Gabby Giffords Turns Slimewad

Pulling ads means the assertions they made were lies. People will outright lie to voters to get into office. Everyone does it. It isn't rocket science.

you dont know the reason the ads were pulled. That could be a reason, it could be another...People leave up ads with lies in them as well.

Sort of like Obama did accusing Romney of giving people cancer? Yeah, funny how you don't point that out.

Your response suggested you didn't care why the ads were pulled. "So what" you said. You are full of double standards, PB.
sort of like Mittens accusing jeep of moving over to china fully and somehow that was obama's fault.Even though they never moved.

More like so what, your opinion does not make fact, show me why they where pulled.

You certainly seem to have unresolved anger issues.

This thread is about Gabby Giffords...not Mitt Romney.

Why didn't you bring that up to the poster who derailed the thread by mentioning Mitt Romney first?

Protip: It wasn't Plasmaball.

Or do you only play the "let's get strictly back on this exceedingly narrow topic" game when your side is losing?

Actually, I smashed PBs argument into oblivion, as I did yours. You play the 'get back on topic' card when you're losing.
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you dont know the reason the ads were pulled. That could be a reason, it could be another...People leave up ads with lies in them as well.

Sort of like Obama did accusing Romney of giving people cancer? Yeah, funny how you don't point that out.

Your response suggested you didn't care why the ads were pulled. "So what" you said. You are full of double standards, PB.
sort of like Mittens accusing jeep of moving over to china fully and somehow that was obama's fault.Even though they never moved.

More like so what, your opinion does not make fact, show me why they where pulled.

You certainly seem to have unresolved anger issues.

This thread is about Gabby Giffords...not Mitt Romney.

Why didn't you bring that up to the poster who derailed the thread by mentioning Mitt Romney first?

Protip: It wasn't Plasmaball.

Or do you only play the "let's get strictly back on this exceedingly narrow topic" game when your side is losing?

Actually, I smashed PB argument into oblivion, as I did yours. You play the 'get back on topic' card when you're losing.

If you read the quote chain, you'll see that I wasn't responding to you.

Deal with it.
Well, it was bound to happen.

Giffords is now utilizing her elevated position and all the sympathy she can muster to run ads against those who support the constitution.

Go figure.

She was never that good before and obviously isn't getting any better.

STFU Gabby.

Mad Gabby Former Congresswoman Unleashes Nasty Ads Against Pro-Second Amendment Candidates - Matt Vespa

Guess who didn't bother to vet his own OP.

Gabby Giffords isn't even in these videos. Not a single one of them. Not on video, not quoted, nothing. Nor do any of them mention or imply, directly or indirectly, any Constitutional issue at all.

What was that about making an ass of oneself again?

Dumb shit.
And just so you know LM, we were talking about ads first, the one I mentioned happened to be from President Obama about Mitt Romney during the 2012 Presidential Election. The subject of was why people pull ads. The discussion about ads were as a result of Giffords doling out ham fisted ads about her pro Second Amendment opponent.
Well, it was bound to happen.

Giffords is now utilizing her elevated position and all the sympathy she can muster to run ads against those who support the constitution.

Go figure.

She was never that good before and obviously isn't getting any better.

STFU Gabby.

Mad Gabby Former Congresswoman Unleashes Nasty Ads Against Pro-Second Amendment Candidates - Matt Vespa

Guess who didn't bother to vet his own OP.

Gabby Giffords isn't even in these videos. Not a single one of them. Not on video, not quoted, nothing. Nor do any of them mention or imply, directly or indirectly, any Constitutional issue at all.

What was that about making an ass of oneself again?

Dumb shit.

Please, she got downright nasty:

Gabby Giffords gets mean - Alex Isenstadt -
you dont know the reason the ads were pulled. That could be a reason, it could be another...People leave up ads with lies in them as well.

Sort of like Obama did accusing Romney of giving people cancer? Yeah, funny how you don't point that out.

Your response suggested you didn't care why the ads were pulled. "So what" you said. You are full of double standards, PB.
sort of like Mittens accusing jeep of moving over to china fully and somehow that was obama's fault.Even though they never moved.

More like so what, your opinion does not make fact, show me why they where pulled.

You certainly seem to have unresolved anger issues.

This thread is about Gabby Giffords...not Mitt Romney.

Why didn't you bring that up to the poster who derailed the thread by mentioning Mitt Romney first?

Protip: It wasn't Plasmaball.

Or do you only play the "let's get strictly back on this exceedingly narrow topic" game when your side is losing?

