Gabby Giffords Turns Slimewad

Oooo the
98 Senators had the good sense to vote for a bill that provides the means to protect the American homeland. I had no idea that two posters on USMB are smarter that all 98 Senators. Live and learn, then again..............
Ah yes the defense of this nation excuse.
This was used at the time. I certainly hope you don't mind the NSA watching you like they are now

I wonder if they were watching Lois Lerner and the IRS. Since I have nothing to hide, I doubt seriously that they are 'watching' me.
Oh the nothing to hide excuse... I love it, all the golden oldies from 2002. You are part of the problem, and they are watching you.

I suggest they may be watching an anti-American pissant like you.
They are watching everyone you twit.
You better be worried if that is true.
Really? You think soldiers are exempt from background checks when they obtain the eligibility to those military weapons?

WTF does that have to do with anything SFB?

Because these nuts are fighting to preserve background check loopholes, and some of them even believe that background checks themselves are unconstitutional.

They are unconstitutional. Where does the Constitution state the government can impose requirements to buy a gun? The 2nd amendment states quite clearly that it can't impose requirements.
Right here:

Like most rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited. It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose: For example, concealed weapons prohibitions have been upheld under the Amendment or state analogues. The Court’s opinion should not be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings, or laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms.”


The Constitution authorizes government to enact restrictions, requirements, and impositions to purchasing a firearm.

And the constitution gives us the right through militias to say hell no, we disagree


so much is left out of that quote


Miller’s holding that the sorts of weapons protected are those “in common use at the time” finds support in the historical tradition of prohibiting the carrying of dangerous and unusual weapons
Oooo the
Ah yes the defense of this nation excuse.
This was used at the time. I certainly hope you don't mind the NSA watching you like they are now

I wonder if they were watching Lois Lerner and the IRS. Since I have nothing to hide, I doubt seriously that they are 'watching' me.
Oh the nothing to hide excuse... I love it, all the golden oldies from 2002. You are part of the problem, and they are watching you.

I suggest they may be watching an anti-American pissant like you.
They are watching everyone you twit.
You better be worried if that is true.
Yes....I am, because it's illegal in my opinion
These ads are outrageous and far from truthful, They should have never aired let alone be made. I am sorry that Giffords was a victim of that a monstrous crime but that doesn't give her the right to stretch the truth in these ads.That being said, I wish her well in her recovery.
Gabby Giffords was my representative.
She was the one who was irresponsible and she got 18 people shot and 6 innocent people killed, all because she refused to have the police there at that meeting.
She knew that there had been several threats so she wanted to look like she trusted the people and said no to the police being there.
Had they been there, they would have stopped him and 6 people including a child would still be alive today.
Now she is promoting gun laws that will not work and lying to boot about it.
It's despicable politics at it's dirtiest.
Gabby Giffords was my representative.
She was the one who was irresponsible and she got 18 people shot and 6 innocent people killed, all because she refused to have the police there at that meeting.
She knew that there had been several threats so she wanted to look like she trusted the people and said no to the police being there.
Had they been there, they would have stopped him and 6 people including a child would still be alive today.
Now she is promoting gun laws that will not work and lying to boot about it.
It's despicable politics at it's dirtiest.

Talk about blame the victim
Really? You think soldiers are exempt from background checks when they obtain the eligibility to those military weapons?

WTF does that have to do with anything SFB?

Because these nuts are fighting to preserve background check loopholes, and some of them even believe that background checks themselves are unconstitutional.

They are unconstitutional. Where does the Constitution state the government can impose requirements to buy a gun? The 2nd amendment states quite clearly that it can't impose requirements.
Right here:

Like most rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited. It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose: For example, concealed weapons prohibitions have been upheld under the Amendment or state analogues. The Court’s opinion should not be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings, or laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms.”


The Constitution authorizes government to enact restrictions, requirements, and impositions to purchasing a firearm.

Quite wasting bandwidth by posting the opinions of a gang of carefully selected political hacks. The 2nd Amendment couldn't be any clearer: "the right to bear arms shall not be infringed." Even a brain damaged libturd can understand what that means.
i agreed with your post, but i have to DISAGREE with this statement, it is quite obvious they do NOT ! if they did there would be no argument from them, here is exactly what they do not understand and never will..,
The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed; ...
i do not know if this definition is sufficient for libertards/demoscum to comprehend, but i'll post it any way: infringe, to encroach upon in a way that violates law or the rights of another
Gabby Giffords was my representative.
She was the one who was irresponsible and she got 18 people shot and 6 innocent people killed, all because she refused to have the police there at that meeting.
She knew that there had been several threats so she wanted to look like she trusted the people and said no to the police being there.
Had they been there, they would have stopped him and 6 people including a child would still be alive today.
Now she is promoting gun laws that will not work and lying to boot about it.
It's despicable politics at it's dirtiest.

thanks, that's why she turned on Palin and some stupid map with targets on it. All to smear Palin while she running for office
that's when I lost any respect or sympathy for her. I still don't care what she wants, ask for or wishes. I wish she'd go home and we never her from again. You think she would care about that? go away gabby
Gabby Giffords was my representative.
She was the one who was irresponsible and she got 18 people shot and 6 innocent people killed, all because she refused to have the police there at that meeting.
She knew that there had been several threats so she wanted to look like she trusted the people and said no to the police being there.
Had they been there, they would have stopped him and 6 people including a child would still be alive today.
Now she is promoting gun laws that will not work and lying to boot about it.
It's despicable politics at it's dirtiest.

Talk about blame the victim

That's all you've got ?


