
White were enslaved too.
Apparently they tried Irish slaves, but they kept dying from malaria.[/QUOTE
They could live in nice neighbourhoods and go to nice schools because they were White.

They had "Safe" neighborhoods in Northern Cities before Blacks moved in.

But, what about the conditions?

Fact is many apartments in the late 19th, and early 20th century were without indoor plumbing, or refrigeration, or other modern conveniences.

By the time the Blacks moved in to say "Chicago" in the mid 20th century there was an increase in murder, and also living standards.

The big question is "How come"?


Bullshit. But hey we'll blame blacks and ignore the fact that Chicago was an white organized crime controlled city.

The white racist is the dumbest human being walking this planet.

The chart I listed proves that the murder rate in the 1920's (White crime period) of Chicago, was nothing compared to the later (Black crime period) of Chicago.
White were enslaved too.
Apparently they tried Irish slaves, but they kept dying from malaria.[/QUOTE

  • They qualified for the Homestead Act, the G.I. Bill and FHA loans because they were White.

The Homestead Act benefited few Whites, or Blacks. (In fact in the long term it probably did the opposite putting people into rural areas with few opportunities)

If the G.I Bill subsidized income was so important In propping up Whites, so should Welfare subsidized income be the same for propping up Blacks, no?

FHA loans are available to Blacks for some time now ,and still 'Nada"

Do us a favor ad take this shit to stormfront where you can lie all day about how whites from England are Mediterranean.

Haak a leading geneticist, put English as quite Mediterranean by DNA, and quite more Mediterranean than other Northern Europeans by DNA,

White were enslaved too.
Apparently they tried Irish slaves, but they kept dying from malaria.[/QUOTE
They could live in nice neighbourhoods and go to nice schools because they were White.

They had "Safe" neighborhoods in Northern Cities before Blacks moved in.

But, what about the conditions?

Fact is many apartments in the late 19th, and early 20th century were without indoor plumbing, or refrigeration, or other modern conveniences.

By the time the Blacks moved in to say "Chicago" in the mid 20th century there was an increase in murder, and also living standards.

The big question is "How come"?


Bullshit. But hey we'll blame blacks and ignore the fact that Chicago was an white organized crime controlled city.

The white racist is the dumbest human being walking this planet.

Besides, how much of that "Chicago White crime" was by Southern Italians, who are part Black?
The conditions that Irish Catholics, Jews, Italians, and Poles experienced in the early 20th century when they became middle-class, were clearly worse than the conditions that Black Americans have experienced since the 1970's.
I'm not going to try and win gold medal at the oppression Olympics.

Trying argue who had it worse is like arguing that getting shot 10 times is worse than getting shot five times. Oppression should not exist.

They didn't have welfare if they failed, and were denied housing, or jobs sometimes.
It’s reasonable to compare experiences. The thing that makes it derailing, I believe, is when you have a conscious or unconscious desire to deflect focus back to white people themselves, because you can’t bear to understand someone else’s experience. (Or that you so much want to deny the existence of racism that using Occam’s Razor to explain biased behavior is beyond you)

This book discusses it quite a bit

What’s the Matter with White People ? by Joan Walsh

It mentions how Anglo-Americans would make use of black workers as examples to the Irish about how to work and behave properly (and to lower wages and to break up unions and strikes and whatnot), but this did not cause the Irish in the USA to make common cause with blacks.

On the contrary, it only caused them to cement even further the racial hierarchical system in USA which puts whites on top. What better way to do that than to become part of the civil service and the police, the very systems which are there to keep the social order in place.

You talk about "White privilege" and "Black oppressive neighborhoods" as if these are from society, and Blacks otherwise would be equal.
You're under-cutting your own argument here.

That is if white people are by nature superior then why did whites create a system that gives whites a leg up ?

Racism is akin to giving someone a 40 meter start in a 100m and then the person with the head start boasting about how much faster he is.

And anyone who says white privilege does not exist must also argue that racism does not exist.

You can't have a down without an up and you must also argue that the millions of black people (And some whites) who speak about racism are liars. All the studies and surveys and films and documentaries are wrong.

White privilege can be material (such as greater opportunity in the labor market, or greater net worth, due to a history in which whites had the ability to accumulate wealth), social (such as presumptions of competence, creditworthiness, law-abidingness, intelligence) or psychological (such as not having to worry about triggering negative stereotypes, rarely having to feel out of place, not having to worry about racial profiling).

If black people are the targets of discrimination, in housing, employment, the justice system, or elsewhere, then whites are being elevated above black people.

Whites are receiving more opportunity because black people are receiving less.

And you know this is true. The only "out" you have is by trying to prove or convince yourself that white people are just better (This is were race-IQ arguments and white inventor arguments kick in)

White privilege at its most basic level is the privilege of having one less thing to worry about. Don’t get it twisted: everyone has challenges in life. But for whites, in spite of any personal problems that life throws at you (which of course blk people have too), dealing with race is not an issue.

And no

Poor white people don't disprove white privilege.

The same way Stevie Wonder's money does not disprove able bodied privilege.

