G7 ministers spike joint statement on COVID-19 after U.S. demands it be called 'Wuhan virus'

It is just shows how juvenile behavior has affected all levels of the US government. We are a joke in the international arena because of Trump.

"It's from China."
- Trump, answering a query.

Right he is.
I don’t care what Trump calls the coronavirus at home. But when you are in the international arena, they could at least try to act like adults and call the virus by it’s scientific name.
I'm gonna call you by your scientific name, Homo Humongous.
I’m not sure if that is an insult or a compliment.
I BELIEVE it's an insult. You're being referred to as a "Big Homo", ya knucklehead.
I knew there was a reason I liked Pompeo. Thank you for having some principle and willingness to call out China in a manner they wouldn't expect. Of course, the rest of the G7 don't want to offend the communists.

We're living in some messed up times when a government can operate like this, destroy lives and economies without even some shame in hearing it named accordingly for it's genesis. Is America the only nation with concern? France, Italy and Germany have lost so many lives, had to spend so much money while their citizens live in fear and THIS is their concern? Not shaming China for their secrecy?

G7 ministers spike joint statement on COVID-19 after U.S. demands it be called 'Wuhan virus'

Any hope of G7 foreign ministers releasing a joint statement on the fight against COVID-19 was killed today after the U.S. insisted the document refer to it as the "Wuhan virus."

As originally reported by Der Spiegel, and according to sources with knowledge of the situation, when U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo insisted the novel coronavirus be referred to by the name of the Chinese city where the outbreak first appeared, ministers from other countries refused to agree.

G7 foreign ministers had planned to meet in Pittsburgh this week to discuss a range of issues. However, the in-person meeting was swapped for a video conference because of the pandemic.

According to one source, bureaucrats from each country had hoped to come up with a joint statement about the pandemic's impact ahead of the meeting.

Those talks did not get very far, and a proposed statement never reached politicians ahead of the teleconference.

During the meeting itself, however, one of the ministers revisited the idea of issuing a joint statement.

Sources say that's when Pompeo said the U.S. wanted to refer to COVID-19 as the "Wuhan virus."

That was a red line for several ministers, and no joint statement was agreed upon or released.

One official from a country involved said Pompeo would not agree to a communique that didn't refer specifically to the "Wuhan virus."

That official said the G7 discussion was brief because it stalled over that issue and never got off the ground.

The official downplayed the real-world impact the dispute might have, or the possibility that the dispute over wording, and the absence of a G7 communique, would have a tangible effect.

Asked why including the term was so important in the global context of the pandemic, Pompeo blamed China for not spreading the word globally fast enough about just how dangerous the virus is.

"Make no mistake about it, everyone in that meeting this morning was very focused on making sure that we not only solve the health crisis associated with the Wuhan virus but also the economic challenges that face the globe as we confront it as well," he said.
Well, the virus was manufactured and leaked to the public, where the first cases were seen anywhere, IN Wuhan, China. So it's very appropriate to call it the Wuhan Virus, or the "Wu Flu", as I've dubbed it.

Trying to impose right-wing political propaganda during an international health crisis is too low to go. Representatives of the other G7 nations can act like adults, so the U.S. representatives should be able to, also.
It is just shows how juvenile behavior has affected all levels of the US government. We are a joke in the international arena because of Trump.

"It's from China."
- Trump, answering a query.

Right he is.
I don’t care what Trump calls the coronavirus at home. But when you are in the international arena, they could at least try to act like adults and call the virus by it’s scientific name.
Quick, what's the official name of the Ebola virus?
It is just shows how juvenile behavior has affected all levels of the US government. We are a joke in the international arena because of Trump.

"It's from China."
- Trump, answering a query.

Right he is.
I don’t care what Trump calls the coronavirus at home. But when you are in the international arena, they could at least try to act like adults and call the virus by it’s scientific name.
Quick, what's the official name of the Ebola virus?
Ebola virus?
I imagine that Italy objected since it has become a vassal state of china
This sort of disgusting, childish conduct by pompeo and the orange whore on the international stage demonstrates why so many of us despise the people now running the executive branch and ruining our international reputation. Pathetic children. All of them.

You call the president "Orange whore" and call OTHER people pathetic children?
This sort of disgusting, childish conduct by pompeo and the orange whore on the international stage demonstrates why so many of us despise the people now running the executive branch and ruining our international reputation. Pathetic children. All of them.

You call the president "Orange whore" and call OTHER people pathetic children?
Exactly. A VERY glaring example of hypocrisy.
I knew there was a reason I liked Pompeo. Thank you for having some principle and willingness to call out China in a manner they wouldn't expect. Of course, the rest of the G7 don't want to offend the communists.

We're living in some messed up times when a government can operate like this, destroy lives and economies without even some shame in hearing it named accordingly for it's genesis. Is America the only nation with concern? France, Italy and Germany have lost so many lives, had to spend so much money while their citizens live in fear and THIS is their concern? Not shaming China for their secrecy?

