Gay dads may make better parents according to a major new study

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What the hell does that mean?

My goodness, PP. Are you angry? You gotta control that, brother. Can't just snap on everyone. Especially if you're gonna be raising kids. Sheesh.

Can't let yourself be driven by emotion. Especially angry, combative emotion. It doesn't stimulate a healthy environment in the home.

Shit, you're gonna have the poor kid afraid to tell you he doesn't like your macaroonies n cheese. And now he's never gonna learn the value of expressing himself and being honest.

But dad...I dunnalike your macaroonies n cheese.

What the hell's that supposed to mean!?!? :mad:

Eventually, the poor kid'll be afraid to ask why he has to wear a dress.

Ya big ol bully.

I'm neither angry or emotional. I am however amazed at the level of stupidity and bigotry being expressed here- although I should be-since I've been around here for a while. I post these things trying to stimulate a rational and objective discussion of the issue-trying to educate people and all that I get is bizarre and inane equine excrement from posters who have not intention of engaging in a rational and factual discussion. If I seem combative, that is why.
C'mon man..this sort of post is like chumming the at USMB! Anything positive about gay parenting is going to drive the idiots into a frenzy. Gay parenting srikes to the core of what they fear most about the coming world..where Gay parents, Straight parents...are irrelevant..and bigots like themselves are the ones denigrated and relegated to the fringes of society.
LOL@rational and objective discussion! How long have you posted here??
In my view it's deeply wrong to intentionally deprive a child of what they need, which is a father AND a mother, one of each. Not two of one or two of the other. But we live in a twisted, upside-down world, so I don't expect most people to agree with that, and I do expect to get attacked for saying it. Doesn't bother me, I know truth is often offensive.
Jezzzzus fucking Khrist! First of all , there is no evidence that children need a mother and a father. They need parents. Preferably two parents and their respective genders to not matter as born out by a mountain of data

Secondly, children who are available for adoption have NEITHER A MOTHER OR A FATHER. What you want to do is to deprive then of a loving, permanent home.
What the hell does that mean?

My goodness, PP. Are you angry? You gotta control that, brother. Can't just snap on everyone. Especially if you're gonna be raising kids. Sheesh.

Can't let yourself be driven by emotion. Especially angry, combative emotion. It doesn't stimulate a healthy environment in the home.

Shit, you're gonna have the poor kid afraid to tell you he doesn't like your macaroonies n cheese. And now he's never gonna learn the value of expressing himself and being honest.

But dad...I dunnalike your macaroonies n cheese.

What the hell's that supposed to mean!?!? :mad:

Eventually, the poor kid'll be afraid to ask why he has to wear a dress.

Ya big ol bully.

I'm neither angry or emotional. I am however amazed at the level of stupidity and bigotry being expressed here- although I should be-since I've been around here for a while. I post these things trying to stimulate a rational and objective discussion of the issue-trying to educate people and all that I get is bizarre and inane equine excrement from posters who have not intention of engaging in a rational and factual discussion. If I seem combative, that is why.
C'mon man..this sort of post is like chumming the at USMB! Anything positive about gay parenting is going to drive the idiots into a frenzy. Gay parenting srikes to the core of what they fear most about the coming world..where Gay parents, Straight parents...are irrelevant..and bigots like themselves are the ones denigrated and relegated to the fringes of society.
LOL@rational and objective discussion! How long have you posted here??
I suppose you are right. Chumming the sharks
Democrats and gays have a long history of targeting children for their sexual pleasures. It's why Trump supporters think they're disgusting.
Good fucking god that is stupid!
You just started a thread saying kids are good with having dads who are faggots. Which one of us is stupid?

There's a reason why you'll always be seen as our village idiot. :)
Homosexuals always need to lie to justify their behavior.
Really? What are they lying about?
Fake studies for starters. It’s bullshit and you know it.
Prove it or shut the fuck up
I could tell you water is wet, but if it doesn’t fit your agenda you’d deny it.
You even think humans can change sex on a whim.

The subject is parenting by gay men. Is it really possible that you can't muster enough functioning brain cell to make an intelligent and relative comment on the subject without speculating on what I believe and trying to derail the thread with a reference to transsexuality?
Democrats and gays have a long history of targeting children for their sexual pleasures. It's why Trump supporters think they're disgusting.
Good fucking god that is stupid!
You just started a thread saying kids are good with having dads who are faggots. Which one of us is stupid?

There's a reason why you'll always be seen as our village idiot. :)
It is a village of fucking idiots!!
Homosexuals always need to lie to justify their behavior.
Really? What are they lying about?
Fake studies for starters. It’s bullshit and you know it.
Prove it or shut the fuck up
I could tell you water is wet, but if it doesn’t fit your agenda you’d deny it.
You even think humans can change sex on a whim.

The subject is parenting by gay men. Is it really possible that you can't muster enough functioning brain cell to make an intelligent and relative comment on the subject without speculating on what I believe and trying to derail the thread with a reference to transsexuality?
Why are you having a hard time understanding why I think kids should have a mother and father in their life while growing up?
Homosexuals always need to lie to justify their behavior.
Really? What are they lying about?
Fake studies for starters. It’s bullshit and you know it.
Post your evidence that refutes my post , Bubba!!
Right at the start.
“Researchers concluded that gay fathers "don’t conform to roles of conventional fathers" making them "highly involved in their children's lives."

Yeah. No normal father is highly active in their child’s life.
Homosexuals always need to lie.
They started out with a predetermined outcome. No surprise there.
And you know that how exactly?
Do you think there was any way in the universe that they would come out with a statement that gay dads aren't superior dads?
Is that supposed to be an answer? What evidence do you have that the study was biased in any way? It is just the latest in a long line of studies on same sex parenting.
You dont accept evidence.
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