Some poor whites maybe suffering economically but this doesn’t mean they lack white privilege. Low income whites everywhere are able to clean up, go to a job interview and be seen as just another white person, whereas a black person, even one who isn’t low-income, has to wonder whether or not they might trip some negative stereotype about their group when they go for an interview or sit in the classroom answering questions from the teacher.

And even low-income whites are more likely to own their own home than middle income black families, thanks to past advantages in housing and asset accumulation, which has allowed those whites to receive a small piece of property from their families.

Privilege is as much a psychological matter as a material one. Whites have the luxury of not having to worry that your race is going to mark you negatively when looking for work, going to school, shopping, looking for a place to live, or driving for that matter: things that black folks can’t take for granted.

You can say "What about Oprah" "What about Lebron" "What about Micheal Jordan " "They're all richer than 90% of whites"

And you'd be correct.

But white poor folks are not up against rich black people.

White poor folks are competing for jobs, educations and housing against poor black folks. Likewise, rich competes against rich, middle class against middle class and so-on.

So, in the case of any poor group of whites people, the proper test of their racial privilege would be to compare poor whites in the region with poor blacks in the same region and to then ask, do whites have an advantage ?

Fact is Blacks are not equal anywhere.

Blacks in London, and Paris have the same kind of problems, despite not having the history of oppression there.

Blacks in Haiti were freed for along time, and went no where.

Blacks in Ethiopia, and Liberia weren't colonized ,and went no where too.
Of course. We live under a global system of white supremacy. However white people are not superior. Whites are in superior position but white people are not superior.

You're like the ref, who catches the end of the play, then calls the foul, based on what he saw. I have seen the play develop. so I know who threw the first punch.

You want to begin the discussion based on Black pathology with no acknowledgement of White causation. You have no knowledge of the history of white supremacy, colonialism, neo-colonialism and basic economics.

We are in the Age of the Northern Europeans who after Rome, first slipped backwards into medieval darkness but emerged into the European Renaissance, becoming the globally dominant power group.

Right place. Right time. Right technology.

But no group’s dominance lasts forever.

There will be a second globally dominant group and then another. I don’t know if they will be ethnic, national, or economic groups that dominate.

Back in Roman times Ceasar thought the British were naturally lacking in intelligence. By your line of reasoning not only would he be right – Britain was a backwards corner of the world then (and remained so for over a thousand years) – but you would have said it was in their genes. Which means the British Empire – and America as we know it – would have never been.

You forget that you live at only one point in history, that other points in history were different. If you were born in 1300 the Chinese could ran round bragging that they are the best. 3 BC Black Egyptians could have ran around bragging that they were the best.

If fates were written in people’s genes, then little in the world would change. Anglos would have been on top not only since the Battle of Waterloo in 1815 but for most of history. Instead for most of history they were backwards. Before 1500 they were nothing compared to the Chinese, the Persians, the Arabs, the Turks, the Egyptians or the Mali Empire at their height.

No one in his right mind in 1500 would have thought that someday English would become a world language, a respected language of learning, science and business. If you said that in 1500 people would have thought you had too much to drink. The apparent differences between the races are produced by accidents of history, not by genes.

Mankind spread across the world too fast, on a biological or evolutionary time scale, for there to be the kind of profound differences between the races that you are talking about

But this is not about getting white people (like you) to change, at least not in the short term. Very much like husbands who beat their wives, you have an extremely hard time taking a cold, hard honest look at yourself.
Last edited:
White were enslaved too.
Apparently they tried Irish slaves, but they kept dying from malaria.[/QUOTE
They could live in nice neighbourhoods and go to nice schools because they were White.

They had "Safe" neighborhoods in Northern Cities before Blacks moved in.

But, what about the conditions?

Fact is many apartments in the late 19th, and early 20th century were without indoor plumbing, or refrigeration, or other modern conveniences.

By the time the Blacks moved in to say "Chicago" in the mid 20th century there was an increase in murder, and also living standards.

The big question is "How come"?


Bullshit. But hey we'll blame blacks and ignore the fact that Chicago was an white organized crime controlled city.

The white racist is the dumbest human being walking this planet.

The chart I listed proves that the murder rate in the 1920's (White crime period) of Chicago, was nothing compared to the later (Black crime period) of Chicago.
The Chicago city and government are practicing genocide on black people The police are behind many of these shootings and blame it on gang violence.

Multiple people shot and killed and no one coming forward to say anything ?

Or are you so deeply soaked in a white supremacist way of thinking that you think “well, ya know, that’s what those blacks are like

All several hundred witnesses to these shootings are not keeping silent out of a "no snitch code"

No snitch code goes out the window when little children are being killed. You saw how fast the black community came forward in the murder of Tyshawn Lee ?

Even a jailhouse informant, a convicted felon came forward and turned the killer in. Because there is no one standing for that.

There is no way possible in the 3rd largest city in America. The most powerful nation on earth; that multiple killings can happen this often.

There is no way possible for all that killing to go on without some dirty cops being involved.

And no

I'm not saying that the police are behind every killing in Chicago. But you got concentrated gun violence, concentrated poverty, unemployment, concentrated food deserts, concentrated malt liquor, cigarettes, and crates of guns dropped off in alley ways in Chicago’s Black neighbourhoods.

