the individual. However the ruling was that blacks had no rights whites had to respect. As a GROUP blacks had no rights that AS A GROUP whites had t resect. .

You are wrong.
Yes. Everyone does. So stop pointing the finger because for every one *you* point towards, five more will be pointed back.
None of us are perfect. Horrors have happened since the beginning of time.

Move on. Move up. Move forward and stop looking back.

If talking about the beginning of time is not looking back there is no such thing.

Moving forward means confronting the current racism that exists in places like this by people like you who want to tell somebody to not look back when I look at your racism now in these forums..

Move on. Move up. End your racism..

I find it interesting that various groups hold yearly vigils and prayer services in order to "remember the past, so we do not forget it." But when black folks bring up history they are pretty much told to forget it.
nobody should forget, but too many blame whites for the history of white slave owners of the past.

Whites are blamed for their racist past and their continuing racism now. Whites are responsible for the slavery of the past. Because if you actually studied the issue, you would see how whites did it. On top of that things went far beyond slavery. Slavery ended in the 1860's but in the 1960's blacks were still fighting for equal rights. Can one of you white people explain this? Or did blacks create segregation too?

Most Whites didn't enslave Blacks, not only did more than half of Europe not participate in the Atlantic Slave Trade, but out of countries that did only a minority even did own Slaves.

That's a lie.
You don't debate you merely sling shit about whites and how you as a black man has gotten such a raw deal but at the same time you attempt to toss in a brag about yourself.

A few Indian tribes have members that receive federal checks because their ancestors signed treaties with those boat people that originally settled the land. It doesn't sound like you got the luck of that draw on that so blame your ancestors not other people for that.

Just like Bundy's ancestors some blacks also received land when territories were settled. NebraskaStudies.Org Yours must have not been intelligent enough to be in with the ones that did that.

I was intelligent to run 3 businesses so successfully that I am retired now. How about you? You call this a brag, I call it defending myself when a fucked up retarded ass white person decides to tell me how I am blaming whitey for my failures.

Indians are getting reparations fool. That's what those checks are. You show your ignorance when you make the comments you make in this regard. Because blacks had agreed to a settlement for a specific amount of land per slave after slavery which a president shot down and stopped. .

After the American Civil War many African-American people were promised land throughout the South via the Southern Homestead act of 1866. Few actual claims were granted after 10 years of legal wrangling, and the act was repealed in 1876.

I have specifically stated that racist laws and polices by whites have created damage to black communities that exist today. You can't dispute that so you fall back on the dumb ass he's blaming whitey line.

Only ignorant uneducated white people try this tactic. I've worked with far too many whites who will tell you exactly what I have said to you who have worked to help black communities to concern myself with what some uneducated batshit crazy retarded white woman thinks.

Whitey will be blamed for what whitey is responsible for. .Deal with it.

So go read up on why more blacks did not participate in homesteading instead of arguing the classic whitebread bullshit.

Why didn't more blacks from the South claim land in the Midwest following the Homesteading acts? • r/AskHistorians

The 1862 Homestead Act followed suit, giving away millions of acres - for free - of what had been Indian Territory west of the Mississippi. Ultimately, 270 million acres, or 10% of the total land area of the United States, was converted to private hands, overwhelmingly white, under Homestead Act provisions.

RACE - The Power of an Illusion . Background Readings | PBS
You claimed you worked for others and you whined you were not treated right. Now which is it? Did you build your own businesses or did you work for someone else. Again if your ancestors made choices and you don't like the results take it up with them as you ain't getting anywhere with me or any sympathy for any reason because you are an ass.

