Gabby Giffords Turns Slimewad

The "problem" with anti-gun loons is that they can only argue from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.

Ah -- you mean like this?

No it isn't dickweed. Rape does not bring constitutional liberties into question and use emotion to try and take them away.

Is there a reason you can't think with more than two brainscells ?

or this?

Maybe you should shoot yourself in the head. If you survive, your likely to be smarter than you are now.

You certainly could not be any more stupid.

Or more like this?

Not that I would assume that all Native Americans are asswipes based on your sorry performance.

How 'bout this?

A Prog got hurt, therefore they can take away your Constitutional right


"Yeah, sounds legit to me"


she is a true half-wit puppet whose strings are manipulated by her scumbag husband, prior to her getting half her brains blown away she claimed to be a supporter of gun rights......., but only for themselves.

yes Gabby, shut the fuck up, you fucking half-wit twit. :lmao:

Or like this?

she's a typical progressive/Democrat who uses her injuries to beat people over the head with. and when she came out and blamed Sarah Palin that right there was the last respect or care I had about her

she's a slimy leftie/dem/commie


They have free birth control and abortions, and it's just sex. Right? I mean that's what you libitards tell us anyway.


Giffords always was a slimewad piece of shit. Taking a slug to the brain pan didn't change that.

The other?

You go Gabby...right down the toilet. Along with Lakhota.

Is there a reason you can't think with more than two brainscells ?

Doncha love that ad hom shooting self in foot spelling?

no moron. the NRA doesn't use anyone to piss on the constitutional rights of others

thats what you anti gun scum bags do

The other other other?

Why cannot a MORON like you spell MORON properly? are you an IMBECILE?

well you are either a LIAR or a MORON
...are you merely stupid or are you dishonest?


And tomorrow will be day 81,863 of us telling you to fuck off.

Hey asswipe.....
Why don't you run off and cry somewhere.

If you want to worship Giffords as a hero....go for it. You are as big a loser as she it.

Otherwise, tighten up your diaper and STFU.

i notice everyone says "took a bullet to the head".., is that because she never had a brain ? not even a half of one ? :lmao: .... :lmao: .... :lmao: .... :lmao: .... she and scumbag Kelly are full of :bsflag:

RightWhigger.., try for once in your life to be "SENSIBLE" and quit throwing :bsflag: in all your posts.., OK ?

oooooooh ! i almost forgot.......

:fu: ................. :asshole:

How 'bout the one two posts back that actually accused a shooting victim, shot in the head in a mass murder, of causing the murder?

How 'bout the one three days back that accused Giffords of forcing Sarah Palin to target Giffords' office with crosshairs? The old "Duh debbil made her do it" dance?

How 'bout the supreme irony of an OP that tags "slimewad" on a Congresswoman who had to resign from that shooting for ads in a campaign she's not even part of?

I got your irony right here, pal. You want emotion, irrationality and flat out juvenile logic? There's way more.
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Gabby Giffords was my representative.
She was the one who was irresponsible and she got 18 people shot and 6 innocent people killed, all because she refused to have the police there at that meeting.
She knew that there had been several threats so she wanted to look like she trusted the people and said no to the police being there.
Had they been there, they would have stopped him and 6 people including a child would still be alive today.
Now she is promoting gun laws that will not work and lying to boot about it.
It's despicable politics at it's dirtiest.

Talk about blame the victim

It is not blaming the victim. The victim was the one who was the cause of that tragedy.
Blaming the victim would mean that she knew nothing about any threats and she did. She knew that there was at least three of them.
It was in our news and newspapers about these possible threats. That is why she did not want the police there. She said " I trust the people of Arizona so I do not want the police there". It was a political stunt and it backfired on her big time.
Being irresponsible has consequences and 6 people are dead because of her terrible decision just to look good in front of her voters.
It is not blaming the victim. The victim was the one who was the cause of that tragedy.
Do you know what blame the victim means?

I trust the people of Arizona so I do not want the police there". It was a political stunt
Wanting to meet the voters without a large police force surrounding you is a "Political stunt"?

