'G19'....Excludes Trump in joint statement on climate change

You demonstrate your lack of understanding. China does not have to do jack shit until 2030. And in 2030 what do you suppose China will do? Correct. More jack shit. China has about as much credibility as CNN.

perhaps........so, the "best" thing to do according to morons is to JOIN China in fucking up the environment......"brilliant". ....That orange clown is just "brilliant".

I guess its just impossible to register for those two lonesome brain cells floating mindlessly that something is perturbing the planets which is affecting our climate.
You demonstrate your lack of understanding. China does not have to do jack shit until 2030. And in 2030 what do you suppose China will do? Correct. More jack shit. China has about as much credibility as CNN.

perhaps........so, the "best" thing to do according to morons is to JOIN China in fucking up the environment......"brilliant". ....That orange clown is just "brilliant".
Jesus, you people sure go nuts over nothing. You may as well be worrying yourself into ulcers about black holes.
So why does a nation that pollutes so much get a pass?
You really didnt think that one through.

How did China "get a pass"????They signed on....they're cleaning up their act...they are part of the sane world............The only thing that China is "passing" on, is the bullshit spewed by the orange clown.

Yeah, they signed on.

Don't get around much...do you ?
G19'....Excludes Trump in joint statement on climate change

oh noooooooooooo nooooooooooo no ...........................horror of horrors!!!!

please please please

Like a schoolboy who didn't do his homework, our beloved orange clown is left out of any agreement by the rest of the planet on climate change......

Right wingers on here will CHEER that the Trumpster does not believe in such silly things are environmental sciences.......but as other nations decide on both this issue and trade deals, the Trump "promise" of more American jobs becomes yet another false dream that right wingers swallowed......Sure, American "exceptionalism" is winding up to be American "isolationism" from the lucrative world trade market.....

Final G20 communique isolates US opposition to Paris Agreement as Theresa May meets other world leaders

While the US are dragging their heels on climate change, other countries are renewing their commitment to tackling the issue with green projects and the Paris climate agreement.


During a bilateral meeting climate change was the focus of discussions between France’s president Emmanuel Macron and Chinese president Xi Jinping.

The two presidents discussed their common backing for the Paris climate agreement and desire to work on joint renewable energy projects, the French presidency said.

A statement released by China’s foreign ministry said that the Chinese president told Macron that China will fulfill its obligations under the Paris agreement.

G20 summit: 'G19' leave Trump alone in joint statement on climate change - as it happened

The US right now has an orange Gary Busey as its representative. The rest of the world should leave the US out of any future meetings or discussions and not enter into any more treaties with America as the orange-turd has proven he and his colony of lepers will not live up to America's promises to other countries.

Once we get rid of this pestilence and his cadre of golems we can get the United States back on some equal footing with the rest of the world. For now drumpf has relegated America to riding in the back seat and being told to "be quiet back there". We are in the hands of selfish children that never grew up.
It was Obama's decision, and his alone. Don't lump us in with that idiot.

Btw.... what Treaty did Trump break?
Hey Nat, why do you want more coal plants and pollution? Just curious why you, Obama, and the other nuts believe it is a good idea.
Hey Nat, why do you want more coal plants and pollution?

Well, since you pulled THAT "conclusion" out of your ass....now, wipe, flush and wash you hands thoroughly........
Hey Nat, why do you want more coal plants and pollution?

Well, since you pulled THAT "conclusion" out of your ass....now, wipe, flush and wash you hands thoroughly........
Lol. Kid, you are out of you league.

China’s emissions are expected to grow nearly 32 percent through 2040, according to projections from the Energy Information Administration. The Global Commission on the Economy and Climate projected Chinese emissions increasing 34 percent over 2012 levels by 2030.

China is also fueling coal-fired electricity production around the world. The country is part of a joint venture with Pakistan “to spend around $15 billion over the next 15 years to build close to a dozen coal power plants of varying sizes around the country,” Reuters reported.
Lol. Kid, you are out of you league.

China’s emissions are expected to grow nearly 32 percent through 2040, according to projections from the Energy Information Administration. The Global Commission on the Economy and Climate projected Chinese emissions increasing 34 percent over 2012 levels by 2030.

China is also fueling coal-fired electricity production around the world. The country is part of a joint venture with Pakistan “to spend around $15 billion over the next 15 years to build close to a dozen coal power plants of varying sizes around the country,” Reuters reported.

So, dickhead......how is the orange clown's pulling out of the Paris accord going to PREVENT the above?????

You're not very bight.....but you knew that already, didn't you???? LOL
Lol. Kid, you are out of you league.

China’s emissions are expected to grow nearly 32 percent through 2040, according to projections from the Energy Information Administration. The Global Commission on the Economy and Climate projected Chinese emissions increasing 34 percent over 2012 levels by 2030.

China is also fueling coal-fired electricity production around the world. The country is part of a joint venture with Pakistan “to spend around $15 billion over the next 15 years to build close to a dozen coal power plants of varying sizes around the country,” Reuters reported.

So, dickhead......how is the orange clown's pulling out of the Paris accord going to PREVENT the above?????

You're not very bight.....but you knew that already, didn't you???? LOL
Why do you want more coal plants and pollution?

Furthermore, what is it that confuses you about non-binding?

Stop being a dick. Man up for once. You were wrong.

I got to admit, kicking you ass over and over has become a bit boring.

Stupid snowflakes....sigh.
even better news

Turkey is jumping out the Paris deal as well

seems france offered our money to fund them

without us they are not interested


domino anyone


The U.S. decision to pull out of the Paris climate agreement means Turkey is less inclined to ratify the deal because the U.S. move jeopardizes compensation promised to developing countries, President Tayyip Erdogan said on Saturday.

Erdogan was speaking at the G20 summit in Germany where leaders from the world's leading economies broke with U.S. President Donald Trump over climate policy, following his announcement last month that he was withdrawing from the accord.

Erdogan said that when Turkey signed the accord France had promised that Turkey would be eligible for compensation for some of the financial costs of compliance.

"So we said if this would happen, the agreement would pass through parliament. But otherwise it won't pass," Erdogan told a news conference, adding that parliament had not yet approved it.

"Therefore, after this step taken by the United States, our position steers a course towards not passing this from the parliament," he said.

Erdogan says U.S. stance stalls Turkish ratification of Paris climate deal
I got to admit, kicking you ass over and over has become a bit boring.

Only in your DELUSIONS.........LOL
It's over. You lost again. You claimed I pulled out the additional coal plants out of my ass. I didn't and provided links. You crumbled into a ball in your Mom's basement, cried for a bit, then started up again with more mindless rants.

Reread the well vetted links I provided, and then go fuck yourself.
It's over. You lost again. You claimed I pulled out the additional coal plants out of my ass. I didn't and provided links.

NO< Mr. Fuckhead ....go back and read (or ask someone to read it to you).......

Here, I;ll make it very simple for your half brain.......


Simple qst.........LOL

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