Ga. Citizens Launch Grand Jury Petition To Probe Election Fraud

Wasn't a miracle. Biden won. Trump lost. Deal with it.
The man who campaigned from his basement and is a three time loser running for president got more votes
supposedly than any man who has ever run for that office?

Keep on lying.

He did get more votes (81 million). That's why he won. And he didn't campaign from his basement. Nor was he senile.
He presented a competent and composed alternative to the incompetent and corrupt fraud that has so far, cost the lives
of 320K+ people and is responsible for the almost 7% unemployment.

Wasn't much of a choice. The fraud had to go. :)
Wasn't a miracle. Biden won. Trump lost. Deal with it.
The man who campaigned from his basement and is a three time loser running for president got more votes
supposedly than any man who has ever run for that office?

Keep on lying.

The campaigning from his basement made no difference to terrified Democrats, may have actually helped him.
The rest, yeah.
Thanks for proving my point about Trumpists. No amount of evidence on the voter fraud lie will ever convince you otherwise.
The evidence actually points to epic corruption and vote fraud. Georgia should stop covering up and let
experts examine Dominion vote changing machines to prove they are on the up and up.
People with nothing to hide hide nothing.

There is no evidence of epic corruption and voter fraud. No evidence has been produced in a forum in which it could be examined methodically. It is said to exist, but no one can even explain where it is, physically speaking, and it certainly has not been produced in any of the formal court proceedings that have been conducted. Is this "evidence" that there was some problem with Dominion machines stuck in the back of Giuliani's file drawer or something?
Thanks for proving my point about Trumpists. No amount of evidence on the voter fraud lie will ever convince you otherwise.
The evidence actually points to epic corruption and vote fraud. Georgia should stop covering up and let
experts examine Dominion vote changing machines to prove they are on the up and up.
People with nothing to hide hide nothing.

There is no evidence of epic corruption and voter fraud. No evidence has been produced in a forum in which it could be examined methodically. It is said to exist, but no one can even explain where it is, physically speaking, and it certainly has not been produced in any of the formal court proceedings that have been conducted. Is this "evidence" that there was some problem with Dominion machines stuck in the back of Giuliani's file drawer or something?
Well over 60 lawsuits by Trump lawyers and NOT A SINGLE ONE has been judged on the merits of the case.
That is, the actual evidence! Not one.
The hand recounts came to the same conclusion as the Dominion count. Jesus - Ya just can't make this stuff up!
That's what Kemp and his minions say, anyway. Audit Georgia's Dominion machines.
Why? Sorry. You guys have blown it. You refused to accept the hand counts done to reassure you. You refused to accept the results of the signature audit that you all were screaming for. There was a whole lot of time, money and effort put into those, apparently for naught.

Why would they do a Dominion machine audit? So you can refuse to accept that there was nothing wrong with the machines?

YOU may be convinced that your suspicions are valid, but the people who are feeding you this mistrust know better. It is nothing but a well organized campaign to throw out the legal votes of Democrats in Georgia and the other swing states. At this point, I'm also sure they know they won't win. But they need to keep up the facade --they started it; now they're stuck with it, as always happens with lies.
The hand recounts came to the same conclusion as the Dominion count. Jesus - Ya just can't make this stuff up!
That's what Kemp and his minions say, anyway. Audit Georgia's Dominion machines.
Why? Sorry. You guys have blown it. You refused to accept the hand counts done to reassure you. You refused to accept the results of the signature audit that you all were screaming for. There was a whole lot of time, money and effort put into those, apparently for naught.

Why would they do a Dominion machine audit? So you can refuse to accept that there was nothing wrong with the machines?

YOU may be convinced that your suspicions are valid, but the people who are feeding you this mistrust know better. It is nothing but a well organized campaign to throw out the legal votes of Democrats in Georgia and the other swing states. At this point, I'm also sure they know they won't win. But they need to keep up the facade --they started it; now they're stuck with it, as always happens with lies.

