Gabby Giffords Turns Slimewad

Here is the article on her husband purchasing an AR -15, after the news came out he claimed he would not keep it. Interesting story.

Gabby Giffords s Husband Buys AR-15
Kelly reportedly bought the AR-15 and a 1911-style semi-automatic pistol at a gun store in Tucson, Arizona.
Breitbart News received a tip on this when Neil McCabe, editor of Guns & Patriots newsletter, contacted us on March 7 and said:
Mark E. Kelly, made purchases which included an AR-15--sometimes described as an "assault rifle"--at 3:30 pm on the afternoon of March 5 at Diamondback Police Supply, 170 S. Kolb Street, Tucson, AZ.
According to McCabe, witnesses to the purchases claimed Kelly purchased "high capacity" magazines as well.
On March 6, McCabe contacted Kelly's gun control group--"Americans for Responsible Solutions"--and on March 8 they replied that his message had been passed on to colleagues who handle press requests. Breitbart News then began investigating the details surrounding the purchase, including visiting the gun store.
Suddenly, Kelly announced on his Facebook page that he was not going to keep the AR-15, which he has yet to pick up from the store.
Days after making the purchases, Kelly wrote on Facebook:
I just had a background check a few days ago when I went to my local gun store to buy a .45. As I was leaving, I noticed a used AR-15. Bought that too.

continue reading on link above.............
worked for the patriot act.....

Which is also irrelevant to this discussion. Evaluate your own worldviews before criticizing your almighty government.

The fuck...guess i have to school you on this as well. Polls have been done that people will give up rights in the face of "terrorism". the patriot act was pushed through due to 9-11. The PA was an emotional reaction to the attack. We were just talking about Gabby using an attack on her for an emotional reaction...

You should perhaps go do something else fatty.

You couldn't school a herd of cows.

What does the Patriot Act have to do with this discussion? Please stop trying to derail this thread. I know you're doing it. Play that game with someone else.

Besides, emotions shouldn't preside over the creation of law, whether it be the PA, or in Gifford's case, passing gun control laws. Liberals like you will take rights from people because you find them offensive or racist or they don't fit in with your views of the world. So it isn't a matter of people giving up rights, it's a matter of a bloated government taking them away.

here we go with the projections because you have nothing. My opinion on guns is you should be able to own whatever you like, tank gun whatever....

So in one breath you understand why i mention the PA but in the other you ask why. You seriously have no clue why you are here at all huh?

yeah emotions should preside over laws, but it happens all the time in this country, hence why we have courts to rule over laws and how valid they are.

If you are looking to make points with the PA....Big FAIL.

The Patriot Act was wrong.

And (in case you missed it)....two wrong don't make a right.
of course the PA was wrong, but it happened under an emotional time.
Gabby was shot in the head - and she's still way smarter than the NaziCons on this board.

Compared to you, she's a genius.

Maybe you should shoot yourself in the head. If you survive, your likely to be smarter than you are now.

You certainly could not be any more stupid.

Erm, we shouldn't suggest people do such a thing. That is out of line my friend. Be bigger than the trolls.

You are probably right. He'd miss anyway (very small target) and hurt somebody.


Wonder if you dorks read where they pulled the adds because they were taking license with the truth.

Why would you do that ?

ads.....we are not doing math here.
Ok they pulled the ads. So what

Pulling ads means the assertions they made were lies. People will outright lie to voters to get into office. Everyone does it. It isn't rocket science.

you dont know the reason the ads were pulled. That could be a reason, it could be another...People leave up ads with lies in them as well.

Sort of like Obama did accusing Romney of giving people cancer? Yeah, funny how you don't point that out.

Your response suggested you didn't care why the ads were pulled. "So what" you said. You are full of double standards, PB.
sort of like Mittens accusing jeep of moving over to china fully and somehow that was obama's fault.Even though they never moved.

More like so what, your opinion does not make fact, show me why they where pulled.

You certainly seem to have unresolved anger issues.

This thread is about Gabby Giffords...not Mitt Romney.
I'm for the 2nd Amendment but c'mon OP, get serious. If you were shot point-blank with a glock through your brain, you'd probably have an attitude about crazy people owning guns too.. Get real bro..
Gabby was shot in the head - and she's still way smarter than the NaziCons on this board.

