Gavin Newsom wants Abott and DeSantis to be investigated for kidnapping

Maybe so, but you see everyone who doesn't appear to agree with your progressive anti-American agenda as being a zealot!
And in reality, I have many times equated you people with the zealots in BLM and Antifa.

So, as always, you're wrong. And you people continue to flatter me with your ignorant attention.
All you continue to do is you cannot read the English language. My link proved Chappaquiddick was part of Edgartown which is the largest town on Martha's Vineyard. I am done with your obvious room temperature IQ's lack of logic and poor reading comprehension. STFU, go to bed and sleep off whatever substance you are currently under the influence of!

My own English teachers taught me to never conclude a sentence with a preposition.
I was shocked when I learned that Gavin Newsome was married and had kids. He was Mayor of San Francisco. and I thought being in their city government required you to be a homosexual to get elected.
Swings both ways................with a Donkey thrown in on his birthday.
DeSantis and Abbott should be charged with Human Trafficking, which is exactly what they're doing. They act like this immigrants aren't people and have no rights.

Decent Americans are ashamed and appalled. The rest of the world is utterly disgusted by this. Who the fuck do you people think you are to treat others like this.

You're certainly not Christians no matter what you call yourselves.
you are disgusted about people going to NYC ? why?

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