GAME CHANGER: Trump to counter Democrats’ ‘ballot harvesting’ with his own

Took you guys long enough to figure this out. I've only said several times on this forum to do exactly that. The California GOP figured it out after the blowout they received in 2018 and it's been working for them.

They have a decision to make. Whether they want to get re-elected or go down with the MTGs in the House. In 2022, there were major divisions in the Democrat Party.
"Guy", your own fake news media put out a poll just last week in which Biden lost to both Trump AND DeSantis! (Interestingly he lost by a wider margin to Big T.)

And there was another fake news media poll that showed the vast majority of Democrats don't even want Joe to run again. I repeat: These were Democrats.

Meanwhile Donna Brazil (who famously stacked a debate between Bernie and Hillary by leaking the questions to camp Clinton) - said that if Joe doesn't run, get this: Kamala is a shoe in, and is actually much more popular than the polls show!


The truth is you can keep your rose colored glasses, but it won't change the fact that you're sleep walking into a political disaster.

And now even stubborn Trump has decided enough is enough, and it's time to fight fire with fire.

If I were a Democrat, I'd be very very scared right now.

Except I'd be too stupid to be, as you've proven here.

These are the same polls that showed Republicans way ahead in 2022. The red wave never materialized.
How much did you send to the fund?

My much more valuable contribution will be to participate in the not only legal, but encouraged, harvesting of ballots. I work with a lot of kids from 1st generation American families, whose vote will be accepted on a provisional bases if they dont' have the proper docutmentation. Of course, any questioning of their ballots would be racist election denial. Not to mention my mom is in a skilled nursing home and many of the people there still have Trump stickers on the back of their wheelchair.

I smell a landslide for Trump. He beat your Dem friends at their own game of politics of personal destruction, now he will beat them at their own game of legalized election cheating.


My much more valuable contribution will be to participate in the not only legal, but encouraged, harvesting of ballots. I work with a lot of kids from 1st generation American families, whose vote will be accepted on a provisional bases if they dont' have the proper docutmentation. Of course, any questioning of their ballots would be racist election denial. Not to mention my mom is in a skilled nursing home and many of the people there still have Trump stickers on the back of their wheelchair.

I smell a landslide for Trump. He beat your Dem friends at their own game of politics of personal destruction, now he will beat them at their own game of legalized election cheating.

Good luck with that!

I wish you well in your endeavor.

It is good of you to once again show there is no difference between the parties.
Looks like Orange Man Rad finally got the memo:

No more telling MAGA to vote in person on election day only.

That remarkable feeling underneath your feet is the World turning upside down on Lefty heads everywhere.

Game on, motherfuckers.
January 6, 2021 .


My much more valuable contribution will be to participate in the not only legal, but encouraged, harvesting of ballots. I work with a lot of kids from 1st generation American families, whose vote will be accepted on a provisional bases if they dont' have the proper docutmentation. Of course, any questioning of their ballots would be racist election denial. Not to mention my mom is in a skilled nursing home and many of the people there still have Trump stickers on the back of their wheelchair.

I smell a landslide for Trump. He beat your Dem friends at their own game of politics of personal destruction, now he will beat them at their own game of legalized election cheating.
And they all voted for xiden


My much more valuable contribution will be to participate in the not only legal, but encouraged, harvesting of ballots. I work with a lot of kids from 1st generation American families, whose vote will be accepted on a provisional bases if they dont' have the proper docutmentation. Of course, any questioning of their ballots would be racist election denial. Not to mention my mom is in a skilled nursing home and many of the people there still have Trump stickers on the back of their wheelchair.

I smell a landslide for Trump. He beat your Dem friends at their own game of politics of personal destruction, now he will beat them at their own game of legalized election cheating.
But the country loses when the election process is overrun by cheating.
You can be sure that regardless of whatever cheating republicans are forced to resort to, the democrats will have already employed another level of cheating.
But the country loses when the election process is overrun by cheating.
You can be sure that regardless of whatever cheating republicans are forced to resort to, the democrats will have already employed another level of cheating.
It's not a perfect solution.

But unilateral honesty is what got us what we have in place now. A weaponized government completely out of control that is more interested in attacking Americans for their politics than defending American from foreign invaders.

Save he Republic from utter destruction first, then we can talk voting reform.

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