Fact oblivious, they talk about making normal, rational folks "pay" and threaten us with their beloved guns.
This BS is gonna get worse before it gets better. 20 days OL ... TWENTY DAYS and they're done.
But boy howdy, can Donnie ever do a whole lot more damage before he becomes a deposed wannabe dick-tater!
Thanks for proving my point about Trumpists. No amount of evidence on the voter fraud lie will ever convince you otherwise.
The evidence actually points to epic corruption and vote fraud. Georgia should stop covering up and let
experts examine Dominion vote changing machines to prove they are on the up and up.
People with nothing to hide hide nothing.

There is no evidence of epic corruption and voter fraud. No evidence has been produced in a forum in which it could be examined methodically. It is said to exist, but no one can even explain where it is, physically speaking, and it certainly has not been produced in any of the formal court proceedings that have been conducted. Is this "evidence" that there was some problem with Dominion machines stuck in the back of Giuliani's file drawer or something?
Well over 60 lawsuits by Trump lawyers and NOT A SINGLE ONE has been judged on the merits of the case.
That is, the actual evidence! Not one.
That isn't true. Judges read the evidence (the affidavits) and the arguments and then they decide if there is enough evidence to proceed. Some judges have looked into each of the claims made in the affidavits and have determined that either it doesn't describe fraud or that it is not credible. And many cases have had hearings and failed to convince a judge. Where do you think those lawyers were that admitted they weren't really alleging fraud? They were before a judge, being heard.

I know it's impossible to keep up with ALL the details of each suit, but you can do better than this.
Thanks for proving my point about Trumpists. No amount of evidence on the voter fraud lie will ever convince you otherwise.
The evidence actually points to epic corruption and vote fraud. Georgia should stop covering up and let
experts examine Dominion vote changing machines to prove they are on the up and up.
People with nothing to hide hide nothing.

There is no evidence of epic corruption and voter fraud. No evidence has been produced in a forum in which it could be examined methodically. It is said to exist, but no one can even explain where it is, physically speaking, and it certainly has not been produced in any of the formal court proceedings that have been conducted. Is this "evidence" that there was some problem with Dominion machines stuck in the back of Giuliani's file drawer or something?
Well over 60 lawsuits by Trump lawyers and NOT A SINGLE ONE has been judged on the merits of the case.
That is, the actual evidence! Not one.

These lawsuits were found to be without merit. I don't think any one of them survived a bare motion to dismiss. A complaint has to be drafted that states a claim upon relief can be granted. Just filing a complaint doesn't entitle the plaintiff to a full-blown hearing. At best, you are complaining of poor lawyering by trump's attorneys.

In any event, just where IS this stuff? All of these affidavits and exhibits could be uploaded on the internet for all to read. Why wasn't this done? Where can we read the complaints filed in these lawsuits?
The hand recounts came to the same conclusion as the Dominion count. Jesus - Ya just can't make this stuff up!
That's what Kemp and his minions say, anyway. Audit Georgia's Dominion machines.
Why? Sorry. You guys have blown it. You refused to accept the hand counts done to reassure you. You refused to accept the results of the signature audit that you all were screaming for. There was a whole lot of time, money and effort put into those, apparently for naught.

Why would they do a Dominion machine audit? So you can refuse to accept that there was nothing wrong with the machines?

YOU may be convinced that your suspicions are valid, but the people who are feeding you this mistrust know better. It is nothing but a well organized campaign to throw out the legal votes of Democrats in Georgia and the other swing states. At this point, I'm also sure they know they won't win. But they need to keep up the facade --they started it; now they're stuck with it, as always happens with lies.

Fact oblivious, they talk about making normal, rational folks "pay" and threaten us with their beloved guns.
This BS is gonna get worse before it gets better. 20 days OL ... TWENTY DAYS and they're done.
But boy howdy, can Donnie ever do a whole lot more damage before he becomes a deposed wannabe dick-tater!
How much worse do you think it can get? We got yahoos coming to DC for the inauguration to stir up trouble. We got reality tv being planned for Congress on the 6th. We got reindeer games being played over Section 230 because the Pres is pissed off at Twitter.

