
Funny how you left out the Portuguese, who were the biggest slave traders, and who ended slavery in Brazil after the U.S.A had.
Your post was erroneously blaming mostly the Spanish for the slave trade when the English/USA were far more pro-slavery.

I said Portuguese, and Spaniards took the majority of Black slaves, which is true, when looking at the combined totals the majority of Black slaves taken out of Europe were taken by these 2 Mediterranean nations.
it was the English who controlled the majority of the slave trade even taking slaves to Portuguese and Spanish, French and Dutch colonies and the English successors were the American Confederates who fought to keep slaves long after slavery was banned by the Spanish.

According to Haak a leading geneticist, English are rather Mediterranean by DNA, anyways.

Racism is not inherited in DNA.

Are you suggesting that Colonialism was about "Racism" rather than "Greed"?

Keep in mind the Colonists were really somewhat Multiculturalist, they went to overtake Aborginal people, and bring in Black slaves.
For greed profits.
the negro will pontificate slavery forever. "muh dik" being the only subject of more priority. TBH without slavery the negro would be in a hut eating either feces or each other.
No it's not.

Prince George's County, Maryland has an income level about 30% higher than the U.S.A average, and also a murder rate about 30% higher than the U.S.A average.

Could it's large Black population have something to do with it?
In 2015 the murder rate of PG county was 16 per one million. That's basically 33 percent less than the national average.

You got this wrong.

How do you figure that?
Prince George's county, Maryland has just over 900,000, and had 60+ murders in 2015.

Homicides on the rise in Prince George's Co., but overall crime is dropping

That's close to a 7 out of 100,000 murder rate, which is higher than the U.S.A average.

Now ask yourself is 7 out of 100,000 a really high number. There are 365 days in a year and lets say they had 70 murders. That a murder ever 5th day and you u se that to make a racist claim and you actually think that has validity? And where your claim becomes dishonest is the fact that most of the killings were in pats the county hat bordered Washington DC and not on the black suburban areas. What you did was exaggerate to male a racist argument. A county of 900,000 people with 60 plus murders in a year does not have a major problem with murder.

For example a majority white city, Tulsa has a murder rate of 14 per 100,000.double that f Prince Georges county.

Omaha Nebraska 73 percent white with a 10.6 per 100,000 murder rate.

Oklahoma City 62 percent white with an 11.6 murder rate per 100,000

These numbers are higher than the national average. So is Albuquerque, Anaheim, Aurora Colorado, Bakersfield, Columbus Ohio and a whole lot of others.

I can keep going but the point is that your claim about Prince Georges county is bogus and without merit.

On top of that your link showed crime had decreased in the county.

Prince George's County, Maryland has a murder rate similar to some of the worst problem area cities in Europe, like Limerick, Ireland, Glasgow, Scotland, Birmingham, England, Moscow, Russia, or Saint Petersburg, Russia.

So, basically Europe's greatest White trash in cities in Europe, are equal to African Americans most affluent county.

As for the cities you listed, while being White majority, the Blacks there presumably commit the majority of murder, like it is in the U.S.A collective.
Have you read "White Trash: The 400 year untold history of Class in America?" It's very lengthy, but very informative. Also, have you looked at the video "The Danger of A Single Story?" Very eye opening.
Yes. Everyone does. So stop pointing the finger because for every one *you* point towards, five more will be pointed back.
None of us are perfect. Horrors have happened since the beginning of time.

Move on. Move up. Move forward and stop looking back.

If talking about the beginning of time is not looking back there is no such thing.

Moving forward means confronting the current racism that exists in places like this by people like you who want to tell somebody to not look back when I look at your racism now in these forums..

Move on. Move up. End your racism..

I find it interesting that various groups hold yearly vigils and prayer services in order to "remember the past, so we do not forget it." But when black folks bring up history they are pretty much told to forget it.
the negro will pontificate slavery forever. "muh dik" being the only subject of more priority. TBH without slavery the negro would be in a hut eating either feces or each other.

Like white people did in 1620 before the Native Americans helped them?
Yes. Everyone does. So stop pointing the finger because for every one *you* point towards, five more will be pointed back.
None of us are perfect. Horrors have happened since the beginning of time.

