Gabby Giffords Turns Slimewad

It is not a suggestion.
It was a statement about using common sense which she did not do.
I put the link up where she did not want security at any of her town hall meetings.
You are the one who made it into a Parisian thing.

Mais oui, I have made eet eento ... 'ow you say, ze Parisian thing.
'Ow entairtanang zat you find ze keelang of an eight year old jeune fille ... 'ow you say, risible.
Sacre merde. Completement folle.

You seem to have such a problem with common sense you can't even spell it right. It is not commons sense.

Then I gave you too much credit. It's usually "common sense" but above you posted:
No commons sense what so ever Gabby.

-- which would have meant 'sense about the use of the (public) Commons', which would have nicely worked into the lame point you can't make because you have no source. It would have been at least a clever turn of phrase, but --- never mind.

Yep I misspelled it. I do that sometimes.
Sorry that you did not like the link.

I see more clearly now why the left hate Fox News.:biggrin:

I don't think Fox Noise has been involved here. I thought your link was a local TV station.

Anyway, having any kind of emotional relationship with a TV channel would be irrational. Don't think just because you do, others must feel a contrasting emotion. Be open to the possibility that others feel no emotion at all. You know, like a rational person.

The Arizona Daily Star is a newspaper.
You have no idea about what I am talking about because you are over analyzing, making something more complicated than it needs to be.

Once again --- I'm not the one who brought up "Fox News".
Yes, yes, attempt to embarrass your opponent with his spelling errors rather than presenting a cogent argument. Smooth move slick.

Hey, it's his post.

Fascinating how you missed his entire post before mine too. You know, the one above with ad hom and no content? Selective hearing -- I've heard about that.

He's not even my "opponent" -- my post was responding to Stephanie. He jumped in.

I'm ignoring your responses for the most part, because none of them attempt to address the fact that Giffords own PAC decided to run that trash in the first place. You ignore the outright degeneracy she engaged in. Moreover, I am not interested in your deflections. Stop playing the troll and present a cogent point, or leave the thread. You clearly have nothing but your childish retorts to offer.

And you say I have selective hearing? Your sigline quotes Listening for two supposed spelling errors. Your post is a direct response to Listening. But then you say you were addressing Stephanie. Have you lost track of all of the mistruths you've posted?

I see you haven't learned to read since last week. Well it was a lot to expect.
Look asshole, number one you don't own the place and you will NOT purport to dictate whrere I can post; number two, the exchange was between Stephanie and myself, and Glistening opted to jump in the middle and declare his ignorance about my meaning. I advised him it was over his head and he came back with the same ad hom slop that he's been flinging throughout this thread. At the same time he's crying "moron" he's posting moronic spelling gaffes. You think I'm not gonna take advantage of that?

Go fuck yerself. You're a fourth party.

Ha. This is how you respond? You prove you have zero argument, you have yet to back your claims up. It took you more than 36 hours to return to this thread and make a bigger idiot of yourself than you already are. I crushed your argument and you chose not to respond. Instead you act like a troll. You take advantage of things in this thread that are not even relevant. You take advantage of the gaffes to hide the fact your position has been trumped by facts.

And you berate my reading comprehension? You refused to read links or direct citations. I note a few here, posted by Listening that you completely ignored. He cited statements from one of the LINKS I POSTED. There is selective hearing, and selective sight. You choose what you want to see.

When I have the upper hand in a debate, it is my joy to run people out of threads. You fell before superior arguments. You once told me to stop digging my own holes, you should stop and consider that advice yourself. Moreover, you responded to ad hominem with ad hominem. So what right do you have to impugn on him?

But hey, you can keep squabbling about minutiae such as spelling and name calling all you want. It has nothing to do with the topic. So, why are you still posting in this thread? All you're doing is grandstanding and making your abject stupidity and intellectual dishonesty more apparent. That or you must have the last word, which is pretty stupid within itself.

And you're off. We are a third party, not a fourth, genius. And plus, I am physically incapable of fucking myself. But I do see you have your head up your backside. You're gonna have to move all of that air out of your head to get it back out again.

Oh pissant please. I don't work for this thread; I was off line most of the weekend on a paying gig. Something you might look into.

And yes, you are the froth -- sorry, fourth party. Glistening is the third, having butted in to a response that wasn't directed to him; you then butted in to mine, which wasn't directed to you. Which means you're in even more need of getting a fucking life than he is, if that's possible. How scary is that.

And no, you ain't "running me out" of jack shit except in your wet dreams pally. Unless you can direct me to the pseudomilitary swearing-in ceremony I must have missed while I was away wherein you were appointed Lord God Supremo of the Internets.

Up yours, asshole.

This post is quite telling. Very telling indeed. When I first met you, I apparently mistook you for someone who was honest and decent. Apparently you cannot accept losing. I ran you out of this thread when I revealed the connection between Giffords and the attack ads she ran against multiple Republican candidates. Do whatever you want. I am not responsible for the stupidity you employ.
It is not a suggestion.
It was a statement about using common sense which she did not do.
I put the link up where she did not want security at any of her town hall meetings.
You are the one who made it into a Parisian thing.

