Gabby Giffords Turns Slimewad

NaziCon gun nutters like Palin and Nugent give responsible hunters and gun owners a bad name. I am thankful that a responsible, respectable advocate like Gabby Giffords is standing up for reasonable gun controls measures that will help make us safer and protect our gun rights into the future.

Like Joe Scarborough said: MSNBC s Scarborough Extremism From The Survivalist Wing Of The NRA Is The Greatest Danger To Gun Rights Video Media Matters for America

you would have said despicable Frenchmen like the resistance gave good Frenchmen a bad name when they opposed the Nazis while the collaborators were trying to help France
You leftwingers are bat shit fucking crazy. The woman was an asshole before she was shot. Taking a bullet to the brain didn't change that in any way but you seem to be infatuated with changing a persons entire work to something that can't be considered after she gets shot.

You did the same fucking thing with Byrd. He was a full on KKK member for the democratic party but as soon as that wasn't politically convienient you changed his narrative to a good ole boy just trying to win elections and the first black president of the US actually speaking in his favor at the funeral.

You people are un-fucking believable in how hard you will spin and forgive as long as it's a D behind the name.
It takes a really sick slimewad to call someone like Gabby Giffords a slimewad.
Its almost as bad as giving her a pass for trying to deprive citizens of their constitutional rights by using her status as a victim to override rational thought

You have no constitutional right to protect you from background checks

STFU moron, you have no clue about constitutional law.

what part of the constitution actually gives congress such a power

I need a good laugh-your understanding of the constitution is akin to a wombat understanding chemotherapy protocols for brain cancer
Afraid I do

There is nothing in the constitution prohibiting background checks

actually if you understood the constitution it would be the tenth amendment. There is nothing in the constitution-not even the FDR mutated Commerce Clause that empowers the federal government to regulate INTRASTATE second hand sales.

The purpose of this stupid law is as follows

1) since it cannot be enforced without registration-it is being proposed as a stalking horse for gun registration

2) most people won't bother to comply with it and then the gun hating assholes can try to charge them with being "FELONS"

3) and finally politicians pander to morons like RW who soils himself over this issue

Its designed to placate the garment voiding idiots who NEED something TO BE DONE
Good god.......Tenth amendment?

When pushed up against the wall....all you got're not the boss of me

There is NOTHING in the constitution blocking background checks OR registration

You are just lucky Gabby is not pushing for registration
Gabby Giffords was my representative.
She was the one who was irresponsible and she got 18 people shot and 6 innocent people killed, all because she refused to have the police there at that meeting.
She knew that there had been several threats so she wanted to look like she trusted the people and said no to the police being there.
Had they been there, they would have stopped him and 6 people including a child would still be alive today.
Now she is promoting gun laws that will not work and lying to boot about it.
It's despicable politics at it's dirtiest.

It is not blaming the victim. The victim was the one who was the cause of that tragedy.
Blaming the victim would mean that she knew nothing about any threats and she did. She knew that there was at least three of them.
It was in our news and newspapers about these possible threats. That is why she did not want the police there. She said " I trust the people of Arizona so I do not want the police there". It was a political stunt and it backfired on her big time.
Being irresponsible has consequences and 6 people are dead because of her terrible decision just to look good in front of her voters.
You know, Peach, If Gabby had been armed with a semi-automatic weapon that had a 30 round magazine, and was pointing it in the crowd, while she was speaking, maybe this would not have happened.

Perhaps if she had security at her events, it would not have happened:

Giffords Shooting The Security Problem Phoenix New Times

-- Before the event, she tweeted: "My 1st Congress on Your Corner starts now. Please stop by to let me know what is on your mind or tweet me later."

-- The attack happened about 10 minutes into the event.

-- Giffords did not have any security with her, said staffer Mark Kimble. "She wants to be as accessible to the people who elected her as possible," he said.

