GAO rules Trump broke the law

Yet they are a bunch of accountants.

And their opinion has been called bullshit by OMB.
What else is the OMB going to say? They're the ones who broke the Trump's direction.

READ: GAO concludes OMB violated law in withholding Ukraine aid - CNNPolitics

So where are your posts from a few years ago clamoring for impeachment of Obama because GAO said he broke the law?
If Obama had been involved in an illegal scheme like this one to benefit himself by corrupting the election he would have been impeached.

Nice dodge there, dippy.

"It's OK when my side does it, because, shut up"
You've summarized the Trumpette defense of Dear Leader perfectly.

Your side is the one taking political disagreements and using them to impeach.

You have your chance in November to get rid of Trump, but you just can't accept you lost in 2016, and thus IMPEACHMENT.

Nevermind that it only plays to your base, and makes the rest of country think your side are a bunch of bitter sore losers.
Appropriations Law Decisions

The digest of GAO legal opinions on appropriations goes back to at least 2003. Plus, it's in the job description:

  • Appropriations Law: GAO issues legal opinions and decisions to Congress and federal agencies on the use of, and accountability for, public funds, including ruling on potential violations of the Antideficiency Act.
  • Other Legal Work: GAO issues legal opinions and decisions to Congress and federal agencies on the use of, and accountability for, public funds, including ruling on potential violations of the Antideficiency Act.

Yet they are a bunch of accountants.

And their opinion has been called bullshit by OMB.

They also said Obama did the same thing 7 or so times. I'm sure you were calling for his impeachment over that....

I think you meant to say, "my mistake".

No, I said what I said you milquetoast SJW twatwaddle.

How many of their "opinions" have actually led to prosecutions.

They are supposed to be the accounting machine for Congress until some morons expanded their scope outside their area of expertise.

And yet you're the guy who didn't know it was part of the GAO's mission to render legal opinions on appropriation matters. Maybe you don't know the definition of ignorant.

You do have your party-line insults down - I'll give you that.

The GAO has always been number crunchers. The new "mandate" is outside their scope and expertise.

Here is some observations on their "opinion" from someone who knows what they are talking about.

Four Observations Concerning the GAO Decision

But GAO has not come close to resolving these factual issues or analyzing the complex legal issues in this situation. And it was truly reckless for GAO to suggest otherwise. They offered only a threadbare constitutional analysis, during this heated and polarized time, hours before the impeachment trial began.
Does your supposed scholar know Trump directed the OMB to withhold the funds?

"Clear direction from POTUS to continue hold."
Yet they are a bunch of accountants.

And their opinion has been called bullshit by OMB.

They also said Obama did the same thing 7 or so times. I'm sure you were calling for his impeachment over that....

I think you meant to say, "my mistake".

No, I said what I said you milquetoast SJW twatwaddle.

How many of their "opinions" have actually led to prosecutions.

They are supposed to be the accounting machine for Congress until some morons expanded their scope outside their area of expertise.

And yet you're the guy who didn't know it was part of the GAO's mission to render legal opinions on appropriation matters. Maybe you don't know the definition of ignorant.

You do have your party-line insults down - I'll give you that.

The GAO has always been number crunchers. The new "mandate" is outside their scope and expertise.

Here is some observations on their "opinion" from someone who knows what they are talking about.

Four Observations Concerning the GAO Decision

But GAO has not come close to resolving these factual issues or analyzing the complex legal issues in this situation. And it was truly reckless for GAO to suggest otherwise. They offered only a threadbare constitutional analysis, during this heated and polarized time, hours before the impeachment trial began.
Does your supposed scholar know Trump directed the OMB to withhold the funds?

"Clear direction from POTUS to continue hold."

How about you read the article?
You have your chance in November to get rid of Trump, but you just can't accept you lost in 2016, and thus IMPEACHMENT.
You really need to find a new meme. What part of Repubs would be impeaching a Dem prez for doing this stuff don't you understand? They impeached Clinton for less.
So being president is now illegal?....its up to the commander and chief to determine if our tax dollars we send to other nations will be used in a non corrupt fashion....OMB?...don't make us one votes for the OMB....

