Ga. Citizens Launch Grand Jury Petition To Probe Election Fraud

He did get more votes (81 million). That's why he won.
He stole more, if that's what you mean.

And he didn't campaign from his basement. Nor was he senile.
Oh? He was out and about every day was he? Sure he was.
Not senile...silly...goofy...not all there. Anyway you want to call it.

He presented a competent and composed alternative to the incompetent and corrupt fraud that has so far, cost the lives
of 320K+ people and is responsible for the almost 7% unemployment.

Wasn't much of a choice. The fraud had to go.
Remove the contrived illegal votes and Trump won. By a lot!
Were they covering up by holding two recounts plus a signature recount?
Yes. As long as Kemp and Aspenperger (sic) do the counting they could have 100 recounts, 1000 recounts.
and it will all end up the same.
Of course, I should've known.

It's amazing how those two guys can count all of those ballots over and over so quickly.
It's easy when you already have predetermined what any outcome will be.
Fuck off you conspiracy theory whacko. Seriously, you shouldn't be allowed to post. You're like the guy yelling fire in a theatre. The amount of damage you are doing to your country is Deplorable.....oh, wait a minute, that is what you are.....

....a Deplorable. Carry on moron.
Looks like some Democrats might have screwed up....

Ga. citizens launch grand jury petition to probe election fraud | One America News Network (

Citizens of Georgia started a petition to call on a grand jury to probe election fraud in their state.

“Look, we gotta petition the grand jury because we know that ballots were orchestrated that aren’t ballots from the state of Georgia,” a petitioner with ‘Citizens Advocacy‘ stated. “Absentee ballots–with no excuse–they were coming from all over.”

Petition organizers said this year’s elections were not free nor fair. They emphasized that election integrity was blatantly violated by universal mail-in ballots, as well.

Members of ‘Citizens Advocacy’ also added that all documented accounts of ballot-dumps, electronic tampering and the harassment of poll-watchers must be investigated.

Additionally, petitioners stressed that election officials as well as the Democrat party may have committed criminal or civil wrong-doing to steal the election for Joe Biden.
If matters run true to form, law enforcement will investigate the complainers first, not what is being complained about. Think before you complain.

How very Stalinist of you....
Were they covering up by holding two recounts plus a signature recount?
Yes. As long as Kemp and Aspenperger (sic) do the counting they could have 100 recounts, 1000 recounts.
and it will all end up the same.
Of course, I should've known.

It's amazing how those two guys can count all of those ballots over and over so quickly.
It's easy when you already have predetermined what any outcome will be.
Fuck off you conspiracy theory whacko. Seriously, you shouldn't be allowed to post. You're like the guy yelling fire in a theatre. The amount of damage you are doing to your country is Deplorable.....oh, wait a minute, that is what you are.....

....a Deplorable. Carry on moron.

Always trying to silence dissent eh? Sounds like a good comrade.
Always trying to silence dissent eh? Sounds like a good comrade.

Naw, He can say whatever he wants. Just like I can call him out on his BS. But the damage he is doing to your society - those like him - is irreparable.
Fuck off you conspiracy theory whacko. Seriously, you shouldn't be allowed to post. You're like the guy yelling fire in a theatre. The amount of damage you are doing to your country is Deplorable.....oh, wait a minute, that is what you are.....

....a Deplorable. Carry on moron.
No damage done by the Biden Bunch huh, stealing the presidency, disenfranchising over 73 million people?

No big deal, you.
Naw, He can say whatever he wants. Just like I can call him out on his BS. But the damage he is doing to your society - those like him - is irreparable.
And what is YOUR society? The collection of bugs and snails that live under rocks?
Oh nonsense...Hysterical nonsense....If anyone is damaging society it is you progressive liberals....

Ha!! You fake news wannabes rambling on about election fraud with absolutely NO proof is what is hysterical. Unfortunately, most Deplorables, who have the IQ of an amoeba, are falling for your BS. And THAT is what is killing your country.
Fuck off you conspiracy theory whacko. Seriously, you shouldn't be allowed to post. You're like the guy yelling fire in a theatre. The amount of damage you are doing to your country is Deplorable.....oh, wait a minute, that is what you are.....

....a Deplorable. Carry on moron.
No damage done by the Biden Bunch huh, stealing the presidency, disenfranchising over 73 million people?

No big deal, you.
Stop lying. Post your irrefutable proof from reliable sources or just STFU you stagnant piece of garbage.
Naw, He can say whatever he wants. Just like I can call him out on his BS. But the damage he is doing to your society - those like him - is irreparable.
And what is YOUR society? The collection of bugs and snails that live under rocks?
I'm not American you twat. It is a society that would never allow such a piece of human excrement like the Donald to be our leader.
Oh nonsense...Hysterical nonsense....If anyone is damaging society it is you progressive liberals....

Ha!! You fake news wannabes rambling on about election fraud with absolutely NO proof is what is hysterical. Unfortunately, most Deplorables, who have the IQ of an amoeba, are falling for your BS. And THAT is what is killing your country.

Aw hell are certainly in a group of minorities with that opinion. Even a percentage of Democrats think that there was funny business going on with the election. So, you can be as gruff, and nasty as you want, it doesn’t change the fact, that this election will go down in history as one where the outcome was in question, and therefore Biden, while president will be illegitimate...
Oh nonsense...Hysterical nonsense....If anyone is damaging society it is you progressive liberals....

Ha!! You fake news wannabes rambling on about election fraud with absolutely NO proof is what is hysterical. Unfortunately, most Deplorables, who have the IQ of an amoeba, are falling for your BS. And THAT is what is killing your country.

Aw hell are certainly in a group of minorities with that opinion. Even a percentage of Democrats think that there was funny business going on with the election. So, you can be as gruff, and nasty as you want, it doesn’t change the fact, that this election will go down in history as one where the outcome was in question, and therefore Biden, while president will be illegitimate...
Donald stated that the election outcome would be questionable (if he lost) back in July, then ramped it up in October. So he lost, and now everyone that voted for him knows that the outcome is questionable, and have gone so far as to accuse the Supreme court of being in on it.

Think Man. It's why there will possibly be 100 suits thrown out of court before Jan. 20th. He can't possibly let up on his crusade to make Joe Biden look bad. Didn't you read his book: The Art of Making Other People Look Bad?
I'm not American you twat. It is a society that would never allow such a piece of human excrement like the Donald to be our leader.
Right. I got that clue. Thanks. I can only guess you come from a land of insufferable losers and cranky
seniors that are perpetually constipated.
Canada comes to mind. Good luck with your dense Sears catalog underwear model Prime Minister.
The first thing they should do is arrest those two poll workers who were caught on tape running the same votes through the scanner many times and squeeze the shit out of them. They'll spill names, numbers and places concerning this voter fraud if they're pressured enough.
Wasn't a miracle. Biden won. Trump lost. Deal with it.
The man who campaigned from his basement and is a three time loser running for president got more votes
supposedly than any man who has ever run for that office?

Keep on lying.
What you feel the outcome should have been, means less than shit. You better get that Trump pillow ready for Jan 6 and 20, because you’re gonna be biting it hard.

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