So of course stuff is gonna go off from time to time.

Most of these kids can barely afford a burger from McDonald’s. How can they afford these guns?

The guns they have can’t even be bought legally, not only that, there are no gun shops in Chicago.

Where do they get the bullets from?

Also city taxes pay for camera’s on every block but when a shooting takes place no one is in custody, nor do they have leads.

Yeah right.

But let one of their own get murdered ? They'll know the killer their in less 48 hrs.

But anybody else ?

It's always


A lot of the gang wars were initially instigated by police and government agents to destabilize the communities and drive down property values for eventual gentrification and ethnic cleansing. So Chicago has long been a place of violent criminal activity and it was started perpetrated by white people.

It was white people who got the ball rolling in Chicago.

People like Al Capone, John Dillinger, Pretty Boy Floyd, Baby Face Nelson. Also events like the Valentine’s Day Massacre. What’s ironic is that people like the ones mentioned are applauded, romanticized as heroes and have films and documentaries made about them.

These peoples planted the seeds of street crime. Do some research on Chicago gangsters..
The fact that the rich white boys club still rules in this country is more about money than racism at this point. Would it be nice to crash their party? Sure. Us ladies have been working on that for awhile. Join in.

When wasn't the U.S.A more about money, than about racism?
Racism was a real factor for a long time here. Southern slave owners knew what they were doing was wrong and they worked hard over the years to justify it, encode it in law, make it part of the culture in the South. After the Civil War, the only thing that changed was the legality of owning slaves. Nothing else changed and the ingrained devaluation of blacks and the culture of keeping blacks and whites separate didn't change for a hundred more years. Now it's more about $$$ and who has the power. Racism isn't the controlling factor it was for such a long time. At least I don't see it that way.
I've seen on this forum several times that only 3% of white people in America owned slaves and that most whites didn't because it was such an expensive and risky business. Since wealthy folks pass down their wealth for generations, now we have the elite 1%, who have 90% of the wealth, while the bottom 99% try to survive on 10%.

I sincerely believe that when they fear too many blacks folks are getting rich, they find a way to bring them down. It IS about power and control, and they want to stay in control by keeping black folks out of the seats of real power and trying to make them ineffective if they do attain a powerful position.
If you take out the word "black" from your concluding paragraph, I'd agree with you, as far as I understand it.
The conditions that Irish Catholics, Jews, Italians, and Poles experienced in the early 20th century when they became middle-class, were clearly worse than the conditions that Black Americans have experienced since the 1970's.
I'm not going to try and win gold medal at the oppression Olympics.

Trying argue who had it worse is like arguing that getting shot 10 times is worse than getting shot five times. Oppression should not exist.

They didn't have welfare if they failed, and were denied housing, or jobs sometimes.
It’s reasonable to compare experiences. The thing that makes it derailing, I believe, is when you have a conscious or unconscious desire to deflect focus back to white people themselves, because you can’t bear to understand someone else’s experience. (Or that you so much want to deny the existence of racism that using Occam’s Razor to explain biased behavior is beyond you)

This book discusses it quite a bit

What’s the Matter with White People ? by Joan Walsh

It mentions how Anglo-Americans would make use of black workers as examples to the Irish about how to work and behave properly (and to lower wages and to break up unions and strikes and whatnot), but this did not cause the Irish in the USA to make common cause with blacks.

On the contrary, it only caused them to cement even further the racial hierarchical system in USA which puts whites on top. What better way to do that than to become part of the civil service and the police, the very systems which are there to keep the social order in place.

You talk about "White privilege" and "Black oppressive neighborhoods" as if these are from society, and Blacks otherwise would be equal.
You're under-cutting your own argument here.

That is if white people are by nature superior then why did whites create a system that gives whites a leg up ?

Racism is akin to giving someone a 40 meter start in a 100m and then the person with the head start boasting about how much faster he is.

And anyone who says white privilege does not exist must also argue that racism does not exist.

You can't have a down without an up and you must also argue that the millions of black people (And some whites) who speak about racism are liars. All the studies and surveys and films and documentaries are wrong.

White privilege can be material (such as greater opportunity in the labor market, or greater net worth, due to a history in which whites had the ability to accumulate wealth), social (such as presumptions of competence, creditworthiness, law-abidingness, intelligence) or psychological (such as not having to worry about triggering negative stereotypes, rarely having to feel out of place, not having to worry about racial profiling).

If black people are the targets of discrimination, in housing, employment, the justice system, or elsewhere, then whites are being elevated above black people.

Whites are receiving more opportunity because black people are receiving less.

And you know this is true. The only "out" you have is by trying to prove or convince yourself that white people are just better (This is were race-IQ arguments and white inventor arguments kick in)

White privilege at its most basic level is the privilege of having one less thing to worry about. Don’t get it twisted: everyone has challenges in life. But for whites, in spite of any personal problems that life throws at you (which of course blk people have too), dealing with race is not an issue.

And no

Poor white people don't disprove white privilege.

The same way Stevie Wonder's money does not disprove able bodied privilege.

