GAO rules Trump broke the law

Gov’t Watchdog Office: OMB Broke Law With Trump-Ordered Ukraine Aid Freeze
Gov't Watchdog Office: OMB Broke Law With Trump-Ordered Ukraine Aid Freeze

The U.S. Government Accountability Office, a government watchdog agency that advises Congress, concluded Thursday that the hold President Trump ordered his Office of Management and Budget to place on Ukraine military assistance violated the law.

“Faithful execution of the law does not permit the President to substitute his own policy priorities for those that Congress has enacted into law,” a GAO opinion said. “OMB withheld funds for a policy reason, which is not permitted under the Impoundment Control Act (ICA). The withholding was not a programmatic delay. Therefore, we conclude that OMB violated the ICA.”

The opinion outlined the reasons holds can be legally placed on congressionally authorized funding, and said the rational given for freezing the Ukraine aid did not fit within those reasons.

“The burden to justify a withholding of budget authority rests with the executive branch. Here, OMB has failed to meet this burden. We conclude that OMB violated the ICA when it withheld USAI funds for a policy reason,” the GAO said.
So much for the Trumper assertion Trump broke no laws.
The Arms Control Export Act clearly states

SEC. 3. ø2753¿ ELIGIBILITY.—(a) No defense article or defense service shall be sold or leased by the United States Government under this Act to any country or international organization, and no agreement shall be entered into for a cooperative project unless the President finds that the furnishing of defense articles and defense services to such country or international organization will strengthen the security of the United States and promote world peace.

In other words, according to law, it is 100% Trump's call no matter what the fuck congress says. PERIOD!

Congress cannot force the president to give Al Qaeda, Ukraine, or any other entity, a cap gun, let alone a multi-million dollar fucking army.

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Did you get your information from the same sources the witnesses in Congress got it from......

Too bad Coldfax isn't as interest in knowing why so much of this impeachment process had to be conducted in secrecy, behind closed doors, using shady methods, divisiveness, partisanship and gestapo methods-- -- -- -- not with the public, not with the cameras, but with many of other representatives and senators which had a responsibility and were involved in the hearings to see to it they were conducted properly, fairly and thoroughly for all.

Don’t be so over dramatic. There were closed door sessions and open door sessions. This isn’t any different than any other investigation and is done for good reason. Transcripts were published. It wasn’t unusual at all. You’re just told that it was.

Sure. Right, you lying fucking creep! Just like ANY OTHER INVESTIGATION, you lying cocksucker, where many of the people ACTUALLY ON THE BOARD of the investigation themselves trying to adjudicate the hearings were never allowed to even know who the CENTRAL FIGURE of their investigation was around which THE ENTIRE CASE WAS BASED! Never saw him, never met him, can't ask him one damn question, not even with a bag over his head or a voice changer in a darkened room, no cross-examination of his testimony to test its veracity, --- --- for that matter, have to take Schiff's word the guy really even exists and is a person who might have actually been able to walk past the president and eavesdrop on his phone calls! Nothing unusual at all, right, asshole? Is that why rep after rep excoriated Schiff of the congress floor one after the other ripping him a new ass pissed as hell over it, you twat?!

You're an even bigger lying, cocksucking piece of shitt than Adam Schitt is, and I hope McConnell pounds the democrats a new mud hole and screws them to the wall with just as much bullshit totally unfair, partisan and one-sided telling all of the Dems to SIT THE FUCK DOWN AND SHUT UP as they all cry unfair so that Trump can walk free and give the moon to Nancy. I mean literally MOON HER. Then she can take one of her pens and stick THAT up her ass, too.

Heard It From a Friend Who, Heard It From a...Impeachment Telephone Game (REO Speedwagon Parody)

The whistleblower’s testimony is irrelevant. It’s nothing but a distraction. Just something to whine about.

That’s what you do when you can’t argue the facts.

You have a very foul mouth.

