Gangster Bankers: Too Big to Jail

And yet you keep on voting for the same old system to keep happening...does that make you complicit in it all?
And again........what the fuck difference does it make...............LOL

When you are given these freaking options..............what da fuck choice do you have...........lesser of evils and that is it.

But you spin on me to this tune because you know damned well everything I put in this thread is true.............

And there isn't a damned thing we can do about it ...........not really.........

There are other choices, there are other parties besides the one you are so faithful to.

The problem with picking the lesser of two evils is that they are still evil.
And I vote for the a party that can never win...............

Oh yeah...........that will fix it..........:abgg2q.jpg:[/QUOTE]

They could win if people would vote for are stuck in the circular reasoning lie that your party has brainwashed you with...

A third party can never win because nobody votes for them, nobody votes for them because they cannot win...A third party can never win because nobody votes for them, nobody votes for them because they cannot win...A third party can never win because nobody votes for them, nobody votes for them because they cannot win...A third party can never win because nobody votes for them, nobody votes for them because they cannot win...A third party can never win because nobody votes for them, nobody votes for them because they cannot win...A third party can never win because nobody votes for them, nobody votes for them because they cannot win...A third party can never win because nobody votes for them, nobody votes for them because they cannot win...A third party can never win because nobody votes for them, nobody votes for them because they cannot win...A third party can never win because nobody votes for them, nobody votes for them because they cannot win...A third party can never win because nobody votes for them, nobody votes for them because they cannot win...A third party can never win because nobody votes for them, nobody votes for them because they cannot win...A third party can never win because nobody votes for them, nobody votes for them because they cannot win...A third party can never win because nobody votes for them, nobody votes for them because they cannot win...A third party can never win because nobody votes for them, nobody votes for them because they cannot win...A third party can never win because nobody votes for them, nobody votes for them because they cannot win...A third party can never win because nobody votes for them, nobody votes for them because they cannot win...A third party can never win because nobody votes for them, nobody votes for them because they cannot win...A third party can never win because nobody votes for them, nobody votes for them because they cannot win...A third party can never win because nobody votes for them, nobody votes for them because they cannot win...A third party can never win because nobody votes for them, nobody votes for them because they cannot win...
What has there been, 6 convictions or guilty pleas under Trump already?
And.............old IRS convictions...........perjury traps...........some money laundering.......ant to a mole hill compared to what HSBC.......

But hey ............that's cover up the massive crimes for the past...............

THUS ENDS THE LESSON...............this investigation is a joke.........our gov't is a joke.

There is an old saying that people get the government they deserve. If our government is a joke it is because we the people allow it to be so, and it is allowed to be so by the partisan faithful like yourself.
and the spin again..................I'd throw every dang one of them in jail regardless of party.......

but hey..................lets just ignore what I posted...........and tomorrow go back to Mueller time.............

Keep the 3 ring circus alive..............

You would throw them in jail, but instead of doing that you keep voting for them...and then whine and bitch about it on the internet.
I pulled a straight GOP ticket.................given the option of which party of corruption I would choose...........

Doesn't matter for the next 2 years we will hear the same old crap of IMPEACH TRUMP...........each of us pointing fingers at each other as the people look the other way at the crimes committed by the ruling class........both sides..........

We will go LOOK AT THE TEAR GAS.......TRUMP IS EVIL...............but don't say a word to those enriching themselves off the dead down there for a decade..........

Hmmm.........isn't that correct..............

Tommorrow me and you will throw down .........and play the same stupid game we always play the people look the other way to the assholes who got us here.

This thread will be forgotten.........their crimes will be forgotten...........and the justice system will not do a thing about it.............

Wash, rinse, spin, and dry..........REPEAT.
As the Left and Never Trumpers yell we got you now on Cohen who was taken down for old IRS charges and minor Money Laundering that had nothing to do with Russia is fitting to remind them of the JUSTICE under Obama and the very ones who started this investigation.............

As they IGNORED THIS........

Gangster Bankers: Too Big to Jail – Rolling Stone

The deal was announced quietly, just before the holidays, almost like the government was hoping people were too busy hanging stockings by the fireplace to notice. Flooring politicians, lawyers and investigators all over the world, the U.S. Justice Department granted a total walk to executives of the British-based bank HSBC for the largest drug-and-terrorism money-laundering case ever. Yes, they issued a fine – $1.9 billion, or about five weeks’ profit – but they didn’t extract so much as one dollar or one day in jail from any individual, despite a decade of stupefying abuses.

