Gallup: Republicans LESS enthusiastic about voting in 2012 than in previous election

Way to slant the data, Gallup. The poll says that 49% of Republicans are More enthusiatic, compared to 44% who are less, compared to Democrats, where the numbers are 44- 47%.

Again, most people aren't spending a lot of time thinking about this right now.
Way to slant the data, Gallup. The poll says that 49% of Republicans are More enthusiatic, compared to 44% who are less, compared to Democrats, where the numbers are 44- 47%.

Again, most people aren't spending a lot of time thinking about this right now.

No, the poll is comparing the attitudes now and the attitudes in the last few monts and in 2010. They aren't referring to the difference in values within the poll itself.
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Way to slant the data, Gallup. The poll says that 49% of Republicans are More enthusiatic, compared to 44% who are less, compared to Democrats, where the numbers are 44- 47%.

Again, most people aren't spending a lot of time thinking about this right now.

No, the poll is comparing the attitudes now and the attitudes in the last few monts and in 2010. They aren't referring to the difference in values within the poll itself.

Again, just meaning people aren't spending a lot of time thinking about it right now.

I think most people are just waiting to see how the nomination fight turns out.
Way to slant the data, Gallup. The poll says that 49% of Republicans are More enthusiatic, compared to 44% who are less, compared to Democrats, where the numbers are 44- 47%.

Again, most people aren't spending a lot of time thinking about this right now.

No, the poll is comparing the attitudes now and the attitudes in the last few monts and in 2010. They aren't referring to the difference in values within the poll itself.

Again, just meaning people aren't spending a lot of time thinking about it right now.

I think most people are just waiting to see how the nomination fight turns out.

I disagree. Republicans are well aware of their feelings for Obama. I think it is because they are disenchanted with the GOP field.
Republicans Less Enthusiastic About Voting in 2012

Interesting. Anybody have any theories as to why?

The canidates suck.

The canidates:
Romney who is a progressive republican
Newt who is a bombastic conservative
Perry who is just not a president/presidential
Bachmann who is ms crazy eyes and doesn't seem presidential
Santorum who is probably their best bet but just comes across as a whiney snot
Huntsman who is a liberal in republican cloathing
Paul who is cool and conservative but would never win in the general election.
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Republicans Less Enthusiastic About Voting in 2012

Interesting. Anybody have any theories as to why?

The canidates suck.

The canidates:
Romney who is a progressive republican
Newt who is a bombastic conservative
Perry who is just not a president/presidential
Bachmann who is ms crazy eyes and doesn't seem presidential
Santorum who is probably their best bet but just comes across as a whiney snot
Huntsman who is a liberal in republican cloathing
Paul who is cool and conservative but would never win in the general election.

Everyone stand-back!!

The Great NEWTO is about to leap, from a 75' platform.....

(.....And, he's gonna make a serious MESS!!!)


Stupid Teabaggers.
I think it's good news. Let the left continue to think Republicans, as well as independents and others, aren't gonna be energized as hell come the election.
Republicans Less Enthusiastic About Voting in 2012

Interesting. Anybody have any theories as to why?

Yes Im sure Obama is going to have to try a lot harder than the Republicans, as 47% of those Democrats are not very happy with who they are currently stuck with. Let's see the poll again after the Republican nominee is decided and announced, when the decision becomes Obama or "anyone else" as President.
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I'm an Indi and I can hadly wait to vote.

It won't be for Barry Boy.

You have decided without knowing who is running against him, are you voting for an Indi candidate?

I'm a conservative. And I'll vote for any Republican against Barry whether it's my most or least favorite candidate. The goal is to get rid of the clown and get full control of Washington.
Effectively, only weeks ago the Republican enthusiasm for the 2012 turn-out was leaving the Democrats in the Dust. There was a 27% difference in favor of the Party of Abraham Lincoln. Then they found out about Romney, Perry, Huntsman, Pawlenty, Cain, Bachmann, Palin, Paul, Paul, et. al.

2012 was not to be in the cards after all!

"Republicans' enthusiasm about voting has dropped and, as a result, the enthusiasm gap between Republicans and Democrats has narrowed significantly. This marks a change from the decided enthusiasm advantage Republicans enjoyed just two months ago and in last year's midterm elections."

"The decrease in Republicans' enthusiasm could reflect the intensive and bruising battle for the GOP nomination going on within the party, and the rapid rise and fall of various candidates in the esteem of rank-and-file Republicans nationwide. Once the Republican nominee is determined next year, Republicans' voting enthusiasm may steady, but whether this is at a high, medium, or low level remains to be seen."

The Midterms had been pro-GOP for turnout. Now that is turning around.

Consumer Confidence is Up--Obama Inspired from the Lubrication, and then the Stimulation of the worldwide disaster recoveries. Osama bin laden is now way far more underwater than post-Bush-Bubble-Households. Unemployment and new unemployment insurance claims are down. Year-end sales are up. Now, even the NBA is even playing basketball, just like President Obama--or maybe better(?)!

But at least(?)!

Black America would now be said to have something to do! And then if O. J. Simpson drives around on the freeways: The Turnout will be everywhere--like it used to be!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Go Barry Go! Run Barry Run! We have the Obama Lubrication, And now the Stimulation, Too! (The Ivy League understands this kind of high-level policy in action(?)!))

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