She's not accountable because she lived (and that makes her situation more visible).

You guys are pathetic.
Gabby Giffords was my representative.
She was the one who was irresponsible and she got 18 people shot and 6 innocent people killed, all because she refused to have the police there at that meeting.
She knew that there had been several threats so she wanted to look like she trusted the people and said no to the police being there.
Had they been there, they would have stopped him and 6 people including a child would still be alive today.
Now she is promoting gun laws that will not work and lying to boot about it.
It's despicable politics at it's dirtiest.

Talk about blame the victim

It is not blaming the victim. The victim was the one who was the cause of that tragedy.
Blaming the victim would mean that she knew nothing about any threats and she did. She knew that there was at least three of them.
It was in our news and newspapers about these possible threats. That is why she did not want the police there. She said " I trust the people of Arizona so I do not want the police there". It was a political stunt and it backfired on her big time.
Being irresponsible has consequences and 6 people are dead because of her terrible decision just to look good in front of her voters.
Gabby Giffords was my representative.
She was the one who was irresponsible and she got 18 people shot and 6 innocent people killed, all because she refused to have the police there at that meeting.
She knew that there had been several threats so she wanted to look like she trusted the people and said no to the police being there.
Had they been there, they would have stopped him and 6 people including a child would still be alive today.
Now she is promoting gun laws that will not work and lying to boot about it.
It's despicable politics at it's dirtiest.

Talk about blame the victim
as opposed to what you gun ban morons do-blame millions of innocents

If Gabby had pulled out a gun and shot the guy.....what a dilema for dems.

She did them a favor by taking a bullet.
Gabby Giffords was my representative.
She was the one who was irresponsible and she got 18 people shot and 6 innocent people killed, all because she refused to have the police there at that meeting.
She knew that there had been several threats so she wanted to look like she trusted the people and said no to the police being there.
Had they been there, they would have stopped him and 6 people including a child would still be alive today.
Now she is promoting gun laws that will not work and lying to boot about it.
It's despicable politics at it's dirtiest.

Talk about blame the victim

It is not blaming the victim. The victim was the one who was the cause of that tragedy.
Blaming the victim would mean that she knew nothing about any threats and she did. She knew that there was at least three of them.
It was in our news and newspapers about these possible threats. That is why she did not want the police there. She said " I trust the people of Arizona so I do not want the police there". It was a political stunt and it backfired on her big time.
Being irresponsible has consequences and 6 people are dead because of her terrible decision just to look good in front of her voters.
It is not blaming the victim. The victim was the one who was the cause of that tragedy.
Do you know what blame the victim means?

I trust the people of Arizona so I do not want the police there". It was a political stunt
Wanting to meet the voters without a large police force surrounding you is a "Political stunt"?

She sounds like a brave woman to me
"They are both true, Nimrod. What part of "You lose your constitutional rights when you are convicted of a felony" didn't you understand?" (Bripat)

Ok, I'll play. If the Constitution allows no infringement of the right to bear arms, then there is simply no exception. Now, if the Constitution were to allow certain exceptions to that, I would think that it would be so stated, Perhaps I should give you an example that is within your limited grasp. Does the Constitution give my 9 year old grandson the right to bear arms? Your post certainly seems to imply that my 9 year old has the constitutional right to buy a rifle, and carry it pretty much anywhere he wants. Your post certainly implies that he has that right. If not, then it would mean that your simplistic grasp of what the constitution allows and does not allow is hogwash, and that that is the reason why there are 9 Supreme Court justices to determine what is constitutional and what is not, instead of some know-nothing on a message board.
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[QUOTE="Wildman, post: 9879352, member: 43147

The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed; ...
i do not know if this definition is sufficient for libertards/demoscum to comprehend, but i'll post it any way: infringe, to encroach upon in a way that violates law or the rights of another [/QUOTE]

My psychotic son-in-law will be happy to hear this. That is, when he gets out of court ordered rehab
Gabby Giffords was my representative.
She was the one who was irresponsible and she got 18 people shot and 6 innocent people killed, all because she refused to have the police there at that meeting.
She knew that there had been several threats so she wanted to look like she trusted the people and said no to the police being there.
Had they been there, they would have stopped him and 6 people including a child would still be alive today.
Now she is promoting gun laws that will not work and lying to boot about it.
It's despicable politics at it's dirtiest.

Peach174 turns slimewad. Unbelievable.

And Glistening played dumb when I pointed out another poster was doing the "hey she was asking for it" dance.

Using the dead for cheap political partisan shots even to the point of accusing one of the direct victims of mass muder -- you vermin suck moose cock.

Its one thing to support background checks, its another to accuse one of the candidates of murder because they don't support it. Apparently you don't care about common decency after she made those atrocious claims against McSally. Basically Giffords said she was an accomplice to murder by not supporting background checks which would have prevented a psychopathic stalker from killing the daughter of a woman named Vicki. The thing is, McSally was in fact a victim of stalking herself.


Get yourself to a psychiatrist's office, Peach.

I mean seriously.
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Excuse me, Bripat, but which of the following posts that you have made in the last couple of hours is true?

"You lose your constitutional rights when you are convicted of a felony.
It's amazing how stupid libturds are. Every little thing has to explained to them."


"The 2nd Amendment couldn't be any clearer: "the right to bear arms shall not be infringed." Even a brain damaged libturd can understand what that means."

As a "brain damaged libturd", I can not figure out which of the two above statements that you made is true.... Even a Tea Party radical, like you, can understand that it is impossible for both of them to be true.
Both are true; there is no contradiction.
People who have the right shall not have their right infringed; not everyone has the right.

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