Gasoline Below $3.00 A Gallon Only Because Of........ F R A C K I N G, Not Obama

it should be way below 3 a gallon and no politician should have anything to do with it. if there is any people alive after a few decades of our last decline here and now, those left will look at us as the most cowardly, whorish and foolish generations ever. We are letting a handful of people capitalize on the limited resources of our fragile planet because we claim it's our freedom? lol. wow what a bunch of idiots. Enjoy your freedom to be conquered and cursed by our own vices.

The Chinese have it right, America would be almost impossible to conquer, they would find a gun behind every rock.

Prices were driven down for a number of reasons that had nothing to do with Obama but one of the major reasons is fracking.

Still just as wrong.
You would have us believe that there's a spike in fracking in the last few weeks?

How do you essplain Canadian prices doing the same thing then?


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You're kidding me? You think prices respond that fast? How many time u have to be told it's multiple variables with fracking being major driver from its primary and tertiary effects.
You are such a Keynsian lapdog. Think for yourself instead of being brainwashed by liberal economic theories.
Wow, I must be pretty powerful. Candyass says she wanted to leave the board.....awwwwww. I wouldn't let her leave, awwwww.

Wow that's a lot of power over ya, shit for brains. LOL

If I wanted to leave a board, I sure wouldn't let someone stop me.

LOL, imagine admitting to the whole internet that you let someone get under your skin enough to not leave for greener pastures (in your mind)

Candy, you're an amateur hun.

I'm actually feeling sorry for ya almost.

Pathological liar AND a psychotic.
Ok, so a member posts the following thread title:

Gasoline Below $3.00 A Gallon; Thank You Mr. President

But a few posts down she says she lied in the title. She then goes on to say no president can control prices.

When called on it, member flat out admits "I lied about title of the thread."

Well folks, imitation is the greatest form of flattery, and Candy thinks she has borrowed one of my techniques of using thread titles to get people's attention....haha. LOL.

One problem, though. My titles are true. Hers are false by her own admission. LOL

My recommendation is everyone move to THIS thread so THIS thread continues to reveal the correct title....(by her own admission) that lower gas prices have NOTHING to do with Obama. :)

Neither fracking nor POTUSing influences gas prices.

Actually they both be careful with semantics....but fracking has MOST to do with prices dropping along with other PRIVATE SECTOR actions.

Most fracking releases natural gas. Which has little to do with the gasoline prices.

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