Gabby Giffords Turns Slimewad

If anyone wants to see the ad itself here it is:

That's in the OP article already. And Giffords is nowhere in it.

She and her husband founded the PAC that ran that ad! Please do try to keep up, Pogo.

Giffords and her husband, Mark Kelly, founded Americans for Responsible Solutions as a way to encourage elected officials to stand up for both the 2nd amendment and safer communities by communicating directly with the constituents that elect them. Giffords and Kelly will not let leaders across the country forget that Americans are demanding responsible solutions to this critically important issue.

Americans for Responsible Solutions Gabrielle Giffords - Americans for Responsible Solutions

You don't have to be in the video, all you have to do is endorse it. Whether it be Giffords, et alli.
If anyone wants to see the ad itself here it is:

That's in the OP article already. And Giffords is nowhere in it.
Nor does any one of them say, imply or even vaguely hint at "taking our pacifiers guns away".

Fucking children. No shit.

Nobody said she was. Or can prove we did ?

Or are you saying she didn't start the PAC that is running that ads ?

And nobody said she was trying to take our guns away. Asshole.

What was said in the article is that she is running ads against candidates who don't agree with her and that the ads are half-truths.

You are a dick.
Go Gabby!. Give those NRA NaziCons hell.

Her husband made the list for Seven liberal hypocrites on this news article because he purchased an assault weapon for the Gifford household. Hypocrites? I think so. Read up, Lakhota.

7 Liberal Hypocrites Who Call For Gun Control While Being Protected By Guns - John Hawkins - Page full#
7 Liberal Hypocrites Who Call For Gun Control While Being Protected By Guns
John Hawkins | Mar 23, 2013

Once again -- this is dishonest.

Kelly, the husband of former Rep. Gabby Giffords and an outspoken advocate for new gun control measures, had in recent interviews said he was buying the rifle to showcase what he said are unobtrusive background checks.

Kelly: Gun loophole makes no sense

Doug MacKinlay, owner of Diamondback Police Supply, said it was Kelly's statements that caused him to stop the sale.

"I determined that it was in my company's best interest to terminate this transaction prior to his returning to my store to complete the Federal Form 4473 and NICS (National Instant Criminal Background Check System) required of Mr. Kelly before he could take possession of this firearm," MacKinlay posted on the Tuscon store's Facebook page Monday. <<
(story here) -- try using an actual news source instead of Dimbart.

I do not believe him. He was in fear for his life or hers and didn't expect Breitbart media to find out and report on it, Pogo. I've known of other stories of Dems against 2nd amendment rights who owned guns. Nothing surprises me. Although his buying an assault weapon along with the .45 was interesting. ( I do not buy his story at all )
If anyone wants to see the ad itself here it is:

That's in the OP article already. And Giffords is nowhere in it.

She and her husband founded the PAC that ran that ad! Please do try to keep up, Pogo.

Try reading the OP. I'm going by that.

Here, lemme make it easy:

Well, it was bound to happen.

Giffords is now utilizing her elevated position and all the sympathy she can muster to run ads against those who support the constitution.

Go figure.

She was never that good before and obviously isn't getting any better.

STFU Gabby.

Mad Gabby Former Congresswoman Unleashes Nasty Ads Against Pro-Second Amendment Candidates - Matt Vespa
If anyone wants to see the ad itself here it is:

That's in the OP article already. And Giffords is nowhere in it.
Nor does any one of them say, imply or even vaguely hint at "taking our pacifiers guns away".

Fucking children. No shit.

Nobody said she was. Or can prove we did ?

Or are you saying she didn't start the PAC that is running that ads ?

And nobody said she was trying to take our guns away. Asshole.

What was said in the article is that she is running ads against candidates who don't agree with her and that the ads are half-truths.

You are a dick.

Go Gabby!. Give those NRA NaziCons hell.

Her husband made the list for Seven liberal hypocrites on this news article because he purchased an assault weapon for the Gifford household. Hypocrites? I think so. Read up, Lakhota.

7 Liberal Hypocrites Who Call For Gun Control While Being Protected By Guns - John Hawkins - Page full#
7 Liberal Hypocrites Who Call For Gun Control While Being Protected By Guns
John Hawkins | Mar 23, 2013

Once again -- this is dishonest.

Kelly, the husband of former Rep. Gabby Giffords and an outspoken advocate for new gun control measures, had in recent interviews said he was buying the rifle to showcase what he said are unobtrusive background checks.

