Zone1 Gandhi: “I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.”

What parts were modified? It addressed the oppression of the Roman occupation and encouraged the Jews to practice nonviolent resistance.
It emphasized AQUIESCENCE----just what the Roman oppressors WANTED----the man
who violently attacked the HATED SHILLS FOR ROME money changers in the Temple courtyard---
was not demonstrating AQUIESCENCE and "pay them whatever they demand"---and
"Romanize yourself------to the point of not washing your hands". One has to be comatose
to miss the clear ADAPTATIONS to Roman will in the NT----handbook of Constantine's
"HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE" aka the FIRST REICH. An Interesting factoid just for you. I have
interacted very candidly ---not in the parlor---but under conditions of "stress" with HUNDREDS
of muslims educated in muslim lands. -----"belief in 'jesus christ' "? roflmao---- well not that
"TURN THE CHEEK" BS----and of course 'such a prophet never drank wine' !!!!!! ----IT'S A LIE
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It emphasized AQUIESCENCE----just what the Roman oppressors WANTED----the man
who violently attacked the HATED SHILLS FOR ROME money changers in the Temple courtyard---
was not demonstrating AQUIESCENCE and "pay them whatever they demand"---and
"Romanize yourself------to the point of not washing your hands". One has to be comatose
to miss the clear ADAPTATIONS to Roman will in the NT----handbook of Constantine's

The money changers were cheating poor people on the exchange rate from Roman coin to shekels. How did Rome benefit?

Turn the other cheek etc was about surviving and shaming the enemy. As it was they lost their temple and their lives... and they were expelled or taken away in chains.
It emphasized AQUIESCENCE----just what the Roman oppressors WANTED----the man
who violently attacked the HATED SHILLS FOR ROME money changers in the Temple courtyard---
was not demonstrating AQUIESCENCE and "pay them whatever they demand"---and
"Romanize yourself------to the point of not washing your hands". One has to be comatose
to miss the clear ADAPTATIONS to Roman will in the NT----handbook of Constantine's
"HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE" aka the FIRST REICH. An Interesting factoid just for you. I have
interacted very candidly ---not in the parlor---but under conditions of "stress" with HUNDREDS
of muslims educated in muslim lands. -----"belief in 'jesus christ' "? roflmao---- well not that
"TURN THE CHEEK" BS----and of course 'such a prophet never drank wine' !!!!!! ----IT'S A LIE

The money changers were cheating poor people on the exchange rate from Roman coin to shekels. How did Rome benefit?

Turn the other cheek etc was about surviving and shaming the enemy. As it was they lost their temple and their lives... and they were expelled or taken away in chains.
Try again ----that "cheating the poor people" thing is a libel akin to the "christian blood in
the matzoh" libel promulgated thuout CHRISTENDOM and even creeping into islamic BS
There was actually a similar blood libel in Damascus some more than 100 years ago thanks to
the FILTH of the second reich AKA HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE. The Temple courtyard "money changers" were APPOINTEES OF ROME----just like the Tax Collectors and there to get to know
WHERE THE MONEY IS. "poor people" did not pilgrimage from foreign lands INTO JERUSALEM.
just to celebrate passover. When did you stop believing that the easter bunny brought the
jelly beans whilst you slept like a good little girl?
This quote always stuck with me and I never forgot it. Is this still relevant today? I would say possibly even moreso. we need to be honest with ourselves. Many Christians are more callous and vengeful than the average Atheist in 2023.
Catholicism = 2 Thess 2:3= the great apostasy--all her hundreds or thousands of branches are included. That is what Ghandi saw as do many others. The JW,s have Jesus.

Gandhi: “I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.”​

Christ loved all mankind and suffered and died that all mankind would resurrect and have the opportunity to repent and have the chance of being saved into the kingdom of heaven. Mankind has a problem with hating each other. Perhaps Gandhi himself is more like the rest of us and not like the Christ either. Maybe Gandhi should consider loving the less perfect to be more like the Christ.

Matthew 5:43-48
43 Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy.
44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;
45 That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.
46 For if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye? do not even the publicans the same?
47 And if ye salute your brethren only, what do ye more than others? do not even the publicans so?
48 Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.
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Gandhi: “I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.”​

Christ loved all mankind and suffered and died that all mankind would resurrect and have the opportunity to repent and have the chance of being saved into the kingdom of heaven. Mankind has a problem with hating each other. Perhaps Gandhi himself is more like the rest of us and not like the Christ either. Maybe Gandhi should consider loving the less perfect to be more like the Christ.

Matthew 5:43-48
43 Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy.
44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;
45 That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.
46 For if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye? do not even the publicans the same?
47 And if ye salute your brethren only, what do ye more than others? do not even the publicans so?
48 Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.
based on that which Matthew is said to have written----Gandhi was a lot more "like the christ"
than any of the leaders of the christian church over the past 2000 years or than THE CHRISTIANS
based on that which Matthew is said to have written----Gandhi was a lot more "like the christ"
than any of the leaders of the christian church over the past 2000 years or than THE CHRISTIANS
He may have done many good things but his words reveal that he did not like Christians. He could still learn much from the Christ.
He may have done many good things but his words reveal that he did not like Christians. He could still learn much from the Christ.
OH? I must have missed it----what makes you think that Gandhi did not LIKE christians?
It seems to me that he rejected UNITED KINGDOM rule over India----does not mean he hated
OH? I must have missed it----what makes you think that Gandhi did not LIKE christians?
It seems to me that he rejected UNITED KINGDOM rule over India----does not mean he hated
Just going off of the quote.

Gandhi: “I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.”​

This quote always stuck with me and I never forgot it. ...

