

Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
Unless you are amongst the hopelessly duped environmental nutters, this link is well worth a read.................

Sun Causes Climate Change Shock – Telegraph Blogs

The Michael Crichton novel, "State of Fear", is well worth picking up…even in paperback for a few $ -although an average run of the mill novel (I’m being generous), the real value is that it contains varous charts and graphs, from NOAA, other gov agencies, that shows the nonsense conclusively…it was put out during the height of the AGW scam…Crichton died shortly afterward….


Its getting hard to linger in this forum anymore. I get bored more and more by the month. The reason? The economic and political realities in 2011 have dealt a death blow to the k00ks aspirations of taking "their science" anywhere outside the realm of a hobby at this point. a football team that is up 71-3, you sorta lose interest.
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Unless you are amongst the hopelessly duped environmental nutters, this link is well worth a read.................

Sun Causes Climate Change Shock – Telegraph Blogs

The Michael Crichton novel, "State of Fear", is well worth picking up…even in paperback for a few $ -although an average run of the mill novel (I’m being generous), the real value is that it contains varous charts and graphs, from NOAA, other gov agencies, that shows the nonsense conclusively…it was put out during the height of the AGW scam…Crichton died shortly afterward….


Its getting hard to linger in this forum anymore. I get bored more and more by the month. The reason? The economic and political realities in 2011 have dealt a death blow to the k00ks aspirations of taking "their science" anywhere outside the realm of a hobby at this point. a football team that is up 71-3, you sorta lose interest.

I feel the same way. science is ignored, only politics and weather seem to matter.
First, I think Algore is a load. And much of the global warmism is less about science than it is an apocalyptic religion.

That said, just because we have a load of quacks, charlatans and grifters pushing their own knavish agenda with this, we do need to remember that dumping large quantitates of muck into the atmosphere is a bad idea, many of the chemicals we are dumping into the atmosphere have effects that we don't have enough information on.

This is not the time to pile on and say that because the quacks were dishonest (my main complaint) that there wasn't something they could base their frauds on. We do need to dump lest dirt into the atmosphere, we do need to wonder what the effect of all the dirt we have been dumping in the atmosphere will be. A little more honesty, a little less hysteria, fewer scammers with their hands out and a bit more in depth study will be useful. And we do need to get a handle on pollutants. We have to breathe that air after all.
I smell... blackmail and extortion. It seems many American lifestyles are used in such a way that if open and honest people make it anywhere, they make it at the cost of others one way or another. Minor and small infractions are sometimes made the highlight of a South Park season and the unimaginable becomes rule within the minds of those who watch...
First, I think Algore is a load. And much of the global warmism is less about science than it is an apocalyptic religion.

That said, just because we have a load of quacks, charlatans and grifters pushing their own knavish agenda with this, we do need to remember that dumping large quantitates of muck into the atmosphere is a bad idea, many of the chemicals we are dumping into the atmosphere have effects that we don't have enough information on.

This is not the time to pile on and say that because the quacks were dishonest (my main complaint) that there wasn't something they could base their frauds on. We do need to dump lest dirt into the atmosphere, we do need to wonder what the effect of all the dirt we have been dumping in the atmosphere will be. A little more honesty, a little less hysteria, fewer scammers with their hands out and a bit more in depth study will be useful. And we do need to get a handle on pollutants. We have to breathe that air after all.

no one is against fighting pollution. but CO2 is plant food. until someone figures out a realistic replacement for fossil fuels we will continue to produce CO2. wind power and biofuels simply cant be scaled up and they have their own drawbacks. nuclear has the most potential but scares the crap out of everyone.

I guess my point is that everything that is labelled 'green' is not necessarily benign. or worthwhile. real pollution has been reduced and will continue to be ameliorated but production and transport is next to impossible without the byproduct of CO2.
Denial is a religion. The Sun is its God and the hulking giant, Algorzebub, is its devil!

skepticism is...well, skepticism. the refusal to stampede with the herd on flimsy evidence and faulty conclusions is a good thing. more science and less politics would also be a good thing. retracting the Hockey Stick and its incestuous spawn would be a good start.
Denial is a religion. The Sun is its God and the hulking giant, Algorzebub, is its devil!