Latest developments in Arizona shooting -

It is (or was) a common practice for lawmakers not to hire security for town hall events:

Gabrielle Giffords shooting Lawmakers averse to hiring security

The partisan hack (not you Peach, the partisan hack TK) is correct here, and his links here all bear out, that Congressional Representatives don't normally tote goons with guns around and prefer to be accessible to their constituents without that wall of class stratification. It's standard procedure for them, and it is after all their job; they're not supposed to be some kind of elite and inaccessible Duke/Duchess who's audience we have to beg while kissing their ring. And it's not unusual for them to get death and violence threats, especially with rhetorical flamemongers running around inciting violence with "break their windows, break them now" and "if ballots don't work, bullets will".

But it's worth noting, Peach, that by taking this despicable partisan-hack tactic of blaming the victim for 19 people shot, you yourself are fueling the same rhetoric. So you're basically part of the problem. In effect your attempt to foist responsibility for Giffords' head wound into "she was asking for it" is a cowardly act of trying to excuse away your own part in the rhetoric that shot her.

Thanks a lot for that, asshole.

Nice, you totally spun my links. The fact she never had security (armed with guns no doubt) in the first place was the reason she was shot, and 18 others were killed. She wouldn't need a gun if she had had armed security that day. It is still teaching a valuable lesson to all existing congressmen and women to have security present at their events. It was a false sense of security that got those people killed. No, she doesn't have to 'point a gun at the crowd.' People were or are put in routine danger when lawmakers don't employ security at their events.

Oh thank you, that's the point I forgot.
For Peach -- none of TK's three links there back up your fable of Giffords telling police to stay away. So your record as a fiction writer remains unsmudged.

Thanks for that heads-up, Tempartisan Kormhack. :beer:

I never said she told police to stay away. You said that.
She had several incidents happen before that shooting and she should have listened to her staff and should have had a couple of cops there.

Are you unable to read your own words??

Not only DID you say that - you made up a quote from her. I'll put it in blue this time:

Gabby Giffords was my representative.
She was the one who was irresponsible and she got 18 people shot and 6 innocent people killed, all because she refused to have the police there at that meeting.
She knew that there had been several threats so she wanted to look like she trusted the people and said no to the police being there.
Had they been there, they would have stopped him and 6 people including a child would still be alive today.
Now she is promoting gun laws that will not work and lying to boot about it.
It's despicable politics at it's [sic] dirtiest.

It is not blaming the victim. The victim was the one who was the cause of that tragedy.
Blaming the victim would mean that she knew nothing about any threats and she did. She knew that there was at least three of them.
It was in our news and newspapers about these possible threats. That is why she did not want the police there. She said " I trust the people of Arizona so I do not want the police there". It was a political stunt and it backfired on her big time.
Being irresponsible has consequences and 6 people are dead because of her terrible decision just to look good in front of her voters.

As you've already have been shown by your fellow traveler partisan hack's links, meeting one's constituents is normal policy for Congressional Representatives -- you know, the practice you're ridiculously trying to hawk as a "political stunt"? The political stunt any average Rep pulls as part of their job? That one?

Once again as before I put your blatant speculation fallacies in purple above, which is really part and parcel of the "I'll just make up my own reality" mentality you seem to think nobody willl notice.

But here's another more interesting piece of the post puzzle I didn't even notice before ---

>> It is not blaming the victim. The victim was the one who was the cause of that tragedy. <<
Holy shit.
You just not only pinned murder and assault with deadly weapon on Gabby Giffords --- you called Jared Loughner the "victim".


So let us get this straight....
By holding a meet-and-greet with her constituents, which every Rep who's doing their job does, Gabby Giffords got herself and 18 other people killed, several fatally, went to the hospital herself with her brains hanging out and having lost the ability to speak ---- and her "victim" is Jared Loughner.


You're a sick individual, Peach. You need to get to a mental health facility, like yesterday.
Its almost as bad as giving her a pass for trying to deprive citizens of their constitutional rights by using her status as a victim to override rational thought

You have no constitutional right to protect you from background checks

STFU moron, you have no clue about constitutional law.

what part of the constitution actually gives congress such a power

I need a good laugh-your understanding of the constitution is akin to a wombat understanding chemotherapy protocols for brain cancer
Afraid I do

There is nothing in the constitution prohibiting background checks

actually if you understood the constitution it would be the tenth amendment. There is nothing in the constitution-not even the FDR mutated Commerce Clause that empowers the federal government to regulate INTRASTATE second hand sales.