Move on. Move up. Move forward and stop looking back.

If talking about the beginning of time is not looking back there is no such thing.

Moving forward means confronting the current racism that exists in places like this by people like you who want to tell somebody to not look back when I look at your racism now in these forums..

Move on. Move up. End your racism..

I find it interesting that various groups hold yearly vigils and prayer services in order to "remember the past, so we do not forget it." But when black folks bring up history they are pretty much told to forget it.

Because whites want to pretend and tell their stores of great white heroism and how their rugged individualism built a great nation. So when others want to tell their side of the story we see that there are whites who still practice the same fascism this country was founded upon.
Prince George's County, Maryland has an income level about 30% higher than the U.S.A average, and also a murder rate about 30% higher than the U.S.A average.

Could it's large Black population have something to do with it?
In 2015 the murder rate of PG county was 16 per one million. That's basically 33 percent less than the national average.

You got this wrong.

How do you figure that?
Prince George's county, Maryland has just over 900,000, and had 60+ murders in 2015.

Homicides on the rise in Prince George's Co., but overall crime is dropping

That's close to a 7 out of 100,000 murder rate, which is higher than the U.S.A average.

Now ask yourself is 7 out of 100,000 a really high number. There are 365 days in a year and lets say they had 70 murders. That a murder ever 5th day and you u se that to make a racist claim and you actually think that has validity? And where your claim becomes dishonest is the fact that most of the killings were in pats the county hat bordered Washington DC and not on the black suburban areas. What you did was exaggerate to male a racist argument. A county of 900,000 people with 60 plus murders in a year does not have a major problem with murder.

For example a majority white city, Tulsa has a murder rate of 14 per 100,000.double that f Prince Georges county.

Omaha Nebraska 73 percent white with a 10.6 per 100,000 murder rate.

Oklahoma City 62 percent white with an 11.6 murder rate per 100,000

These numbers are higher than the national average. So is Albuquerque, Anaheim, Aurora Colorado, Bakersfield, Columbus Ohio and a whole lot of others.

I can keep going but the point is that your claim about Prince Georges county is bogus and without merit.

On top of that your link showed crime had decreased in the county.

Prince George's County, Maryland has a murder rate similar to some of the worst problem area cities in Europe, like Limerick, Ireland, Glasgow, Scotland, Birmingham, England, Moscow, Russia, or Saint Petersburg, Russia.

So, basically Europe's greatest White trash in cities in Europe, are equal to African Americans most affluent county.

As for the cities you listed, while being White majority, the Blacks there presumably commit the majority of murder, like it is in the U.S.A collective.
Have you read "White Trash: The 400 year untold history of Class in America?" It's very lengthy, but very informative. Also, have you looked at the video "The Danger of A Single Story?" Very eye opening.

Thanks for the info Delores I will get the book and look at that film.

Yeah, I've heard this dumb ass before And it is this sort of uneducated stupid ass black person whites like you listen to .Therefore you remain ignorant and misinformed.

Who you going to post up next? Jessie Peterson?

Your post was erroneously blaming mostly the Spanish for the slave trade when the English/USA were far more pro-slavery.

I said Portuguese, and Spaniards took the majority of Black slaves, which is true, when looking at the combined totals the majority of Black slaves taken out of Europe were taken by these 2 Mediterranean nations.
it was the English who controlled the majority of the slave trade even taking slaves to Portuguese and Spanish, French and Dutch colonies and the English successors were the American Confederates who fought to keep slaves long after slavery was banned by the Spanish.

According to Haak a leading geneticist, English are rather Mediterranean by DNA, anyways.

Racism is not inherited in DNA.

Are you suggesting that Colonialism was about "Racism" rather than "Greed"?

Keep in mind the Colonists were really somewhat Multiculturalist, they went to overtake Aborginal people, and bring in Black slaves.
For greed profits.

Yes. Everyone does. So stop pointing the finger because for every one *you* point towards, five more will be pointed back.
None of us are perfect. Horrors have happened since the beginning of time.

Move on. Move up. Move forward and stop looking back.

If talking about the beginning of time is not looking back there is no such thing.