Some poor whites maybe suffering economically but this doesn’t mean they lack white privilege. Low income whites everywhere are able to clean up, go to a job interview and be seen as just another white person, whereas a black person, even one who isn’t low-income, has to wonder whether or not they might trip some negative stereotype about their group when they go for an interview or sit in the classroom answering questions from the teacher.

And even low-income whites are more likely to own their own home than middle income black families, thanks to past advantages in housing and asset accumulation, which has allowed those whites to receive a small piece of property from their families.

Privilege is as much a psychological matter as a material one. Whites have the luxury of not having to worry that your race is going to mark you negatively when looking for work, going to school, shopping, looking for a place to live, or driving for that matter: things that black folks can’t take for granted.

You can say "What about Oprah" "What about Lebron" "What about Micheal Jordan " "They're all richer than 90% of whites"

And you'd be correct.

But white poor folks are not up against rich black people.

White poor folks are competing for jobs, educations and housing against poor black folks. Likewise, rich competes against rich, middle class against middle class and so-on.

So, in the case of any poor group of whites people, the proper test of their racial privilege would be to compare poor whites in the region with poor blacks in the same region and to then ask, do whites have an advantage ?

Fact is Blacks are not equal anywhere.

Blacks in London, and Paris have the same kind of problems, despite not having the history of oppression there.

Blacks in Haiti were freed for along time, and went no where.

Blacks in Ethiopia, and Liberia weren't colonized ,and went no where too.
Of course. We live under a global system of white supremacy. However white people are not superior. Whites are in superior position but white people are not superior.

You're like the ref, who catches the end of the play, then calls the foul, based on what he saw. I have seen the play develop. so I know who threw the first punch.

You want to begin the discussion based on Black pathology with no acknowledgement of White causation. You have no knowledge of the history of white supremacy, colonialism, neo-colonialism and basic economics.

We are in the Age of the Northern Europeans who after Rome, first slipped backwards into medieval darkness but emerged into the European Renaissance, becoming the globally dominant power group.

Right place. Right time. Right technology.

But no group’s dominance lasts forever.

There will be a second globally dominant group and then another. I don’t know if they will be ethnic, national, or economic groups that dominate.

Back in Roman times Ceasar thought the British were naturally lacking in intelligence. By your line of reasoning not only would he be right – Britain was a backwards corner of the world then (and remained so for over a thousand years) – but you would have said it was in their genes. Which means the British Empire – and America as we know it – would have never been.

You forget that you live at only one point in history, that other points in history were different. If you were born in 1300 the Chinese could ran round bragging that they are the best. 3 BC Black Egyptians could have ran around bragging that they were the best.

If fates were written in people’s genes, then little in the world would change. Anglos would have been on top not only since the Battle of Waterloo in 1815 but for most of history. Instead for most of history they were backwards. Before 1500 they were nothing compared to the Chinese, the Persians, the Arabs, the Turks, the Egyptians or the Mali Empire at their height.

No one in his right mind in 1500 would have thought that someday English would become a world language, a respected language of learning, science and business. If you said that in 1500 people would have thought you had too much to drink. The apparent differences between the races are produced by accidents of history, not by genes.

Mankind spread across the world too fast, on a biological or evolutionary time scale, for there to be the kind of profound differences between the races that you are talking about

But this is not about getting white people (like you) to change, at least not in the short term. Very much like husbands who beat their wives, you have an extremely hard time taking a cold, hard honest look at yourself.
THIS guy can write. And THIS guy, can teach. Whether you agree with all of what he just posted, some of what he just posted or none of what he just posted...but the fact remains...this is a great post. Period.

With that said..are you called Uncle Tom because of your intelligence?
I find it interesting that various groups hold yearly vigils and prayer services in order to "remember the past, so we do not forget it." But when black folks bring up history they are pretty much told to forget it.

Because whites want to pretend and tell their stores of great white heroism and how their rugged individualism built a great nation. So when others want to tell their side of the story we see that there are whites who still practice the same fascism this country was founded upon.
It was whites that fought and died to help free your ancestors so STFU.

I guess Harriett Tubman, Sojourner Truth, Frederick Douglass, Denmark Vecsey, Nat Turner and many other blacks just sat there and waited for the white man to decide to fight of us.

Let me make this clear to your stupid ass. Whites are not going to get credit here for helping to end some shit they never should have started in the first place.

So shut the fuck up.
Piss off racist

Is that the best you got?. I know I am not a racist. I now how these places work. A black person who does not toe the right wing extremist conservative wackjob line is a racist. If we date talk abut what whites have done and continue doing we are racists. I 've said nothing racist, but that's all you got because you can't out debate me on this issue

Yes, you are indeed a black racist.

Slavery was a profit for business.

They imported, or supported Blacks in their own backyards.
How is that racist?

it's all about profit.

Slavery was partly money of course and yes in 1807 the slave trade was officially abolished. But you're acting like when slavery ended racism just stopped and although in 1807 the slave traded ended.

Slavery was not.

So whites who wanted to do the cool thing said ” Sure, we’ll stop bringing slaves over from Africa, but I’ll be damned if I give up the ones raising my children and tending my land.”