For at least half a decade, the storied British colonial banking power helped to wash hundreds of millions of dollars for drug mobs, including Mexico’s Sinaloa drug cartel, suspected in tens of thousands of murders just in the past 10 years – people so totally evil, jokes former New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer, that “they make the guys on Wall Street look good.” The bank also moved money for organizations linked to Al Qaeda and Hezbollah, and for Russian gangsters; helped countries like Iran, the Sudan and North Korea evade sanctions; and, in between helping murderers and terrorists and rogue states, aided countless common tax cheats in hiding their cash.

“They violated every goddamn law in the book,” says Jack Blum, an attorney and former Senate investigator who headed a major bribery investigation against Lockheed in the 1970s that led to the passage of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. “They took every imaginable form of illegal and illicit business.”
Same with any and all banks and the crimes they commit... corporations are persons when it comes to campaign donations according to our S.C., but they sure as heck are NOT persons when it comes to the crimes they have committed! sheesh!!!!

BTW Comey worked for them for 6 months only, in Sept 2013 he was nominated for FBI Director

James Brien Comey, Jr. (52), former United States Deputy Attorney General, has been appointed a Director of HSBC Holdings plc with effect from 4 March 2013. He will be an independent non-executive Director and a member of the Financial System Vulnerabilities Committee.
Did he quit and join the FBI to be Righteous...............LOL

Sorry, everyone here is smart enough to know he didn't do it for being just.........LOL

Ahhh, I see.... this is not your concern with the Bank,

it's simply about you trying to have a Gotcha, on Comey.....

Cyber security, and vulnerabilities was comey's expertise that he was hired for, and only for 6 months....

He was not involved with the crimes.... ???

so what is your beef? Simply to try to demean him because he knows what Trump has done that was criminal or unethical????
And yet you keep on voting for the same old system to keep happening...does that make you complicit in it all?
And again........what the fuck difference does it make...............LOL

When you are given these freaking options..............what da fuck choice do you have...........lesser of evils and that is it.

But you spin on me to this tune because you know damned well everything I put in this thread is true.............

And there isn't a damned thing we can do about it ...........not really.........

There are other choices, there are other parties besides the one you are so faithful to.

The problem with picking the lesser of two evils is that they are still evil.
And I vote for the a party that can never win...............

Oh yeah...........that will fix it..........:abgg2q.jpg:

They could win if people would vote for are stuck in the circular reasoning lie that your party has brainwashed you with...

A third party can never win because nobody votes for them, nobody votes for them because they cannot win...A third party can never win because nobody votes for them, nobody votes for them because they cannot win...A third party can never win because nobody votes for them, nobody votes for them because they cannot win...A third party can never win because nobody votes for them, nobody votes for them because they cannot win...A third party can never win because nobody votes for them, nobody votes for them because they cannot win...A third party can never win because nobody votes for them, nobody votes for them because they cannot win...A third party can never win because nobody votes for them, nobody votes for them because they cannot win...A third party can never win because nobody votes for them, nobody votes for them because they cannot win...A third party can never win because nobody votes for them, nobody votes for them because they cannot win...A third party can never win because nobody votes for them, nobody votes for them because they cannot win...A third party can never win because nobody votes for them, nobody votes for them because they cannot win...A third party can never win because nobody votes for them, nobody votes for them because they cannot win...A third party can never win because nobody votes for them, nobody votes for them because they cannot win...A third party can never win because nobody votes for them, nobody votes for them because they cannot win...A third party can never win because nobody votes for them, nobody votes for them because they cannot win...A third party can never win because nobody votes for them, nobody votes for them because they cannot win...A third party can never win because nobody votes for them, nobody votes for them because they cannot win...A third party can never win because nobody votes for them, nobody votes for them because they cannot win...A third party can never win because nobody votes for them, nobody votes for them because they cannot win...A third party can never win because nobody votes for them, nobody votes for them because they cannot win...[/QUOTE]
Dream ON.............I don't live in FANSTASY ISLAND...........

Now Nat.......probably does........LOL
What has there been, 6 convictions or guilty pleas under Trump already?
And.............old IRS convictions...........perjury traps...........some money laundering.......ant to a mole hill compared to what HSBC.......

But hey ............that's cover up the massive crimes for the past...............

THUS ENDS THE LESSON...............this investigation is a joke.........our gov't is a joke.

