Gas $3.119 here today.

It doesn't matter what the price of a barrel of oil is, or who is POTUS:

U.S. Gas Exports Force Drivers Into Bidding War With Mexico At Pump

Oil companies are exporting gasoline to Mexico and other countries at RECORD LEVELS.

They are doing this to keep gas prices high.

If we want lower gas prices, we have to force our Congress to pass laws limiting gasoline exports.

It's simple.
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Can someone please explain, in their infinite wisdom, how a president of the united states directly affects the price of Gasoline.
AAA Nationwide fuel prices with 10,000 stations surveyed;

Unleaded gasoline $4.23
Can someone please explain, in their infinite wisdom, how a president of the united states directly affects the price of Gasoline.

Well if he invades a petroleum producing country in the middle east or something, but other wise he has virtually no impact on the price of gas.

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