Gallup- Americans Less Likely to See U.S. as No. 1 Militarily

see the new Gallup poll Gents , lots of people think similar to the way that I think . A new President may fix things as Cruz says that he will fix USA military , Trump says similar !!
gentlemen , yes , USA military is very strong , I just want to see USA military stronger . I don't mind spending the money for more strength . Concerning Obama , hey , mrobama is a wusse and a terrible 'cic' in my opinion and my opinion is shared by millions of Americans that share my politics . .

Stronger than what? Do you know how much firepower is in just ONE carrier battle group? We have 11 carriers currently in service.

List of aircraft carriers of the United States Navy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
For the most part, absolutely in terms of the US
It is the easiest measure to apply and is valid in this case

You would have to assume the US wastes its money in its investment in military. Clearly we don't. In spite of rightwing fear mongering, we have the most effective military in the world and have repeatedly proven it on the battlefield

It is in no way valid.

As I have already shown.

The fact that we pay a reasonable wage to American factory workers who make M-16s compared to China with it's workers is not a "waste" but neither does it translate into increased military effectiveness.

For ONE very simple and limited example.

Lefties like to pretend otherwise, because it serves their narrative of dismissing the arguments of Conservatives, as you just did.

If you cannot be honest about such a basic point, there is no way to have a conversation with you that has any connection with reality.
the gap in spending is so large as to overcome any pay disparities.

Did you read the bit, where I clearly stated that that was "ONE very simple and limited example"?

Did you understand it?

so give another


Anyone we fight is going to be far away from US, unless Canada gets uppity.

Thus we have the expense of having to buy and maintain a massive logistic capability to support high consumption military force on the other side of the world, and our enemies do NOT.

This is ANOTHER very SIMPLE and LIMITED EXAMPLE of why just comparing funding is no way to compare effectiveness.

Bullshit. Americans have no such need for bases. These bases are maintained as part of treaties, primarily NATO, but also SEATO as well.

The US has tried to shut down its Okinawa base on occasion, as well as Frankfurt. Germany and Japan resisted strenuously. Those bases are worth millions to the economies of the host countries as US troops and contractors pour American tax dollars into foreign economies.

There are few countries with the technology to attack the US easily, unless Canada or Mexico get uppity. Getting anything, much less a fully equipped fighting force, across either the Atlantic or the Pacific, requires incredible equipment and resources.

The purpose of US Defence spending is not to protect US citizens, it is to protect US Interests. Like American oil companies in the Middle East. The US is prepared not to intervene militarily unless the assets of American owned corporations are in play.

And the American taxpayers, kept in a constant state of fear and paranoia by Republicans invoking Muslim terrorism, pay for it all - willingly. It's the price of freedom. As if ISIS was ever a real threat to invade the US.

With US troops deployed worldwide, defence dollars, which used to be spent in the US, are now spent abroad. Further draining jobs away from Americans at home.

The US could well afford to close most of its overseas bases, cut the size of its standing army, and let someone else police the world, or at least require that Allies see to their own defence.
see the new Gallup poll Gents , lots of people think similar to the way that I think . A new President may fix things as Cruz says that he will fix USA military , Trump says similar !!

Both are saying they want to do it like Reagan did. And, talk to anyone who was in the Navy during Reagan's "500 ship Navy" policy.

I served during that time, and there were ships going on a 6 month deployment that were only 85 percent manned (which is a large shortfall, and brings extra work on the crew). Reagan wanted to build the ships, but he didn't raise the quota for those coming into the military.

Nowdays? With the way that many people view the military (they like having it, they just don't want to be part of it, saw that happen after Iraq started while working in recruiting), I don't think that you could get enough people to join to fill the crews of a Navy that large. At least, not without a draft, which the Navy has never been a part of. Since it's inception, the U.S. Navy has been an all volunteer force.
gentlemen , yes , USA military is very strong , I just want to see USA military stronger . I don't mind spending the money for more strength . Concerning Obama , hey , mrobama is a wusse and a terrible 'cic' in my opinion and my opinion is shared by millions of Americans that share my politics . .

Stronger than what? Do you know how much firepower is in just ONE carrier battle group? We have 11 carriers currently in service.

List of aircraft carriers of the United States Navy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
------------------------------------ i'm not going to argue my thinking with you BSailor , I have given you my opinion that is shared by millions of other Americans .
see the new Gallup poll Gents , lots of people think similar to the way that I think . A new President may fix things as Cruz says that he will fix USA military , Trump says similar !!

Both are saying they want to do it like Reagan did. And, talk to anyone who was in the Navy during Reagan's "500 ship Navy" policy.

I served during that time, and there were ships going on a 6 month deployment that were only 85 percent manned (which is a large shortfall, and brings extra work on the crew). Reagan wanted to build the ships, but he didn't raise the quota for those coming into the military.