You can deflect and talk about other forms of slavery but I know of no-one who has been affected by the Christian slave trade. I know no one who has been affected by the Arab slave trade nor do I live in a country that has been shaped and continues to be shaped by that trade. That is quite untrue about the Atlantic slave trade.

The central impact of the African Transatlantic Slave trade is the legacy. And it’s that legacy that connects everyone posting in this forum today.

You can't (and here's a challenge if you are up for it) point to any other form of slavery (present or past) that has had such a global impact on this planet as the African Holocaust

The outcome of that operation is the crucial factor which in terms of scale and magnitude has gone unsurpassed and has had a profound effect on millions worldwide. Not just because of slavery, that was just the starting point. But because white supremacy would not allow themselves to see blacks as humans and it carried on long after the slave trade was abolished.

And here's the real crux of the matter.

Most whites would be more than happy if we were back in chains. You would never admit this. But you know's it’s true.

The only reason why some whites put on airs is purely political. It looks bad to be racist. It carries a bad feeling and tone. White people enjoy the doings of the past because of the power it gives them.

White man’s burden is a myth.

Welcome to the board, seeing blacks back in chains would not make me happy. Good posts!
Blacks need to take the chains off themselves and until they can put the past behind them, they will forever be in bondage with the Blame Game.
The conditions that Irish Catholics, Jews, Italians, and Poles experienced in the early 20th century when they became middle-class, were clearly worse than the conditions that Black Americans have experienced since the 1970's.
I'm not going to try and win gold medal at the oppression Olympics.

That is if white people are by nature superior then why did whites create a system that gives whites a leg up ?

Racism is akin to giving someone a 40 meter start in a 100m and then the person with the head start boasting about how much faster he is.

It was clearly not necessary, considering Blacks have gone no where since Civil Rights.

I suspect those Brits who dominated the U.S South just got too greedy, and wanted to maximize profits.

Big mistake, I'm not British, and don't like them either.
The conditions that Irish Catholics, Jews, Italians, and Poles experienced in the early 20th century when they became middle-class, were clearly worse than the conditions that Black Americans have experienced since the 1970's.
I'm not going to try and win gold medal at the oppression Olympics.

Trying argue who had it worse is like arguing that getting shot 10 times is worse than getting shot five times. Oppression should not exist.

They didn't have welfare if they failed, and were denied housing, or jobs sometimes.

What’s the Matter with White People ? by Joan Walsh

It mentions how Anglo-Americans would make use of black workers as examples to the Irish about how to work and behave properly (and to lower wages and to break up unions and strikes and whatnot), but this did not cause the Irish in the USA to make common cause with blacks.

On the contrary, it only caused them to cement even further the racial hierarchical system in USA which puts whites on top. What better way to do that than to become part of the civil service and the police, the very systems which are there to keep the social order in place.

Yes, Western Europeans are "Racial trash" that much is clear, they are hardly above your Negro, they might be far more ambitious, but they're hardly more logical .

The fact that Western Europeans went nuts in imperialistic racism, to now multiculturalism anti-racism proves how there's something very wrong with those people.

The fact is now that colonialism has demised, and good jobs leave the White world in mass, and some parts of the World are still so far behind, really says all that needs to be said.

The more time that goes on, the more obvious it becomes certain races are just inferior, and yet there goes the dumb Western Europeans championing equality, at the absolute wrong time.

The problem is Dolichocephalic people, they are hardly Human, yes Negroids, and Western Europeans are both typically Dolichocephalic leaning, just like Apes, and earlier Hominids, therefor we can conclude the savage, thoughtless behavior from these groups comes from their lack of Humanity.
or greater net worth, due to a history in which whites had the ability to accumulate wealth),.

Jews have more millionaire households than other groups in the U.S.A.

Part of that is because they live in the highest house value, and income places.

But, part of it is because they value education.

Thing is that Jews mostly came here at the turn of the 20th century, so what are you talking about?

My Polish American family also came here around to the turn of the 20th century, and my household is worth 1.4 million, and so are many of my Polish American cousins.

So, I don't think that it's necessarily true that Whites just had a head-start in net worth.

Keep in mind while some British American colonials can be very wealthy, they also make up a strong disproportionate amount of "White trash" too.
The conditions that Irish Catholics, Jews, Italians, and Poles experienced in the early 20th century when they became middle-class, were clearly worse than the conditions that Black Americans have experienced since the 1970's.
I'm not going to try and win gold medal at the oppression Olympics.

Blacks in Ethiopia, and Liberia weren't colonized ,and went no where too.

Of course. We live under a global system of white supremacy. However white people are not superior. Whites are in superior position but white people are not superior.


Global White supremacy?

Where the U.S.A, and some other Western European nations keep sending jobs away from Whites, and into the hands of China, Mexico, Vietnam, India, and other non-Whites.

What kind of White supremacy is that?

That's not White supremacy.

That's greedy scumf*cks looking to profit off of any means necessary, even if it means cutting the throats of Whites.
The conditions that Irish Catholics, Jews, Italians, and Poles experienced in the early 20th century when they became middle-class, were clearly worse than the conditions that Black Americans have experienced since the 1970's.
I'm not going to try and win gold medal at the oppression Olympics.