There is an old saying that people get the government they deserve. If our government is a joke it is because we the people allow it to be so, and it is allowed to be so by the partisan faithful like yourself.
and the spin again..................I'd throw every dang one of them in jail regardless of party.......

but hey..................lets just ignore what I posted...........and tomorrow go back to Mueller time.............

Keep the 3 ring circus alive..............

You would throw them in jail, but instead of doing that you keep voting for them...and then whine and bitch about it on the internet.
I pulled a straight GOP ticket.................given the option of which party of corruption I would choose...........

Doesn't matter for the next 2 years we will hear the same old crap of IMPEACH TRUMP...........each of us pointing fingers at each other as the people look the other way at the crimes committed by the ruling class........both sides..........

We will go LOOK AT THE TEAR GAS.......TRUMP IS EVIL...............but don't say a word to those enriching themselves off the dead down there for a decade..........

Hmmm.........isn't that correct..............

Tommorrow me and you will throw down .........and play the same stupid game we always play the people look the other way to the assholes who got us here.

This thread will be forgotten.........their crimes will be forgotten...........and the justice system will not do a thing about it.............

Wash, rinse, spin, and dry..........REPEAT.

And you are the happy and willing participant in it all by voting straight GOP.

If everyone that is pissed off at the system would for just one election pull the lever for someone different we could make a difference. But not enough of you will because you have been programmed to think the other side is so much more evil, even while posting that they are both evil.
As the Left and Never Trumpers yell we got you now on Cohen who was taken down for old IRS charges and minor Money Laundering that had nothing to do with Russia is fitting to remind them of the JUSTICE under Obama and the very ones who started this investigation.............

As they IGNORED THIS........

Gangster Bankers: Too Big to Jail – Rolling Stone

The deal was announced quietly, just before the holidays, almost like the government was hoping people were too busy hanging stockings by the fireplace to notice. Flooring politicians, lawyers and investigators all over the world, the U.S. Justice Department granted a total walk to executives of the British-based bank HSBC for the largest drug-and-terrorism money-laundering case ever. Yes, they issued a fine – $1.9 billion, or about five weeks’ profit – but they didn’t extract so much as one dollar or one day in jail from any individual, despite a decade of stupefying abuses.

For at least half a decade, the storied British colonial banking power helped to wash hundreds of millions of dollars for drug mobs, including Mexico’s Sinaloa drug cartel, suspected in tens of thousands of murders just in the past 10 years – people so totally evil, jokes former New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer, that “they make the guys on Wall Street look good.” The bank also moved money for organizations linked to Al Qaeda and Hezbollah, and for Russian gangsters; helped countries like Iran, the Sudan and North Korea evade sanctions; and, in between helping murderers and terrorists and rogue states, aided countless common tax cheats in hiding their cash.

“They violated every goddamn law in the book,” says Jack Blum, an attorney and former Senate investigator who headed a major bribery investigation against Lockheed in the 1970s that led to the passage of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. “They took every imaginable form of illegal and illicit business.”
Same with any and all banks and the crimes they commit... corporations are persons when it comes to campaign donations according to our S.C., but they sure as heck are NOT persons when it comes to the crimes they have committed! sheesh!!!!

BTW Comey worked for them for 6 months only, in Sept 2013 he was nominated for FBI Director

James Brien Comey, Jr. (52), former United States Deputy Attorney General, has been appointed a Director of HSBC Holdings plc with effect from 4 March 2013. He will be an independent non-executive Director and a member of the Financial System Vulnerabilities Committee.
Did he quit and join the FBI to be Righteous...............LOL

Sorry, everyone here is smart enough to know he didn't do it for being just.........LOL

Ahhh, I see.... this is not your concern with the Bank,

it's simply about you trying to have a Gotcha, on Comey.....

Cyber security, and vulnerabilities was comey's expertise that he was hired for, and only for 6 months....

He was not involved with the crimes.... ???

so what is your beef? Simply to try to demean him because he knows what Trump has done that was criminal or unethical????
I'm concerned with all the criminals...........equal justice under the law...........but hey........when one side gets hit they are ok with it...........while the other criminals sit on the side lines making massive money..........and no one goes to jail.

You either have equal justice or you don't........

We don't have...........and regards to that bank and what they did......I'D BURN IT TO THE GROUND.

Clear it up for you........LOL
Dream ON.............I don't live in FANSTASY ISLAND...........