The WB's testimony is relevant.
It goes to the heart of the matter, which is the democrats' hatred of Trump, and the deep state's efforts to do anything to disrupt his presidency.
Who put the WB (Ciaramella) into his position in the WH? (Brennan)
Who did the WB go to to have the complaint written in legalese? (Schiff)
Why was the WB complaint considered "credible" when technically it wasn't? (IGIC was biased)
How did a low level WB complaint even have an effect on the president? The WB law only applies to DNI level and below.
There are many questions that the WB should answer under oath.

None of the issues you’ve raised would have any bearing on the actions of the president or the facts of the matter. The whistleblower is not central to the impeachment. Trump is. This is about Trump’s behavior.
So being president is now illegal?....its up to the commander and chief to determine if our tax dollars we send to other nations will be used in a non corrupt fashion....OMB?...don't make us one votes for the OMB....
Got our little mind made up do we?
Trump u?

At least he has a mind to make up. Your is controlled by MSNBC. Loser.
I'm a staunch knees news fan.
"Don't report the news, report what our fans already believe" - founder
Your college again?
I missed it
What the Hell? College?

If the Whistle Blower is not called, then the trial would be a violation of the 6th Amendment.
6th amendment doesn’t apply to impeachment champ. He’s not even the accuser. You missed on two accounts.
Gov’t Watchdog Office: OMB Broke Law With Trump-Ordered Ukraine Aid Freeze
Gov't Watchdog Office: OMB Broke Law With Trump-Ordered Ukraine Aid Freeze

The U.S. Government Accountability Office, a government watchdog agency that advises Congress, concluded Thursday that the hold President Trump ordered his Office of Management and Budget to place on Ukraine military assistance violated the law.

“Faithful execution of the law does not permit the President to substitute his own policy priorities for those that Congress has enacted into law,” a GAO opinion said. “OMB withheld funds for a policy reason, which is not permitted under the Impoundment Control Act (ICA). The withholding was not a programmatic delay. Therefore, we conclude that OMB violated the ICA.”

The opinion outlined the reasons holds can be legally placed on congressionally authorized funding, and said the rational given for freezing the Ukraine aid did not fit within those reasons.

“The burden to justify a withholding of budget authority rests with the executive branch. Here, OMB has failed to meet this burden. We conclude that OMB violated the ICA when it withheld USAI funds for a policy reason,” the GAO said.
So much for the Trumper assertion Trump broke no laws.

I forget. The GAO makes the laws? Or functions as the judiciary? Or just some mire slime you can smack your lips at and say "there ya go the bureaucrats say he did it". You puritans faith in the bureaucracy is really revolting.

You lose...again.

If the Whistle Blower is not called, then the trial would be a violation of the 6th Amendment.
6th amendment doesn’t apply to impeachment champ. He’s not even the accuser. You missed on two accounts.
It was his doing that started this whole mess.............he is the original accuser..........and it is a violation of the 6th whether you like it or not.
Too bad Coldfax isn't as interest in knowing why so much of this impeachment process had to be conducted in secrecy, behind closed doors, using shady methods, divisiveness, partisanship and gestapo methods-- -- -- -- not with the public, not with the cameras, but with many of other representatives and senators which had a responsibility and were involved in the hearings to see to it they were conducted properly, fairly and thoroughly for all.

Don’t be so over dramatic. There were closed door sessions and open door sessions. This isn’t any different than any other investigation and is done for good reason. Transcripts were published. It wasn’t unusual at all. You’re just told that it was.

Sure. Right, you lying fucking creep! Just like ANY OTHER INVESTIGATION, you lying cocksucker, where many of the people ACTUALLY ON THE BOARD of the investigation themselves trying to adjudicate the hearings were never allowed to even know who the CENTRAL FIGURE of their investigation was around which THE ENTIRE CASE WAS BASED! Never saw him, never met him, can't ask him one damn question, not even with a bag over his head or a voice changer in a darkened room, no cross-examination of his testimony to test its veracity, --- --- for that matter, have to take Schiff's word the guy really even exists and is a person who might have actually been able to walk past the president and eavesdrop on his phone calls! Nothing unusual at all, right, asshole? Is that why rep after rep excoriated Schiff of the congress floor one after the other ripping him a new ass pissed as hell over it, you twat?!