He's ignoring that the states are struggling to get people vaccinated fast enough and that hospitals are so full they're sending home people on oxygen. He's golfing and suing his Vice President to not do his Constitutional duty so he can steal the election.

And still, as backdrop, more voter fraud suits and petitions are being filed, new threads going up hourly on social media saying the election was stolen by Dems.
There are no amount of recounts and investigations that will ever convince a Trumpster conspiracy theorist that the election was fair. Arguing with these morons is futile.

And even if an re-election was held these morons would claim fraud if Trump failed to win 98% of the vote.

These Trumpists are hopeless.

The duped morons are Democrats. It just so happens they like the results so are more than willing to roll over and have their belly scratched by the crooks. The fact that this election has destroyed the process for the foreseeable future doesn't even bother Democrats. Shortsighted fools and useful idiots are a hallmark of the Democratic party's constituency and Democratic politicians like to keep it that way.
Amen to that.
Thanks for proving my point about Trumpists. No amount of evidence on the voter fraud lie will ever convince you otherwise.
The evidence actually points to epic corruption and vote fraud. Georgia should stop covering up and let
experts examine Dominion vote changing machines to prove they are on the up and up.
People with nothing to hide hide nothing.

There is no evidence of epic corruption and voter fraud. No evidence has been produced in a forum in which it could be examined methodically. It is said to exist, but no one can even explain where it is, physically speaking, and it certainly has not been produced in any of the formal court proceedings that have been conducted. Is this "evidence" that there was some problem with Dominion machines stuck in the back of Giuliani's file drawer or something?
Well over 60 lawsuits by Trump lawyers and NOT A SINGLE ONE has been judged on the merits of the case.
That is, the actual evidence! Not one.

These lawsuits were found to be without merit. I don't think any one of them survived a bare motion to dismiss. A complaint has to be drafted that states a claim upon relief can be granted. Just filing a complaint doesn't entitle the plaintiff to a full-blown hearing. At best, you are complaining of poor lawyering by trump's attorneys.

In any event, just where IS this stuff? All of these affidavits and exhibits could be uploaded on the internet for all to read. Why wasn't this done? Where can we read the complaints filed in these lawsuits?
Notice that the shill like all Biden fans ignores that the judges have had threats issued to them,are compromised,or have received massive payouts by the elites is why the lawsuits are dismissed? They also ignores how whistleblowers have been beat up and threatened,these shills lie so much and hate this truth so much they always try and laugh it off or get angry and put a thumbs down.the truth hurts them. These trolls also ignore how the lawyers have complained the judges are not even looking at the evidence. :uhoh3: All you shills are bringing the worst karma down on yourselves lying like this participating in this coverup.
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The hand recounts came to the same conclusion as the Dominion count. Jesus - Ya just can't make this stuff up!
That's what Kemp and his minions say, anyway. Audit Georgia's Dominion machines.
Why? Sorry. You guys have blown it. You refused to accept the hand counts done to reassure you. You refused to accept the results of the signature audit that you all were screaming for. There was a whole lot of time, money and effort put into those, apparently for naught.

Why would they do a Dominion machine audit? So you can refuse to accept that there was nothing wrong with the machines?

YOU may be convinced that your suspicions are valid, but the people who are feeding you this mistrust know better. It is nothing but a well organized campaign to throw out the legal votes of Democrats in Georgia and the other swing states. At this point, I'm also sure they know they won't win. But they need to keep up the facade --they started it; now they're stuck with it, as always happens with lies.