Now Nat.......probably does........LOL

And that right there makes all these post from you just bullshit, you do not care enough to try and change the system, all you want to do is whine about it.
And.............old IRS convictions...........perjury traps...........some money laundering.......ant to a mole hill compared to what HSBC.......

But hey ............that's cover up the massive crimes for the past...............

THUS ENDS THE LESSON...............this investigation is a joke.........our gov't is a joke.

There is an old saying that people get the government they deserve. If our government is a joke it is because we the people allow it to be so, and it is allowed to be so by the partisan faithful like yourself.
and the spin again..................I'd throw every dang one of them in jail regardless of party.......

but hey..................lets just ignore what I posted...........and tomorrow go back to Mueller time.............

Keep the 3 ring circus alive..............

You would throw them in jail, but instead of doing that you keep voting for them...and then whine and bitch about it on the internet.
I pulled a straight GOP ticket.................given the option of which party of corruption I would choose...........

Doesn't matter for the next 2 years we will hear the same old crap of IMPEACH TRUMP...........each of us pointing fingers at each other as the people look the other way at the crimes committed by the ruling class........both sides..........

We will go LOOK AT THE TEAR GAS.......TRUMP IS EVIL...............but don't say a word to those enriching themselves off the dead down there for a decade..........

Hmmm.........isn't that correct..............

Tommorrow me and you will throw down .........and play the same stupid game we always play the people look the other way to the assholes who got us here.

This thread will be forgotten.........their crimes will be forgotten...........and the justice system will not do a thing about it.............

Wash, rinse, spin, and dry..........REPEAT.

And you are the happy and willing participant in it all by voting straight GOP.

If everyone that is pissed off at the system would for just one election pull the lever for someone different we could make a difference. But not enough of you will because you have been programmed to think the other side is so much more evil, even while posting that they are both evil.

There were no dang 3rd party on my dang ballot dummy........grow the hell up. It's rigged......why so many dang people don't vote anymore...............they don't think it makes a difference anymore..........

But parties complain why don't people vote............because they think all Americans are stupid.......they aren't......they got better things to do than vote for the lesser of evils............
And yet you keep on voting for the same old system to keep happening...does that make you complicit in it all?
And again........what the fuck difference does it make...............LOL

When you are given these freaking options..............what da fuck choice do you have...........lesser of evils and that is it.

But you spin on me to this tune because you know damned well everything I put in this thread is true.............

And there isn't a damned thing we can do about it ...........not really.........

There are other choices, there are other parties besides the one you are so faithful to.

The problem with picking the lesser of two evils is that they are still evil.
And I vote for the a party that can never win...............

Oh yeah...........that will fix it..........:abgg2q.jpg:

They could win if people would vote for are stuck in the circular reasoning lie that your party has brainwashed you with...

A third party can never win because nobody votes for them, nobody votes for them because they cannot win...A third party can never win because nobody votes for them, nobody votes for them because they cannot win...A third party can never win because nobody votes for them, nobody votes for them because they cannot win...A third party can never win because nobody votes for them, nobody votes for them because they cannot win...A third party can never win because nobody votes for them, nobody votes for them because they cannot win...A third party can never win because nobody votes for them, nobody votes for them because they cannot win...A third party can never win because nobody votes for them, nobody votes for them because they cannot win...A third party can never win because nobody votes for them, nobody votes for them because they cannot win...A third party can never win because nobody votes for them, nobody votes for them because they cannot win...A third party can never win because nobody votes for them, nobody votes for them because they cannot win...A third party can never win because nobody votes for them, nobody votes for them because they cannot win...A third party can never win because nobody votes for them, nobody votes for them because they cannot win...A third party can never win because nobody votes for them, nobody votes for them because they cannot win...A third party can never win because nobody votes for them, nobody votes for them because they cannot win...A third party can never win because nobody votes for them, nobody votes for them because they cannot win...A third party can never win because nobody votes for them, nobody votes for them because they cannot win...A third party can never win because nobody votes for them, nobody votes for them because they cannot win...A third party can never win because nobody votes for them, nobody votes for them because they cannot win...A third party can never win because nobody votes for them, nobody votes for them because they cannot win...A third party can never win because nobody votes for them, nobody votes for them because they cannot win...[/QUOTE]

And yet you keep on voting for the same old system to keep happening...does that make you complicit in it all?
And again........what the fuck difference does it make...............LOL

When you are given these freaking options..............what da fuck choice do you have...........lesser of evils and that is it.

