Gas Pumps Being Reprogrammed for Prices Over $10 Per Gallon

Watching the way they've been printing money, I always assumed we'd have an economic collapse but I never thought they'd resort to such blatant, open measures to push the economy over the edge. Time for beans, bullets, and bandaids, folks.
At what point will this be ENOUGH for the average American? We may be on the verge of Revolution.
That’s what the Dems want. They want normal Americans to rebel so they have use the military to drop bombs on suburbs and rural communities.
November is coming.

The stunning results of the mid-terms will be the swan song for the left. Joe Biden will be forced to accept that he has zero chance for re-election, and Kamala Harris will be so scared shitless she won't even run.

We will again have a Republican President, and the adults will again be in charge.

While I have my reasons why I won't vote Trump again, none of them will be because I thought his policies were bad for America. None of them will be because my personal or corporate well-being was in jeopardy. If Trump were to be elected again, I would absolutely expect him to rein in the absolute idiocy of the preceding four years and get America back on the right path.

Because the left path is killing us...
The Dems said they wanted $10/gal gas. It's part of their war against the poor and middle class.

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