She sounds like a brave woman to me

Why is it that the left wing always is so dramatic?
No large police force.
It is usually two officers with two cars and they would have been sufficient to have stopped him.
A crazied Muslim convert cuts off the head of one woman and was in the process of murdering another when guess what happens, a plain-clothes cop pulls a gun and shoots the SOB and stops him dead in his tracks.

Any tougher gun-laws and who knows how many more would be dead today. Oh, and the Whitehouse wants to call this just another case of workplace violence. Cuz Muslims don't commit terrorism, not in this country. White Christians, those hosers commit terrorism no questions asked. Yesserie Bob!!!!
A crazied Muslim convert cuts off the head of one woman and was in the process of murdering another when guess what happens, a plain-clothes cop pulls a gun and shoots the SOB and stops him dead in his tracks.

Any tougher gun-laws and who knows how many more would be dead today. Oh, and the Whitehouse wants to call this just another case of workplace violence. Cuz Muslims don't commit terrorism, not in this country. White Christians, those hosers commit terrorism no questions asked. Yesserie Bob!!!!

You're saying gun laws make guns disappear?
Interesting. I didn't think it worked that way.
Gabby Giffords was my representative.
She was the one who was irresponsible and she got 18 people shot and 6 innocent people killed, all because she refused to have the police there at that meeting.
She knew that there had been several threats so she wanted to look like she trusted the people and said no to the police being there.
Had they been there, they would have stopped him and 6 people including a child would still be alive today.
Now she is promoting gun laws that will not work and lying to boot about it.
It's despicable politics at it's dirtiest.

Talk about blame the victim

It is not blaming the victim. The victim was the one who was the cause of that tragedy.
Blaming the victim would mean that she knew nothing about any threats and she did. She knew that there was at least three of them.
It was in our news and newspapers about these possible threats. That is why she did not want the police there. She said " I trust the people of Arizona so I do not want the police there". It was a political stunt and it backfired on her big time.
Being irresponsible has consequences and 6 people are dead because of her terrible decision just to look good in front of her voters.
It is not blaming the victim. The victim was the one who was the cause of that tragedy.
Do you know what blame the victim means?

I trust the people of Arizona so I do not want the police there". It was a political stunt
Wanting to meet the voters without a large police force surrounding you is a "Political stunt"?

She sounds like a brave woman to me

Why is it that the left wing always is so dramatic?
No large police force.
It is usually two officers with two cars and they would have been sufficient to have stopped him.

Apparently she doesn't.

Thats' the kind of waters to which the blind partisan ship sails. Same as Stephanie -- "she was asking for it".
I'm kinda shocked to hear this kind of illogic coming from women.
Gabby Giffords was my representative.
She was the one who was irresponsible and she got 18 people shot and 6 innocent people killed, all because she refused to have the police there at that meeting.
She knew that there had been several threats so she wanted to look like she trusted the people and said no to the police being there.
Had they been there, they would have stopped him and 6 people including a child would still be alive today.
Now she is promoting gun laws that will not work and lying to boot about it.
It's despicable politics at it's dirtiest.

Talk about blame the victim

It is not blaming the victim. The victim was the one who was the cause of that tragedy.
Blaming the victim would mean that she knew nothing about any threats and she did. She knew that there was at least three of them.
It was in our news and newspapers about these possible threats. That is why she did not want the police there. She said " I trust the people of Arizona so I do not want the police there". It was a political stunt and it backfired on her big time.
Being irresponsible has consequences and 6 people are dead because of her terrible decision just to look good in front of her voters.
It is not blaming the victim. The victim was the one who was the cause of that tragedy.
Do you know what blame the victim means?

I trust the people of Arizona so I do not want the police there". It was a political stunt
Wanting to meet the voters without a large police force surrounding you is a "Political stunt"?

She sounds like a brave woman to me

Why is it that the left wing always is so dramatic?
No large police force.
It is usually two officers with two cars and they would have been sufficient to have stopped him.