You're an even bigger lying, cocksucking piece of shitt than Adam Schitt is, and I hope McConnell pounds the democrats a new mud hole and screws them to the wall with just as much bullshit totally unfair, partisan and one-sided telling all of the Dems to SIT THE FUCK DOWN AND SHUT UP as they all cry unfair so that Trump can walk free and give the moon to Nancy. I mean literally MOON HER. Then she can take one of her pens and stick THAT up her ass, too.

Heard It From a Friend Who, Heard It From a...Impeachment Telephone Game (REO Speedwagon Parody)

The whistleblower’s testimony is irrelevant. It’s nothing but a distraction. Just something to whine about.

That’s what you do when you can’t argue the facts.

You have a very foul mouth.

The WB's testimony is relevant.
It goes to the heart of the matter, which is the democrats' hatred of Trump, and the deep state's efforts to do anything to disrupt his presidency.
Who put the WB (Ciaramella) into his position in the WH? (Brennan)
Who did the WB go to to have the complaint written in legalese? (Schiff)
Why was the WB complaint considered "credible" when technically it wasn't? (IGIC was biased)
How did a low level WB complaint even have an effect on the president? The WB law only applies to DNI level and below.
There are many questions that the WB should answer under oath.

None of the issues you’ve raised would have any bearing on the actions of the president or the facts of the matter. The whistleblower is not central to the impeachment. Trump is. This is about Trump’s behavior.
Sorrry dude, whooping the hell out of you pedophile supporting TDS afflicted morons in a free and fair election is not a crime.

So fuck you, and have a nice day.

If the Whistle Blower is not called, then the trial would be a violation of the 6th Amendment.
6th amendment doesn’t apply to impeachment champ. He’s not even the accuser. You missed on two accounts.
It was his doing that started this whole mess.............he is the original accuser..........and it is a violation of the 6th whether you like it or not.
Where does the 6th amendment say it applies to impeachment processes?

Whatever happened to the whistleblower not knowing anything other than 8th hand information? How could they be the accuser? Y’all need to keep your story straight.
If I recall correctly, about $30 million didn’t make it over because they ran out of time after he delayed it.

They also lied about it.
Did you get your information from the same sources the witnesses in Congress got it from......

Too bad Coldfax isn't as interest in knowing why so much of this impeachment process had to be conducted in secrecy, behind closed doors, using shady methods, divisiveness, partisanship and gestapo methods-- -- -- -- not with the public, not with the cameras, but with many of other representatives and senators which had a responsibility and were involved in the hearings to see to it they were conducted properly, fairly and thoroughly for all.

Don’t be so over dramatic. There were closed door sessions and open door sessions. This isn’t any different than any other investigation and is done for good reason. Transcripts were published. It wasn’t unusual at all. You’re just told that it was.

Sure. Right, you lying fucking creep! Just like ANY OTHER INVESTIGATION, you lying cocksucker, where many of the people ACTUALLY ON THE BOARD of the investigation themselves trying to adjudicate the hearings were never allowed to even know who the CENTRAL FIGURE of their investigation was around which THE ENTIRE CASE WAS BASED! Never saw him, never met him, can't ask him one damn question, not even with a bag over his head or a voice changer in a darkened room, no cross-examination of his testimony to test its veracity, --- --- for that matter, have to take Schiff's word the guy really even exists and is a person who might have actually been able to walk past the president and eavesdrop on his phone calls! Nothing unusual at all, right, asshole? Is that why rep after rep excoriated Schiff of the congress floor one after the other ripping him a new ass pissed as hell over it, you twat?!

You're an even bigger lying, cocksucking piece of shitt than Adam Schitt is, and I hope McConnell pounds the democrats a new mud hole and screws them to the wall with just as much bullshit totally unfair, partisan and one-sided telling all of the Dems to SIT THE FUCK DOWN AND SHUT UP as they all cry unfair so that Trump can walk free and give the moon to Nancy. I mean literally MOON HER. Then she can take one of her pens and stick THAT up her ass, too.