Me, I already said what I did but apparently you are too stupid to read or your so busy whining you don't take the time to read or you can't read and do not comprehend. In my businesses I never considered anyone's color or ethnic background. I hired based on ability solely to do the job (dickwads with attitudes were no hires for any reason.) I actually retired from my own business at forty.I started several other projects. I bought houses, fix them them up for they weren't shit holes with nasty leaky basements and new carpet, plumbing, etc and rented to people that no one else would rent too. Like handicaps who needed special fixtures installed (I spent my money to do all those things), rented to mixed couples, and even a tranny once. I also started a mine operation and when I wouldn't sell out or partner with crooks I was taken out. And there were some that were very discriminating against females along the way. I had to stick up for my ethnically diverse employees and I took a lot of heat over the years for doing so but hey f' you and the horse you ride on as I wouldn't hire some asshole no matter what their color was.

Things just did not happen as you say relative to my ancestors. And as for me it doesn't matter how I got paid, I got paid, did well and now am retired.

Your long story doesn't change anything. Whites still practice racism. You are a ignorant woman arguing about issues you know nothing about just because you saw somebody say the word white.
No you are ignorant being an asshole to people you know nothing about as you blame whitey for all your perceived woes. Whether you like it or not people are individuals and that is how our system is set up. We each get to make choices that determine our futures. If you make bad choices along the way once you come of age that is on you.

You are wrong. I have not been the asshole. You have assumed things about me that are wring and your raggedy ass keeps repeating that wrong shit in every post.

You left home at 12, that's not a good choice. So shut up about making choices.

You talk about this system is about individuals That's a lie. For example the ruling in the Dred Scott case did not say that Dred Scotto has no rights that John Sandford is bound tp respect. That would show a system predicated solely on rights of the individual. However the ruling was that blacks had no rights whites had to respect. As a GROUP blacks had no rights that AS A GROUP whites had t resect. .

You are wrong.
I thought you weren't going back to make your case asshat. It makes no difference what happened then as we are in today, right now, this time frame not then. Like I said if you wanna go backwards I'll oblige you, make up your mind. You are not going to get any special considerations and those that have been put in place need to go as they are just more vehicles for corruption. Too bad you don't like that but that is the way it is. A Level Playing Field for ALL Americans, no more and no less. And my President Trump and many others already in place are going to help initiate that program. If you and your BLM and liberal progressive twits don't like that migrate to a country that better suits you and your ambitions.
The fact that the rich white boys club still rules in this country is more about money than racism at this point. Would it be nice to crash their party? Sure. Us ladies have been working on that for awhile. Join in.

When wasn't the U.S.A more about money, than about racism?
Racism was a real factor for a long time here. Southern slave owners knew what they were doing was wrong and they worked hard over the years to justify it, encode it in law, make it part of the culture in the South. After the Civil War, the only thing that changed was the legality of owning slaves. Nothing else changed and the ingrained devaluation of blacks and the culture of keeping blacks and whites separate didn't change for a hundred more years. Now it's more about $$$ and who has the power. Racism isn't the controlling factor it was for such a long time. At least I don't see it that way.

Racism is why Trump is the president. That's how controlling racism is. Also the power and money come as a result of .things that have occurred over this entire history.

I know most people who aren't of color love to believe that racism is no more or reduced to insignificance, unfortunately that is not the case.

Fear of Diversity Made People More Likely to Vote Trump

New election analysis: Yes, it really was blatant racism that gave us President Donald Trump
Interesting. I can't prove my impression anymore than you can prove yours, so I'll leave you alone. But do remember one thing, Im2: only 37% of eligible American voters voted for Trump. And according to the demographics experts, they were primarily older and blue collar, not the rich guys.
It's always hard to see the forest for the trees when you're deep in. But it doesn't hurt to get a broader perspective at times, you know.
Racism is why Trump is the president.
No. Racism is why Obama became POTUS. Folks wanted a "black man" as the first POTUS ever. And they got him in there not because he would be good as potus, but because he identifies as BLACK although he is half WHITE. All the tears and praisings to the Lawd that FINALLY, a black president. Skin color. He looks black. He speaks well. His pants were around his waist. Doesn't matter if he sucked as potus or not. Just get a BLACK guy in there. And so he was. Now its get a WOMAN in there. No matter if she is capable or long as it is a WOMAN. Next it will be a gay. Or a muslim. Or an asian. Or a native american. Nobody cares whether this person can run the USA. They look at the skin or the race or the gender.