Where does the constitution say that?
In the part where foreign diplomacy is the sole responsibility of the President.

And appropriations are the sole responsibility of Congress. If Congress decides that tax dollars should go somewhere, they have to go there.
You have your chance in November to get rid of Trump, but you just can't accept you lost in 2016, and thus IMPEACHMENT.
You really need to find a new meme. What part of Repubs would be impeaching a Dem prez for doing this stuff don't you understand? They impeached Clinton for less.

Clinton perjured himself, a clear and distinct crime.

You are impeaching Trump because you don't like him. You were looking for a reason to Impeach, however flimsy, since November 2016.
You are impeaching Trump because you don't like him.
So Trumpette's keep claiming. Yet it took the revelations in the WB complaint to get enough Dems on board..........including a previously reluctant Nancy Pelosi who resisted the idea of impeachment until the evidence forced her hand.
You are impeaching Trump because you don't like him.
So Trumpette's keep claiming. Yet it took the revelations in the WB complaint to get enough Dems on board..........including a previously reluctant Nancy Pelosi who resisted the idea of impeachment until the evidence forced her hand.

Her reluctance was a combination of bullshit and her realizing that impeachment is nothing more than sour grapes that will cost you clowns the election in 2020.

Evidence didn't force her, her baying jackals from the left of her party forced her.
Based on the GAO's opinion I now see it as a question of how far does the Senate want to go to defend its turf when a president goes against the expressed will of congress in regards to spending? Considering how politicians suffer no consequences when the Supreme Court rules they passed unconstitutional laws affecting the citizenry, I can't see any consequences resulting from the GAO's ruling either.
Clinton perjured himself
He did so while cooperating with the investigation. Something Trump refuses to do. Are you in favor of Trump testifying under oath? Or Bolton? Or Mulvaney? Or Giuliani? Or Parnas? Or Duffy? Or Perry?

Talk about deflection. Clinton committed perjury.

Trump hurt your feeeewwwings, you delicate wibble snowflake.
Appropriations Law Decisions

The digest of GAO legal opinions on appropriations goes back to at least 2003. Plus, it's in the job description:

  • Appropriations Law: GAO issues legal opinions and decisions to Congress and federal agencies on the use of, and accountability for, public funds, including ruling on potential violations of the Antideficiency Act.
  • Other Legal Work: GAO issues legal opinions and decisions to Congress and federal agencies on the use of, and accountability for, public funds, including ruling on potential violations of the Antideficiency Act.

Yet they are a bunch of accountants.

And their opinion has been called bullshit by OMB.

They also said Obama did the same thing 7 or so times. I'm sure you were calling for his impeachment over that....

I think you meant to say, "my mistake".

No, I said what I said you milquetoast SJW twatwaddle.

How many of their "opinions" have actually led to prosecutions.

They are supposed to be the accounting machine for Congress until some morons expanded their scope outside their area of expertise.

And yet you're the guy who didn't know it was part of the GAO's mission to render legal opinions on appropriation matters. Maybe you don't know the definition of ignorant.

You do have your party-line insults down - I'll give you that.

The GAO has always been number crunchers. The new "mandate" is outside their scope and expertise.

Here is some observations on their "opinion" from someone who knows what they are talking about.

Four Observations Concerning the GAO Decision

But GAO has not come close to resolving these factual issues or analyzing the complex legal issues in this situation. And it was truly reckless for GAO to suggest otherwise. They offered only a threadbare constitutional analysis, during this heated and polarized time, hours before the impeachment trial began.

Yes. Brilliantly. Like this:

If Trump's underlings delayed making a timely transfer of funds to Ukraine, as required by the relevant appropriations act, then it is they who are legally responsible (though the president always bears political responsibility for the actions of all his subordinates in the executive branch).

Documents, which the Senate will likely refuse to consider, show:

According to a rough transcript released by the White House, the July 25 call between Trump and Zelenskiy took place between 9:03 and 9:33 a.m.