Trying argue who had it worse is like arguing that getting shot 10 times is worse than getting shot five times. Oppression should not exist.

They didn't have welfare if they failed, and were denied housing, or jobs sometimes.
If black people are the targets of discrimination, in housing, employment, the justice system, or elsewhere, then whites are being elevated above black people.

Whites are receiving more opportunity because black people are receiving less.

And you know this is true. The only "out" you have is by trying to prove or convince yourself that white people are just better (This is were race-IQ arguments and white inventor arguments kick in)

White privilege at its most basic level is the privilege of having one less thing to worry about. Don’t get it twisted: everyone has challenges in life. But for whites, in spite of any personal problems that life throws at you (which of course blk people have too), dealing with race is not an issue.

That's a big "If" considering there's laws in place to stop discrimination in housing, and employment, then no I don't think anti-Black discrimination is common.

Nigerian Americans have mostly been here not much more than a decade, or 2, and they're about as rich as White Americans, and they're even Blacker than you are.

Maybe because those Nigerians are mostly the crème of the crop of Nigeria?

Or is there some kind of "Magic" that makes it so Nigerians escape the discrimination?

Besides, you make it out like Blacks are "Oh so discriminated against" and as if no Whites are ever discriminated against.

Try again, there's still quite a bit of discrimination against Poles, Jews, and Italians in the U.S.A.... Not like in the early 20th century... I see nothing that indicates that Blacks have it worse in discrimination than those groups.

I as a Polish American have personally been verbally abused, heard dumb Polak jokes, and so forth for my Polish heritage.

So, let me ask you when were you verbally abused for being Black?
The conditions that Irish Catholics, Jews, Italians, and Poles experienced in the early 20th century when they became middle-class, were clearly worse than the conditions that Black Americans have experienced since the 1970's.
I'm not going to try and win gold medal at the oppression Olympics.

White poor folks are competing for jobs, educations and housing against poor black folks. Likewise, rich competes against rich, middle class against middle class and so-on.

So, in the case of any poor group of whites people, the proper test of their racial privilege would be to compare poor whites in the region with poor blacks in the same region and to then ask, do whites have an advantage ?


Considering that Blacks with lower SAT scores are more likely to get into college, than Whites with the same, or even higher SAT scores.

Then, no, nothing you say is true.

I think the system favors Blacks over Whites of the same intelligence level.
The conditions that Irish Catholics, Jews, Italians, and Poles experienced in the early 20th century when they became middle-class, were clearly worse than the conditions that Black Americans have experienced since the 1970's.
I'm not going to try and win gold medal at the oppression Olympics.

Trying argue who had it worse is like arguing that getting shot 10 times is worse than getting shot five times. Oppression should not exist.

They didn't have welfare if they failed, and were denied housing, or jobs sometimes.

You want to begin the discussion based on Black pathology with no acknowledgement of White causation. You have no knowledge of the history of white supremacy, colonialism, neo-colonialism and basic economics.


Sure, I do, I'm well aware the Poles, Ukrainians, and Russians suffered much greater from the Nazis, and Soviets than most of Africa did from Colonialism.

The only exception is the Congo, which was brutalized at a similar level by King Leopold.

But, the rest of Africa by no means had such heavy tolls as those Eastern European nations who were brutalized by the Nazis, and Soviets.

Yet, the economies of those Eastern Europe are far ahead of Africa, and so are they in intellectual factors.

What makes it more laughable, is that Ethiopia, and Liberia which weren't officially colonized, are poor, and backwards by African standards.

No, so sorry, but there's no reason to believe that Black Africans are equal.
The conditions that Irish Catholics, Jews, Italians, and Poles experienced in the early 20th century when they became middle-class, were clearly worse than the conditions that Black Americans have experienced since the 1970's.
I'm not going to try and win gold medal at the oppression Olympics.

Trying argue who had it worse is like arguing that getting shot 10 times is worse than getting shot five times. Oppression should not exist.

They didn't have welfare if they failed, and were denied housing, or jobs sometimes.

Back in Roman times Ceasar thought the British were naturally lacking in intelligence. By your line of reasoning not only would he be right – Britain was a backwards corner of the world then (and remained so for over a thousand years) – but you would have said it was in their genes. Which means the British Empire – and America as we know it – would have never been.

You forget that you live at only one point in history, that other points in history were different. If you were born in 1300 the Chinese could ran round bragging that they are the best. 3 BC Black Egyptians could have ran around bragging that they were the best.

If fates were written in people’s genes, then little in the world would change. Anglos would have been on top not only since the Battle of Waterloo in 1815 but for most of history. Instead for most of history they were backwards. Before 1500 they were nothing compared to the Chinese, the Persians, the Arabs, the Turks, the Egyptians or the Mali Empire at their height.

No one in his right mind in 1500 would have thought that someday English would become a world language, a respected language of learning, science and business. If you said that in 1500 people would have thought you had too much to drink. The apparent differences between the races are produced by accidents of history, not by genes.