Fact oblivious, they talk about making normal, rational folks "pay" and threaten us with their beloved guns.
This BS is gonna get worse before it gets better. 20 days OL ... TWENTY DAYS and they're done.
But boy howdy, can Donnie ever do a whole lot more damage before he becomes a deposed wannabe dick-tater!
How much worse do you think it can get? We got yahoos coming to DC for the inauguration to stir up trouble. We got reality tv being planned for Congress on the 6th. We got reindeer games being played over Section 230 because the Pres is pissed off at Twitter.

He's ignoring that the states are struggling to get people vaccinated fast enough and that hospitals are so full they're sending home people on oxygen. He's golfing and suing his Vice President to not do his Constitutional duty so he can steal the election.

And still, as backdrop, more voter fraud suits and petitions are being filed, new threads going up hourly on social media saying the election was stolen by Dems.

HOW much worse? I honestly think after he loses another dozen or so desperate lawsuits, Donald will declare martial law and attempt to order our military to stage a coup and re-do of the elections in his contested states. I don't THINK our top military brass will obey an illegal order, but knock on wood.

They are on Red Alert (thank God)

The hand recounts came to the same conclusion as the Dominion count. Jesus - Ya just can't make this stuff up!
That's what Kemp and his minions say, anyway. Audit Georgia's Dominion machines.
Why? Sorry. You guys have blown it. You refused to accept the hand counts done to reassure you. You refused to accept the results of the signature audit that you all were screaming for. There was a whole lot of time, money and effort put into those, apparently for naught.

Why would they do a Dominion machine audit? So you can refuse to accept that there was nothing wrong with the machines?

YOU may be convinced that your suspicions are valid, but the people who are feeding you this mistrust know better. It is nothing but a well organized campaign to throw out the legal votes of Democrats in Georgia and the other swing states. At this point, I'm also sure they know they won't win. But they need to keep up the facade --they started it; now they're stuck with it, as always happens with lies.

Fact oblivious, they talk about making normal, rational folks "pay" and threaten us with their beloved guns.
This BS is gonna get worse before it gets better. 20 days OL ... TWENTY DAYS and they're done.
But boy howdy, can Donnie ever do a whole lot more damage before he becomes a deposed wannabe dick-tater!
How much worse do you think it can get? We got yahoos coming to DC for the inauguration to stir up trouble. We got reality tv being planned for Congress on the 6th. We got reindeer games being played over Section 230 because the Pres is pissed off at Twitter.

He's ignoring that the states are struggling to get people vaccinated fast enough and that hospitals are so full they're sending home people on oxygen. He's golfing and suing his Vice President to not do his Constitutional duty so he can steal the election.

And still, as backdrop, more voter fraud suits and petitions are being filed, new threads going up hourly on social media saying the election was stolen by Dems.

HOW much worse? I honestly think after he loses another dozen or so desperate lawsuits, Donald will declare martial law and attempt to order our military to stage a coup and re-do of the elections in his contested states. I don't THINK our top military brass will obey an illegal order, but knock on wood.

They are on Red Alert (thank God)

Don't believe everything the World Socialist Network tells you, Dr. Love. This was addressed weeks ago, although I'm sure the brass have their statements ready if Trump truly has a psychotic break and tries it.
The hand recounts came to the same conclusion as the Dominion count. Jesus - Ya just can't make this stuff up!
That's what Kemp and his minions say, anyway. Audit Georgia's Dominion machines.
Why? Sorry. You guys have blown it. You refused to accept the hand counts done to reassure you. You refused to accept the results of the signature audit that you all were screaming for. There was a whole lot of time, money and effort put into those, apparently for naught.

Why would they do a Dominion machine audit? So you can refuse to accept that there was nothing wrong with the machines?

YOU may be convinced that your suspicions are valid, but the people who are feeding you this mistrust know better. It is nothing but a well organized campaign to throw out the legal votes of Democrats in Georgia and the other swing states. At this point, I'm also sure they know they won't win. But they need to keep up the facade --they started it; now they're stuck with it, as always happens with lies.

