Gameover: Hate filmmaker jailed

How would the left feel if Bill Maher was put in the hot seat because of the film he made that bashed all religions, including Islam?

Won't happen.

Religulous was actually well made and factual.


So Nakoula was jailed because he's not a good filmmaker?

He is an identity thief who used the internet to steal other people's Social Security numbers to criminally acquire a fortune to the tune of $800,000.

As a result of this crime, a condition of his probation is not to use the internet without supervision.

Stop being an obtuse dickhead.

Why are you apologizing for a low-life criminal?

If you want to make a topic about the killers, go ahead. I'm more than happy to piss on them, too. I have the time.

However, I think you are deliberately concealing facts from yourself, and that can lead to a dangerous delusion.

Nakoula called the media after the Ambassador was killed and riots were going on all over the Middle East.

AT THAT POINT, it was being reported the riots and murders were the result of his, Nakoula's, film.

Believing it was his film that had the Muslims' bowels in an uproar, Nakoula then decided to throw gasoline on the fire by calling the media and taking credit for the film. However, he claimed to be an Israeli and to have the financial backing of "over a hundred" rich Israelis.

And so it is quite obvious he was attempting to get the angry Muslims to attack innocent Israelis.

And just to make sure, he make of point of saying "Islam is a cancer".

He wanted the message sent that an Isreali with rich Israelis backing him made this shit propaganda film, and was alive and well and saying Islam is a cancer.

So your attempts to deflect from the fact you are not condemning him are notable.

You pretend your condemnation is conditional on others condeming the Muslims first. That's a bullshit dodge.

So what? None of that is illegal. If telling lies was a crime, than every Democrat in Congress would be in prison. Do you think we should jail people who burn the American flag? How about someone who puts a crucifix in urine and calls it "art?"

When being offensive and dishonest becomes a crime, every lib in this forum will find himself behind bars.

Wow. Look at you deflect like crazy. The Piss Christ deflection is a tu quoque fallacy to avoid condeming him. You just can't do it. You love the criminal low-life coward too much.

Two wrongs don't make a right. Didn't your parents ever teach you that?

He tried to get innocent people killed. This is a fact.

That you cannot raise yourself up to condemn that one thing is pathetic and speaks volumes about you.

You know, it is possible to condemn both the murdering Muslims AND this asshole.

You don't don't have to swallow some Muslim's semen to be critical of this fucking dickwad Nakoula.

Christ you people are the shallowest hypocritical people I have ever encountered.
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You, Bill Ayers, plenty of Obamination's professors/mentors, etc.

Liberals/socialists have always supported the muslims against the Jews in the middle east squabble over land.

Obamination has openly shown his hatred for Israel ignoring their PM's requests to meet, leaking Israel's TS plans to attack Iran, etc.

You are a stupid piece of shit to claim liberals/socialists don't choose the side of the islamic terrorist over Jews and Christians.

Liberals like islamic terrorists because islamic terrorists hate Christians and the Jews the most on their hate list.....but liberals are on the list too....

Name some names of the liberals you accuse of liking these terrorist.

Not one single liberal I know supports the intollerant religionist of any superstition.
How would the left feel if Bill Maher was put in the hot seat because of the film he made that bashed all religions, including Islam?

Won't happen.

Religulous was actually well made and factual.


So Nakoula was jailed because he's not a good filmmaker?

Go back and read all of my other posts.... :doubt:

He was arrested for lying to probation officials and being a flight risk.

But, I am sure you think that is all a "lie".
Won't happen.

Religulous was actually well made and factual.


So Nakoula was jailed because he's not a good filmmaker?

Go back and read all of my other posts.... :doubt:

He was arrested for lying to probation officials and being a flight risk.

But, I am sure you think that is all a "lie".

The feds who interviewed him are not "probation officials." They are goons Obama sent to harass him. The only evidence we have of any lies he supposedly told are entirely the claims of Obama's goons.

So some federal thugs show up at his house and interrogate him for hours, and if he says a single thing they deem to be a "lie," then they arrest him for "violating his probation." If that isn't persecution, I've never seen it. They used the same technique on Skooter Libby.

Furthermore, being a "flight risk" is not a probation violation, asshole.
Judge orders 'Innocence of Muslims' filmmaker to jail -

He must be executed with his extremist supporters for posing danger to the community.

Who the fuck do you think you are, calling tor the exicution of Americans? If you can't support the rights of Americans then you need to be deported to a country that agrees with you. We don't need tratorious slimey bastards like you here, or the theachings of your pedophile prophet.

Having not read any other post in this thread, I can only hope others are echoing my sentiments.
I keep seeing insults thrown at the filmmaker from the left, but no bad words the murderers of innocent people. That makes me sick.

So you are a child and need to see people condemning the killers who live here?
oh wait i've seen your other posts, you are a child.

When someone declines to denounce a crime, one must conclude that such a person has no problem with that crime.

All you liberal turds are so eager to denounce a totally innocent third party, but decline to denounce the Muslim animals who did the killing.

Who do you think you're fooling?