Heard It From a Friend Who, Heard It From a...Impeachment Telephone Game (REO Speedwagon Parody)

The whistleblower’s testimony is irrelevant.

I cannot decide whether you are just INCREDIBLE dense, obtuse and brain damaged, or just a really damn bad liar.

With the Left, it can always go either way.
Did you get your information from the same sources the witnesses in Congress got it from......

Too bad Coldfax isn't as interest in knowing why so much of this impeachment process had to be conducted in secrecy, behind closed doors, using shady methods, divisiveness, partisanship and gestapo methods-- -- -- -- not with the public, not with the cameras, but with many of other representatives and senators which had a responsibility and were involved in the hearings to see to it they were conducted properly, fairly and thoroughly for all.

Don’t be so over dramatic. There were closed door sessions and open door sessions. This isn’t any different than any other investigation and is done for good reason. Transcripts were published. It wasn’t unusual at all. You’re just told that it was.

Sure. Right, you lying fucking creep! Just like ANY OTHER INVESTIGATION, you lying cocksucker, where many of the people ACTUALLY ON THE BOARD of the investigation themselves trying to adjudicate the hearings were never allowed to even know who the CENTRAL FIGURE of their investigation was around which THE ENTIRE CASE WAS BASED! Never saw him, never met him, can't ask him one damn question, not even with a bag over his head or a voice changer in a darkened room, no cross-examination of his testimony to test its veracity, --- --- for that matter, have to take Schiff's word the guy really even exists and is a person who might have actually been able to walk past the president and eavesdrop on his phone calls! Nothing unusual at all, right, asshole? Is that why rep after rep excoriated Schiff of the congress floor one after the other ripping him a new ass pissed as hell over it, you twat?!

You're an even bigger lying, cocksucking piece of shitt than Adam Schitt is, and I hope McConnell pounds the democrats a new mud hole and screws them to the wall with just as much bullshit totally unfair, partisan and one-sided telling all of the Dems to SIT THE FUCK DOWN AND SHUT UP as they all cry unfair so that Trump can walk free and give the moon to Nancy. I mean literally MOON HER. Then she can take one of her pens and stick THAT up her ass, too.

Heard It From a Friend Who, Heard It From a...Impeachment Telephone Game (REO Speedwagon Parody)

The whistleblower’s testimony is irrelevant.

I cannot decide whether you are just INCREDIBLE dense, obtuse and brain damaged, or just a really damn bad liar.

With the Left, it can always go either way.

Let me just be the first to say that your responses are incredible well thought out, intelligent, researched and level headed. I wish I could come close to the quality.

If the Whistle Blower is not called, then the trial would be a violation of the 6th Amendment.
6th amendment doesn’t apply to impeachment champ. He’s not even the accuser. You missed on two accounts.
It was his doing that started this whole mess.............he is the original accuser..........and it is a violation of the 6th whether you like it or not.
Where does the 6th amendment say it applies to impeachment processes?

Once again---- the brain of a half-witted ass. How could you POSSIBLY have graduated even high school without understanding that the way the law works is that it shall apply in all cases written except those SPECIFICALLY EXCLUDED by enumeration..

NO ONE has EVER written a law to say, e.g.: "All Men Are Created Equal" INCLUDING (then go off to name every possible type and kind); when a law is written, such as in the case of the 2A, that "the right to bear arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED, that if there are any exceptions, they follow as EXCLUSIONS because the exceptions shall always number far fewer than the inclusions, otherwise, the law wouldn't have any meaning.

THE RIGHT TO CONFRONT YOUR ACCUSER is a UNIVERSAL RIGHT, and nowhere in even the Whistle-blower law does it apply. The whistle-blower is only promised protection from retribution or retaliation for coming forward, NOT total anonymity. You cannot have a "witness" be totally anonymous, unseen to a court EXCEPT ONE PERSON, there is no way to test, weigh or evaluate the value and veracity of their claims, statements or claims!

