Gabby Giffords Turns Slimewad

Tis the nature of politics... to bash your opponent with highly outrageous claims. I mean who wouldn't believe her after being a victim of gun violence? Anyhow, turning a tragedy into a political matter is pretty sad.
i know its like when those women who get raped decide to fight for other rape victims or sum fat ass moron
They have free birth control and abortions, and it's just sex. Right? I mean that's what you libitards tell us anyway.
Tis the nature of politics... to bash your opponent with highly outrageous claims. I mean who wouldn't believe her after being a victim of gun violence? Anyhow, turning a tragedy into a political matter is pretty sad.
i know its like when those women who get raped decide to fight for other rape victims or sum fat ass moron
They have free birth control and abortions, and it's just sex. Right? I mean that's what you libitards tell us anyway.
i can see why you are single.
Well, it was bound to happen.

Giffords is now utilizing her elevated position and all the sympathy she can muster to run ads against those who support the constitution.

Go figure.

She was never that good before and obviously isn't getting any better.

STFU Gabby.

Mad Gabby Former Congresswoman Unleashes Nasty Ads Against Pro-Second Amendment Candidates - Matt Vespa

Guess who didn't bother to vet his own OP.

Gabby Giffords isn't even in these videos. Not a single one of them. Not on video, not quoted, nothing. Nor do any of them mention or imply, directly or indirectly, any Constitutional issue at all.

What was that about making an ass of oneself again?

Dumb shit.

Please, she got downright nasty:

Gabby Giffords gets mean - Alex Isenstadt -

well read the one, i dont care about opinion pieces, thats not a source.

So Gabby wants laws that a stalker can''t buy a gun and background checks at gun shows because a criminal went and bought one with no check at all. people are fucking insane if you think she is nuts or going after your rights too own a gun legally. Unless you guys are stalkers or criminals, but hey defend your own right?
This quote is ibid:

Giffords has long been a gun owner and believes in the constitutional right of all Americans to safe and responsible gun ownership.

So why does she let her PAC run this nonsense? She is a hypocrite of the highest order.
because she feels stalkers and criminals shouldnt be able to buy guns at gun shows...

The horror.....
This quote is ibid:

Giffords has long been a gun owner and believes in the constitutional right of all Americans to safe and responsible gun ownership.

So why does she let her PAC run this nonsense? She is a hypocrite of the highest order.
because she feels stalkers and criminals shouldnt be able to buy guns at gun shows...

The horror.....

I had a stalker once, but that doesn't mean I think she shouldn't be allowed to buy a gun. She's probably too terrified to actually use one.
Well, it was bound to happen.

Giffords is now utilizing her elevated position and all the sympathy she can muster to run ads against those who support the constitution.

Go figure.

She was never that good before and obviously isn't getting any better.

STFU Gabby.

Mad Gabby Former Congresswoman Unleashes Nasty Ads Against Pro-Second Amendment Candidates - Matt Vespa

Guess who didn't bother to vet his own OP.

Gabby Giffords isn't even in these videos. Not a single one of them. Not on video, not quoted, nothing. Nor do any of them mention or imply, directly or indirectly, any Constitutional issue at all.

What was that about making an ass of oneself again?

Dumb shit.

Please, she got downright nasty:

Gabby Giffords gets mean - Alex Isenstadt -

well read the one, i dont care about opinion pieces, thats not a source.

So Gabby wants laws that a stalker can''t buy a gun and background checks at gun shows because a criminal went and bought one with no check at all. people are fucking insane if you think she is nuts or going after your rights too own a gun legally. Unless you guys are stalkers or criminals, but hey defend your own right?

You already have to get a background check to buy a gun at gun shows. As for "stalking," that's not really a crime unless you violate a restraining order. Even then, it doesn't justify stripping anyone of their 2nd amendment rights. The vast majority of so-called "stalkers" are not dangerous. They are just overly infatuated and a nuisance. I had a stalker once myself.
she can want whatever she wants doesn't mean we are going bow down to her wants. I find her a disgusting woman for using her injuries and for using targets on a map to try and tear down palin while she was running for office

now those who want go kiss the ground she walks on
being shot in the head will do that..Looks more like the Op is scum. But we knew this

A fellow liberal shot her in the head, not a Republican.

Ok..never really mentioned anything about this. But hey we already know you are scum as well.

You're the Pot.

says the terrorist

How do I qualify as a "terrorist?" Did I cut off anyone's head?
she can want whatever she wants doesn't mean we are going bow down to her wants. I find her a disgusting woman for using her injuries and for using targets on a map to try and tear down palin while she was running for office

That's how liberals operate. Nothing is too sleazy or below the belt for them.

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