Mankind spread across the world too fast, on a biological or evolutionary time scale, for there to be the kind of profound differences between the races that you are talking about

But this is not about getting white people (like you) to change, at least not in the short term. Very much like husbands who beat their wives, you have an extremely hard time taking a cold, hard honest look at yourself.
THIS guy can write. And THIS guy, can teach. Whether you agree with all of what he just posted, some of what he just posted or none of what he just posted...but the fact remains...this is a great post. Period.

With that said..are you called Uncle Tom because of your intelligence?

The population of England was 1 million in 1000 AD, meanwhile in 0 AD Italy had 8 million people, that's much more man power for Italy, much earlier.

If we go back to Mesolithic Europe, they had numbers as low as 20 roaming around.

While the Near-East probably had perhaps even a million.

So, it's not surprising the Near-East had a head-start, they had far, far more people to put forward the Neolithic revolution, and also the right climate for it.

Unlike Ice Age Europe, which was nearly wiped out not because they were inferior, but because of the harsh conditions.

However, the Ancient Near-Easterners who created the Neolithic Revolution had more Cro Magnon (WHG) DNA from the Vilaruna cluster, than do modern Near-Easterners.
White were enslaved too.
Apparently they tried Irish slaves, but they kept dying from malaria.[/QUOTE
They could live in nice neighbourhoods and go to nice schools because they were White.

They had "Safe" neighborhoods in Northern Cities before Blacks moved in.

But, what about the conditions?

Fact is many apartments in the late 19th, and early 20th century were without indoor plumbing, or refrigeration, or other modern conveniences.

By the time the Blacks moved in to say "Chicago" in the mid 20th century there was an increase in murder, and also living standards.

The big question is "How come"?


Bullshit. But hey we'll blame blacks and ignore the fact that Chicago was an white organized crime controlled city.

The white racist is the dumbest human being walking this planet.

The chart I listed proves that the murder rate in the 1920's (White crime period) of Chicago, was nothing compared to the later (Black crime period) of Chicago.
The Chicago city and government are practicing genocide on black people The police are behind many of these shootings and blame it on gang violence.

Multiple people shot and killed and no one coming forward to say anything ?

Or are you so deeply soaked in a white supremacist way of thinking that you think “well, ya know, that’s what those blacks are like

All several hundred witnesses to these shootings are not keeping silent out of a "no snitch code"

No snitch code goes out the window when little children are being killed. You saw how fast the black community came forward in the murder of Tyshawn Lee ?

Even a jailhouse informant, a convicted felon came forward and turned the killer in. Because there is no one standing for that.

There is no way possible in the 3rd largest city in America. The most powerful nation on earth; that multiple killings can happen this often.

There is no way possible for all that killing to go on without some dirty cops being involved.

And no

I'm not saying that the police are behind every killing in Chicago. But you got concentrated gun violence, concentrated poverty, unemployment, concentrated food deserts, concentrated malt liquor, cigarettes, and crates of guns dropped off in alley ways in Chicago’s Black neighbourhoods.

So of course stuff is gonna go off from time to time.

Most of these kids can barely afford a burger from McDonald’s. How can they afford these guns?

The guns they have can’t even be bought legally, not only that, there are no gun shops in Chicago.

Where do they get the bullets from?

Also city taxes pay for camera’s on every block but when a shooting takes place no one is in custody, nor do they have leads.

Yeah right.

But let one of their own get murdered ? They'll know the killer their in less 48 hrs.

But anybody else ?

It's always


A lot of the gang wars were initially instigated by police and government agents to destabilize the communities and drive down property values for eventual gentrification and ethnic cleansing. So Chicago has long been a place of violent criminal activity and it was started perpetrated by white people.

It was white people who got the ball rolling in Chicago.

People like Al Capone, John Dillinger, Pretty Boy Floyd, Baby Face Nelson. Also events like the Valentine’s Day Massacre. What’s ironic is that people like the ones mentioned are applauded, romanticized as heroes and have films and documentaries made about them.

These peoples planted the seeds of street crime. Do some research on Chicago gangsters..

Police murdering Blacks, and pretending it's Blacks doing it?

Wow, I guess even in Detroit which is worse than Chicago in murder, the Black police chief, and majority Black police force do this too, huh?

Have you been diagnosed with Paranoid Schizophrenia, by any chance?

They had "Safe" neighborhoods in Northern Cities before Blacks moved in.

But, what about the conditions?

Fact is many apartments in the late 19th, and early 20th century were without indoor plumbing, or refrigeration, or other modern conveniences.

By the time the Blacks moved in to say "Chicago" in the mid 20th century there was an increase in murder, and also living standards.

The big question is "How come"?


Bullshit. But hey we'll blame blacks and ignore the fact that Chicago was an white organized crime controlled city.

The white racist is the dumbest human being walking this planet.

The chart I listed proves that the murder rate in the 1920's (White crime period) of Chicago, was nothing compared to the later (Black crime period) of Chicago.
The Chicago city and government are practicing genocide on black people The police are behind many of these shootings and blame it on gang violence.

Multiple people shot and killed and no one coming forward to say anything ?

Or are you so deeply soaked in a white supremacist way of thinking that you think “well, ya know, that’s what those blacks are like

All several hundred witnesses to these shootings are not keeping silent out of a "no snitch code"

No snitch code goes out the window when little children are being killed. You saw how fast the black community came forward in the murder of Tyshawn Lee ?