How do you know they would not have ended up dead?
Gabby Giffords was my representative.
She was the one who was irresponsible and she got 18 people shot and 6 innocent people killed, all because she refused to have the police there at that meeting.
She knew that there had been several threats so she wanted to look like she trusted the people and said no to the police being there.
Had they been there, they would have stopped him and 6 people including a child would still be alive today.
Now she is promoting gun laws that will not work and lying to boot about it.
It's despicable politics at it's dirtiest.

Talk about blame the victim

It is not blaming the victim. The victim was the one who was the cause of that tragedy.
Blaming the victim would mean that she knew nothing about any threats and she did. She knew that there was at least three of them.
It was in our news and newspapers about these possible threats. That is why she did not want the police there. She said " I trust the people of Arizona so I do not want the police there". It was a political stunt and it backfired on her big time.
Being irresponsible has consequences and 6 people are dead because of her terrible decision just to look good in front of her voters.
It is not blaming the victim. The victim was the one who was the cause of that tragedy.
Do you know what blame the victim means?

I trust the people of Arizona so I do not want the police there". It was a political stunt
Wanting to meet the voters without a large police force surrounding you is a "Political stunt"?

She sounds like a brave woman to me

Why is it that the left wing always is so dramatic?
No large police force.
It is usually two officers with two cars and they would have been sufficient to have stopped him.

Apparently she doesn't.

Thats' the kind of waters to which the blind partisan ship sails. Same as Stephanie -- "she was asking for it".
I'm kinda shocked to hear this kind of illogic coming from women.

It is not asking for it.
It is about being responsible and having consequences for your actions.
Gabby knew that there had been recent threats out there but she refused the two police cars and the 2 officers that would and should have been at that event.
When you are a public official and you know that they may be some that would want to do you harm, you act on that and have two officers at your event.
You protect yourself and all the people that were there and she did not do that.
A crazied Muslim convert cuts off the head of one woman and was in the process of murdering another when guess what happens, a plain-clothes cop pulls a gun and shoots the SOB and stops him dead in his tracks.

Any tougher gun-laws and who knows how many more would be dead today. Oh, and the Whitehouse wants to call this just another case of workplace violence. Cuz Muslims don't commit terrorism, not in this country. White Christians, those hosers commit terrorism no questions asked. Yesserie Bob!!!!

You're saying gun laws make guns disappear?
Interesting. I didn't think it worked that way.
Yup, sure duz
Talk about blame the victim

It is not blaming the victim. The victim was the one who was the cause of that tragedy.
Blaming the victim would mean that she knew nothing about any threats and she did. She knew that there was at least three of them.
It was in our news and newspapers about these possible threats. That is why she did not want the police there. She said " I trust the people of Arizona so I do not want the police there". It was a political stunt and it backfired on her big time.
Being irresponsible has consequences and 6 people are dead because of her terrible decision just to look good in front of her voters.
It is not blaming the victim. The victim was the one who was the cause of that tragedy.
Do you know what blame the victim means?

I trust the people of Arizona so I do not want the police there". It was a political stunt
Wanting to meet the voters without a large police force surrounding you is a "Political stunt"?

She sounds like a brave woman to me

Why is it that the left wing always is so dramatic?
No large police force.
It is usually two officers with two cars and they would have been sufficient to have stopped him.

Apparently she doesn't.

Thats' the kind of waters to which the blind partisan ship sails. Same as Stephanie -- "she was asking for it".
I'm kinda shocked to hear this kind of illogic coming from women.

It is not asking for it.
It is about being responsible and having consequences for your actions.
Gabby knew that there had been recent threats out there but she refused the two police cars and the 2 officers that would and should have been at that event.
When you are a public official and you know that they may be some that would want to do you harm, you act on that and have two officers at your event.
You protect yourself and all the people that were there and she did not do that.


Pretty sad stretch, Peach. You're embarrassing yourself.

By the way -- where's your link that Giffords kept the police away? We're supposed to take the word of a partisan hack who would blame the victim with "she was asking for it"? Dooooon't think so.