Nowdays? With the way that many people view the military (they like having it, they just don't want to be part of it, saw that happen after Iraq started while working in recruiting), I don't think that you could get enough people to join to fill the crews of a Navy that large. At least, not without a draft, which the Navy has never been a part of. Since it's inception, the U.S. Navy has been an all volunteer force.
--------------------------- DRAFT , well we need a draft BSailor !!
see the new Gallup poll Gents , lots of people think similar to the way that I think . A new President may fix things as Cruz says that he will fix USA military , Trump says similar !!

Both are saying they want to do it like Reagan did. And, talk to anyone who was in the Navy during Reagan's "500 ship Navy" policy.

I served during that time, and there were ships going on a 6 month deployment that were only 85 percent manned (which is a large shortfall, and brings extra work on the crew). Reagan wanted to build the ships, but he didn't raise the quota for those coming into the military.

Nowdays? With the way that many people view the military (they like having it, they just don't want to be part of it, saw that happen after Iraq started while working in recruiting), I don't think that you could get enough people to join to fill the crews of a Navy that large. At least, not without a draft, which the Navy has never been a part of. Since it's inception, the U.S. Navy has been an all volunteer force.
--------------------------- DRAFT , well we need a draft BSailor !!

Really? Why exactly do we need a draft right now?
I think a draft of eligible Americans is a good thing , I do not like the current all volunteer military . A draft and enlisting of Americans , no foreigners allowed BSailor !!
enlistee and draft makes the best mix , all professional military may fight anyone for a paycheck and benefits . I liken Professional military to 'kings men' BSailor !!
Yes force young people who have no desire to join the military enter the armed service. No need for a draft...we have plenty serving now.
yep , just my opinion plus seeing mrobama screwing around with pin prick bombing strikes as fighting Islamic state . [Example , civilians driving oil tankers so mrobama wouldn't destroy the oil tankers] ------------- When Russia strikes well they strike very nicely the way the USA should be striking , bombing !!. That's just one example while another example is mrobamas social engineering in the military Ogibillm .

I see you're getting your "facts" from right wing nutjobs again. Obama DID have those tankers destroyed, but, because they were driven by non combatants, leaflets were dropped prior to bombing all the tankers to tell the non combatants that they had a short amount of time to run away. Perfectly reasonable, as well as in compliance with the Geneva conventions.

And, if by "social engineering" you mean getting rid of DADT and allowing gays to serve openly in the military, well.................gays have been serving in the military since 1982, when I met the first gay person I'd ever seen in my life at my first command. DADT was a failed policy that kicked many good people out, who other than being gay, were exceptional soldiers and sailors.

Not only that, but there are benefits that spouses can use in the form of the Ombudsman program, which facilitates communication between the spouse and the command. If you were gay back then, you couldn't use it for fear of being kicked out.

I served for over 20 years in the U.S. Navy, between 1982 and 2002, and getting rid of DADT was the best thing that could have happened.

What branch did you serve in, and for how long?

We had no room for fags in the Navy I served. They were rightfully sent back home after suffering a few 'blanket parties'. And no queers, not the type party you were hoping for.

That's ridiculous and you are a liar. I'm in my 60's and I was in the military. In fact, I never met anyone who has been in the military who didn't know someone who was gay. The people everyone hated were the phobes. Cuz they were assholes. Not just the gays hated them, everyone did. Homophobes are ignorant assholes to just about everyone. Even to other soldiers in the military. A lot of those soldiers had gay brothers or sisters or uncles or aunts or classmates or cousins and so on. Anyone with a gay family member hated the phobes.

Who do these assholes think they are? Mitt Romney?

Let us break this down..... Shall we?

Anyone and someone huh?. BFD. I served in the military and knew who the homo's were too. Did you miss the part where I said that? And consequently, blanket parties ensued? Comprehension is a part of reading you know.

Foremost, you have a real issue with the overuse of the following words...


But this is typical deranged thinking of a bleeding heart liberal. I can dig it. But quit speaking for all of mankind when making such wild proclamations.

goal is to be prepared . We now have problems starting with 'china' , Russia , Islamic state caliphate but the point is to be prepared to fight and kill all enemies if needed Rightwinger , just in case . Just my opinion but I have lots of company with about 49 percent of Americans thinking the same way . And to add , both Cruz and Trump have stated that they want to rebuild the USA military Rightwinger !!
Fear mongering is getting to you
Have you seen the size and power of our military compared to the next eight countries COMBINED?
Then realize that six of those eight are on our side

The threat is not there....morons like Cruz want you to think it is
Why are Republicans continually disparaging our military.

Its the best in the world, bar none. You conservatives that think it weak why don't you exercise you 2nd amendment rights, go join up, and stop whining.

