Zone1 Gandhi: “I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.”

If you dwell in hate for others, you are likely not a true follower of Christ....or have fallen from Christ's ways....I think?
I am questioning a great deal of late. I firmly beliieve in a Lord and Higher Power and Creationism at some level.
I can see that.... in your threads the past few months :(

I wish I knew how to help you along.... I do think all this questioning and second guessing that you've been going through is heading you, in the right direction though!
Time will tell I suppose....
Have you read this?

There was war between Asa and Baasha king of Israel throughout their reigns. 17 Baasha king of Israel went up against Judah and fortified Ramah to prevent anyone from leaving or entering the territory of Asa king of Judah.
If you dwell in hate for others, you are likely not a true follower of Christ....or have fallen from Christ's ways....I think?
Except liberals need to define DISAGREEMENT with their views as "hate.". Did Jesus "hate" the phrases?

If we tell you homosexuals and men who like to dress as women will never enter the Kingdom, that is 'hate" to most leftists.

Leftists love to Redefine terms
Except liberals need to define DISAGREEMENT with their views as "hate.". Did Jesus "hate" the phrases?

If we tell you homosexuals and men who like to dress as women will never enter the Kingdom, that is 'hate" to most leftists.

Leftists love to Redefine terms

I'll simply note, "not your call".
This quote always stuck with me and I never forgot it. Is this still relevant today? I would say possibly even moreso. we need to be honest with ourselves. Many Christians are more callous and vengeful than the average Atheist in 2023.
Militant? Maybe a bit strong wording. The way I see it though, if they don't follow Christs words than they aren't really Christian.
Militant? Maybe a bit strong wording. The way I see it though, if they don't follow Christs words than they aren't really Christian.
Yes and no.

Who d fines whether someone is following Christ or not? An unbeliever?

If I tell you TRUE CHRISTIANS will keep God's Seventh Day Sabbath, are all the Sunday keepers false Christians? If you decide that's not an "important" issue, then YOU set yourself up as JUDGE -- the very thing you likely condemn. I'm pretty sure, from your various postings, I know what you think is "important." But it is not your place to decide whether another is a "follower of Christ." It is your job to speak the truth as you understand it and be willing to change when confronted with new understanding.

"Let everyone work out their own salvation with fear and trembling"
There was war between Asa and Baasha king of Israel throughout their reigns. 17 Baasha king of Israel went up against Judah and fortified Ramah to prevent anyone from leaving or entering the territory of Asa king of Judah.
2 Chronicles 30 and 31 also dispels the belief that the house of Israel rejoined the house of Judah in the days of Hezekiah, and that the house of Israel, the northern kingdom, was carried away entirely by the Assyrians. After attending the feast by the invitation by Hezekiah most returned to Samaria. This occurred after the defeat of the northern kingdom by the Assyrians. The poor of the land were always left as they were of no use to the victors. Only the notable people were taken captive. The replacements, likely notables themselves, were given the lands and possessions of the now enslaved Israelite notables.

It was these poor of the land that Jesus Christ was sent to.
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Definitely still relevant.

There are way too many Christians who are filled with hate. Seems like they don't even attempt to live their lives the way Jesus would want them to.

And then they wonder why the percentage of Christians keeps declining in this country.
Sadly, many insist that there is no difference and that all Israelites are "Jews". Some scholars actually believe that Judaism began with Abraham, long before the first Jew was born.
This Is Also the Story of Prometheus

Jews are Sumerians, not Semites. After they left Sumeria because of jealous mistreatment and exploitation by its ruling parasites, they were captured and enslaved by Arabs and forced to change their language to a Semitic one. Many other ethnicities have totally lost their original language.

Clues to this are the way the contradictory way the Bible treats Ishmael, who represents the desert tribes. Once the Jews were liberated, probably by Moses because there is no record of him having ever been in Egypt, they could tell the truth about Ishmael.
This Is Also the Story of Prometheus

Jews are Sumerians, not Semites. After they left Sumeria because of jealous mistreatment and exploitation by its ruling parasites, they were captured and enslaved by Arabs and forced to change their language to a Semitic one. Many other ethnicities have totally lost their original language.

Clues to this are the way the contradictory way the Bible treats Ishmael, who represents the desert tribes. Once the Jews were liberated, probably by Moses because there is no record of him having ever been in Egypt, they could tell the truth about Ishmael.

Nope they were Canaanites from Syria. Abraham was from Urfa near Haran.

The Akkadian Empire ruled Sumeria and the whole region. They were from Arabia.

Abraham had six more sons by his Arab wife Keturah.
Definitely still relevant.

There are way too many Christians who are filled with hate. Seems like they don't even attempt to live their lives the way Jesus would want them to.

And then they wonder why the percentage of Christians keeps declining in this country.
Perhaps the real Christians are leaving the visible church for the invisible church (I did).

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