Kelly: Gun loophole makes no sense

Doug MacKinlay, owner of Diamondback Police Supply, said it was Kelly's statements that caused him to stop the sale.

"I determined that it was in my company's best interest to terminate this transaction prior to his returning to my store to complete the Federal Form 4473 and NICS (National Instant Criminal Background Check System) required of Mr. Kelly before he could take possession of this firearm," MacKinlay posted on the Tuscon store's Facebook page Monday. <<
(story here) -- try using an actual news source instead of Dimbart.

I do not believe him. He was in fear for his life or hers and didn't expect Breitbart media to find out and report on it, Pogo. I've known of other stories of Dems against 2nd amendment rights who owned guns. Nothing surprises me. Although his buying an assault weapon along with the .45 was interesting. ( I do not buy his story at all )

You didn't buy my story about that professional activist John WK in the Kay Hagan thread either. Then when I proved it and tagged you to see it, you made yourself scarce.

Must be convenient.... :lalala:
Pogo said:
Try reading the OP. I'm going by that.

Whoops! Missing an argument there, my friend. Not being in the video or her founding a PAC does not absolve her of allowing these ads to run. I could care less what the OP said. You go by facts, not your interpretation of a post. Google is your friend.
Last edited:
If anyone wants to see the ad itself here it is:

That's in the OP article already. And Giffords is nowhere in it.

She and her husband founded the PAC that ran that ad! Please do try to keep up, Pogo.

Try reading the OP. I'm going by that.

Here, lemme make it easy:

Well, it was bound to happen.

Giffords is now utilizing her elevated position and all the sympathy she can muster to run ads against those who support the constitution.

Go figure.

She was never that good before and obviously isn't getting any better.

STFU Gabby.

Mad Gabby Former Congresswoman Unleashes Nasty Ads Against Pro-Second Amendment Candidates - Matt Vespa

Whoops! Missing an argument there, my friend.

That seems to be his MO.
Obama's daughters have armed bodyguards to attend school yet they don't want your child to have armed officers to watch over your public schools. Did you ever wonder about the hypocrisy of those who don't believe in guns? The Giffords, Feinsteins, Kennedy's of the world are not fooling anyone.
Go Gabby!. Give those NRA NaziCons hell.

Her husband made the list for Seven liberal hypocrites on this news article because he purchased an assault weapon for the Gifford household. Hypocrites? I think so. Read up, Lakhota.

7 Liberal Hypocrites Who Call For Gun Control While Being Protected By Guns - John Hawkins - Page full#
7 Liberal Hypocrites Who Call For Gun Control While Being Protected By Guns
John Hawkins | Mar 23, 2013

Once again -- this is dishonest.

Kelly, the husband of former Rep. Gabby Giffords and an outspoken advocate for new gun control measures, had in recent interviews said he was buying the rifle to showcase what he said are unobtrusive background checks.

Kelly: Gun loophole makes no sense

Doug MacKinlay, owner of Diamondback Police Supply, said it was Kelly's statements that caused him to stop the sale.

"I determined that it was in my company's best interest to terminate this transaction prior to his returning to my store to complete the Federal Form 4473 and NICS (National Instant Criminal Background Check System) required of Mr. Kelly before he could take possession of this firearm," MacKinlay posted on the Tuscon store's Facebook page Monday. <<
(story here) -- try using an actual news source instead of Dimbart.

I do not believe him. He was in fear for his life or hers and didn't expect Breitbart media to find out and report on it, Pogo. I've known of other stories of Dems against 2nd amendment rights who owned guns. Nothing surprises me. Although his buying an assault weapon along with the .45 was interesting. ( I do not buy his story at all )

You didn't buy my story about that professional activist John WK in the Kay Hagan thread either. Then when I proved it and tagged you to see it, you made yourself scarce.

Must be convenient.... :lalala:

Let the deflections start.
If anyone wants to see the ad itself here it is:

That's in the OP article already. And Giffords is nowhere in it.

She and her husband founded the PAC that ran that ad! Please do try to keep up, Pogo.

Try reading the OP. I'm going by that.

Here, lemme make it easy:

Well, it was bound to happen.

Giffords is now utilizing her elevated position and all the sympathy she can muster to run ads against those who support the constitution.

Go figure.

She was never that good before and obviously isn't getting any better.

STFU Gabby.

Mad Gabby Former Congresswoman Unleashes Nasty Ads Against Pro-Second Amendment Candidates - Matt Vespa

Whoops! Missing an argument there, my friend.