CAN YOU IMAGINE the prosecution coming in saying: Judge! I have a witness who has absolutely established the guilt of the defendant! I cannot tell you who he is, how he knows or let you see or question him, but BELIEVE ME, it shows beyond a shadow of a doubt that the defendant is guilty! Now can I collect my fee for winning and go home?

THE IMPEACHMENT OF DONALD TRUMP was a total bag of horse dung. Virtually nothing in the hearing was independently corroborated or tested for accuracy other than for Adam Schiff to come forward and say that IN HIS VIEW, it was.

THE IMPEACHMENT OF DONALD TRUMP IS ILLEGAL AND INVALID and the Senate should THROW IT OUT summarily as a bag of GARBAGE and charge the House Managers with gross incompetence and malfeasance with the attempt to overthrow the government of The United States, throw them in jail and make them pay back every penny for the cost of it back to the Treasury and the people of this country!
THE RIGHT TO CONFRONT YOUR ACCUSER is a UNIVERSAL RIGHT, and nowhere in even the Whistle-blower law does it apply. The whistle-blower is only promised protection from retribution or retaliation for coming forward, NOT total anonymity. You cannot have a "witness" be totally anonymous, unseen to a court EXCEPT ONE PERSON, there is no way to test, weigh or evaluate the value and veracity of their claims, statements or claims!

No, it's not a "universal right" whatever that means. The 6th amendment is pretty clear. It starts with these 4 words: "In all criminal prosecutions". Impeachment is not a criminal prosecution, therefore it doesn't apply.

Second, the right to confront one's accuser is a trial right. The House did not conduct a trial. The constitution is quite clear that the Senate has the trial. There is no right to confront or cross examine an accuser during an investigation.

CAN YOU IMAGINE the prosecution coming in saying: Judge! I have a witness who has absolutely established the guilt of the defendant! I cannot tell you who he is, how he knows or let you see or question him, but BELIEVE ME, it shows beyond a shadow of a doubt that the defendant is guilty! Now can I collect my fee for winning and go home?

The whistleblower is not being used as a witness. Democrats haven't called on him. His complaint is not being used as testimony. He cannot be considered the accuser given he hasn't witnessed the actions. He is only testifying to information he received through other means. That gave the Democrats in the committee sufficient knowledge where to look for facts which they did. The testimony from those individuals is what constitutes the case against Trump.

THE IMPEACHMENT OF DONALD TRUMP was a total bag of horse dung. Virtually nothing in the hearing was independently corroborated or tested for accuracy other than for Adam Schiff to come forward and say that IN HIS VIEW, it was.

THE IMPEACHMENT OF DONALD TRUMP IS ILLEGAL AND INVALID and the Senate should THROW IT OUT summarily as a bag of GARBAGE and charge the House Managers with gross incompetence and malfeasance with the attempt to overthrow the government of The United States, throw them in jail and make them pay back every penny for the cost of it back to the Treasury and the people of this country!

The Senate may throw it out but not because it's illegal or invalid as I explained above. Thanks for making an argument and at least toning down the insulting language a bit.

If the Whistle Blower is not called, then the trial would be a violation of the 6th Amendment.
6th amendment doesn’t apply to impeachment champ. He’s not even the accuser. You missed on two accounts.
It was his doing that started this whole mess.............he is the original accuser..........and it is a violation of the 6th whether you like it or not.
Where does the 6th amendment say it applies to impeachment processes?

Whatever happened to the whistleblower not knowing anything other than 8th hand information? How could they be the accuser? Y’all need to keep your story straight.
The Senate is considered a trial............6th applies to trials............he accused Trump of this and Trump has the right to face him under the 6th.

If the Whistle Blower is not called, then the trial would be a violation of the 6th Amendment.
6th amendment doesn’t apply to impeachment champ. He’s not even the accuser. You missed on two accounts.
It was his doing that started this whole mess.............he is the original accuser..........and it is a violation of the 6th whether you like it or not.
Where does the 6th amendment say it applies to impeachment processes?

Whatever happened to the whistleblower not knowing anything other than 8th hand information? How could they be the accuser? Y’all need to keep your story straight.
The Senate is considered a trial............6th applies to trials............he accused Trump of this and Trump has the right to face him under the 6th.