And yes, it goes along with this thread because it seems everyone has some sort of agenda. The OP is to speak for blacks because she married one. NOT because she is black herself. And she says not one word about black on black crime, thousands of unmarried women with numerous baby daddies (gawd I hate that phrase) who bail as soon as it gets rough PAYING to raise that kid, blacks burning down their own neighborhoods and the overall violence that seems to be genetic in every black person except those that pull up their pants, work, and get the fuck out of the ghetto but are then degraded and reviled as Uncle Toms. I see her not speaking about those things. Nope. All she speaks about is something that happened 200 years ago that NONE of us were part of. Nobody here owned slaves and nobody here went to buy them from black slavers along the african coast. That would be YOUR history, sparky.

And the OP? She is focused on one thing. The past. Anything she could had had as a valuable thought for all to muse flushed.
If talking about the beginning of time is not looking back there is no such thing.

Moving forward means confronting the current racism that exists in places like this by people like you who want to tell somebody to not look back when I look at your racism now in these forums..

Move on. Move up. End your racism..

I find it interesting that various groups hold yearly vigils and prayer services in order to "remember the past, so we do not forget it." But when black folks bring up history they are pretty much told to forget it.
nobody should forget, but too many blame whites for the history of white slave owners of the past.

Whites are blamed for their racist past and their continuing racism now. Whites are responsible for the slavery of the past. Because if you actually studied the issue, you would see how whites did it. On top of that things went far beyond slavery. Slavery ended in the 1860's but in the 1960's blacks were still fighting for equal rights. Can one of you white people explain this? Or did blacks create segregation too?

Most Whites didn't enslave Blacks, not only did more than half of Europe not participate in the Atlantic Slave Trade, but out of countries that did only a minority even did own Slaves.

That's a lie.

What Wikipedia has to say.

Slavery in the United States - Wikipedia

Excluding slaves, the 1860 U.S. population was 27,167,529, yielding about 1 in 70 free persons (1.5%) being slaveholders. By counting only named slaveowners, this approach does not acknowledge people who benefited from slavery by being in a slaveowning household, e.g. the wife and children of an owner. Only 8% of all US families owned slaves,[228] while in the South, 33% of families owned slaves. According to historian Joseph Glatthaar,

When wasn't the U.S.A more about money, than about racism?
Racism was a real factor for a long time here. Southern slave owners knew what they were doing was wrong and they worked hard over the years to justify it, encode it in law, make it part of the culture in the South. After the Civil War, the only thing that changed was the legality of owning slaves. Nothing else changed and the ingrained devaluation of blacks and the culture of keeping blacks and whites separate didn't change for a hundred more years. Now it's more about $$$ and who has the power. Racism isn't the controlling factor it was for such a long time. At least I don't see it that way.

Racism is why Trump is the president. That's how controlling racism is. Also the power and money come as a result of .things that have occurred over this entire history.

I know most people who aren't of color love to believe that racism is no more or reduced to insignificance, unfortunately that is not the case.

Fear of Diversity Made People More Likely to Vote Trump

New election analysis: Yes, it really was blatant racism that gave us President Donald Trump
American voters voted for Trump. And according to the demographics experts, they were primarily older and blue collar, not the rich guys.
It's always hard to see the forest for the trees when you're deep in. But it doesn't hurt to get a broader perspective at times, you know.

The "Rich guys" are more likely to profit off of cheap labor immigrants (multiculturalism) and from outsourced jobs, they are also less likely to have to compete with minorities for jobs, or housing.