At 11:04 a.m., an official with the White House's budget office, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), Mike Duffey, sent an email to Deputy Secretary of Defense David Norquist, the chief of staff to Defense Secretary Mark Esper and the Pentagon's chief financial officer telling them to withhold the aid to Ukraine, the documents showed.

"Based on guidance I have received and in light of the Administration’s plan to review assistance to Ukraine, including the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative, please hold off on any additional DoD obligations of these funds, pending direction from that process," the email from Duffey said, according to the documents.

White House official ordered aid to Ukraine be withheld 91 minutes after Trump call with Ukraine president, documents show

The blogger ignores that the OMB was acting at the express direction of unnamed persons. That's pretty fucking convenient, if you want to shift blame to OMB. He does conclude he will have to think more about Trump's failure to make the requisite notification to Congress over the hold on aid.

By and large, he's just bullshitting:

Second, did GAO provide any evidence to show that President Trump personally directed his subordinates to withhold the funds? I hesitate before concluding that the President ordered his subordinates to violate the law, when there is a dispute about what exactly the law requires.

Here, he's astutely avoiding mention of witnesses and documents blocked from the inquiry. How that's an argument against the GAO is a mystery.

This is his purported third point:

Third, did GAO provide any evidence to show that President Trump directed his subordinates to deliberately violate the ICA? This question is premised on a disputed legal issue: was the withholding of certain funds, for some period of time, a violation of the ICA. I don't have nearly enough expertise in budgetary law to opine on this question.

Four, did GAO find that President Trump violated the Constitution's Take Care Clause? No. The decision states, "Faithful execution of the law does not permit the President to substitute his own policy priorities for those that Congress has enacted into law."

Did you even read the article you linked?
Clinton perjured himself
He did so while cooperating with the investigation. Something Trump refuses to do. Are you in favor of Trump testifying under oath? Or Bolton? Or Mulvaney? Or Giuliani? Or Parnas? Or Duffy? Or Perry?

Talk about deflection. Clinton committed perjury.

Trump hurt your feeeewwwings, you delicate wibble snowflake.
He did so while cooperating with the investigation. Something Trump refuses to do. Are you in favor of Trump testifying under oath? Or Bolton? Or Mulvaney? Or Giuliani? Or Parnas? Or Duffy? Or Perry? How about turning over documents?

Schiff: Intel Community Withholding Docs Relevant To Senate Trial Is ‘Deeply Concerning
Schiff: Intel Community Withholding Docs Relevant To Senate Trial Is 'Deeply Concerning'
Yet they are a bunch of accountants.

And their opinion has been called bullshit by OMB.

They also said Obama did the same thing 7 or so times. I'm sure you were calling for his impeachment over that....

I think you meant to say, "my mistake".

No, I said what I said you milquetoast SJW twatwaddle.

How many of their "opinions" have actually led to prosecutions.

They are supposed to be the accounting machine for Congress until some morons expanded their scope outside their area of expertise.

And yet you're the guy who didn't know it was part of the GAO's mission to render legal opinions on appropriation matters. Maybe you don't know the definition of ignorant.

You do have your party-line insults down - I'll give you that.

The GAO has always been number crunchers. The new "mandate" is outside their scope and expertise.

Here is some observations on their "opinion" from someone who knows what they are talking about.

Four Observations Concerning the GAO Decision

But GAO has not come close to resolving these factual issues or analyzing the complex legal issues in this situation. And it was truly reckless for GAO to suggest otherwise. They offered only a threadbare constitutional analysis, during this heated and polarized time, hours before the impeachment trial began.

Yes. Brilliantly. Like this:

If Trump's underlings delayed making a timely transfer of funds to Ukraine, as required by the relevant appropriations act, then it is they who are legally responsible (though the president always bears political responsibility for the actions of all his subordinates in the executive branch).

Documents, which the Senate will likely refuse to consider, show:

According to a rough transcript released by the White House, the July 25 call between Trump and Zelenskiy took place between 9:03 and 9:33 a.m.