Then you never understood what this sentence made. The warrior Gandhi eliminated in this way specially the English Christians who personally supported him. The freedom of India should had been only made from Indians. Nevertheless Gandhi's way of non-violence had not been successful without the Christians in the western world. So it was just simple very stupid what he said with this sentence.
based on that which Matthew is said to have written----Gandhi was a lot more "like the christ"

He said he beated his wife when he was young - what he criticized on his own when he was old. So I doubt very much that Gandhi was a lot more "like Christ".

If you remember was it at the life time of Jesus a reason for an excecution when a wife had a sexual intercourse with a man who had not been her husband. And how did Jesus react?

He said he beated his wife when he was young - what he criticized on his own when he was old. So I doubt very much that Gandhi was a lot more "like Christ".

If you remember was it at the life time of Jesus a reason for an excecution when a wife had a sexual intercourse with a man who had not been her husband. And how did Jesus react?

you got a link for Gandhi "beated his wife" (sic)??? At the time that Jesus demanded
"CAST THE FIRST STONE" when he putatively came upon a woman about to be "stoned"
for committing adultery in a town----people were never executed on the jurisprudence
of a local court in jewish law----ONLY ON THE SANHEDRIN in Jerusalem---AND at that time
the PHARISEES objected STRENUOUSLY to capital punishment anyway---AND according to
the people who wrote the NT ----JEWS COULD NOT EXECUTE ANYONE under Roman
law. Make up your minds ----christian people----at least proof read your stuff. Sorry
Zangie----learn about the actual situation at the time of Jesus----the entire "cast the
first stone" story actually MAKES NO SENSE
you got a link for Gandhi "beated his wife" (sic)???

It's decades ago when I read this in a German book. I'm sure you will find that this is true when you will take a serios look on the life of the Mahatma.

At the time that Jesus demanded
"CAST THE FIRST STONE" when he putatively came upon a woman about to be "stoned"
for committing adultery in a town----people were never executed on the jurisprudence
of a local court in jewish law----ONLY ON THE SANHEDRIN in Jerusalem---AND at that time
the PHARISEES objected STRENUOUSLY to capital punishment anyway---AND according to
the people who wrote the NT ----JEWS COULD NOT EXECUTE ANYONE under Roman
law. Make up your minds ----christian people----at least proof read your stuff. Sorry
Zangie----learn about the actual situation at the time of Jesus----the entire "cast the
first stone" story actually MAKES NO SENSE

It's very ... ¿how to say this? ... unimportant for me what you try to say here. I guess you have an anti-Semitic problem and you don't see the universal human concept in the bible and the godly concept in Jesus. If you remember: the people who not had thrown stones had been Jews like Jesus. What will happen when this happens today? How many of your people in the USA - or in other countries of the world - do not understand what Jesus said and/or think they have no sin and throw bullets with guns?

Original text:

Well for me that I have Jesus,
O how tightly I hold him
that he might refresh my heart,
when I'm sick and sad.
Jesus I have, who loves me
and gives himself to me,
ah, therefore I will not leave Jesus,
even when my heart breaks.

Jesus remains my joy,
my heart's consolation and juice,
Jesus fends off all suffering,
He is my life's strength,
my eyes' lust and sun,
my soul's treasure and pleasure;
Therefore I will not leave Jesus
out of heart and sight.

source: Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring - Wikipedia
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It's decades ago when I wrote this in a German book. I'm sure you will find that this is true when you will take a look on the life of the Mahatma.

It's very ... ¿how to say this? ... unimportant for me what you try to say here. I guess you have an anti-Semitic problem and you don't see the universal human concept in the bible and the godly concept in Jesus. If you remember: the people who had not thrown stones had been Jews like Jesus. What happens when this happens today?How many of your people in the USA - or in other countries of the world - do not understand what Jesus said and/or think they have no sin and throw bullets with guns?
As a PARABLE only----the story in the NT works----BUT the details are not consistent with
jewish Jurisprudence in JUDEA at that time. Towns (ie local courts) did not get to STONE ANYONE to death or execute for any reason. Trial for adultery happened ONLY before the
Jerusalem Sanhedrin and there was a whole different way of doing it-----kinda complex.
you can search it out easily. What is TRUE (whether you like it or not) It was the PHARISEES
who objected to execution for adultery-----thus the ONLY thing that story demonstrates
is that JESUS WAS A PHARISEE ----that incident amongst MANY OTHERS --yet christians seem
to want to cite it all the time-----kinda amusing. I read the autobiography of Gandhi and
lots of other references and never came across him hitting his wife-----they did live together
since they were children-----HE DID SAY THAT HE WISHED HE HAD TAUGHT HER TO READ
but doing so was just not the custom of the time
Try again ----that "cheating the poor people" thing is a libel akin to the "christian blood in
the matzoh" libel promulgated thuout CHRISTENDOM and even creeping into islamic BS
There was actually a similar blood libel in Damascus some more than 100 years ago thanks to
the FILTH of the second reich AKA HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE. The Temple courtyard "money changers" were APPOINTEES OF ROME----just like the Tax Collectors and there to get to know
WHERE THE MONEY IS. "poor people" did not pilgrimage from foreign lands INTO JERUSALEM.
just to celebrate passover. When did you stop believing that the easter bunny brought the
jelly beans whilst you slept like a good little girl?

The money changers were also fleecing Jews.
The money changers were also fleecing Jews.
The money changers were ROMAN APPOINTEES and corrupt---so OF COURSE
they were fleecing jews----just like the Roman appointed tax collectors. The
PHARISEES hated them----sycophants for ROME ----like CAIAPHAS and HEROD
what other brilliant insights do you have?
So are you saying that "I do not like your Christians." does not mean that he does not like Christians? Is it overly sensitive to interpret the meaning to mean what it says?
try to cope ----he was REBELLING agains ENGLISH RULE ON INDIA. LOL--he shoulda said

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