G7 ministers spike joint statement on COVID-19 after U.S. demands it be called 'Wuhan virus'

Any hope of G7 foreign ministers releasing a joint statement on the fight against COVID-19 was killed today after the U.S. insisted the document refer to it as the "Wuhan virus."

As originally reported by Der Spiegel, and according to sources with knowledge of the situation, when U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo insisted the novel coronavirus be referred to by the name of the Chinese city where the outbreak first appeared, ministers from other countries refused to agree.

G7 foreign ministers had planned to meet in Pittsburgh this week to discuss a range of issues. However, the in-person meeting was swapped for a video conference because of the pandemic.

According to one source, bureaucrats from each country had hoped to come up with a joint statement about the pandemic's impact ahead of the meeting.

Those talks did not get very far, and a proposed statement never reached politicians ahead of the teleconference.

During the meeting itself, however, one of the ministers revisited the idea of issuing a joint statement.

Sources say that's when Pompeo said the U.S. wanted to refer to COVID-19 as the "Wuhan virus."

That was a red line for several ministers, and no joint statement was agreed upon or released.

One official from a country involved said Pompeo would not agree to a communique that didn't refer specifically to the "Wuhan virus."

That official said the G7 discussion was brief because it stalled over that issue and never got off the ground.

The official downplayed the real-world impact the dispute might have, or the possibility that the dispute over wording, and the absence of a G7 communique, would have a tangible effect.

Asked why including the term was so important in the global context of the pandemic, Pompeo blamed China for not spreading the word globally fast enough about just how dangerous the virus is.

"Make no mistake about it, everyone in that meeting this morning was very focused on making sure that we not only solve the health crisis associated with the Wuhan virus but also the economic challenges that face the globe as we confront it as well," he said.
Well, the virus was manufactured and leaked to the public, where the first cases were seen anywhere, IN Wuhan, China. So it's very appropriate to call it the Wuhan Virus, or the "Wu Flu", as I've dubbed it.

Trying to impose right-wing political propaganda during an international health crisis is too low to go. Representatives of the other G7 nations can act like adults, so the U.S. representatives should be able to, also.
You’re too obvious and so ass-backwards.
This is about assessing an accurate label (Wuhan virus) based on not only the locale from which the virus emanated but the Chinese poverty culture that made that possible.
Vs a fascist censorship designed to deflect responsibility from the source and supported by a domestic political bigotry of democrats who base their hatred for all things non-democrat on a propagated boogeyman viewed as ‘white American hetero Christian male’.
This sort of disgusting, childish conduct by pompeo and the orange whore on the international stage demonstrates why so many of us despise the people now running the executive branch and ruining our international reputation. Pathetic children. All of them.

You call the president "Orange whore" and call OTHER people pathetic children?

I had to think of something to show utter contempt for this filth. Do you have any other suggestions? Spitting in his face, even should I get close enough, would be illegal.
It is just shows how juvenile behavior has affected all levels of the US government. We are a joke in the international arena because of Trump.

"It's from China."
- Trump, answering a query.

Right he is.
I don’t care what Trump calls the coronavirus at home. But when you are in the international arena, they could at least try to act like adults and call the virus by it’s scientific name.
Quick, what's the official name of the Ebola virus?
Ebola virus?
No. The Ebola is a river in Africa where it originated.
This sort of disgusting, childish conduct by pompeo and the orange whore on the international stage demonstrates why so many of us despise the people now running the executive branch and ruining our international reputation. Pathetic children. All of them.

You call the president "Orange whore" and call OTHER people pathetic children?

I had to think of something to show utter contempt for this filth. Do you have any other suggestions? Spitting in his face, even should I get close enough, would be illegal.
Explain your disagreement with my post.
This sort of disgusting, childish conduct by pompeo and the orange whore on the international stage demonstrates why so many of us despise the people now running the executive branch and ruining our international reputation. Pathetic children. All of them.

You call the president "Orange whore" and call OTHER people pathetic children?

You forget that there are "white American hetero Christian male" and then there are "white American hetero Christian male." You are referring to those fitting this description who are shamelessly playing identity politics, not the normal ones. I'd vote for Biden, I'd vote for Cuomo, I did vote for Northam; all fitting this description.

This "Chinese virus" thing is such trashy theatrics. There is no reason not to this disease coronavirus or COVID-19. When are you people going to grow up?
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I knew there was a reason I liked Pompeo. Thank you for having some principle and willingness to call out China in a manner they wouldn't expect. Of course, the rest of the G7 don't want to offend the communists.

We're living in some messed up times when a government can operate like this, destroy lives and economies without even some shame in hearing it named accordingly for it's genesis. Is America the only nation with concern? France, Italy and Germany have lost so many lives, had to spend so much money while their citizens live in fear and THIS is their concern? Not shaming China for their secrecy?