The purpose of this stupid law is as follows

1) since it cannot be enforced without registration-it is being proposed as a stalking horse for gun registration

2) most people won't bother to comply with it and then the gun hating assholes can try to charge them with being "FELONS"

3) and finally politicians pander to morons like RW who soils himself over this issue

Its designed to placate the garment voiding idiots who NEED something TO BE DONE
Good god.......Tenth amendment?

When pushed up against the wall....all you got're not the boss of me

There is NOTHING in the constitution blocking background checks OR registration

You are just lucky Gabby is not pushing for registration

Registration? If the NRA gun nutters continue to be unreasonable and turn off more and more people - then maybe we'll be forced into registration. I hope not. I think that's what Joe Scarborough meant when he said - Extremism From "The Survivalist Wing" Of The NRA "Is The Greatest Danger To Gun Rights"
You have no constitutional right to protect you from background checks

STFU moron, you have no clue about constitutional law.

what part of the constitution actually gives congress such a power

I need a good laugh-your understanding of the constitution is akin to a wombat understanding chemotherapy protocols for brain cancer
Afraid I do

There is nothing in the constitution prohibiting background checks

actually if you understood the constitution it would be the tenth amendment. There is nothing in the constitution-not even the FDR mutated Commerce Clause that empowers the federal government to regulate INTRASTATE second hand sales.

The purpose of this stupid law is as follows

1) since it cannot be enforced without registration-it is being proposed as a stalking horse for gun registration

2) most people won't bother to comply with it and then the gun hating assholes can try to charge them with being "FELONS"

3) and finally politicians pander to morons like RW who soils himself over this issue

Its designed to placate the garment voiding idiots who NEED something TO BE DONE
Good god.......Tenth amendment?

When pushed up against the wall....all you got're not the boss of me

There is NOTHING in the constitution blocking background checks OR registration

You are just lucky Gabby is not pushing for registration

Registration? If the NRA gun nutters continue to be unreasonable and turn off more and more people - then maybe we'll be forced into registration. I hope not. I think that's what Joe Scarborough meant when he said - Extremism From "The Survivalist Wing" Of The NRA "Is The Greatest Danger To Gun Rights"

we shall know you as QUISLING.
Unreasonable zealots like turtledude are the greatest threat to our future gun rights - but they're too dumb to realize it.
Unreasonable zealots like turtledude are the greatest threat to our future gun rights - but they're too dumb to realize it.
fake gun owners who slurp the brady thugs are enemies of free America.

You are one of those assholes who would throw your own mother off a sled pursued by wolves to save your own cowardly ass
Unreasonable zealots like turtledude are the greatest threat to our future gun rights - but they're too dumb to realize it.
fake gun owners who slurp the brady thugs are enemies of free America.

You are one of those assholes who would throw your own mother off a sled pursued by wolves to save your own cowardly ass

How could any reasonable person say things like that about someone they don't know? You're just a dumbass obstructionist.
Unreasonable zealots like turtledude are the greatest threat to our future gun rights - but they're too dumb to realize it.
fake gun owners who slurp the brady thugs are enemies of free America.

You are one of those assholes who would throw your own mother off a sled pursued by wolves to save your own cowardly ass

How could any reasonable person say things like that about someone they don't know? You're just a dumbass obstructionist.

you are a dullard dude. You aren't pro gun. You are a Josh Sugarman Fluffer
Unreasonable zealots like turtledude are the greatest threat to our future gun rights - but they're too dumb to realize it.
fake gun owners who slurp the brady thugs are enemies of free America.