At 11:04 a.m., an official with the White House's budget office, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), Mike Duffey, sent an email to Deputy Secretary of Defense David Norquist, the chief of staff to Defense Secretary Mark Esper and the Pentagon's chief financial officer telling them to withhold the aid to Ukraine, the documents showed.

"Based on guidance I have received and in light of the Administration’s plan to review assistance to Ukraine, including the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative, please hold off on any additional DoD obligations of these funds, pending direction from that process," the email from Duffey said, according to the documents.

White House official ordered aid to Ukraine be withheld 91 minutes after Trump call with Ukraine president, documents show

The blogger ignores that the OMB was acting at the express direction of unnamed persons. That's pretty fucking convenient, if you want to shift blame to OMB. He does conclude he will have to think more about Trump's failure to make the requisite notification to Congress over the hold on aid.

By and large, he's just bullshitting:

Second, did GAO provide any evidence to show that President Trump personally directed his subordinates to withhold the funds? I hesitate before concluding that the President ordered his subordinates to violate the law, when there is a dispute about what exactly the law requires.

Here, he's astutely avoiding mention of witnesses and documents blocked from the inquiry. How that's an argument against the GAO is a mystery.

This is his purported third point:

Third, did GAO provide any evidence to show that President Trump directed his subordinates to deliberately violate the ICA? This question is premised on a disputed legal issue: was the withholding of certain funds, for some period of time, a violation of the ICA. I don't have nearly enough expertise in budgetary law to opine on this question.

Four, did GAO find that President Trump violated the Constitution's Take Care Clause? No. The decision states, "Faithful execution of the law does not permit the President to substitute his own policy priorities for those that Congress has enacted into law."

Did you even read the article you linked?

Yes, and mostly its about GAO not providing any actual evidence, just assumptions. What the guy is doing is pointing the holes in GAO's legal opinion.
Clinton perjured himself
He did so while cooperating with the investigation. Something Trump refuses to do. Are you in favor of Trump testifying under oath? Or Bolton? Or Mulvaney? Or Giuliani? Or Parnas? Or Duffy? Or Perry?

Talk about deflection. Clinton committed perjury.

Trump hurt your feeeewwwings, you delicate wibble snowflake.
He did so while cooperating with the investigation. Something Trump refuses to do. Are you in favor of Trump testifying under oath? Or Bolton? Or Mulvaney? Or Giuliani? Or Parnas? Or Duffy? Or Perry? How about turning over documents?

Schiff: Intel Community Withholding Docs Relevant To Senate Trial Is ‘Deeply Concerning
Schiff: Intel Community Withholding Docs Relevant To Senate Trial Is 'Deeply Concerning'

How is lying cooperating?

Sorry, you are still a butthurt little progressive fan-boi.
I think you meant to say, "my mistake".

No, I said what I said you milquetoast SJW twatwaddle.

How many of their "opinions" have actually led to prosecutions.

They are supposed to be the accounting machine for Congress until some morons expanded their scope outside their area of expertise.

And yet you're the guy who didn't know it was part of the GAO's mission to render legal opinions on appropriation matters. Maybe you don't know the definition of ignorant.

You do have your party-line insults down - I'll give you that.

The GAO has always been number crunchers. The new "mandate" is outside their scope and expertise.

Here is some observations on their "opinion" from someone who knows what they are talking about.

Four Observations Concerning the GAO Decision

But GAO has not come close to resolving these factual issues or analyzing the complex legal issues in this situation. And it was truly reckless for GAO to suggest otherwise. They offered only a threadbare constitutional analysis, during this heated and polarized time, hours before the impeachment trial began.

Yes. Brilliantly. Like this:

If Trump's underlings delayed making a timely transfer of funds to Ukraine, as required by the relevant appropriations act, then it is they who are legally responsible (though the president always bears political responsibility for the actions of all his subordinates in the executive branch).

