'G19'....Excludes Trump in joint statement on climate change

You demonstrate your lack of understanding. China does not have to do jack shit until 2030. And in 2030 what do you suppose China will do? Correct. More jack shit. China has about as much credibility as CNN.

perhaps........so, the "best" thing to do according to morons is to JOIN China in fucking up the environment......"brilliant". ....That orange clown is just "brilliant".
f they want to kill the population in their country off by contaminating the environment there what makes it my problem? I assure you that it's their problem.

Yes....AGAIN, that polluted air obviously adheres to borders and wouldn't dare fly over into US air........

These right wingers are just plainly IDIOTS !!!!
'm sure china is pissed. Now who is going to pay them to keep global warming from occurring?

Actually China is overjoyed.......They are the big boy on TPP and are signing up for lucrative trade agreements with European countries.....

Yep. Idiot drumpf threw away our bargaining position. Leaves us out in the cold.

Dumb RWNJs believe that TPP is about trade only. They think trump is against "globalism" when, in fact, he's the biggest globalist of all.
Hell, a bunch of leftists wackos still believe sending billions to Iran was great. Some people are just plain dumb, and they are beyond help.

IDIOT.......did we send ONE fucking dollar to Iran that was not theirs??????

YES or NO????
Its taken him a scant 6 months to end our status as the Number One Leader of the World.

The G20 was humiliating and dumb ass RWNJs don't have a clue of what we've lost.

And we've got 3 1/2 more years of this insanity.
Who's the Big Dog now that the US is out? I'll move there.
f they want to kill the population in their country off by contaminating the environment there what makes it my problem? I assure you that it's their problem.

Yes....AGAIN, that polluted air obviously adheres to borders and wouldn't dare fly over into US air........

These right wingers are just plainly IDIOTS !!!!


If they want to create a nuclear winter in their country they are on the other side of the world. Once they kill themselves off and the land/air is less contaminated it'll be time to move in and stake our claim on barren lands where no one lives or wants. I assure you they're the ones who will be affected much more than myself.

As I stated in my prior post this is their choice. They can invest in their own country to clean it up to make it better or make a wasteland of it. They need to choose.


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Like a schoolboy who didn't do his homework, our beloved orange clown is left out of any agreement by the rest of the planet on climate change......

Right wingers on here will CHEER that the Trumpster does not believe in such silly things are environmental sciences.......but as other nations decide on both this issue and trade deals, the Trump "promise" of more American jobs becomes yet another false dream that right wingers swallowed......Sure, American "exceptionalism" is winding up to be American "isolationism" from the lucrative world trade market.....

Final G20 communique isolates US opposition to Paris Agreement as Theresa May meets other world leaders

While the US are dragging their heels on climate change, other countries are renewing their commitment to tackling the issue with green projects and the Paris climate agreement.


During a bilateral meeting climate change was the focus of discussions between France’s president Emmanuel Macron and Chinese president Xi Jinping.

The two presidents discussed their common backing for the Paris climate agreement and desire to work on joint renewable energy projects, the French presidency said.

A statement released by China’s foreign ministry said that the Chinese president told Macron that China will fulfill its obligations under the Paris agreement.

G20 summit: 'G19' leave Trump alone in joint statement on climate change - as it happened
How come Republicans aren't denying global warming is real anymore?
'm sure china is pissed. Now who is going to pay them to keep global warming from occurring?

Actually China is overjoyed.......They are the big boy on TPP and are signing up for lucrative trade agreements with European countries.....

Yep. Idiot drumpf threw away our bargaining position. Leaves us out in the cold.

Dumb RWNJs believe that TPP is about trade only. They think trump is against "globalism" when, in fact, he's the biggest globalist of all.
Luddy, calm down. It's going to be OK. Obama signed an idiotic deal. We need to move past his failures.

Let's focus on your illogical rant. Please reconcile the disconnect in your logic. Why do you want more coal plants and pollution?
Like a schoolboy who didn't do his homework, our beloved orange clown is left out of any agreement by the rest of the planet on climate change......

Right wingers on here will CHEER that the Trumpster does not believe in such silly things are environmental sciences.......but as other nations decide on both this issue and trade deals, the Trump "promise" of more American jobs becomes yet another false dream that right wingers swallowed......Sure, American "exceptionalism" is winding up to be American "isolationism" from the lucrative world trade market.....

Final G20 communique isolates US opposition to Paris Agreement as Theresa May meets other world leaders

While the US are dragging their heels on climate change, other countries are renewing their commitment to tackling the issue with green projects and the Paris climate agreement.


During a bilateral meeting climate change was the focus of discussions between France’s president Emmanuel Macron and Chinese president Xi Jinping.

The two presidents discussed their common backing for the Paris climate agreement and desire to work on joint renewable energy projects, the French presidency said.

A statement released by China’s foreign ministry said that the Chinese president told Macron that China will fulfill its obligations under the Paris agreement.

G20 summit: 'G19' leave Trump alone in joint statement on climate change - as it happened
How come Republicans aren't denying global warming is real anymore?
It's a bunch of crap! Feel better now?
Like a schoolboy who didn't do his homework, our beloved orange clown is left out of any agreement by the rest of the planet on climate change......

Right wingers on here will CHEER that the Trumpster does not believe in such silly things are environmental sciences.......but as other nations decide on both this issue and trade deals, the Trump "promise" of more American jobs becomes yet another false dream that right wingers swallowed......Sure, American "exceptionalism" is winding up to be American "isolationism" from the lucrative world trade market.....

Final G20 communique isolates US opposition to Paris Agreement as Theresa May meets other world leaders

While the US are dragging their heels on climate change, other countries are renewing their commitment to tackling the issue with green projects and the Paris climate agreement.


During a bilateral meeting climate change was the focus of discussions between France’s president Emmanuel Macron and Chinese president Xi Jinping.

The two presidents discussed their common backing for the Paris climate agreement and desire to work on joint renewable energy projects, the French presidency said.

A statement released by China’s foreign ministry said that the Chinese president told Macron that China will fulfill its obligations under the Paris agreement.

G20 summit: 'G19' leave Trump alone in joint statement on climate change - as it happened

The US right now has an orange Gary Busey as its representative. The rest of the world should leave the US out of any future meetings or discussions and not enter into any more treaties with America as the orange-turd has proven he and his colony of lepers will not live up to America's promises to other countries.

Once we get rid of this pestilence and his cadre of golems we can get the United States back on some equal footing with the rest of the world. For now drumpf has relegated America to riding in the back seat and being told to "be quiet back there". We are in the hands of selfish children that never grew up.

So that must mean that any funds that the United States provides to the United Nations and/or the G19(20) can be cut from our budget since we didn't agree to anything.

I see no problem with that. We can just spend it at home on infrastructure and tax refunds.



The above moron CANNOT distinguish between what the United Nations does and what these G-20 meetings are all about.......Maybe his mommy will tell him later.


I know when my tax dollars are being wasted to prop up some flakey scheme concocted by people who have no say in my country. If they were so serious about working together and globalization they'd be kicking in their fair share to support the plans they dream up. Instead they sit back and pretend they're the boss while providing little to no financial backing to the plans they propose.

Sorry but if I'm funding it then I'm the boss.



"Brilliant".....because each of those G-20 countries have their own SEPARATE air bubble to breathe.

And they want the US to pay to clean up their bubble.
Why exactly is us not being involved in junk science a bad thing?

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