The 6th applies to criminal trials. Cmon man. Read the amendment. It’s the first line.

If the Whistle Blower is not called, then the trial would be a violation of the 6th Amendment.
6th amendment doesn’t apply to impeachment champ. He’s not even the accuser. You missed on two accounts.
It was his doing that started this whole mess.............he is the original accuser..........and it is a violation of the 6th whether you like it or not.
Where does the 6th amendment say it applies to impeachment processes?

Once again---- the brain of a half-witted ass. How could you POSSIBLY have graduated even high school without understanding that the way the law works is that it shall apply in all cases written except those SPECIFICALLY EXCLUDED by enumeration..

NO ONE has EVER written a law to say, e.g.: "All Men Are Created Equal" INCLUDING (then go off to name every possible type and kind); when a law is written, such as in the case of the 2A, that "the right to bear arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED, that if there are any exceptions, they follow as EXCLUSIONS because the exceptions shall always number far fewer than the inclusions, otherwise, the law wouldn't have any meaning.

THE RIGHT TO CONFRONT YOUR ACCUSER is a UNIVERSAL RIGHT, and nowhere in even the Whistle-blower law does it apply. The whistle-blower is only promised protection from retribution or retaliation for coming forward, NOT total anonymity. You cannot have a "witness" be totally anonymous, unseen to a court EXCEPT ONE PERSON, there is no way to test, weigh or evaluate the value and veracity of their claims, statements or claims!

CAN YOU IMAGINE the prosecution coming in saying: Judge! I have a witness who has absolutely established the guilt of the defendant! I cannot tell you who he is, how he knows or let you see or question him, but BELIEVE ME, it shows beyond a shadow of a doubt that the defendant is guilty! Now can I collect my fee for winning and go home?

THE IMPEACHMENT OF DONALD TRUMP was a total bag of horse dung. Virtually nothing in the hearing was independently corroborated or tested for accuracy other than for Adam Schiff to come forward and say that IN HIS VIEW, it was.

THE IMPEACHMENT OF DONALD TRUMP IS ILLEGAL AND INVALID and the Senate should THROW IT OUT summarily as a bag of GARBAGE and charge the House Managers with gross incompetence and malfeasance with the attempt to overthrow the government of The United States, throw them in jail and make them pay back every penny for the cost of it back to the Treasury and the people of this country!

The whistle blower is not the accuser. He is a messenger. Everything in the report was independently confirmed. There is no need for him to be facing Trump.
So being president is now illegal?....its up to the commander and chief to determine if our tax dollars we send to other nations will be used in a non corrupt fashion....OMB?...don't make us one votes for the OMB....

It's up to Congress, not the president.
the right to confront one's accuser is a trial right. The House did not conduct a trial. The constitution is quite clear that the Senate has the trial. The whistleblower is not being used as a witness. Democrats haven't called on him. His complaint is not being used as testimony. He cannot be considered the accuser given he hasn't witnessed the actions.

Glad you understand that as the triers of the case, that Trump and the Senate will have the right and ability to call the whistleblower to the stand and face his accuser. The whistleblower's complaint is the entire basis of Trump's impeachment and now you admit that he hasn't even witnessed the actions? Wow.
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Colfax lost another debate. Shocking. Trump will be acquitted as the impeachment was a political scam perpetrated by the Democrats.
The whistle blower is not the accuser. He is a messenger. Everything in the report was independently confirmed. There is no need for him to be facing Trump.

Right. The whistleblower is just the messenger. Of what? The accusations. Accusations that Trump was this dangerous power-mad dictator so bad that he had to blow the whistle. If he isn't accusing Trump of anything, then why the need for total anonymity and protection? Most everything in the report is hearsay confirmed only by more hearsay from biased anti-Trump democrats. Adam Schiff practically had his tongue up all their asses. They hardly needed to even testify because Adam Schiff spoke for all of them putting words in their mouths. Let's get the whistleblower on the stand and start a real hearing now.

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