Documents, which the Senate will likely refuse to consider, show:

According to a rough transcript released by the White House, the July 25 call between Trump and Zelenskiy took place between 9:03 and 9:33 a.m.

At 11:04 a.m., an official with the White House's budget office, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), Mike Duffey, sent an email to Deputy Secretary of Defense David Norquist, the chief of staff to Defense Secretary Mark Esper and the Pentagon's chief financial officer telling them to withhold the aid to Ukraine, the documents showed.

"Based on guidance I have received and in light of the Administration’s plan to review assistance to Ukraine, including the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative, please hold off on any additional DoD obligations of these funds, pending direction from that process," the email from Duffey said, according to the documents.

White House official ordered aid to Ukraine be withheld 91 minutes after Trump call with Ukraine president, documents show

The blogger ignores that the OMB was acting at the express direction of unnamed persons. That's pretty fucking convenient, if you want to shift blame to OMB. He does conclude he will have to think more about Trump's failure to make the requisite notification to Congress over the hold on aid.

By and large, he's just bullshitting:

Second, did GAO provide any evidence to show that President Trump personally directed his subordinates to withhold the funds? I hesitate before concluding that the President ordered his subordinates to violate the law, when there is a dispute about what exactly the law requires.

Here, he's astutely avoiding mention of witnesses and documents blocked from the inquiry. How that's an argument against the GAO is a mystery.

This is his purported third point:

Third, did GAO provide any evidence to show that President Trump directed his subordinates to deliberately violate the ICA? This question is premised on a disputed legal issue: was the withholding of certain funds, for some period of time, a violation of the ICA. I don't have nearly enough expertise in budgetary law to opine on this question.

Four, did GAO find that President Trump violated the Constitution's Take Care Clause? No. The decision states, "Faithful execution of the law does not permit the President to substitute his own policy priorities for those that Congress has enacted into law."

Did you even read the article you linked?

Yes, and mostly its about GAO not providing any actual evidence, just assumptions. What the guy is doing is pointing the holes in GAO's legal opinion.

He's just filling space. He doesn't have a point worth making.
They said they held the money up because they wanted Zelensky to fulfill Impeached Trump's "favor" to look into the DNC server.

Why do all you commies deflect instead of answering a simple question? Does the truth scare you that much?



Just how fucking insane are you, con?

You said Impeached Trump didn't hold up the funds and I pointed out how his own administration confessed they did.

You're brain-dead to call that, "deflection." :cuckoo:

it was delivered within the parameters of the law. That means there was no violation. Commie propaganda notwithstanding.

Dumbfuck, his own administration confessed he held up the funds.


And, it was still delivered within the parameters of the law. So there was no violation.


Only because he got caught holding up the funds in exchange for favors hd asked of Zelensky.
Clinton perjured himself
He did so while cooperating with the investigation. Something Trump refuses to do. Are you in favor of Trump testifying under oath? Or Bolton? Or Mulvaney? Or Giuliani? Or Parnas? Or Duffy? Or Perry?

Talk about deflection. Clinton committed perjury.

Trump hurt your feeeewwwings, you delicate wibble snowflake.
He did so while cooperating with the investigation. Something Trump refuses to do. Are you in favor of Trump testifying under oath? Or Bolton? Or Mulvaney? Or Giuliani? Or Parnas? Or Duffy? Or Perry? How about turning over documents?

Schiff: Intel Community Withholding Docs Relevant To Senate Trial Is ‘Deeply Concerning
Schiff: Intel Community Withholding Docs Relevant To Senate Trial Is 'Deeply Concerning'

How is lying cooperating?

Sorry, you are still a butthurt little progressive fan-boi.
Did he or did he not agree to testify under oath and in fact give sworn testimony? What has Trump done that comes within a million miles of that level of cooperation?
I think you meant to say, "my mistake".

No, I said what I said you milquetoast SJW twatwaddle.

How many of their "opinions" have actually led to prosecutions.

They are supposed to be the accounting machine for Congress until some morons expanded their scope outside their area of expertise.