The rich like to live away from the multicultural madness, sometimes even in "Gated Communities" but for some of them "God forbid" if we make the U.S.A more like a gated community.
They so often like to admire minorities including Blacks from a-far, but won't want to live near them.
The fact that the rich white boys club still rules in this country is more about money than racism at this point. Would it be nice to crash their party? Sure. Us ladies have been working on that for awhile. Join in.

When wasn't the U.S.A more about money, than about racism?
Racism was a real factor for a long time here. Southern slave owners knew what they were doing was wrong and they worked hard over the years to justify it, encode it in law, make it part of the culture in the South. After the Civil War, the only thing that changed was the legality of owning slaves. Nothing else changed and the ingrained devaluation of blacks and the culture of keeping blacks and whites separate didn't change for a hundred more years. Now it's more about $$$ and who has the power. Racism isn't the controlling factor it was for such a long time. At least I don't see it that way.

Racism is why Trump is the president. That's how controlling racism is. Also the power and money come as a result of .things that have occurred over this entire history.

I know most people who aren't of color love to believe that racism is no more or reduced to insignificance, unfortunately that is not the case.

Fear of Diversity Made People More Likely to Vote Trump

New election analysis: Yes, it really was blatant racism that gave us President Donald Trump

I don't think that's it, I think people in the Rustbelt went Trump because they lost a lot of good paying jobs, and saw Trump talking tough on outsourced jobs, and illegal immigrants.
Arab Muslims predated the white European slave trade, as far as I can tell, going back to the seventh century. And to this day, Muslims are allowed to practice slavery under sharia law, if I am not mistaken. I wonder if Black American Muslim converts are aware of that.
Slavery was partly money of course and yes in 1807 the slave trade was officially abolished. But you're acting like when slavery ended racism just stopped and although in 1807 the slave traded ended.

Slavery was not.

So whites who wanted to do the cool thing said ” Sure, we’ll stop bringing slaves over from Africa, but I’ll be damned if I give up the ones raising my children and tending my land.”

You can deflect and talk about other forms of slavery but I know of no-one who has been affected by the Christian slave trade. I know no one who has been affected by the Arab slave trade nor do I live in a country that has been shaped and continues to be shaped by that trade. That is quite untrue about the Atlantic slave trade.

The central impact of the African Transatlantic Slave trade is the legacy. And it’s that legacy that connects everyone posting in this forum today.

You can't (and here's a challenge if you are up for it) point to any other form of slavery (present or past) that has had such a global impact on this planet as the African Holocaust

The outcome of that operation is the crucial factor which in terms of scale and magnitude has gone unsurpassed and has had a profound effect on millions worldwide. Not just because of slavery, that was just the starting point. But because white supremacy would not allow themselves to see blacks as humans and it carried on long after the slave trade was abolished.

And here's the real crux of the matter.

Most whites would be more than happy if we were back in chains. You would never admit this. But you know's it’s true.

The only reason why some whites put on airs is purely political. It looks bad to be racist. It carries a bad feeling and tone. White people enjoy the doings of the past because of the power it gives them.

White man’s burden is a myth.

The fact that the rich white boys club still rules in this country is more about money than racism at this point. Would it be nice to crash their party? Sure. Us ladies have been working on that for awhile. Join in.

When wasn't the U.S.A more about money, than about racism?
Racism was a real factor for a long time here. Southern slave owners knew what they were doing was wrong and they worked hard over the years to justify it, encode it in law, make it part of the culture in the South. After the Civil War, the only thing that changed was the legality of owning slaves. Nothing else changed and the ingrained devaluation of blacks and the culture of keeping blacks and whites separate didn't change for a hundred more years. Now it's more about $$$ and who has the power. Racism isn't the controlling factor it was for such a long time. At least I don't see it that way.
I've seen on this forum several times that only 3% of white people in America owned slaves and that most whites didn't because it was such an expensive and risky business. Since wealthy folks pass down their wealth for generations, now we have the elite 1%, who have 90% of the wealth, while the bottom 99% try to survive on 10%.