Religion vs. religion then s0n................

But the Religion of the Deniers is WINNING!!!

And thats all I give a shit a:2up:bout!!!

There is no winning or losing, just truth and untruth. The fact that you're adhering to a false paradigm, pretty much tells us where you fall on the latter scale! :cool:
Denial is a religion. The Sun is its God and the hulking giant, Algorzebub, is its devil!

Religion vs. religion then s0n................

But the Religion of the Deniers is WINNING!!!

And thats all I give a shit a:2up:bout!!!

There is no winning or losing, just truth and untruth. The fact that you're adhering to a false paradigm, pretty much tells us where you fall on the latter scale! :cool:

The bozo's talk about truth........ but it is their truth. The political truth is.........since there is no objective truth, as determined by the policy makers, all this shit is now about is a discussion about temperatures. Nothing else. Even Old Rocks conceeds this.

If the "truth" is such a slam dunk, why isnt there dick being done in terms of significant environmental policy? The nutter bozo's go on with the discussion as if this is something irrelevant. This is why I can come into this forum and have such a hoot.............

Crap and Tax is long dead. And what are the nutters hanging their hats on these days? The light bulb regulations!!!:boobies::boobies::fu:


So as I say...........the non-nutters = not losing.

Not having to worry about having my electric bill double on the account of makey-uppey science..................

[ame=]Sunoco "Victory Wave w/Jimmie Johnson" Big Science Music - YouTube[/ame]
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You're rigging the game so you can always claim a win. Since you say there's "no objective truth", you've given yourself permission to lie at every turn.
You're rigging the game so you can always claim a win. Since you say there's "no objective truth", you've given yourself permission to lie at every turn.

I will come forward with these predictions of mine.
1# A -1c within section 3.4 of enso being nina for 6 months will be able to get into the top 5. Nearly 100 percent of the time. By 2015.
2# The earth must warm .15c on avg by 2020
3# The earth must warm .3c by 2030
4# The earth must warm .45 by 2040
5# The arctic ice sheet must be under 4 million km^2 by 2015 at least once and will be normal by 2017-2018.
6# Arctic sea ice will drop below 3 million km^2 by 2025
7# Arctic sea ice will drop below 2 million km^2 by 2050
8# By 2100 the arctic sea ice will bottom out near 500,000km^2
9# The earth will be at least 1.25c warmer by 2100
10# The antarctic ice sheet will start losing extent by 2025
11# The "avg" Portland oregon summer will produce from 10-12 90f per summer(of course this is not the weird last few) to around 12-14 by 2040.
12# The global avg temperature as stated within 2# will near near .75 with +- of .05.
13# The northwestern Passage will be open 80 percent of the years by 2014.
14# The northwestern passage will be open 100 percent of the years by 2020
15# The next nino year that starts out within a positive enso and stays near neutral will be .02c warmer then the record.

Judge me!:eusa_pray: I'm putting my honor on the line! knowing damn well that a grand minimum can occur.
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I would be more interested in your NFL picks Matt

if climate models run on supercomputers cant get it right, what makes your guesses anything more interesting than betting on sports? for anyone other than you of course.
maybe we should make predictions on the next theme pushed by the warmists.

the concensus theme has taken a downturn as of late

the unprovable 'weather is more extreme because of AGW' theme is rising fast and has the benefit of media attention no matter how many data sets disagree with it.

actually what I am really interested in is how the IPCC will format the AR5 so that it cannot be directly compared to the other reports in terms of 'certainty'. they have already gone through the the gamut of possible, probable, likely and highly likely. with all the increases in areas of uncertainty and disputes over stated significance they will need a way to reset their claims in a way that allows them to save face. but they have lots of smart guys working on the problem so I'm sure they will come up with something. lol

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