Fact oblivious, they talk about making normal, rational folks "pay" and threaten us with their beloved guns.
This BS is gonna get worse before it gets better. 20 days OL ... TWENTY DAYS and they're done.
But boy howdy, can Donnie ever do a whole lot more damage before he becomes a deposed wannabe dick-tater!
How much worse do you think it can get? We got yahoos coming to DC for the inauguration to stir up trouble. We got reality tv being planned for Congress on the 6th. We got reindeer games being played over Section 230 because the Pres is pissed off at Twitter.

He's ignoring that the states are struggling to get people vaccinated fast enough and that hospitals are so full they're sending home people on oxygen. He's golfing and suing his Vice President to not do his Constitutional duty so he can steal the election.

And still, as backdrop, more voter fraud suits and petitions are being filed, new threads going up hourly on social media saying the election was stolen by Dems.

HOW much worse? I honestly think after he loses another dozen or so desperate lawsuits, Donald will declare martial law and attempt to order our military to stage a coup and re-do of the elections in his contested states. I don't THINK our top military brass will obey an illegal order, but knock on wood.

They are on Red Alert (thank God)

Don't believe everything the World Socialist Network tells you, Dr. Love. This was addressed weeks ago, although I'm sure the brass have their statements ready if Trump truly has a psychotic break and tries it.

OL - Your lips to God's ear. SO far our institutions have held on a razor's edge - But I put NOTHING past this president!
Looks like some Democrats might have screwed up....

Ga. citizens launch grand jury petition to probe election fraud | One America News Network (

Citizens of Georgia started a petition to call on a grand jury to probe election fraud in their state.

“Look, we gotta petition the grand jury because we know that ballots were orchestrated that aren’t ballots from the state of Georgia,” a petitioner with ‘Citizens Advocacy‘ stated. “Absentee ballots–with no excuse–they were coming from all over.”

Petition organizers said this year’s elections were not free nor fair. They emphasized that election integrity was blatantly violated by universal mail-in ballots, as well.

Members of ‘Citizens Advocacy’ also added that all documented accounts of ballot-dumps, electronic tampering and the harassment of poll-watchers must be investigated.

Additionally, petitioners stressed that election officials as well as the Democrat party may have committed criminal or civil wrong-doing to steal the election for Joe Biden.

The revenge of white trash;.l The white trash should be arrested.

Extreme right bias and low factual reporting.
when you grow up and have to provide for yourself you will realize attacking the source is the worst way to to debate a subject,,,
Looks like some Democrats might have screwed up....

Ga. citizens launch grand jury petition to probe election fraud | One America News Network (

Citizens of Georgia started a petition to call on a grand jury to probe election fraud in their state.

“Look, we gotta petition the grand jury because we know that ballots were orchestrated that aren’t ballots from the state of Georgia,” a petitioner with ‘Citizens Advocacy‘ stated. “Absentee ballots–with no excuse–they were coming from all over.”

Petition organizers said this year’s elections were not free nor fair. They emphasized that election integrity was blatantly violated by universal mail-in ballots, as well.

Members of ‘Citizens Advocacy’ also added that all documented accounts of ballot-dumps, electronic tampering and the harassment of poll-watchers must be investigated.

Additionally, petitioners stressed that election officials as well as the Democrat party may have committed criminal or civil wrong-doing to steal the election for Joe Biden.
Rabid tRumplings are gonna tRump.

There are no amount of recounts and investigations that will ever convince a Trumpster conspiracy theorist that the election was fair. Arguing with these morons is futile.

And even if an re-election was held these morons would claim fraud if Trump failed to win 98% of the vote.

These Trumpists are hopeless.

The duped morons are Democrats. It just so happens they like the results so are more than willing to roll over and have their belly scratched by the crooks. The fact that this election has destroyed the process for the foreseeable future doesn't even bother Democrats. Shortsighted fools and useful idiots are a hallmark of the Democratic party's constituency and Democratic politicians like to keep it that way.
Amen to that.
It was a fair, honest, and lawful election – Trump was voted out of office absent fraud or cheating.

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