Gas prices decrease, thanks to Biden

Because I spent 20 years in KSA. Ever heard of ARAMCO?
you didnt answer my question....How do you know they are doing it better? Because they said so?
Aramco, Einstein, goes with the data they are provided by the entities/countries that offer that information based on their own data.. If, In fact, you actually worked for Aramco, you would know that. So you obviously didn't.
You are a liar.
you didnt answer my question....How do you know they are doing it better? Because they said so?
Aramco, Einstein, goes with the data they are provided by the entities/countries that offer that information based on their own data.. If, In fact, you actually worked for Aramco, you would know that. So you obviously didn't.
You are a liar.
Have you been there lately or ever? My Dad was head of oil operations.
Have you been there lately or ever? My Dad was head of oil operations.
If he was? He had a security clearance so.....Number 1....he couldn't tell you for a minimum of 20 years....that is fact....number would be breaking clearance protocol by stating that on a message board.
You are a liar.......all for the desperation of credibility.
You need to get a grip
If he was? He had a security clearance so.....Number 1....he couldn't tell you for a minimum of 20 years....that is fact....number would be breaking clearance protocol by stating that on a message board.
You are a liar.......all for the desperation of credibility.
You need to get a grip
You are an idiot. Nobody had security clearances and the whole objective of ARAMCO was to keep the US government out of it.
You are an idiot. Nobody had security clearances and the whole objective of ARAMCO was to keep the US government out of it. now you are showing you truly are a liar.
Quite pathetic. You have absolutely no idea what you are debating. You are aware, I am sure, that no entity not part of the government can represent the government without permission of the government? have no idea about that. You just wants your free stuff.
I get it. like that. Free. No cost to me. Free. I get it.
Go back to bed. Tomorrow is another day for you of free stuff.
Fact checking Trump's usual bullshit, fantasies, hallucinations etc is like shooting ducks in a barrell.

That asswipe never even heard of the SPR until Biden announced he was tapping into it.

Fact checking Trump's usual bullshit, fantasies, hallucinations etc is like shooting ducks in a barrell.

That asswipe never even heard of the SPR until Biden announced he was tapping into it.
I know. Trump is one dumbass bully.
With all due respect, Surada...there is a huge difference between bringing the reserve down 8% and reducing it by the 50% that Joe Biden is doing. That reserve is supposed to be there for times of an unforeseen crisis, not to put a bandaid on out of control gas prices before a mid term election so Democrats don't get their asses handed to them in November!
We don't need to do any of this. We have the capacity to produce far more oil and natural gas. The decision not to...the decision to raise the price of fossil fuels...has been a deliberate one made by the progressive wing of the Democratic Party and delivered for them by Joe Biden!
Let me get this straight. Progressive Dems want to raise the price of fossil fuels with help from Biden but he's now tapping into the SPR to help lower prices?

Uh ok, got it.
Since Republicans have agreed that gas prices are dictated exclusively by Joe Biden, we must give him credit for the fact that gas prices just went down.

The thread was moved to energy. This much attention to decreasing gas prices is undesirable in a big forum such as Politics.
Meanwhile, here's a thread
about gas prices that remained in politics, because it was Biden bashing:
Since Republicans have agreed that gas prices are dictated exclusively by Joe Biden, we must give him credit for the fact that gas prices just went down.
Good thing President Trump built up our emergency oil reserves so the next Democrat can cover his mistakes
You watch too much CNN. The filthy Democrats stole the election with the scam of unverified mail in and harvest ballots in Democrat controlled swing districts. That is a undisputed fact.

Biden stated that his agenda was to do away with fossil fuels. That is also a fact. I'll provide the quote if you are confused.

He is doing exactly what he promised and that is why the cost of fuel is so much higher than when Trump was President.

Like the dirty politican he is he knows that is going to bite the Democrats in the ass in the mid terms so that is why he is draining the Reserve now. He has to do that because begging the Saudis for more oil didn't work.

He tried blaming the high price on the Russkies but Americans know that is Democrat talking point bullshit.

Only a moron would try to justify Biden fucking this country. It is despicable.

Of course only stupid confused uneducated Moon Bats voted for the sonofabitch and then ignored the fact he stole the election.
Bull. Prove it. Don't bring your unfound allegations to people like me. You got rejected by Trump appointed judge, Republican Governors and legislatures, yet you still blow that tired unproven song. Grow up. Admit you were beaten. You are not fooling anybody.
This is nothing more than a desperate attempt by the Democrats to put a band aid on the high price of gasoline before the mid term elections! Which is rather amusing since it's been their stated GOAL to increase the price of fossil fuels all along! Only now it's dawning on them that hitting the average American with an additional $5,000 in inflation related expenses is going to get them SHELLACKED at the ballot box! This is going to be the "Summer of Democratic Give Aways" as they try everything they can think of to try and buy votes before they get kicked out of office!

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