I agree that publishing anything is not a crime including what was published by Julian Assange.

But the US has been sticking to Muslisms since 1949. So the tiniest incident will be overblown.

Won't happen.

Religulous was actually well made and factual.


So Nakoula was jailed because he's not a good filmmaker?

He is an identity thief who used the internet to steal other people's Social Security numbers to criminally acquire a fortune to the tune of $800,000.

Irrelevent. The feds didn't "interview" him because he was an identity thief. The interviewed them because Obama sent them to make his life as unpleasant as possible.

As a result of this crime, a condition of his probation is not to use the internet without supervision..

Wrong, asshole. the judge did not mention using the internet in his order to have the man jailed.

Stop being an obtuse dickhead.

Why are you apologizing for a low-life criminal?


When are you going to admit you're a goose-stepping fascist thug who is perfectly content with the President of the United States violating the Bill of Rights?
The feds who interviewed him are not "probation officials." They are goons Obama sent to harass him. The only evidence we have of any lies he supposedly told are entirely the claims of Obama's goons.

So some federal thugs show up at his house and interrogate him for hours, and if he says a single thing they deem to be a "lie," then they arrest him for "violating his probation." If that isn't persecution, I've never seen it. They used the same technique on Skooter Libby.

Furthermore, being a "flight risk" is not a probation violation, asshole.

:lol::lol: Obama? Yeah..

Let me guess.. He is also busy doing nothing but golfing while simultaneously campaigning 24/7 and heading/operating every single government agency at the same time?

Typical tired responses with NO proof that he did said things. You got a copy of that memo or transcripts of the meeting in which Obama ordered his "goons" to go get the guy?

Unlike fairy tale religions, facts are needed to uphold your assertion.. Otherwise it is a lie.

I'll be waiting... :lol::lol:
Irrelevent. The feds didn't "interview" him because he was an identity thief. The interviewed them because Obama sent them to make his life as unpleasant as possible.

You keep saying this..

But, yet you have NO proof that Obama did this.

You know what that makes you? A liar. Better go repent to your "savior".

The guy is a coward who made an anti Islamic film and then was too gutless to show his face.

OK, but what danger did that pose? What MADE people react? How can one make another believe anything? Isn't it choice?

Of course it is a choice what people believe in, but there are a few people who take their religion very seriously.
I don't think any religion should be mocked - especially in a movie based on lies.


Are you people serious?

Whatever happened to freedom of speech?

I realize that it is an impediment to liberalism and an annoyance to progressives, but since you all continue to pay lip-service to the notions of liberty and freedom, shouldn't you be saying, first and foremost, that the violence and the people who are committing it, are the only villains of significance in this case?

The video does not matter. The person who made is not a criminal. His right to make it is beyond question and the rights of others to make similiar videos everyday of the week and twice on sunday will be protected.


Wow. Look at you deflect like crazy. The Piss Christ deflection is a tu quoque fallacy to avoid condeming him. You just can't do it. You love the criminal low-life coward too much.

No one has ever claimed they love Nokoula. However, pointing out perfectly analogous situations where turds like you said precisely the opposite of what you're saying now is not a fallacy. It's a valid argument.

Two wrongs don't make a right. Didn't your parents ever teach you that?

No, but when a moron like you condemns one wrong but defends another doing exactly the same thing, you have hypocrisy, clear and simple.

He tried to get innocent people killed. This is a fact.

ROFL! If I say "your mother wears army boots," does that give you a license to sock me in the nose? Speech is protected by the First Amendment, no matter what the intent.

That you cannot raise yourself up to condemn that one thing is pathetic and speaks volumes about you.

Condemning him isn't the issue. Putting him in jail is the issue.

You know, it is possible to condemn both the murdering Muslims AND this asshole.

The issue is whether he should go to jail, asshole. And when did you ever condemn the murdering Muslim animals who killed our ambassador?

You don't don't have to swallow some Muslim's semen to be critical of this fucking dickwad Nakoula.

Again, whether I'm "critical" of what Nakoula did isn't the issue. Whether he should go to jail for it is the issue.

Christ you people are the shallowest hypocritical people I have ever encountered.

ROFL! So says the "liberal" who wipes his ass on the Bill of Rights.
OK, but what danger did that pose? What MADE people react? How can one make another believe anything? Isn't it choice?

Of course it is a choice what people believe in, but there are a few people who take their religion very seriously.
I don't think any religion should be mocked - especially in a movie based on lies.


Are you people serious?

Whatever happened to freedom of speech?

I realize that it is an impediment to liberalism and an annoyance to progressives, but since you all continue to pay lip-service to the notions of liberty and freedom, shouldn't you be saying, first and foremost, that the violence and the people who are committing it, are the only villains of significance in this case?

The video does not matter. The person who made is not a criminal. His right to make it is beyond question and the rights of others to make similiar videos everyday of the week and twice on sunday will be protected.



If defending their messiah requires them to wipe their ass on the Bill of Rights, then a libturd will not hesitate to do so. That's what this episode demonstrates.

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