Gasp- Flynn Lied to Liars...

Flynn was a Soldier. He had no idea how vicious the political arena could be and he was caught in a perjury trap set by vicious democrats who have no respect for anything but political power.
Hilarious. Zuckerberg lies to congress about a half billion people's information being sold to companies and liberals don't care. Flynn lied about talking to a couple of Russians about non-events that were totally legal and they want his head on a platter.
Hilarious. Zuckerberg lies to congress about a half billion people's information being sold to companies and liberals don't care. Flynn lied about talking to a couple of Russians about non-events that were totally legal and they want his head on a platter.
we care plenty about it, but what in heavens name does that have to do with Flynn, Judge Sullivan, Flynn selling his country out?
what-about-isms don't always fit or work, ya know? Try a new trick! That one's not working...
I think it was a little confusing to the Judge because Mueller has done the opposite of what prosecutors do in plea agreements outside of a Special Counsel....

They charge the perp with the most egregious crime, and drop all of the other crimes, if the perp' cooperates...

Mueller dropped the biggest crime committed, and gave them the lesser crime for indictment for their cooperation....

mainly because getting to the truth, getting real facts in his counter intelligence investigation, was more important, than individual crimes by those he worked to lead him to his next witness, to find out more, of the whole Russia investigation and what actually happened, and by whom....

but the judge is used to seeing the opposite, the heaviest crime charged, the lessers dropped for cooperation... is what was said on the news...
What was the crime Muller did not charge Flynn with? This should be good.......


here is what he did do that's been made public....

the Judge knows all the redacted parts in the court filings, that we do not know...

Here’s what Michael Flynn is charged with — and what he isn’t - The Boston Globe

What he hasn’t been charged with:

Flynn, who was forced to resign in February, after 24 days in office as national security adviser, has been involved in a number of other controversies. Here are some of them:

■ Media reports said in November that Mueller is investigating an alleged plot involving Flynn and his son, Michael G. Flynn, to kidnap a US-based Muslim cleric from the country for as much as $15 million.

Turkey claims Fethullah Gulen was behind last year’s failed coup attempt. Gulen, who lives in rural Pennsylvania, denies the claim.

■ Questions have also been raised about whether Flynn was secretly paid by the Turkish government during the final months of the Trump campaign, at a time he was advising Trump on foreign policy. Federal prosecutors alleged in court documents filed Friday with his plea that he had also lied in foreign agent registration filings about the work he had done for Turkey, but he was not specifically charged for those false statements.
Trump hasn't committed treason
Obama hasn't committed treason
Bush, Clinton, etc...

“Treason against the United States shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort.”

We haven't declared war on anyone since WW2; so that makes treason sort of hard to actually commit....

we are most certainly in an undeclared cyber war & it's being waged against us.

we have been under attack since the day they decided trump was their asset.

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It was recommended by Special Counsel for him to get no jail time... for all of his help.

For all of the crimes Flynn committed against the USA, some when he was our sworn in National Security Advisor, the Judge doesn't think Flynn helped special counsel enough to get no jail time.

Remember, lying to the FBI about his talks with the Russian Ambassador spy Kisliak on removing sanctions when Trump is seated was the least of his crimes and traitorous actions that he could be charged with, a gift for his help, from Mueller.... lying to the fbi was the LEAST of his problems and crimes.

all those redacted lines blacked out, the Judge knows what they say...
Does not matter. Flynn is enemy number one, looking at jail for lying. Suckenbergf lied to Congress, Slick Willie lied to Congress and the list goes on and on

But Flynn is a liar that must be punished


bubba got impeached. trump will be facing that as well. hopefully, if the senate has any balls - will try him, convict him & do what we have historically done to traitors who have committed treason against the united states.

Historically not a single president has ever been removed by impeachment. I wouldn't hold your breath on this one. It's Billy Clinton 2.0 except they actually had Clinton committing a crime OTHER than being elected president.

why do you think nixon resigned? he knew that was in his future. thing is - if trump resigns, then both NYS has him & a possible sealed indictment already in the vault. AND trump can't be pardoned by pence or anybody else when it comes to state charges.
Trump hasn't committed treason
Obama hasn't committed treason
Bush, Clinton, etc...

“Treason against the United States shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort.”

We haven't declared war on anyone since WW2; so that makes treason sort of hard to actually commit....
true on the war part, but the second clause

or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort

does not rely on war, I don't think???
Flynn was a Soldier. He had no idea how vicious the political arena could be and he was caught in a perjury trap set by vicious democrats who have no respect for anything but political power.
Now remove your cult leader's penis from your mouth and burp....then re-insert...
Trump hasn't committed treason
Obama hasn't committed treason
Bush, Clinton, etc...

“Treason against the United States shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort.”

We haven't declared war on anyone since WW2; so that makes treason sort of hard to actually commit....
true on the war part, but the second clause

or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort

does not rely on war, I don't think???
That can't be quantifiably proven to the level it can be called treason...

Even the Rosenbergs, who were convicted and executed -- were only charged with espionage, not treason...Treason is a very explicit criminal charge for a reason...
Trump hasn't committed treason
Obama hasn't committed treason
Bush, Clinton, etc...

“Treason against the United States shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort.”

We haven't declared war on anyone since WW2; so that makes treason sort of hard to actually commit....
true on the war part, but the second clause

or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort

does not rely on war, I don't think???
That can't be quantifiably proven to the level it can be called treason...

Even the Rosenbergs, who were convicted and executed -- were only charged with espionage, not treason...Treason is a very explicit criminal charge for a reason...
yeah, true...

and their are other laws that imply traitorous activities that are not the specific, Treason.... and are lesser crimes...

Espionage, Sedition, Aiding and abetting the enemy, maybe even Conspiring to defraud the United States?

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