But you spin on me to this tune because you know damned well everything I put in this thread is true.............

And there isn't a damned thing we can do about it ...........not really.........

There are other choices, there are other parties besides the one you are so faithful to.

The problem with picking the lesser of two evils is that they are still evil.
And I vote for the a party that can never win...............

Oh yeah...........that will fix it..........:abgg2q.jpg:

They could win if people would vote for are stuck in the circular reasoning lie that your party has brainwashed you with...

A third party can never win because nobody votes for them, nobody votes for them because they cannot win...A third party can never win because nobody votes for them, nobody votes for them because they cannot win...A third party can never win because nobody votes for them, nobody votes for them because they cannot win...A third party can never win because nobody votes for them, nobody votes for them because they cannot win...A third party can never win because nobody votes for them, nobody votes for them because they cannot win...A third party can never win because nobody votes for them, nobody votes for them because they cannot win...A third party can never win because nobody votes for them, nobody votes for them because they cannot win...A third party can never win because nobody votes for them, nobody votes for them because they cannot win...A third party can never win because nobody votes for them, nobody votes for them because they cannot win...A third party can never win because nobody votes for them, nobody votes for them because they cannot win...A third party can never win because nobody votes for them, nobody votes for them because they cannot win...A third party can never win because nobody votes for them, nobody votes for them because they cannot win...A third party can never win because nobody votes for them, nobody votes for them because they cannot win...A third party can never win because nobody votes for them, nobody votes for them because they cannot win...A third party can never win because nobody votes for them, nobody votes for them because they cannot win...A third party can never win because nobody votes for them, nobody votes for them because they cannot win...A third party can never win because nobody votes for them, nobody votes for them because they cannot win...A third party can never win because nobody votes for them, nobody votes for them because they cannot win...A third party can never win because nobody votes for them, nobody votes for them because they cannot win...A third party can never win because nobody votes for them, nobody votes for them because they cannot win...

Wizard of Oz is is our ability to take the country back when they hold all the cards and will destroy anyone who challenges it...........

Destroy them with lies.......smear campaigns.......

Reality sucks doesn't it...................Dealing with

Now repeat those lines.......with Reality sucks.........Reality sucks.........because it's the truth.
There is an old saying that people get the government they deserve. If our government is a joke it is because we the people allow it to be so, and it is allowed to be so by the partisan faithful like yourself.
and the spin again..................I'd throw every dang one of them in jail regardless of party.......

but hey..................lets just ignore what I posted...........and tomorrow go back to Mueller time.............

Keep the 3 ring circus alive..............

You would throw them in jail, but instead of doing that you keep voting for them...and then whine and bitch about it on the internet.
I pulled a straight GOP ticket.................given the option of which party of corruption I would choose...........

Doesn't matter for the next 2 years we will hear the same old crap of IMPEACH TRUMP...........each of us pointing fingers at each other as the people look the other way at the crimes committed by the ruling class........both sides..........

We will go LOOK AT THE TEAR GAS.......TRUMP IS EVIL...............but don't say a word to those enriching themselves off the dead down there for a decade..........

Hmmm.........isn't that correct..............

Tommorrow me and you will throw down .........and play the same stupid game we always play the people look the other way to the assholes who got us here.

This thread will be forgotten.........their crimes will be forgotten...........and the justice system will not do a thing about it.............

Wash, rinse, spin, and dry..........REPEAT.

And you are the happy and willing participant in it all by voting straight GOP.

If everyone that is pissed off at the system would for just one election pull the lever for someone different we could make a difference. But not enough of you will because you have been programmed to think the other side is so much more evil, even while posting that they are both evil.

There were no dang 3rd party on my dang ballot dummy........grow the hell up. It's rigged......why so many dang people don't vote anymore...............they don't think it makes a difference anymore..........

But parties complain why don't people vote............because they think all Americans are stupid.......they aren't......they got better things to do than vote for the lesser of evils............

The Libertarians had their POTUS candidate on every state’s ballot. You are full of crap

Sent from my iPhone using
and the spin again..................I'd throw every dang one of them in jail regardless of party.......

but hey..................lets just ignore what I posted...........and tomorrow go back to Mueller time.............

Keep the 3 ring circus alive..............

You would throw them in jail, but instead of doing that you keep voting for them...and then whine and bitch about it on the internet.
I pulled a straight GOP ticket.................given the option of which party of corruption I would choose...........