I sincerely believe that when they fear too many blacks folks are getting rich, they find a way to bring them down. It IS about power and control, and they want to stay in control by keeping black folks out of the seats of real power and trying to make them ineffective if they do attain a powerful position.
The fact that the rich white boys club still rules in this country is more about money than racism at this point. Would it be nice to crash their party? Sure. Us ladies have been working on that for awhile. Join in.

When wasn't the U.S.A more about money, than about racism?
Racism was a real factor for a long time here. Southern slave owners knew what they were doing was wrong and they worked hard over the years to justify it, encode it in law, make it part of the culture in the South. After the Civil War, the only thing that changed was the legality of owning slaves. Nothing else changed and the ingrained devaluation of blacks and the culture of keeping blacks and whites separate didn't change for a hundred more years. Now it's more about $$$ and who has the power. Racism isn't the controlling factor it was for such a long time. At least I don't see it that way.
I've seen on this forum several times that only 3% of white people in America owned slaves and that most whites didn't because it was such an expensive and risky business. Since wealthy folks pass down their wealth for generations, now we have the elite 1%, who have 90% of the wealth, while the bottom 99% try to survive on 10%.

I sincerely believe that when they fear too many blacks folks are getting rich, they find a way to bring them down. It IS about power and control, and they want to stay in control by keeping black folks out of the seats of real power and trying to make them ineffective if they do attain a powerful position.

If it was so true that "Slave profits lead to modern wealth"
Why isn't the U.S South richer?
Why is much of the top 1% Jewish, who many Jews came to the U.S.A at the turn of the 20th century?
Racism is why Trump is the president.
No. Racism is why Obama became POTUS. Folks wanted a "black man" as the first POTUS ever. And they got him in there not because he would be good as potus, but because he identifies as BLACK although he is half WHITE. All the tears and praisings to the Lawd that FINALLY, a black president. Skin color. He looks black. He speaks well. His pants were around his waist. Doesn't matter if he sucked as potus or not. Just get a BLACK guy in there. And so he was. Now its get a WOMAN in there. No matter if she is capable or long as it is a WOMAN. Next it will be a gay. Or a muslim. Or an asian. Or a native american. Nobody cares whether this person can run the USA. They look at the skin or the race or the gender.

And yes, it goes along with this thread because it seems everyone has some sort of agenda. The OP is to speak for blacks because she married one. NOT because she is black herself. And she says not one word about black on black crime, thousands of unmarried women with numerous baby daddies (gawd I hate that phrase) who bail as soon as it gets rough PAYING to raise that kid, blacks burning down their own neighborhoods and the overall violence that seems to be genetic in every black person except those that pull up their pants, work, and get the fuck out of the ghetto but are then degraded and reviled as Uncle Toms. I see her not speaking about those things. Nope. All she speaks about is something that happened 200 years ago that NONE of us were part of. Nobody here owned slaves and nobody here went to buy them from black slavers along the african coast. That would be YOUR history, sparky.

And the OP? She is focused on one thing. The past. Anything she could had had as a valuable thought for all to muse flushed.
Yes, this particular thread was about something that happened many years ago. I wrote it in direct response to a remark similar to yours about black slavers along the African coast.

I have spoken about some of the other issues you mentioned in other places on this forum. I do not, however try to speak "for" blacks. They have their own voice. I merely try to share what I have learned through my personal experiences and from an empathetic standpoint few white people seem to have.

From what you just said, however, I sense your total acceptance of all the negative stereotypes about Black people that I heard while I was growing up. I do not believe there is genetic violence in black people. I believe, as Nathan McCall says in his book: "There is nothing wrong with the black man. There is something wrong with the forces that have shaped their lives."

I also do not believe they are any more prone to having children out of wedlock than other folks are. I think it's just publicized more. I also believe the instances of burning down neighborhoods were predicated by some horrible event that brought to the surface anger that had been swelling up for many years. Anger as a reaction to yet another incident that proved some people's lives seem to have more value than others.

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