Gas prices decrease, thanks to Biden

that's a question for you? Don't the oil companies own the reserves? So how is it xiden can use it?
Nope. They take options on leases. The government doesn't run the petroleum industry.
Nope. They take options on leases. The government doesn't run the petroleum industry.
Cutting the railroad lines and blowing up the highways leading into the blue cities would still not wake you up by your so-called views on oil. But you would feel the pain pretty quickly in all ways living.
Nope. They take options on leases. The government doesn't run the petroleum industry.
Actually they do.
For example....
to exercise a lease, you must then get a permit at a cost. You must then hire geologists to test the soil to see it there is fuel there. If there is, you then need to build a multi million dollar facility to drill for the potential oil. All of this takes months, sometimes years at no revenue as you are not yet drilling....just preparing to drill. You also need to build a pipeline to connect a main artery....and the administration is against that. So now you are spending millions of dollars not knowing if you can ship what you drill.
And to make matters worse, the guy who says there are 9000 permits out there is the same guy who said within a few years they will be shut down.
Now, if you think it is a good decision to use those permits? Then you are a loser. Plain and simple.
Actually they do.
For example....
to exercise a lease, you must then get a permit at a cost. You must then hire geologists to test the soil to see it there is fuel there. If there is, you then need to build a multi million dollar facility to drill for the potential oil. All of this takes months, sometimes years at no revenue as you are not yet drilling....just preparing to drill. You also need to build a pipeline to connect a main artery....and the administration is against that. So now you are spending millions of dollars not knowing if you can ship what you drill.
And to make matters worse, the guy who says there are 9000 permits out there is the same guy who said within a few years they will be shut down.
Now, if you think it is a good decision to use those permits? Then you are a loser. Plain and simple.
Geologists and exploration costs are built-in. Keystone XL only benefited the Chinese owners of Canadian tarsands.. not the US taxpayer or consumer. We have many, many pipelines in the US that are not running to capacity. The US government doesn't control the oil business.
Cutting the railroad lines and blowing up the highways leading into the blue cities would still not wake you up by your so-called views on oil. But you would feel the pain pretty quickly in all ways living.
Tell me about your experience in the oil business?
We were energy independent when Trump was President the price was low.

Then Potatohead stole the election from Trump and that meant the Environmental Wackos were call the shots and that meant the price was going to shoot up and it did.

Potatohead knew that was going to cause the American people to be pissed at the ballot box so he begged the Saudis to bail him out. When that didn't work he decided to drain the Strategic Reserve.

That is providing some temporary relief but it won't last long. When the oil is gone it is gone. Trump wanted to replenish the Reserve when the price of oil was low but the stupid Democrats blocked it.

As long as the Democrats have any power at the Federal level the American people are fucked because the Democrat agenda is one of destruction on several levels.
Nobody stole the election. You watch too much FOX NEWS. I80 million barrels out of 575.51million barrels is actually about 31.27%, leaving 68.73 in the reserve. Not exactly draining anything. What do you think of FORBES for business and economic analysis?
Geologists and exploration costs are built-in. Keystone XL only benefited the Chinese owners of Canadian tarsands.. not the US taxpayer or consumer. We have many, many pipelines in the US that are not running to capacity. The US government doesn't control the oil business.
Built in? Costs are built in? What does that even mean?
Jeez. You must be one of those leaches that has no business sense and lives off of the government.
Built in?
LMAO....that is likely one of the most pathetic things I read on this board.
Since Republicans have agreed that gas prices are dictated exclusively by Joe Biden, we must give him credit for the fact that gas prices just went down.
Fuck Biden. the price would never have gone up like it did if Biden was not President. Remember from day 1 he work against the American oil industry.
Fuck Biden. the price would never have gone up like it did if Biden was not President. Remember from day 1 he work against the American oil industry.
yep, until Xiden gets the price back at the price when he took office, haven't decreased gas prices in the least.
Nobody stole the election. You watch too much FOX NEWS. I80 million barrels out of 575.51million barrels is actually about 31.27%, leaving 68.73 in the reserve. Not exactly draining anything. What do you think of FORBES for business and economic analysis?

You watch too much CNN. The filthy Democrats stole the election with the scam of unverified mail in and harvest ballots in Democrat controlled swing districts. That is a undisputed fact.

Biden stated that his agenda was to do away with fossil fuels. That is also a fact. I'll provide the quote if you are confused.

He is doing exactly what he promised and that is why the cost of fuel is so much higher than when Trump was President.

Like the dirty politican he is he knows that is going to bite the Democrats in the ass in the mid terms so that is why he is draining the Reserve now. He has to do that because begging the Saudis for more oil didn't work.

He tried blaming the high price on the Russkies but Americans know that is Democrat talking point bullshit.

Only a moron would try to justify Biden fucking this country. It is despicable.

Of course only stupid confused uneducated Moon Bats voted for the sonofabitch and then ignored the fact he stole the election.
Nope. They take options on leases. The government doesn't run the petroleum industry.

The petroleum industry is one of the most regulated industries in the country.

For instance, there are 27 specific laws governing Alaska oil in addition to all the other federal laws.

It takes a lot more than an approved lease to get oil to market. The Biden administration had made it difficult to get that oil to market because the Environmental Wackos don't want Americans using fossil fuels.

We are fucked because a dipshit, owned by the Environmental Wackos, stole an election from the American people.

When you go to the pump and pay that outrageous price for a tankful of gas then it is sure as hell Biden that is responsible for it. When Trump was President fuel was much lower in cost.

Only idiots voted for Potatohead.

The petroleum industry is one of the most regulated industries in the country.

For instance, there are 27 specific laws governing Alaska oil in addition to all the other federal laws.

It takes a lot more than an approved lease to get oil to market. The Biden administration had made it difficult to get that oil to market because the Environmental Wackos don't want Americans using fossil fuels.

We are fucked because a dipshit, owned by the Environmental Wackos, stole an election from the American people.

When you go to the pump and pay that outrageous price for a tankful of gas then it is sure as hell Biden that is responsible for it. When Trump was President fuel was much lower in cost.

Only idiots voted for Potatohead.
To protect the environment? Yes. We do a poor job of that compared to Saudi Arabia.
Since Republicans have agreed that gas prices are dictated exclusively by Joe Biden, we must give him credit for the fact that gas prices just went down.
And they're still astronomically high as opposed to when Biden took office. Are you thanking him for that too?

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