Moving forward means confronting the current racism that exists in places like this by people like you who want to tell somebody to not look back when I look at your racism now in these forums..

Move on. Move up. End your racism..

I find it interesting that various groups hold yearly vigils and prayer services in order to "remember the past, so we do not forget it." But when black folks bring up history they are pretty much told to forget it.

Because whites want to pretend and tell their stores of great white heroism and how their rugged individualism built a great nation. So when others want to tell their side of the story we see that there are whites who still practice the same fascism this country was founded upon.
It was whites that fought and died to help free your ancestors so STFU.
I’ve seen several recent posts about the fact that black people in Africa sold their own people into slavery. It’s been cited as a basis to declare that black people are also at fault and are therefore just as bad as the white people who enslaved them. I am currently reading “Slaves In The Family,” by Edward Ball. In chapter 7 he gives the most thorough explanation of this I have ever heard.

“The coast of Loango, included a port settlement, Cabinda. The Royal African Company, which brought slaves to Charleston, made the Loango coast its trading base, so much so that the company’s records from the 1720s show that all of its ships going to central Africa during that time listed Cabinda as a destination.

Whites had long ago given up making raids themselves and instead operated forts on the coast known as “factories.” These were heavily armed buying centers to which black slave-handlers delivered their merchandise in exchange for guns, rum, and fabric. The captives brought by the black middlemen to the factories had previously been held by chiefs and headmen farther interior, away from the coast. These chiefs rounded up victims in several ways – by staging raids on villages for the purpose of getting prisoners of war, by punishing people in debt through sale into slavery, and sometimes by selling members of their own tribe for personal profit. With this involvement at the source of the capture business, slavery became a shared venture.

Forced labor was practiced in West Africa before the Europeans began to carry people off, but it was not plantation slavery like that in America. West African slavery consisted of the subjugation of whole villages by invading chiefdoms, which led to arrangements that resembled the vassal societies of feudal Europe. As it was in medieval England, the vanquished were required to make oaths of obedience to a piece of land and to work it, giving tribute to the lords in services and crops but holding on to personal identity. By contrast, American slavery meant the denuding of individuals of all rights and property, one person at a time.

In the Asante kingdom of southern Nigeria, for example, a slave could own property, own a slave him or herself, intermarry with the kin of the ruling family, and be an heir to his or her master – none of which rights were held by captive American blacks. When the Europeans arrived on the African coast, this patriarchal system became rapidly more harsh, and the pace and methods of slave capture were sharpened to suit white demand.”

I have believed and am now even more convinced that American slavery was its own evil, not to be compared to or blamed on anyone else.

When all the noise dies down, your last paragraph is true.

Moreover, the childish claim that it's okay to do something because someone else did it is downright repugnant and cowardly.

It's utterly horrifying to see people claiming that slaves were happy or lucky.

Sent from my iPad using
Yes. Everyone does. So stop pointing the finger because for every one *you* point towards, five more will be pointed back.
None of us are perfect. Horrors have happened since the beginning of time.

Move on. Move up. Move forward and stop looking back.

If talking about the beginning of time is not looking back there is no such thing.

Moving forward means confronting the current racism that exists in places like this by people like you who want to tell somebody to not look back when I look at your racism now in these forums..

Move on. Move up. End your racism..

I find it interesting that various groups hold yearly vigils and prayer services in order to "remember the past, so we do not forget it." But when black folks bring up history they are pretty much told to forget it.

Because whites want to pretend and tell their stores of great white heroism and how their rugged individualism built a great nation. So when others want to tell their side of the story we see that there are whites who still practice the same fascism this country was founded upon.
It was whites that fought and died to help free your ancestors so STFU.

I guess Harriett Tubman, Sojourner Truth, Frederick Douglass, Denmark Vecsey, Nat Turner and many other blacks just sat there and waited for the white man to decide to fight of us.

Let me make this clear to your stupid ass. Whites are not going to get credit here for helping to end some shit they never should have started in the first place.

So shut the fuck up.
Yes. Everyone does. So stop pointing the finger because for every one *you* point towards, five more will be pointed back.
None of us are perfect. Horrors have happened since the beginning of time.