You are one of those assholes who would throw your own mother off a sled pursued by wolves to save your own cowardly ass

How could any reasonable person say things like that about someone they don't know? You're just a dumbass obstructionist.

you are a dullard dude. You aren't pro gun. You are a Josh Sugarman Fluffer

I'm 67 and have been hunting since I was 6 - mostly deer. I no longer reload because many manufacturers provide accurate high-quality bullet/powder loads off the shelf. For home protection, I prefer a .357 with heavy grain bullets and a smooth-bore 12-gauge shotgun with 00 buckshot - open choke. For deer hunting, I prefer my old .270 Weatherby Magnum and .280 Remington. I no longer keep up with the latest bullet fads and technology. I'm somewhat old-fashioned and stick with what I know works well for me that produces sufficient accuracy, expansion, penetration, and shock. I guess Nosler remains my favorite bullet. My hunting goals remain constant - a humane kill, quality venison for the table, safety and enjoyment. I personally process my venison from the field to the table. I also love archery - for hunting and fun. I prefer recurves over compounds - although I have and use both. I use fingers - not mechanical releases/triggers. I shoot both instinctively and with sights. No one cherishes their weapons more than I do. I am definitely pro-gun.
Last edited:
Unreasonable zealots like turtledude are the greatest threat to our future gun rights - but they're too dumb to realize it.
fake gun owners who slurp the brady thugs are enemies of free America.

You are one of those assholes who would throw your own mother off a sled pursued by wolves to save your own cowardly ass

How could any reasonable person say things like that about someone they don't know? You're just a dumbass obstructionist.

you are a dullard dude. You aren't pro gun. You are a Josh Sugarman Fluffer

I'm 67 and have been hunting since I was 6 - mostly deer. I no longer reload because many manufacturers provide accurate high-quality bullet/powder loads off the shelf. For home protection, I prefer a .357 with heavy grain bullets and a smooth-bore 12-gauge shotgun with 00 buckshot - open choke. For deer hunting, I prefer my old .270 Weatherby Magnum and .280 Remington. I no longer keep up with the latest bullet fads and technology. I'm somewhat old-fashioned and stick with what I know works well for me that produces sufficient accuracy, expansion, penetration, and shock. I guess Nosler remains my favorite bullet. My hunting goals remain constant - a humane kill, quality venison for the table, safety and enjoyment. I also love archery - for hunting and fun. I prefer recurves over compounds - although I have and use both. I use fingers - not mechanical releases/triggers. I shoot both instinctively and with sights. No one cherishes their weapons more than I do. I am definitely pro-gun.

one can own guns and not understand you are supporting those who want to ban guns. oh by the way I know archery inside and out. Hoyt Contract archer (Olympic)
Unreasonable zealots like turtledude are the greatest threat to our future gun rights - but they're too dumb to realize it.
fake gun owners who slurp the brady thugs are enemies of free America.

You are one of those assholes who would throw your own mother off a sled pursued by wolves to save your own cowardly ass

How could any reasonable person say things like that about someone they don't know? You're just a dumbass obstructionist.

you are a dullard dude. You aren't pro gun. You are a Josh Sugarman Fluffer

I'm 67 and have been hunting since I was 6 - mostly deer. I no longer reload because many manufacturers provide accurate high-quality bullet/powder loads off the shelf. For home protection, I prefer a .357 with heavy grain bullets and a smooth-bore 12-gauge shotgun with 00 buckshot - open choke. For deer hunting, I prefer my old .270 Weatherby Magnum and .280 Remington. I no longer keep up with the latest bullet fads and technology. I'm somewhat old-fashioned and stick with what I know works well for me that produces sufficient accuracy, expansion, penetration, and shock. I guess Nosler remains my favorite bullet. My hunting goals remain constant - a humane kill, quality venison for the table, safety and enjoyment. I also love archery - for hunting and fun. I prefer recurves over compounds - although I have and use both. I use fingers - not mechanical releases/triggers. I shoot both instinctively and with sights. No one cherishes their weapons more than I do. I am definitely pro-gun.

one can own guns and not understand you are supporting those who want to ban guns. oh by the way I know archery inside and out. Hoyt Contract archer (Olympic)

Yeah, I know, you're faster than a speeding bullet and all that shit. What's your draw weight, dude? Fred Bear pulled his 80# recurves.
fake gun owners who slurp the brady thugs are enemies of free America.