Guess Reagan got Brady shot too. Guess Lincoln put the lives of everybody in Ford's Theater at risk. And speaking of Ford, he endangered innocents in crowds twice.

Your own moronic logic. And it's gonna follow you around.

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Gabby Giffords was my representative.
She was the one who was irresponsible and she got 18 people shot and 6 innocent people killed, all because she refused to have the police there at that meeting.
She knew that there had been several threats so she wanted to look like she trusted the people and said no to the police being there.
Had they been there, they would have stopped him and 6 people including a child would still be alive today.
Now she is promoting gun laws that will not work and lying to boot about it.
It's despicable politics at it's dirtiest.

Talk about blame the victim

It is not blaming the victim. The victim was the one who was the cause of that tragedy.
Blaming the victim would mean that she knew nothing about any threats and she did. She knew that there was at least three of them.
It was in our news and newspapers about these possible threats. That is why she did not want the police there. She said " I trust the people of Arizona so I do not want the police there". It was a political stunt and it backfired on her big time.
Being irresponsible has consequences and 6 people are dead because of her terrible decision just to look good in front of her voters.
It is not blaming the victim. The victim was the one who was the cause of that tragedy.
Do you know what blame the victim means?

I trust the people of Arizona so I do not want the police there". It was a political stunt
Wanting to meet the voters without a large police force surrounding you is a "Political stunt"?

She sounds like a brave woman to me

Why is it that the left wing always is so dramatic?
No large police force.
It is usually two officers with two cars and they would have been sufficient to have stopped him.

How do you know they would not have ended up dead?

The cops or the people that were shot.
If you think it would have been the cops you are wrong. The cops in Tucson deal with these crazy types all the time and they may get wounded but the crazy guy always end up dead or incapacitated.
Maybe one our two people would have been shot, but the cops would have killed him before he injured 18 and killed 6.
Talk about blame the victim

It is not blaming the victim. The victim was the one who was the cause of that tragedy.
Blaming the victim would mean that she knew nothing about any threats and she did. She knew that there was at least three of them.
It was in our news and newspapers about these possible threats. That is why she did not want the police there. She said " I trust the people of Arizona so I do not want the police there". It was a political stunt and it backfired on her big time.
Being irresponsible has consequences and 6 people are dead because of her terrible decision just to look good in front of her voters.
It is not blaming the victim. The victim was the one who was the cause of that tragedy.
Do you know what blame the victim means?

I trust the people of Arizona so I do not want the police there". It was a political stunt
Wanting to meet the voters without a large police force surrounding you is a "Political stunt"?

She sounds like a brave woman to me

Why is it that the left wing always is so dramatic?
No large police force.
It is usually two officers with two cars and they would have been sufficient to have stopped him.

How do you know they would not have ended up dead?

The cops or the people that were shot.
If you think it would have been the cops you are wrong. The cops in Tucson deal with these crazy types all the time and they may get wounded but the crazy guy always end up dead or incapacitated.
Maybe one our two people would have been shot, but the cops would have killed him before he injured 18 and killed 6.

Speculation fallacy.

Dig deeper, o partisan hack. :dig:
The cops or the people that were shot.
If you think it would have been the cops you are wrong. The cops in Tucson deal with these crazy types all the time and they may get wounded but the crazy guy always end up dead or incapacitated.
Maybe one our two people would have been shot, but the cops would have killed him before he injured 18 and killed 6.

You'll never convince them.

Their fairy tales have the shooter getting pissed at the cops and setting of a nuclear bomb.

Nothing good can come for having guns or police around.
Speculation fallacy.

Dig deeper, o partisan hack. :dig:

You are now the target of the losing side.

Especially since RW can't ever post anything in support of his crapp.

Pogostick, obviously feels sorry for him and is trying several different tricks to get him (RW) out of the corner you've backed him into.