Mais oui, I have made eet eento ... 'ow you say, ze Parisian thing.
'Ow entairtanang zat you find ze keelang of an eight year old jeune fille ... 'ow you say, risible.
Sacre merde. Completement folle.

You seem to have such a problem with common sense you can't even spell it right. It is not commons sense.

Then I gave you too much credit. It's usually "common sense" but above you posted:
No commons sense what so ever Gabby.

-- which would have meant 'sense about the use of the (public) Commons', which would have nicely worked into the lame point you can't make because you have no source. It would have been at least a clever turn of phrase, but --- never mind.

Yep I misspelled it. I do that sometimes.
Sorry that you did not like the link.

I see more clearly now why the left hate Fox News.:biggrin:

I don't think Fox Noise has been involved here. I thought your link was a local TV station.

Anyway, having any kind of emotional relationship with a TV channel would be irrational. Don't think just because you do, others must feel a contrasting emotion. Be open to the possibility that others feel no emotion at all. You know, like a rational person.

The Arizona Daily Star is a newspaper.
You have no idea about what I am talking about because you are over analyzing, making something more complicated than it needs to be.

It is because Pogo does not wish to read those articles for fear of it contradicting his argument.
It takes a really sick slimewad to call someone like Gabby Giffords a slimewad.
Its almost as bad as giving her a pass for trying to deprive citizens of their constitutional rights by using her status as a victim to override rational thought
This is how they beat you down

they use this woman's injuries to guilt you into shutting you up of your opinions

it's a classic tactic used by the left/dem/progressive/commies

by responding to an OP calling her 'slime' for having her opinion?

isn't the OP beating Gabby down? what about a bullet to the face..??

yeah, that was a clever TACTIC. good Lord. :rolleyes:
This is how they beat you down

they use this woman's injuries to guilt you into shutting you up of your opinions

it's a classic tactic used by the left/dem/progressive/commies

by responding to an OP calling her 'slime' for having her opinion?

isn't the OP beating Gabby down? what about a bullet to the face..??

yeah, that was a clever TACTIC. good Lord. :rolleyes:

Isn't Gabby the one using a bullet to the face as a political tool? Pretty clever indeed. She is most certainly entitled to her opinion, not her own facts.
Well, I guess Pogo has me on ignore now. Oh well, I can't do anything about that. It only tells me he has no willingness to listen to the truth.
This is how they beat you down

they use this woman's injuries to guilt you into shutting you up of your opinions

it's a classic tactic used by the left/dem/progressive/commies

by responding to an OP calling her 'slime' for having her opinion?

isn't the OP beating Gabby down? what about a bullet to the face..??

yeah, that was a clever TACTIC. good Lord. :rolleyes:

Isn't Gabby the one using a bullet in the face as a political tool? Pretty clever indeed.

So I guess you would agree that anyone using the beheadings in Iraq as a political tool are wrong to do so.
You know, Peach, If Gabby had been armed with a semi-automatic weapon that had a 30 round magazine, and was pointing it in the crowd, while she was speaking, maybe this would not have happened.

Perhaps if she had security at her events, it would not have happened:

Giffords Shooting The Security Problem Phoenix New Times

-- Before the event, she tweeted: "My 1st Congress on Your Corner starts now. Please stop by to let me know what is on your mind or tweet me later."

-- The attack happened about 10 minutes into the event.

-- Giffords did not have any security with her, said staffer Mark Kimble. "She wants to be as accessible to the people who elected her as possible," he said.

Latest developments in Arizona shooting -

It is (or was) a common practice for lawmakers not to hire security for town hall events:

Gabrielle Giffords shooting Lawmakers averse to hiring security

The partisan hack (not you Peach, the partisan hack TK) is correct here, and his links here all bear out, that Congressional Representatives don't normally tote goons with guns around and prefer to be accessible to their constituents without that wall of class stratification. It's standard procedure for them, and it is after all their job; they're not supposed to be some kind of elite and inaccessible Duke/Duchess who's audience we have to beg while kissing their ring. And it's not unusual for them to get death and violence threats, especially with rhetorical flamemongers running around inciting violence with "break their windows, break them now" and "if ballots don't work, bullets will".

But it's worth noting, Peach, that by taking this despicable partisan-hack tactic of blaming the victim for 19 people shot, you yourself are fueling the same rhetoric. So you're basically part of the problem. In effect your attempt to foist responsibility for Giffords' head wound into "she was asking for it" is a cowardly act of trying to excuse away your own part in the rhetoric that shot her.

Thanks a lot for that, asshole.

I have to confess I did not anticipate ever seeing anyone conclude that Gabby Giffords getting shot was her fault.