You are one of those assholes who would throw your own mother off a sled pursued by wolves to save your own cowardly ass

How could any reasonable person say things like that about someone they don't know? You're just a dumbass obstructionist.

you are a dullard dude. You aren't pro gun. You are a Josh Sugarman Fluffer

I'm 67 and have been hunting since I was 6 - mostly deer. I no longer reload because many manufacturers provide accurate high-quality bullet/powder loads off the shelf. For home protection, I prefer a .357 with heavy grain bullets and a smooth-bore 12-gauge shotgun with 00 buckshot - open choke. For deer hunting, I prefer my old .270 Weatherby Magnum and .280 Remington. I no longer keep up with the latest bullet fads and technology. I'm somewhat old-fashioned and stick with what I know works well for me that produces sufficient accuracy, expansion, penetration, and shock. I guess Nosler remains my favorite bullet. My hunting goals remain constant - a humane kill, quality venison for the table, safety and enjoyment. I also love archery - for hunting and fun. I prefer recurves over compounds - although I have and use both. I use fingers - not mechanical releases/triggers. I shoot both instinctively and with sights. No one cherishes their weapons more than I do. I am definitely pro-gun.

one can own guns and not understand you are supporting those who want to ban guns. oh by the way I know archery inside and out. Hoyt Contract archer (Olympic)

What's your draw weight, dude? Fred Bear pulled his 80# recurves.
when I was in my thirties and a 1250+ "FITA" round shooter-close to 50 pounds. Bear was a snap shooter -a technique he had to adopt due to "target panic". Olympic shooters hold much longer and use a clicker. US #1 (top five in the world) Brady Ellison is shooting in the low fifties which is heavy. Now, after surgeries and injury I only shoot about 42 pounds but since the official round is only 70 Meters for me-rather than having a 90 meter component, that is still plenty.
How could any reasonable person say things like that about someone they don't know? You're just a dumbass obstructionist.

you are a dullard dude. You aren't pro gun. You are a Josh Sugarman Fluffer

I'm 67 and have been hunting since I was 6 - mostly deer. I no longer reload because many manufacturers provide accurate high-quality bullet/powder loads off the shelf. For home protection, I prefer a .357 with heavy grain bullets and a smooth-bore 12-gauge shotgun with 00 buckshot - open choke. For deer hunting, I prefer my old .270 Weatherby Magnum and .280 Remington. I no longer keep up with the latest bullet fads and technology. I'm somewhat old-fashioned and stick with what I know works well for me that produces sufficient accuracy, expansion, penetration, and shock. I guess Nosler remains my favorite bullet. My hunting goals remain constant - a humane kill, quality venison for the table, safety and enjoyment. I also love archery - for hunting and fun. I prefer recurves over compounds - although I have and use both. I use fingers - not mechanical releases/triggers. I shoot both instinctively and with sights. No one cherishes their weapons more than I do. I am definitely pro-gun.

one can own guns and not understand you are supporting those who want to ban guns. oh by the way I know archery inside and out. Hoyt Contract archer (Olympic)

What's your draw weight, dude? Fred Bear pulled his 80# recurves.
when I was in my thirties and a 1250+ "FITA" round shooter-close to 50 pounds. Bear was a snap shooter -a technique he had to adopt due to "target panic". Olympic shooters hold much longer and use a clicker. US #1 (top five in the world) Brady Ellison is shooting in the low fifties which is heavy. Now, after surgeries and injury I only shoot about 42 pounds but since the official round is only 70 Meters for me-rather than having a 90 meter component, that is still plenty.

I'm familiar with clickers and peeps - but I use neither. I still pull 70# on my recurves.
you are a dullard dude. You aren't pro gun. You are a Josh Sugarman Fluffer

I'm 67 and have been hunting since I was 6 - mostly deer. I no longer reload because many manufacturers provide accurate high-quality bullet/powder loads off the shelf. For home protection, I prefer a .357 with heavy grain bullets and a smooth-bore 12-gauge shotgun with 00 buckshot - open choke. For deer hunting, I prefer my old .270 Weatherby Magnum and .280 Remington. I no longer keep up with the latest bullet fads and technology. I'm somewhat old-fashioned and stick with what I know works well for me that produces sufficient accuracy, expansion, penetration, and shock. I guess Nosler remains my favorite bullet. My hunting goals remain constant - a humane kill, quality venison for the table, safety and enjoyment. I also love archery - for hunting and fun. I prefer recurves over compounds - although I have and use both. I use fingers - not mechanical releases/triggers. I shoot both instinctively and with sights. No one cherishes their weapons more than I do. I am definitely pro-gun.