Actually, I smashed PB argument into oblivion, as I did yours. You play the 'get back on topic' card when you're losing.
ah i see we have moved onto the self proclaimed victory section of your arguing. Kid this wasnt an all you can buffet, you didnt do anything
And just so you know LM, we were talking about ads first, the one I mentioned happened to be from President Obama about Mitt Romney during the 2012 Presidential Election. The subject of was why people pull ads. The discussion about ads were as a result of Giffords doling out ham fisted ads about her pro Second Amendment opponent.
i am fairly sure LN can read and follow along as to what has happened, and also see that this summary isnt even accurate
With all due respect to Gabby Giffords and what she has gone through she is still very much your typical politician what she is doing is neither heroic or courageous nor is it new or unique in the world of politics.
Go Gabby!. Give those NRA NaziCons hell.

Her husband made the list for Seven liberal hypocrites on this news article because he purchased an assault weapon for the Gifford household. Hypocrites? I think so. Read up, Lakhota.

7 Liberal Hypocrites Who Call For Gun Control While Being Protected By Guns - John Hawkins - Page full#
7 Liberal Hypocrites Who Call For Gun Control While Being Protected By Guns
John Hawkins | Mar 23, 2013

2) Dianne Feinstein: She introduced the Assault Weapons Ban of 2013 in the Senate.
"I know the sense of helplessness that people feel. I know the urge to arm yourself because that's what I did. I was trained in firearms. I walked to the hospital when my husband was sick. I carried a concealed weapon and I made the determination if somebody was going to try and take me out, I was going to take them with me." -- Dianne Feinstein
3) Mark Kelly, the husband of Former Rep. Gabby Giffords (D-AZ):"Mark E. Kelly, gun-control proponent and husband to former Congresswoman Gabby Giffords, recently purchased an AR-15 (an “assault weapon,” he called it)—which he now says he intended as an illustration of the need for more stringent gun laws.
Kelly reportedly bought the AR-15 and a 1911-style semi-automatic pistol at a gun store in Tucson, Arizona.
Testifying to the Senate Judiciary Committee January 30, Kelly had urged senators to restrict sales of firearms based on their lethality–a common refrain with other witnesses that day who argued that semi-automatic weapons, which chamber subsequent rounds as bullets are fired, and other guns with military-style features, level the playing field against law enforcement.
Wow! He made # 3 on the list. Right behind Feinstein! See that, Lakhota?
If anyone wants to see the ad itself here it is:

That's in the OP article already. And Giffords is nowhere in it.
Nor does any one of them say, imply or even vaguely hint at "taking our pacifiers guns away".

Fucking children. No shit.
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Well, it was bound to happen.

Giffords is now utilizing her elevated position and all the sympathy she can muster to run ads against those who support the constitution.

Go figure.

She was never that good before and obviously isn't getting any better.

STFU Gabby.

Mad Gabby Former Congresswoman Unleashes Nasty Ads Against Pro-Second Amendment Candidates - Matt Vespa

Guess who didn't bother to vet his own OP.

Gabby Giffords isn't even in these videos. Not a single one of them. Not on video, not quoted, nothing. Nor do any of them mention or imply, directly or indirectly, any Constitutional issue at all.

What was that about making an ass of oneself again?

Dumb shit.


Who is the dumb shit ?

I can't make this stuff up.

Or are you saying Giffords isn't positioned as the article claims ?
Go Gabby!. Give those NRA NaziCons hell.

Her husband made the list for Seven liberal hypocrites on this news article because he purchased an assault weapon for the Gifford household. Hypocrites? I think so. Read up, Lakhota.

7 Liberal Hypocrites Who Call For Gun Control While Being Protected By Guns - John Hawkins - Page full#
7 Liberal Hypocrites Who Call For Gun Control While Being Protected By Guns
John Hawkins | Mar 23, 2013

Once again -- this is dishonest.

Kelly, the husband of former Rep. Gabby Giffords and an outspoken advocate for new gun control measures, had in recent interviews said he was buying the rifle to showcase what he said are unobtrusive background checks.

Kelly: Gun loophole makes no sense

Doug MacKinlay, owner of Diamondback Police Supply, said it was Kelly's statements that caused him to stop the sale.

"I determined that it was in my company's best interest to terminate this transaction prior to his returning to my store to complete the Federal Form 4473 and NICS (National Instant Criminal Background Check System) required of Mr. Kelly before he could take possession of this firearm," MacKinlay posted on the Tuscon store's Facebook page Monday. <<
(story here) -- try using an actual news source instead of Dimbart.
Well, it was bound to happen.

Giffords is now utilizing her elevated position and all the sympathy she can muster to run ads against those who support the constitution.

Go figure.

She was never that good before and obviously isn't getting any better.

STFU Gabby.

Mad Gabby Former Congresswoman Unleashes Nasty Ads Against Pro-Second Amendment Candidates - Matt Vespa

Guess who didn't bother to vet his own OP.

Gabby Giffords isn't even in these videos. Not a single one of them. Not on video, not quoted, nothing. Nor do any of them mention or imply, directly or indirectly, any Constitutional issue at all.

What was that about making an ass of oneself again?

Dumb shit.


Who is the dumb shit ?

I can't make this stuff up.

Or are you saying Giffords isn't positioned as the article claims ?

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