Doesn't matter for the next 2 years we will hear the same old crap of IMPEACH TRUMP...........each of us pointing fingers at each other as the people look the other way at the crimes committed by the ruling class........both sides..........

We will go LOOK AT THE TEAR GAS.......TRUMP IS EVIL...............but don't say a word to those enriching themselves off the dead down there for a decade..........

Hmmm.........isn't that correct..............

Tommorrow me and you will throw down .........and play the same stupid game we always play the people look the other way to the assholes who got us here.

This thread will be forgotten.........their crimes will be forgotten...........and the justice system will not do a thing about it.............

Wash, rinse, spin, and dry..........REPEAT.

And you are the happy and willing participant in it all by voting straight GOP.

If everyone that is pissed off at the system would for just one election pull the lever for someone different we could make a difference. But not enough of you will because you have been programmed to think the other side is so much more evil, even while posting that they are both evil.

There were no dang 3rd party on my dang ballot dummy........grow the hell up. It's rigged......why so many dang people don't vote anymore...............they don't think it makes a difference anymore..........

But parties complain why don't people vote............because they think all Americans are stupid.......they aren't......they got better things to do than vote for the lesser of evils............

The Libertarians had their POTUS candidate on every state’s ballot. You are full of crap

Sent from my iPhone using
Yawn..............I didn't see it...........not many libertarians here in LA........lower Alabama.

Potus not on mid terms..............LOL

and in 2016 the libertarian candidate had a snowballs chance in hell of winning.

BTW...........If I vote for a libertarian guy in 2016 and bunch more do the same......the HILDA BEAST WINS.............I don't freaking think so.

Then quit your incessant whining.

Our government is as corrupt as it is because of partisan sheep like you.

You are more to blame than they are

Sent from my iPhone using
Wasn't it money laundering when Hillary received about 250k each for mystery speeches to bankers during her campaign? How about the "Clinton Foundation? The donations dropped by more than half after Hillary lost the election and could no longer sell influence.
Putting bankers in jail, a novel idea. Obama could maybe have done it after he took office but no. So, both sides are to blame no matter how much we go back and forth trying to defend our parties....democratic or republican (and forget third parties since they don't even make it to the debates anymore). Same with our congress critters taking bribes to vote for whoever gives them money. Used to be illegal but no more. Looks like there's a few honest politicians out there like Bernie Sanders who only take small donations. Lots of organizations that work towards getting money out of politics. Move to Amend is one. In the meanwhile, it's who's the least worst of the two we're given to vote for like Ralph Nader said.

Potus not on mid terms..............LOL

and in 2016 the libertarian candidate had a snowballs chance in hell of winning.

BTW...........If I vote for a libertarian guy in 2016 and bunch more do the same......the HILDA BEAST WINS.............I don't freaking think so.

Then quit your incessant whining.

Our government is as corrupt as it is because of partisan sheep like you.

You are more to blame than they are

Sent from my iPhone using
I point out the truth and you lose your mind............Saying it's my fault because I will not vote for someone who can't win.............Were you born dumb or did you evolve to it.

I've seen your posts time and time again being partisan to the left...........You aren't Libertarian and if you are you don't know what it means..................Go cry to someone else...........

BTW......if you haven't noticed I often push the Federalist Papers on why the hell we should have never let Gov't get too much power.............They warned us and we didn't listen............

At least we try to take out RINO establishment about for the Libertarian and we get the ultimate LEADER...............Hillary Clinton........go blow that smoke somewhere else.

Potus not on mid terms..............LOL

and in 2016 the libertarian candidate had a snowballs chance in hell of winning.

BTW...........If I vote for a libertarian guy in 2016 and bunch more do the same......the HILDA BEAST WINS.............I don't freaking think so.

Then quit your incessant whining.

Our government is as corrupt as it is because of partisan sheep like you.

You are more to blame than they are

Sent from my iPhone using
I point out the truth and you lose your mind............Saying it's my fault because I will not vote for someone who can't win.............Were you born dumb or did you evolve to it.

I've seen your posts time and time again being partisan to the left...........You aren't Libertarian and if you are you don't know what it means..................Go cry to someone else...........

BTW......if you haven't noticed I often push the Federalist Papers on why the hell we should have never let Gov't get too much power.............They warned us and we didn't listen............

At least we try to take out RINO establishment about for the Libertarian and we get the ultimate LEADER...............Hillary Clinton........go blow that smoke somewhere else.

Name one issue I am take a "left" point of view on..just one

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