one can own guns and not understand you are supporting those who want to ban guns. oh by the way I know archery inside and out. Hoyt Contract archer (Olympic)

What's your draw weight, dude? Fred Bear pulled his 80# recurves.
when I was in my thirties and a 1250+ "FITA" round shooter-close to 50 pounds. Bear was a snap shooter -a technique he had to adopt due to "target panic". Olympic shooters hold much longer and use a clicker. US #1 (top five in the world) Brady Ellison is shooting in the low fifties which is heavy. Now, after surgeries and injury I only shoot about 42 pounds but since the official round is only 70 Meters for me-rather than having a 90 meter component, that is still plenty.

I'm familiar with clickers and peeps - but I use neither. I still pull 70# on my recurves.

yeah its a different kind of shooting. you probably don't transfer at holding from your arms to your back as do Olympic shooters
I'm 67 and have been hunting since I was 6 - mostly deer. I no longer reload because many manufacturers provide accurate high-quality bullet/powder loads off the shelf. For home protection, I prefer a .357 with heavy grain bullets and a smooth-bore 12-gauge shotgun with 00 buckshot - open choke. For deer hunting, I prefer my old .270 Weatherby Magnum and .280 Remington. I no longer keep up with the latest bullet fads and technology. I'm somewhat old-fashioned and stick with what I know works well for me that produces sufficient accuracy, expansion, penetration, and shock. I guess Nosler remains my favorite bullet. My hunting goals remain constant - a humane kill, quality venison for the table, safety and enjoyment. I also love archery - for hunting and fun. I prefer recurves over compounds - although I have and use both. I use fingers - not mechanical releases/triggers. I shoot both instinctively and with sights. No one cherishes their weapons more than I do. I am definitely pro-gun.

one can own guns and not understand you are supporting those who want to ban guns. oh by the way I know archery inside and out. Hoyt Contract archer (Olympic)

What's your draw weight, dude? Fred Bear pulled his 80# recurves.
when I was in my thirties and a 1250+ "FITA" round shooter-close to 50 pounds. Bear was a snap shooter -a technique he had to adopt due to "target panic". Olympic shooters hold much longer and use a clicker. US #1 (top five in the world) Brady Ellison is shooting in the low fifties which is heavy. Now, after surgeries and injury I only shoot about 42 pounds but since the official round is only 70 Meters for me-rather than having a 90 meter component, that is still plenty.

I'm familiar with clickers and peeps - but I use neither. I still pull 70# on my recurves.

yeah its a different kind of shooting. you probably don't transfer at holding from your arms to your back as do Olympic shooters

I transfer during target practice - but usually not when hunting.
one can own guns and not understand you are supporting those who want to ban guns. oh by the way I know archery inside and out. Hoyt Contract archer (Olympic)

What's your draw weight, dude? Fred Bear pulled his 80# recurves.
when I was in my thirties and a 1250+ "FITA" round shooter-close to 50 pounds. Bear was a snap shooter -a technique he had to adopt due to "target panic". Olympic shooters hold much longer and use a clicker. US #1 (top five in the world) Brady Ellison is shooting in the low fifties which is heavy. Now, after surgeries and injury I only shoot about 42 pounds but since the official round is only 70 Meters for me-rather than having a 90 meter component, that is still plenty.

I'm familiar with clickers and peeps - but I use neither. I still pull 70# on my recurves.

yeah its a different kind of shooting. you probably don't transfer at holding from your arms to your back as do Olympic shooters

I transfer during target practice - but usually not when hunting.

that makes sense. its like some of the compound guys in my club. They shoot a Carter Back tension release for spots but hunt with a trigger so they can punch it if they have to

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