Gas prices, thank you President Obama!

Good lord, some people are so mentally impaired that they still believe Obama has anything to do with the price of gas. He'd make it 10 bucks a gallon if he could but he can't.
Good lord, some people are so mentally impaired that they still believe Obama has anything to do with the price of gas. He'd make it 10 bucks a gallon if he could but he can't.

Wut? I've read on this forum numerous times that Obama is responsible for the price of gas.

So Obama had no control over the gas when it jumped up a dollar or so, but he has control over it when it goes down $.06?
Good lord, some people are so mentally impaired that they still believe Obama has anything to do with the price of gas. He'd make it 10 bucks a gallon if he could but he can't.

Wut? I've read on this forum numerous times that Obama is responsible for the price of gas.


It was $1.89 when he took office. :eusa_whistle:
The first time gas shot up over a dollar a gallon, Clinton was in office.

Therefore, all gas price hikes from that fateful day in 2001 are the fault of the democrats until the end of time.

The end.
Gas prices have more than doubled since the oBUMa ascended. We're supposed to appreciate a six cent drop. "Oh thankee massah for not whuppin yo slaves as hard as you did last time.

How much has electricity gone up? More than enough to cancel a six cent drop.
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Obama controls the price of gas? The things you can learn here...

Why are you surprised?
Obama himself said:
Remember when Obama said due to his nomination:
"This was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal."
Speech in St. Paul, Minnesota (3 June 2008).

And to verify his deity???
The hard nosed editor of NewsWeek...
COLOR="Blue"]I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God." [/COLOR]
Evan Thomas on Hardball, Newsweek?s Evan Thomas: Obama Is ?Sort of God? | NewsBusters
Has it EVER went below $3.00 a gallons since he took office?

as someone said, it was 1.89 a gallon
Believe me these Obama supporters ALL believe Obama is the Messiah and has a stash.
Plus remember he also with his pen COULD sign more federal oil land exploration leases but has he???

In fiscal year 2010, 36 percent of our nation’s oil production took place on federal lands.
Due to Obama Administration policies, by 2013, only 23 percent of our nation’s oil production took place on federal lands.

Production on non-Federal lands, in contrast, is skyrocketing as hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling have increased production dramatically. Oil production on non-Federal lands increased by 21 percent in fiscal year 2013 from fiscal year 2012 levels—an increase of almost one million barrels per day.

Likewise, natural gas production on Federal lands has been steadily declining, while natural gas production on non-Federal lands has been steadily increasing. In fiscal year 2013, natural gas production on non-Federal lands increased by 3 percent—654 billion cubic feet—and natural gas production on Federal lands declined by 9 percent—392 billion cubic feet.
Oil and Gas Production on Federal Lands Still a Disappointment - IER

So the only direct link between lower gas prices and what Obama can do is signing more exploration leases ...
Unfortunately, they were a buck something when he took office... but hey, celebrate your $.06 drop!

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