G7 ministers spike joint statement on COVID-19 after U.S. demands it be called 'Wuhan virus'

Any hope of G7 foreign ministers releasing a joint statement on the fight against COVID-19 was killed today after the U.S. insisted the document refer to it as the "Wuhan virus."

As originally reported by Der Spiegel, and according to sources with knowledge of the situation, when U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo insisted the novel coronavirus be referred to by the name of the Chinese city where the outbreak first appeared, ministers from other countries refused to agree.

G7 foreign ministers had planned to meet in Pittsburgh this week to discuss a range of issues. However, the in-person meeting was swapped for a video conference because of the pandemic.

According to one source, bureaucrats from each country had hoped to come up with a joint statement about the pandemic's impact ahead of the meeting.

Those talks did not get very far, and a proposed statement never reached politicians ahead of the teleconference.

During the meeting itself, however, one of the ministers revisited the idea of issuing a joint statement.

Sources say that's when Pompeo said the U.S. wanted to refer to COVID-19 as the "Wuhan virus."

That was a red line for several ministers, and no joint statement was agreed upon or released.

One official from a country involved said Pompeo would not agree to a communique that didn't refer specifically to the "Wuhan virus."

That official said the G7 discussion was brief because it stalled over that issue and never got off the ground.

The official downplayed the real-world impact the dispute might have, or the possibility that the dispute over wording, and the absence of a G7 communique, would have a tangible effect.

Asked why including the term was so important in the global context of the pandemic, Pompeo blamed China for not spreading the word globally fast enough about just how dangerous the virus is.

"Make no mistake about it, everyone in that meeting this morning was very focused on making sure that we not only solve the health crisis associated with the Wuhan virus but also the economic challenges that face the globe as we confront it as well," he said.
Petty bullshit, needlessly demonizing China for something they didn't do.

Indeed, for something they didn't do, but should have.
Petty bullshit, needlessly demonizing China for something they didn't do.

Leave it to bed wetters like you to defend a communist country.

You do of course ignore what the Chi-Coms are doing in Hong Kong and we're not supposed to even wonder if the hyper over reaction to a cold virus might be intentional just so we stop paying attention to the protests and oppression of those people?

Fucking maoist cock sucker.



I knew there was a reason I liked Pompeo. Thank you for having some principle and willingness to call out China in a manner they wouldn't expect. Of course, the rest of the G7 don't want to offend the communists.

We're living in some messed up times when a government can operate like this, destroy lives and economies without even some shame in hearing it named accordingly for it's genesis. Is America the only nation with concern? France, Italy and Germany have lost so many lives, had to spend so much money while their citizens live in fear and THIS is their concern? Not shaming China for their secrecy?

G7 ministers spike joint statement on COVID-19 after U.S. demands it be called 'Wuhan virus'

Any hope of G7 foreign ministers releasing a joint statement on the fight against COVID-19 was killed today after the U.S. insisted the document refer to it as the "Wuhan virus."

As originally reported by Der Spiegel, and according to sources with knowledge of the situation, when U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo insisted the novel coronavirus be referred to by the name of the Chinese city where the outbreak first appeared, ministers from other countries refused to agree.

G7 foreign ministers had planned to meet in Pittsburgh this week to discuss a range of issues. However, the in-person meeting was swapped for a video conference because of the pandemic.

According to one source, bureaucrats from each country had hoped to come up with a joint statement about the pandemic's impact ahead of the meeting.

Those talks did not get very far, and a proposed statement never reached politicians ahead of the teleconference.

During the meeting itself, however, one of the ministers revisited the idea of issuing a joint statement.

Sources say that's when Pompeo said the U.S. wanted to refer to COVID-19 as the "Wuhan virus."

That was a red line for several ministers, and no joint statement was agreed upon or released.

One official from a country involved said Pompeo would not agree to a communique that didn't refer specifically to the "Wuhan virus."

That official said the G7 discussion was brief because it stalled over that issue and never got off the ground.

The official downplayed the real-world impact the dispute might have, or the possibility that the dispute over wording, and the absence of a G7 communique, would have a tangible effect.

Asked why including the term was so important in the global context of the pandemic, Pompeo blamed China for not spreading the word globally fast enough about just how dangerous the virus is.

"Make no mistake about it, everyone in that meeting this morning was very focused on making sure that we not only solve the health crisis associated with the Wuhan virus but also the economic challenges that face the globe as we confront it as well," he said.
This is why we should leave the G7 and force it to not exist anymore....

if they are not going to do what we tell them to, what is the use of having them?
If you think of it as the Wuhan Virus, maybe you can forget Orange Judas downplaying it for two months. It's just a branding exercise for reality-TV fans.
“China has been working very hard to contain the Coronavirus. The United States greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency,” Trump tweeted on January 24. “It will all work out well. In particular, on behalf of the American People, I want to thank President Xi!”

That was before Trump realized he had stepped on his wee appendage in minimizing the threat. Now, there's nothing more important than pointing a finger at the Chinese.

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