GA Special Election: Complete, Utter, and total failure of Liberalism

The NYT is predicting that Handel will win. If she does, yet another Epic Lib Vote Buying FAIL.
I live in Georgia. By Georgia standards, I'm pretty Liberal. By national standards, I'm fairly moderate. By San Francisco or New York standards, I'm a RW lunatic who only cares about Guns and all that sort of radical nonsense.

Where you fall on the spectrum depends on where you are at the time. A friend who was "Conservative" in California and who just moved to Arkansas is finding that some of his "conservative" views are near as makes no difference akin to Communism in the community where he lives now.

In Pelosi's district, I'd be a radical RW lunatic. But that is what makes this nation interesting. San Francisco can re-elect Pelosi from now until she's dead, and there isn't a damned thing anyone in Georgia can do about it. We will choose our own representatives. We choose Representatives who don't have to fit anyone's idea of damned good but we prefer. This idea of party purity, and purity purges is what is making this nation a prime candidate for Civil War 2.0. And before you ask, I don't want either side to win. I would hate living in a Law and Order paradise. I would also hate living in a progressive dream state.

But purity purges are what will drive us to that extreme. When you demand that everyone choose one radical idealology and swear loyalty to it.
New York Times is saying Handel is going to win and she is leading right now :D
Handel, a racist white supremacist who wants voter ID laws, won Fulton County, which has a lot of black votes. she's gonna win.

now for the bad news for the GOP. the Republican/Trump candidate in South Carolina who was favorite to easily win is tied.

The South Carolina race is just fine. That was the district I lived in before I moved to Las Vegas. It is safely Republican
Handel, a racist white supremacist who wants voter ID laws, won Fulton County, which has a lot of black votes. she's gonna win.

now for the bad news for the GOP. the Republican/Trump candidate in South Carolina who was favorite to easily win is tied.

The South Carolina race is just fine. That was the district I lived in before I moved to Las Vegas. It is safely Republican
I just saw update on it on MSNBC (BARF) there is a 3% lead for the GOP there....not as good as it was expected but only 71% in. In Georgia Handel has expanded her lead a little bit.Now up by little more than 2500 votes.
Oh damn NYT just jumped her lead to 5k votes! Damn I either gotta watch CNN,MSNBC or watch the web on NYT....jeez why can't fox pay attention to this more!
Democrats are so desperate for victory that they have done everything possible to get John Ossoff elected

very unfair!
Handel, a racist white supremacist who wants voter ID laws, won Fulton County, which has a lot of black votes. she's gonna win.

now for the bad news for the GOP. the Republican/Trump candidate in South Carolina who was favorite to easily win is tied.

The South Carolina race is just fine. That was the district I lived in before I moved to Las Vegas. It is safely Republican

it was closer than it was supposed to be. not a good sign for 2018.

dana perino, who's wrong on everything, predicted the GOP will gain senate seats, another not good sign for 2018.

and who wouldn't move from south carolina to las vegas?
As much money as was thrown at this race the Democrats should have won this in a landslide
Handel, a racist white supremacist who wants voter ID laws, won Fulton County, which has a lot of black votes. she's gonna win.

now for the bad news for the GOP. the Republican/Trump candidate in South Carolina who was favorite to easily win is tied.

The South Carolina race is just fine. That was the district I lived in before I moved to Las Vegas. It is safely Republican

it was closer than it was supposed to be. not a good sign for 2018.

dana perino, who's wrong on everything, predicted the GOP will gain senate seats, another not good sign for 2018.

and who wouldn't move from south carolina to las vegas?

Special elections typically tend to be closer than the general, so it doesn't really mean all that much. As far as the midterm elections go, the Democrats probably will gain seats as the party not in the White House usually does better
Handel, a racist white supremacist who wants voter ID laws, won Fulton County, which has a lot of black votes. she's gonna win.

now for the bad news for the GOP. the Republican/Trump candidate in South Carolina who was favorite to easily win is tied.

The South Carolina race is just fine. That was the district I lived in before I moved to Las Vegas. It is safely Republican

it was closer than it was supposed to be. not a good sign for 2018.

dana perino, who's wrong on everything, predicted the GOP will gain senate seats, another not good sign for 2018.

and who wouldn't move from south carolina to las vegas?

Special elections typically tend to be closer than the general, so it doesn't really mean all that much. As far as the midterm elections go, the Democrats probably will gain seats as the party not in the White House usually does better

All of the special elections have the Dems doing much better than six months ago.
Handel, a racist white supremacist who wants voter ID laws, won Fulton County, which has a lot of black votes. she's gonna win.

now for the bad news for the GOP. the Republican/Trump candidate in South Carolina who was favorite to easily win is tied.

The South Carolina race is just fine. That was the district I lived in before I moved to Las Vegas. It is safely Republican

it was closer than it was supposed to be. not a good sign for 2018.

dana perino, who's wrong on everything, predicted the GOP will gain senate seats, another not good sign for 2018.

and who wouldn't move from south carolina to las vegas?

Special elections typically tend to be closer than the general, so it doesn't really mean all that much. As far as the midterm elections go, the Democrats probably will gain seats as the party not in the White House usually does better

All of the special elections have the Dems doing much better than six months ago.

All of the special elections have the Dems doing much better than six months ago.

Thats' right. With that and $3.55 you can get a cup of coffee.

The only reason ANY races are close is RINO are stalling Trump and letting DemWitts drag Trump through the mud. Why are they not investigating real crimes by Rice, Clinton, Obama, Jarret........on down the line.

People are beginning not to care. I know I am fed up. They have no Tax reform, trouble getting money for a wall, still trying to give free health-care to non-working illegals.............why get up and vote for more of that? Sit back and wait for the end.
Instead of running on an "I Love Pelosi and Progressives Platform", Jon Ossoff (D) has borrowed a page from Obama and is sounding like a fiscal Conservative and political Moderate. If Liberalism is a success, why is he running as a Republican?

"Local economic development and cutting wasteful government spending are Ossoff's talking points in a race against Republican Karen Handel that has shattered records as the most expensive congressional contest in U.S. history. Polls show it is headed for a tight finish in Tuesday's special election."

Do you have any doubt that if he's elected he'll vote 100% Liberal/Socialist? Why isn't he running on a Progressive platform?

In House race in Georgia, Democrats look for new path to power
a trump said maybe 2nd amendment solutions
Special elections typically tend to be closer than the general, so it doesn't really mean all that much. As far as the midterm elections go, the Democrats probably will gain seats as the party not in the White House usually does better

Things are so close right now it is impossible to predict anything. We should know more by the primary. If Republicans are primaried out then the Republicans should stay in power and may gain, but if they aren't then the Republicans will most likely lose.

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