Even a jailhouse informant, a convicted felon came forward and turned the killer in. Because there is no one standing for that.

There is no way possible in the 3rd largest city in America. The most powerful nation on earth; that multiple killings can happen this often.

There is no way possible for all that killing to go on without some dirty cops being involved.

And no

I'm not saying that the police are behind every killing in Chicago. But you got concentrated gun violence, concentrated poverty, unemployment, concentrated food deserts, concentrated malt liquor, cigarettes, and crates of guns dropped off in alley ways in Chicago’s Black neighbourhoods.

So of course stuff is gonna go off from time to time.

Most of these kids can barely afford a burger from McDonald’s. How can they afford these guns?

The guns they have can’t even be bought legally, not only that, there are no gun shops in Chicago.

Where do they get the bullets from?

Also city taxes pay for camera’s on every block but when a shooting takes place no one is in custody, nor do they have leads.

Yeah right.

But let one of their own get murdered ? They'll know the killer their in less 48 hrs.

But anybody else ?

It's always


A lot of the gang wars were initially instigated by police and government agents to destabilize the communities and drive down property values for eventual gentrification and ethnic cleansing. So Chicago has long been a place of violent criminal activity and it was started perpetrated by white people.

It was white people who got the ball rolling in Chicago.

People like Al Capone, John Dillinger, Pretty Boy Floyd, Baby Face Nelson. Also events like the Valentine’s Day Massacre. What’s ironic is that people like the ones mentioned are applauded, romanticized as heroes and have films and documentaries made about them.

These peoples planted the seeds of street crime. Do some research on Chicago gangsters..

Police murdering Blacks, and pretending it's Blacks doing it?

Wow, I guess even in Detroit which is worse than Chicago in murder, the Black police chief, and majority Black police force do this too, huh?

Have you been diagnosed with Paranoid Schizophrenia, by any chance?

You really need to study how things went down SSE. You are ignorant to a lot of American racial history.
They had "Safe" neighborhoods in Northern Cities before Blacks moved in.

But, what about the conditions?

Fact is many apartments in the late 19th, and early 20th century were without indoor plumbing, or refrigeration, or other modern conveniences.

By the time the Blacks moved in to say "Chicago" in the mid 20th century there was an increase in murder, and also living standards.

The big question is "How come"?


Bullshit. But hey we'll blame blacks and ignore the fact that Chicago was an white organized crime controlled city.

The white racist is the dumbest human being walking this planet.

The chart I listed proves that the murder rate in the 1920's (White crime period) of Chicago, was nothing compared to the later (Black crime period) of Chicago.
The Chicago city and government are practicing genocide on black people The police are behind many of these shootings and blame it on gang violence.

Multiple people shot and killed and no one coming forward to say anything ?

Or are you so deeply soaked in a white supremacist way of thinking that you think “well, ya know, that’s what those blacks are like

All several hundred witnesses to these shootings are not keeping silent out of a "no snitch code"

No snitch code goes out the window when little children are being killed. You saw how fast the black community came forward in the murder of Tyshawn Lee ?

Even a jailhouse informant, a convicted felon came forward and turned the killer in. Because there is no one standing for that.

There is no way possible in the 3rd largest city in America. The most powerful nation on earth; that multiple killings can happen this often.

There is no way possible for all that killing to go on without some dirty cops being involved.

And no

I'm not saying that the police are behind every killing in Chicago. But you got concentrated gun violence, concentrated poverty, unemployment, concentrated food deserts, concentrated malt liquor, cigarettes, and crates of guns dropped off in alley ways in Chicago’s Black neighbourhoods.

So of course stuff is gonna go off from time to time.

Most of these kids can barely afford a burger from McDonald’s. How can they afford these guns?

The guns they have can’t even be bought legally, not only that, there are no gun shops in Chicago.

Where do they get the bullets from?

Also city taxes pay for camera’s on every block but when a shooting takes place no one is in custody, nor do they have leads.

Yeah right.

But let one of their own get murdered ? They'll know the killer their in less 48 hrs.

But anybody else ?

It's always


A lot of the gang wars were initially instigated by police and government agents to destabilize the communities and drive down property values for eventual gentrification and ethnic cleansing. So Chicago has long been a place of violent criminal activity and it was started perpetrated by white people.

It was white people who got the ball rolling in Chicago.

People like Al Capone, John Dillinger, Pretty Boy Floyd, Baby Face Nelson. Also events like the Valentine’s Day Massacre. What’s ironic is that people like the ones mentioned are applauded, romanticized as heroes and have films and documentaries made about them.

These peoples planted the seeds of street crime. Do some research on Chicago gangsters..

Police murdering Blacks, and pretending it's Blacks doing it?

Wow, I guess even in Detroit which is worse than Chicago in murder, the Black police chief, and majority Black police force do this too, huh?

Have you been diagnosed with Paranoid Schizophrenia, by any chance?

You really need to study how things went down SSE. You are ignorant to a lot of American racial history.

Yeah, White cops are also killing Blacks like crazy, and pretending other Blacks did it in Jamaica, and Trinidad, and Tobago.


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