Uh... the idea is that quote is there so that you read it. Then you contrast it with the actual videos. Then you call bullshit because they don't add up.

Work at it. You can do this.

You need to pull your head out of the ass of partisanship. It's blind in there.
If anyone wants to see the ad itself here it is:

That's in the OP article already. And Giffords is nowhere in it.

She and her husband founded the PAC that ran that ad! Please do try to keep up, Pogo.

Try reading the OP. I'm going by that.

Here, lemme make it easy:

Well, it was bound to happen.

Giffords is now utilizing her elevated position and all the sympathy she can muster to run ads against those who support the constitution.

Go figure.

She was never that good before and obviously isn't getting any better.

STFU Gabby.

Mad Gabby Former Congresswoman Unleashes Nasty Ads Against Pro-Second Amendment Candidates - Matt Vespa

Whoops! Missing an argument there, my friend.

Uh... the idea is that quote is there so that you read it. Then you contrast it with the actual videos. Then you call bullshit because they don't add up.

Work at it. You can do this.

You need to pull your head out of the ass of partisanship. It's blind in there.

Why don't you post instructions on the head must be a pro.

There is nothing in the OP that conflicts with the article and there is nothing in the article that is inaccurate.
If anyone wants to see the ad itself here it is:

That's in the OP article already. And Giffords is nowhere in it.

She and her husband founded the PAC that ran that ad! Please do try to keep up, Pogo.

Try reading the OP. I'm going by that.

Here, lemme make it easy:

Well, it was bound to happen.

Giffords is now utilizing her elevated position and all the sympathy she can muster to run ads against those who support the constitution.

Go figure.

She was never that good before and obviously isn't getting any better.

STFU Gabby.

Mad Gabby Former Congresswoman Unleashes Nasty Ads Against Pro-Second Amendment Candidates - Matt Vespa

Whoops! Missing an argument there, my friend.

Uh... the idea is that quote is there so that you read it. Then you contrast it with the actual videos. Then you call bullshit because they don't add up.

Work at it. You can do this.

You need to pull your head out of the ass of partisanship. It's blind in there.

Look who's talking. I call BS because she heads the PAC that ran that ad, so by allowing it to run she has indirectly endorsed it's content.

2+2=4, Pogo. Or do we need to play connect the dots? Perhaps you'll be happy with popup book?
Go Gabby!. Give those NRA NaziCons hell.

Her husband made the list for Seven liberal hypocrites on this news article because he purchased an assault weapon for the Gifford household. Hypocrites? I think so. Read up, Lakhota.

7 Liberal Hypocrites Who Call For Gun Control While Being Protected By Guns - John Hawkins - Page full#
7 Liberal Hypocrites Who Call For Gun Control While Being Protected By Guns
John Hawkins | Mar 23, 2013

Once again -- this is dishonest.

Kelly, the husband of former Rep. Gabby Giffords and an outspoken advocate for new gun control measures, had in recent interviews said he was buying the rifle to showcase what he said are unobtrusive background checks.

Kelly: Gun loophole makes no sense

Doug MacKinlay, owner of Diamondback Police Supply, said it was Kelly's statements that caused him to stop the sale.

"I determined that it was in my company's best interest to terminate this transaction prior to his returning to my store to complete the Federal Form 4473 and NICS (National Instant Criminal Background Check System) required of Mr. Kelly before he could take possession of this firearm," MacKinlay posted on the Tuscon store's Facebook page Monday. <<
(story here) -- try using an actual news source instead of Dimbart.

I do not believe him. He was in fear for his life or hers and didn't expect Breitbart media to find out and report on it, Pogo. I've known of other stories of Dems against 2nd amendment rights who owned guns. Nothing surprises me. Although his buying an assault weapon along with the .45 was interesting. ( I do not buy his story at all )

You didn't buy my story about that professional activist John WK in the Kay Hagan thread either. Then when I proved it and tagged you to see it, you made yourself scarce.

Must be convenient.... :lalala:

That isn't true and you know it. Pull up the thread. I was very clear in stating your pov vs. his but you never proved he was a paid poster either. He could have been doing it on his own time. Like Lahkota! lol....

I gave you credit , Pogo. You know I did. I do not run but neither do I hang out on one thread for days on end. I do not even do that on my own threads! Only one exception - Pentacostal fire - I move on - in general. It is only a message board. Don't take such discussions (politics) so seriously.

Turns out she was bad news anyhow. John WK was on his game alright.

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