Good job. :beer:
It is not blaming the victim. The victim was the one who was the cause of that tragedy.
Blaming the victim would mean that she knew nothing about any threats and she did. She knew that there was at least three of them.
It was in our news and newspapers about these possible threats. That is why she did not want the police there. She said " I trust the people of Arizona so I do not want the police there". It was a political stunt and it backfired on her big time.
Being irresponsible has consequences and 6 people are dead because of her terrible decision just to look good in front of her voters.
It is not blaming the victim. The victim was the one who was the cause of that tragedy.
Do you know what blame the victim means?

I trust the people of Arizona so I do not want the police there". It was a political stunt
Wanting to meet the voters without a large police force surrounding you is a "Political stunt"?

She sounds like a brave woman to me

Why is it that the left wing always is so dramatic?
No large police force.
It is usually two officers with two cars and they would have been sufficient to have stopped him.

Apparently she doesn't.

Thats' the kind of waters to which the blind partisan ship sails. Same as Stephanie -- "she was asking for it".
I'm kinda shocked to hear this kind of illogic coming from women.

It is not asking for it.
It is about being responsible and having consequences for your actions.
Gabby knew that there had been recent threats out there but she refused the two police cars and the 2 officers that would and should have been at that event.
When you are a public official and you know that they may be some that would want to do you harm, you act on that and have two officers at your event.
You protect yourself and all the people that were there and she did not do that.


Pretty sad stretch, Peach. You're embarrassing yourself.

Guess Reagan got Brady shot too. Guess Lincoln put the lives of everybody in Ford's Theater at risk. And speaking of Ford, he endangered innocents in crowds twice.

Your own moronic logic. And it's gonna follow you around.


Just like a lefty, can't understand personal responsibility.
Group thinking will do that to you.
Being responsible and using common sense is not moronic. Not being responsible or using common sense is moronic.
I never said that some may have not gotten shot.
I'm saying that it would have been a whole lot less than 18 people.
Just like it was two when Reagan and Brady got shot. They stopped him. If secret service wasn't there both of them would have been dead.
And during Lincoln's time there was no secret service and the one who was guarding the door was not there.
It is not blaming the victim. The victim was the one who was the cause of that tragedy.
Do you know what blame the victim means?

I trust the people of Arizona so I do not want the police there". It was a political stunt
Wanting to meet the voters without a large police force surrounding you is a "Political stunt"?

She sounds like a brave woman to me

Why is it that the left wing always is so dramatic?
No large police force.
It is usually two officers with two cars and they would have been sufficient to have stopped him.

Apparently she doesn't.

Thats' the kind of waters to which the blind partisan ship sails. Same as Stephanie -- "she was asking for it".
I'm kinda shocked to hear this kind of illogic coming from women.

It is not asking for it.
It is about being responsible and having consequences for your actions.
Gabby knew that there had been recent threats out there but she refused the two police cars and the 2 officers that would and should have been at that event.
When you are a public official and you know that they may be some that would want to do you harm, you act on that and have two officers at your event.
You protect yourself and all the people that were there and she did not do that.


Pretty sad stretch, Peach. You're embarrassing yourself.

Guess Reagan got Brady shot too. Guess Lincoln put the lives of everybody in Ford's Theater at risk. And speaking of Ford, he endangered innocents in crowds twice.

Your own moronic logic. And it's gonna follow you around.


Just like a lefty, can't understand personal responsibility.
Group thinking will do that to you.
Being responsible and using common sense is not moronic. Not being responsible or using common sense is moronic.
I never said that some may have not gotten shot.
I'm saying that it would have been a whole lot less than 18 people.

You just contradicted yourself in two short sentences. And you're too blind to see it.

Watch it here in slo-mo:
(1) I never said that some may have not gotten shot.

(2) I'm saying that it would have been a whole lot less than 18 people.

Now how exactly do you shoot fewer (not "less", fewer) than 18 people --- without not-shooting some of the 18?

See where this blind partisan ship sails you ? :dig:

Yer a piece of work, Peach.

STILL waiting for your evidence that Giffords kept the police away. Is there some kind of problem? Lack of personal responsibility perhaps? As if blaming a shooting victim for murder isn't already irresponsible enough.... :rolleyes:

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