Boggles the mind, donut?
It takes a really sick slimewad to call someone like Gabby Giffords a slimewad.
Its almost as bad as giving her a pass for trying to deprive citizens of their constitutional rights by using her status as a victim to override rational thought

Do you really think you have a constitutional right to use loopholes to dodge a background check?

listen LIAR

there are no loopholes


the brady bill would not have passed congress if it dealt with second hand sales that are limited to INTRASTATE COMMERCE

so you are full of shit. making PRIVATE SELLERS IN INTRASTATE COMMERCE CONDUCT background checks was never contemplated in 1993


Congress doesn't have the power under the Commerce clause

Congress didn't have the votes

and Congress has no way to enforce such a stupid law

ITS NOT A LOOPHOLE CRETIN--for 200 years no one had to conduct background checks

and guess what-the Brady bill's Background check requirement has not been shown to DECREASE CRIME AT ALL
One week before her shooting she had an encounter.
She did not listen to her staff who were concerned for her safety.
If there had been a couple of officers at that Tucson greet and meet it might not have been nearly as bad.
"Yelling and screaming is counterproductive," she told the Sierra Vista Herald at a Congress on Your Corner event last week. There, one visitor dropped a gun at the meet n' greet held in a Douglas Safeway, her staff says.
That has aides, who called police to the event, concerned for her safety.
"We have never felt the need before to notify law enforcement when we hold these events," said spokesman C.J. Karamargin.
Gabrielle Giffords Town Hall Gun Left Behind
Once again she should have used some common sense and should have had 2 cops at that Tucson meeting. It would not have kept her voters away from greeting her.
It takes a really sick slimewad to call someone like Gabby Giffords a slimewad.
Its almost as bad as giving her a pass for trying to deprive citizens of their constitutional rights by using her status as a victim to override rational thought

You have no constitutional right to protect you from background checks

STFU moron, you have no clue about constitutional law.

what part of the constitution actually gives congress such a power

I need a good laugh-your understanding of the constitution is akin to a wombat understanding chemotherapy protocols for brain cancer
This is how they beat you down

they use this woman's injuries to guilt you into shutting you up of your opinions

it's a classic tactic used by the left/dem/progressive/commies

by responding to an OP calling her 'slime' for having her opinion?

isn't the OP beating Gabby down? what about a bullet to the face..??

yeah, that was a clever TACTIC. good Lord. :rolleyes:

Isn't Gabby the one using a bullet to the face as a political tool? Pretty clever indeed. She is most certainly entitled to her opinion, not her own facts.
I can't believe what slime you have become

The woman took a bullet to the head and is doing everything in her power to prevent it from happening to someone else
Well, I guess Pogo has me on ignore now. Oh well, I can't do anything about that. It only tells me he has no willingness to listen to the truth.

When you're ready for the truth, I'll give it to you. Again, I can't spend 24/7 on this board; I have an income that comes from what is called a "job", which takes time.
You know, Peach, If Gabby had been armed with a semi-automatic weapon that had a 30 round magazine, and was pointing it in the crowd, while she was speaking, maybe this would not have happened.

Perhaps if she had security at her events, it would not have happened:

Giffords Shooting The Security Problem Phoenix New Times

-- Before the event, she tweeted: "My 1st Congress on Your Corner starts now. Please stop by to let me know what is on your mind or tweet me later."

-- The attack happened about 10 minutes into the event.

-- Giffords did not have any security with her, said staffer Mark Kimble. "She wants to be as accessible to the people who elected her as possible," he said.

Latest developments in Arizona shooting -

It is (or was) a common practice for lawmakers not to hire security for town hall events:

Gabrielle Giffords shooting Lawmakers averse to hiring security

The partisan hack (not you Peach, the partisan hack TK) is correct here, and his links here all bear out, that Congressional Representatives don't normally tote goons with guns around and prefer to be accessible to their constituents without that wall of class stratification. It's standard procedure for them, and it is after all their job; they're not supposed to be some kind of elite and inaccessible Duke/Duchess who's audience we have to beg while kissing their ring. And it's not unusual for them to get death and violence threats, especially with rhetorical flamemongers running around inciting violence with "break their windows, break them now" and "if ballots don't work, bullets will".

But it's worth noting, Peach, that by taking this despicable partisan-hack tactic of blaming the victim for 19 people shot, you yourself are fueling the same rhetoric. So you're basically part of the problem. In effect your attempt to foist responsibility for Giffords' head wound into "she was asking for it" is a cowardly act of trying to excuse away your own part in the rhetoric that shot her.

Thanks a lot for that, asshole.

Nice, you totally spun my links. The fact she never had security (armed with guns no doubt) in the first place was the reason she was shot, and 18 others were killed. She wouldn't need a gun if she had had armed security that day. It is still teaching a valuable lesson to all existing congressmen and women to have security present at their events. It was a false sense of security that got those people killed. No, she doesn't have to 'point a gun at the crowd.' People were or are put in routine danger when lawmakers don't employ security at their events.

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