Garland appoints Robert Hur as special counsel to investigate discovery of Biden classified docs. Hur served as US Attorney during Trump Adminstration

You're getting in front of your skis.

We don't even know if any of the documents were more than just "confidential"
Actually, we do.

This is major. You're desperation and wild spinning is duly noted.

You may want to back off on your spinning before you make an even bigger fool of yourself.
Actually, we do.

This is major. You're desperation and wild spinning is duly noted.

You may want to back off on your spinning before you make an even bigger fool of yourself.

Yeah. A few documents locked up in some office safe somewhere is bad but they did return them when they were found. But holy shit, documents found in his garage?

Even the most ardent Biden supporters should at the minimum be pissed about this
This must really stick in your craw!

More good news for you, when announcing the appointment Special Prosecutor Merrick Garland said that documents had been found in THREE LOCATIONS.

Would you hire your attorney to help you move?

They're hiding where the 2nd batch of docs were found!!
And Melania lives at Trump's shitty resort, while Trump's kids were always lurking around while your boy had hundreds of classified documents laying around.
WOW, this has really gotten your panties in a twist. All you can do is childishly attack President Trump. I am so impressed!

You might scale it back a bit since the news is getting worse by the day I mean HOUR.

Earth to Clipper, this thread is about the disaster now surrounding the BIDEN administration and finding TOP SECRET in THREE locations.

From yesterday

Then today...

Lest you forgot...
WOW, this has really gotten your panties in a twist. All you can do is childishly attack President Trump. I am so impressed!

You might scale it back a bit since the news is getting worse by the day I mean HOUR.

Earth to Clipper, this thread is about the disaster now surrounding the BIDEN administration and finding TOP SECRET in THREE locations.

From yesterday

Then today...

Lest you forgot...

Yeah, and now the left will play like the right did with Trump.

Biden knows what he has done and truthfully if Trump is to be held accountable for what he did, but the left will refuse to see it that way.
A heads up. Nora O'Donnell on CBS News just confirmed the White House had no idea in advance Garland was appointing a special council so they were caught off guard. This could be a good thing.
Guess what, this was just a silly mistake and I'm sure Biden is totally innocent of anything. I'm just hoping this isn't another special counsel like starr who started with the banking problem and ended up with a BJ like five years later. Ridiculous TOP hatchet job.

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