Every election Republicans talk about the US military as if it couldn't retake Honolulu if it had to, when in fact it is stronger than any other military in the world by a factor of ten.

Not enough wars. They need more. It's all about the warmongering. Right now, the Neocons (Nazis) don't feel we're in enough wars. They need to stuff more American kids into the meat grinder to make themselves feel tough. More kids have to die for nothing.

They're mad rabid dogs. I no longer refer to myself as a Republican. I can't support a Party ruled by Nazi madmen. I won't return to the Party till the Neocons (Nazis) are expelled.
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And on a side note, you Neocons (Nazis) should stop all the warmongering and start contributing more of your time & money to helping our poor soldiers who come back from your wars with horrific mental and physical injuries.

You've sent so many to their deaths and caused so much pain & suffering. The least you could do is help them and their families. Follow through and contribute more. You wanted war and sent them into hell, now it's time to follow through and give back. You owe that to them.
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goal is to be prepared . We now have problems starting with 'china' , Russia , Islamic state caliphate but the point is to be prepared to fight and kill all enemies if needed Rightwinger , just in case . Just my opinion but I have lots of company with about 49 percent of Americans thinking the same way . And to add , both Cruz and Trump have stated that they want to rebuild the USA military Rightwinger !!
Fear mongering is getting to you
Have you seen the size and power of our military compared to the next eight countries COMBINED?
Then realize that six of those eight are on our side

The threat is not there....morons like Cruz want you to think it is
------------------------------ NO Fearmongering , I'm looking for them to make their move Rightwinger !!
goal is to be prepared . We now have problems starting with 'china' , Russia , Islamic state caliphate but the point is to be prepared to fight and kill all enemies if needed Rightwinger , just in case . Just my opinion but I have lots of company with about 49 percent of Americans thinking the same way . And to add , both Cruz and Trump have stated that they want to rebuild the USA military Rightwinger !!
Fear mongering is getting to you
Have you seen the size and power of our military compared to the next eight countries COMBINED?
Then realize that six of those eight are on our side

The threat is not there....morons like Cruz want you to think it is
------------------------------ NO Fearmongering , I'm looking for them to make their move Rightwinger !!
And on a side note, you Neocons (Nazis) should stop all the warmongering and start contributing more of your time & money to helping our poor soldiers who come back from your wars with horrific mental and physical injuries.

You've sent so many to their deaths and caused so much pain & suffering. The least you could do is help them and their families. Contribute more. You owe that to them.
---------------------------- lots of the injuries and problems are caused by the 'cic' and his 'roe' that make USA soldiers shy about pulling the trigger . Same goes for mrobamas pin prick bombing campaign .
goal is to be prepared . We now have problems starting with 'china' , Russia , Islamic state caliphate but the point is to be prepared to fight and kill all enemies if needed Rightwinger , just in case . Just my opinion but I have lots of company with about 49 percent of Americans thinking the same way . And to add , both Cruz and Trump have stated that they want to rebuild the USA military Rightwinger !!
Fear mongering is getting to you
Have you seen the size and power of our military compared to the next eight countries COMBINED?
Then realize that six of those eight are on our side

The threat is not there....morons like Cruz want you to think it is
------------------------------ NO Fearmongering , I'm looking for them to make their move Rightwinger !!
-------------------------------- whoever it is !!
And on a side note, you Neocons (Nazis) should stop all the warmongering and start contributing more of your time & money to helping our poor soldiers who come back from your wars with horrific mental and physical injuries.

You've sent so many to their deaths and caused so much pain & suffering. The least you could do is help them and their families. Contribute more. You owe that to them.
---------------------------- lots of the injuries and problems are caused by the 'cic' and his 'roe' that make USA soldiers shy about pulling the trigger . Same goes for mrobamas pin prick bombing campaign .

You guys want your wars and get our kids killed and maimed. We all know you're fully committed to that. But we also know you're not committed to helping them and their families with your time and money. You guys are why i no longer consider myself a Republican. I refuse to go the Nazi route with you.
And on a side note, you Neocons (Nazis) should stop all the warmongering and start contributing more of your time & money to helping our poor soldiers who come back from your wars with horrific mental and physical injuries.

You've sent so many to their deaths and caused so much pain & suffering. The least you could do is help them and their families. Contribute more. You owe that to them.
---------------------------- lots of the injuries and problems are caused by the 'cic' and his 'roe' that make USA soldiers shy about pulling the trigger . Same goes for mrobamas pin prick bombing campaign .

You guys want your wars and get our kids killed and maimed. We all know you're fully committed to that. But we also know you're not committed to helping them and their families with your time and money. You guys are why i no longer consider myself a Republican. I refuse to go the Nazi route with you.
------------------------------------ all volunteer military , no one forces the volunteers to join up Paul !!

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