GAO Finds a Serious Obama Care Flaw


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2011
Government Accountability Office set up fictitious applicants for health care plans
Eleven people were able to obtain subsidized insurance coverage under Obamacare.
The matter came before Congress at a hearing on Wednesday
Read the link from CNN: Fake applicants got Obamacare subsidies, watchdog says -

Obama Care could implode before the November Election. The increase in Insurance Premiums ( before the Elections ) could be a game changer. We shall see.
I saw a lefty talking about this....
They praised OCare as showing they caught the phoney applications.
The Government Accountability Office, the investigative arm of Congress, created 18 fictitious applicants to test the Affordable Care Act's "front-end" controls for verifying an applicant's identity or citizenship status.
Front End = ACA Website.

All the ACA website does is gather info so the Government can fine you for not signing up.
Government Accountability Office set up fictitious applicants for health care plans
Eleven people were able to obtain subsidized insurance coverage under Obamacare.
The matter came before Congress at a hearing on Wednesday
Read the link from CNN: Fake applicants got Obamacare subsidies, watchdog says -

Obama Care could implode before the November Election. The increase in Insurance Premiums ( before the Elections ) could be a game changer. We shall see.

before obama care and after obama care, anyone could set up fictitious applicants for health care plans ... when the money came time for payment, they didn't get the money for the plan, like before obama care and after obama care, it will not become active ... so whats your point here ???? that people can set up fictitious applicants for health care plans ??? that's nothing new ... the real question is why would anyone want to
I saw a lefty talking about this....
They praised OCare as showing they caught the phoney applications.

why would they need to praise the phoney plans being caught ... why would they even try to catch them.... if they don't get paid for their plan, they don't get the plan activated ...its that simple ... no doe no go... so why are you mad that a lefty praised them being caught ... do you approve of illegal acivities is this what you're satying here:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
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The Government Accountability Office, the investigative arm of Congress, created 18 fictitious applicants to test the Affordable Care Act's "front-end" controls for verifying an applicant's identity or citizenship status.
Front End = ACA Website.

All the ACA website does is gather info so the Government can fine you for not signing up.

another repub-lie-tard thats never been to the site ... then says stupid shit like this one did...:lol::lol:
Maybe they can weed out all of the illegals that signed up as well.

There's gonna be a race to legalize them before it is discovered that nearly 3 million illegals signed up for Obamacare.
The Government Accountability Office, the investigative arm of Congress, created 18 fictitious applicants to test the Affordable Care Act's "front-end" controls for verifying an applicant's identity or citizenship status.
Front End = ACA Website.

All the ACA website does is gather info so the Government can fine you for not signing up.

another repub-lie-tard thats never been to the site ... then says stupid shit like this one did...:lol::lol:

repub-lie-tard very juvenile In addition, using the term tard is insulting to children who were born with mental disabilities.

I am only reiterating what the GAO stated. Grow up! Ass wipe

I do not need Obama Care. I get health care through the VA, Medicare and a secondary Insurance. Bye Stupid One
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