Compared to you, she's a genius.

Maybe you should shoot yourself in the head. If you survive, your likely to be smarter than you are now.

You certainly could not be any more stupid.

Gee, how Mormon of you. No wonder Romney is so fucked up.

What's your excuse ?

Not that I would assume that all Native Americans are asswipes based on your sorry performance.
Mr. Gifford sounds pro - gun to me. Until the news of his purchase got out.. Was the .45 for his wife?
ads.....we are not doing math here.
Ok they pulled the ads. So what

Pulling ads means the assertions they made were lies. People will outright lie to voters to get into office. Everyone does it. It isn't rocket science.

you dont know the reason the ads were pulled. That could be a reason, it could be another...People leave up ads with lies in them as well.

Sort of like Obama did accusing Romney of giving people cancer? Yeah, funny how you don't point that out.

Your response suggested you didn't care why the ads were pulled. "So what" you said. You are full of double standards, PB.
sort of like Mittens accusing jeep of moving over to china fully and somehow that was obama's fault.Even though they never moved.

More like so what, your opinion does not make fact, show me why they where pulled.

You certainly seem to have unresolved anger issues.

This thread is about Gabby Giffords...not Mitt Romney.

Selective reading huh...
A Prog got hurt, therefore they can take away your Constitutional right


"Yeah, sounds legit to me"
ads.....we are not doing math here.
Ok they pulled the ads. So what

Pulling ads means the assertions they made were lies. People will outright lie to voters to get into office. Everyone does it. It isn't rocket science.

you dont know the reason the ads were pulled. That could be a reason, it could be another...People leave up ads with lies in them as well.

Sort of like Obama did accusing Romney of giving people cancer? Yeah, funny how you don't point that out.

Your response suggested you didn't care why the ads were pulled. "So what" you said. You are full of double standards, PB.
sort of like Mittens accusing jeep of moving over to china fully and somehow that was obama's fault.Even though they never moved.

More like so what, your opinion does not make fact, show me why they where pulled.

You certainly seem to have unresolved anger issues.

This thread is about Gabby Giffords...not Mitt Romney.

Why didn't you bring that up to the poster who derailed the thread by mentioning Mitt Romney first?

Protip: It wasn't Plasmaball.

Or do you only play the "let's get strictly back on this exceedingly narrow topic" game when your side is losing?
I'm for the 2nd Amendment but c'mon OP, get serious. If you were shot point-blank with a glock through your brain, you'd probably have an attitude about crazy people owning guns too.. Get real bro..

This isn't about crazy people owning guns.

It's about G.G.'s attacks on people running for office.

The wounds in her skull somehow give her a pass when it comes to railing against constitutional rights ?
I'm for the 2nd Amendment but c'mon OP, get serious. If you were shot point-blank with a glock through your brain, you'd probably have an attitude about crazy people owning guns too.. Get real bro..

Using a personal tragedy to take away other people's rights, no matter how noble it might be to the individual is nothing but emotion. You can't simply say "I got shot in the head, so therefore the 100+ million gun owners in America shouldn't be able to have guns." Nope. I don't care who you are, never let emotions preside over the law.
Pulling ads means the assertions they made were lies. People will outright lie to voters to get into office. Everyone does it. It isn't rocket science.

you dont know the reason the ads were pulled. That could be a reason, it could be another...People leave up ads with lies in them as well.

Sort of like Obama did accusing Romney of giving people cancer? Yeah, funny how you don't point that out.

Your response suggested you didn't care why the ads were pulled. "So what" you said. You are full of double standards, PB.
sort of like Mittens accusing jeep of moving over to china fully and somehow that was obama's fault.Even though they never moved.

More like so what, your opinion does not make fact, show me why they where pulled.

You certainly seem to have unresolved anger issues.

This thread is about Gabby Giffords...not Mitt Romney.

Why didn't you bring that up to the poster who derailed the thread by mentioning Mitt Romney first?

Protip: It wasn't Plasmaball.

Or do you only play the "let's get strictly back on this exceedingly narrow topic" game when your side is losing?

Since my side isn't losing (who can lose against you and Lakhota ?), your question is moot.

As to your first question, "Who are you and why would I ever give you the time of day ?"

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