Move on. Move up. Move forward and stop looking back.

If talking about the beginning of time is not looking back there is no such thing.

Moving forward means confronting the current racism that exists in places like this by people like you who want to tell somebody to not look back when I look at your racism now in these forums..

Move on. Move up. End your racism..

I find it interesting that various groups hold yearly vigils and prayer services in order to "remember the past, so we do not forget it." But when black folks bring up history they are pretty much told to forget it.

Because whites want to pretend and tell their stores of great white heroism and how their rugged individualism built a great nation. So when others want to tell their side of the story we see that there are whites who still practice the same fascism this country was founded upon.
It was whites that fought and died to help free your ancestors so STFU.

I guess Harriett Tubman, Sojourner Truth, Frederick Douglass, Denmark Vecsey, Nat Turner and many other blacks just sat there and waited for the white man to decide to fight of us.

Let me make this clear to your stupid ass. Whites are not going to get credit here for helping to end some shit they never should have started in the first place.

So shut the fuck up.
Piss off racist
He can't see the forest for the trees, Rodishi. Hence...not wasting time on him. Those that can be reached, I will engage and swap beliefs, ideologies, infor, etc with. Some are just determined to stay in their tunnel vision, then pass it on to the next generation. And the next generation is already here. Hence..what you are seeing in his responses.

Meh. I got no time for dat shit.
If talking about the beginning of time is not looking back there is no such thing.

Moving forward means confronting the current racism that exists in places like this by people like you who want to tell somebody to not look back when I look at your racism now in these forums..

Move on. Move up. End your racism..

I find it interesting that various groups hold yearly vigils and prayer services in order to "remember the past, so we do not forget it." But when black folks bring up history they are pretty much told to forget it.

Because whites want to pretend and tell their stores of great white heroism and how their rugged individualism built a great nation. So when others want to tell their side of the story we see that there are whites who still practice the same fascism this country was founded upon.
It was whites that fought and died to help free your ancestors so STFU.

I guess Harriett Tubman, Sojourner Truth, Frederick Douglass, Denmark Vecsey, Nat Turner and many other blacks just sat there and waited for the white man to decide to fight of us.

Let me make this clear to your stupid ass. Whites are not going to get credit here for helping to end some shit they never should have started in the first place.

So shut the fuck up.
Piss off racist

Is that the best you got?. I know I am not a racist. I now how these places work. A black person who does not toe the right wing extremist conservative wackjob line is a racist. If we date talk abut what whites have done and continue doing we are racists. I 've said nothing racist, but that's all you got because you can't out debate me on this issue
He can't see the forest for the trees, Rodishi. Hence...not wasting time on him. Those that can be reached, I will engage and swap beliefs, ideologies, infor, etc with. Some are just determined to stay in their tunnel vision, then pass it on to the next generation. And the next generation is already here. Hence..what you are seeing in his responses.

Meh. I got no time for dat shit.

You're just another dumb ass.
I find it interesting that various groups hold yearly vigils and prayer services in order to "remember the past, so we do not forget it." But when black folks bring up history they are pretty much told to forget it.

Because whites want to pretend and tell their stores of great white heroism and how their rugged individualism built a great nation. So when others want to tell their side of the story we see that there are whites who still practice the same fascism this country was founded upon.
It was whites that fought and died to help free your ancestors so STFU.

I guess Harriett Tubman, Sojourner Truth, Frederick Douglass, Denmark Vecsey, Nat Turner and many other blacks just sat there and waited for the white man to decide to fight of us.

Let me make this clear to your stupid ass. Whites are not going to get credit here for helping to end some shit they never should have started in the first place.

So shut the fuck up.
Piss off racist

Is that the best you got?. I know I am not a racist. I now how these places work. A black person who does not toe the right wing extremist conservative wackjob line is a racist. If we date talk abut what whites have done and continue doing we are racists. I 've said nothing racist, but that's all you got because you can't out debate me on this issue
You can't erase history that easy you nasty ass chickenshit racist.

John Brown

John Brown

John Brown | Civil War Trust

John Brown (abolitionist) - Wikipedia
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