And yet you're the guy who didn't know it was part of the GAO's mission to render legal opinions on appropriation matters. Maybe you don't know the definition of ignorant.

You do have your party-line insults down - I'll give you that.

The GAO has always been number crunchers. The new "mandate" is outside their scope and expertise.

Here is some observations on their "opinion" from someone who knows what they are talking about.

Four Observations Concerning the GAO Decision

But GAO has not come close to resolving these factual issues or analyzing the complex legal issues in this situation. And it was truly reckless for GAO to suggest otherwise. They offered only a threadbare constitutional analysis, during this heated and polarized time, hours before the impeachment trial began.

Yes. Brilliantly. Like this:

If Trump's underlings delayed making a timely transfer of funds to Ukraine, as required by the relevant appropriations act, then it is they who are legally responsible (though the president always bears political responsibility for the actions of all his subordinates in the executive branch).

Documents, which the Senate will likely refuse to consider, show:

According to a rough transcript released by the White House, the July 25 call between Trump and Zelenskiy took place between 9:03 and 9:33 a.m.

At 11:04 a.m., an official with the White House's budget office, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), Mike Duffey, sent an email to Deputy Secretary of Defense David Norquist, the chief of staff to Defense Secretary Mark Esper and the Pentagon's chief financial officer telling them to withhold the aid to Ukraine, the documents showed.

"Based on guidance I have received and in light of the Administration’s plan to review assistance to Ukraine, including the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative, please hold off on any additional DoD obligations of these funds, pending direction from that process," the email from Duffey said, according to the documents.

White House official ordered aid to Ukraine be withheld 91 minutes after Trump call with Ukraine president, documents show

The blogger ignores that the OMB was acting at the express direction of unnamed persons. That's pretty fucking convenient, if you want to shift blame to OMB. He does conclude he will have to think more about Trump's failure to make the requisite notification to Congress over the hold on aid.

By and large, he's just bullshitting:

Second, did GAO provide any evidence to show that President Trump personally directed his subordinates to withhold the funds? I hesitate before concluding that the President ordered his subordinates to violate the law, when there is a dispute about what exactly the law requires.

Here, he's astutely avoiding mention of witnesses and documents blocked from the inquiry. How that's an argument against the GAO is a mystery.

This is his purported third point:

Third, did GAO provide any evidence to show that President Trump directed his subordinates to deliberately violate the ICA? This question is premised on a disputed legal issue: was the withholding of certain funds, for some period of time, a violation of the ICA. I don't have nearly enough expertise in budgetary law to opine on this question.

Four, did GAO find that President Trump violated the Constitution's Take Care Clause? No. The decision states, "Faithful execution of the law does not permit the President to substitute his own policy priorities for those that Congress has enacted into law."

Did you even read the article you linked?

Yes, and mostly its about GAO not providing any actual evidence, just assumptions. What the guy is doing is pointing the holes in GAO's legal opinion.
You mean he is trying but failing to poke holes.
Trump did more than threaten to withhold aid.

No quid pro quo is why Trump held the funds..

Quid Pro Quo Joe got his demands met, so he didn't have to have the loans guarantees held.

“no quid pro quo” is why Trump held the funds?

that makes zero sense.

QPQ means "this for that". There was no this, and there was no that. No crime, no foul, no harm, no anything. Call it a big nothingburger.
Trump could have held the funds for many reasons or no reasons, its not a crime.

So y’all going to pretend to have no idea why he held the funds up? Mulvaney admitted why he did it. To get Ukraine to do his little investigation.

Here is Mulvaney's "official" reason why he held up the funds:
Mulvaney brashly admits quid pro quo over Ukraine aid as key details emerge -- and then denies doing so - CNNPolitics
"The only reasons we were holding the money was because of concern about lack of support from other nations and concerns over corruption," Mulvaney said in a written statement, adding, "There never was any condition on the flow of the aid related to the matter of the DNC server."

Not a crime, period.

That was what Mulvaney said after admitting they held the money up for favors and after he met with the Impeached Trump administration to fix his earlier revelation.

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