Gay dads may make better parents according to a major new study

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It all goes back to the 1970's when Hollyweird and Barney Frank wanted to normalize queerness(remember 1973 homosexuality was a mental disorder) and when finally after much pressure from the libs, the AMA took faggotry off the insanity list. We heard "what people do behind closed doors is none of our business", so We the People didnt think much of it. Then in 1990s came the push for equal rights of 2 men or 2 women to be able to see their loved ones in hospitals and tv shows showing how normal queerness is. Then we started seeing football players announcing their immoral intent, and the push for Gay month and Gay parades, so instead of keeping it behind closed doors, they "SHOVED THEIR SHIT DOWN OUR THROATS AND DEMANDED THAT WE ACCEPT IT AS NORMAL", but all that did was turn most moral people away. But when Oblummer allowed the execution of the 50 gays and injuring another 49, did the gays realize they are just pawns of the left? Nope, just continue to do what gays do most, immoral actions in the news....

More proof that gay men play an integral role is providing homes for the more than 125,000 children awaiting adoption is the US ( Foster care in the U.S. - number of children waiting for adoption 2018 | Statista )

Highlights of the study:

The study looked at a total of 92 fathers as well as their 46 children, each aged between 1 and 6 years of age. The families were all adoptive, and mainly came together using adoption services of the Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux (CIUSSS)

Approximately 1/3 of the children in the care of CIUSS are adopted by gay fathers, which has been legal in Quebec since 2002.

What researchers found were that these parents were highly involved in their children’s lives, with both parents sharing the duties.

Both parents also displayed a wider palette of expression with their children versus straight couples. “They could be playmates, caregivers, protectors, role models, morality guides,” noted Feugé.

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“What’s really interesting is that they don’t conform to roles of conventional fathers,” added Feugé. “They were able to redefine and propose new models of cultural notions of paternity and masculinity.”
Too bad 99.9 percent of gays do not want kids in the first place which is why they married a man
you have link to back up that wild claim..newbie?
Math does not need a link

Are you claiming that everyone in the gay bar is married and has an adopted child?

There are 65000 children living with a gay parent, 4.5 percent of adults are gay meaning 14805000, 65000 times 2 is 130000 so to be technical after the division .87 percent of all gays have a child.

Math works
Indeed it does..indeed it does...but you claimed..that 99.9% of all gay men who married did not want a child..because they were gay. That has nothing to do with math..and you cannot know just what these gay men desired out of being married ....or that the decision to have..or not to have... a child somehow played into their decision to be married.

You made a sweeping assumption that you have no way of backing up..and thought that some fancy footwork with the calculator would save you...ROTFLMAO!

Also..the current number of Gay men with children has absolutely nothing to do with the unknown number of gay men who may want kids..since you have no way of knowing that figure.

If you are truly new here..know that you have to bring up your game..if you are someone's sock..nice try!
Fact 99.13 percent of gays are childless. Sheesh if they really wanted a child they would have married a member of the opposite sex.

Argue the math all you want because 99.13 percent of gays are childless

By choice by the way

Fact: You are an arrogant ass who has nothing to offer but appeals to ignorance fallacies

Gay people do not have to marry someone of the opposite sex to have children and the fact that they marry the same sex in no way proves that they do not want children. That is just another logical fallacy, a non sequitor

Gay couples come to have children in their care by a variety of means , just like many hetero couples do

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Homosexuals always need to lie to justify their behavior.
Really? What are they lying about?
Fake studies for starters. It’s bullshit and you know it.
Post your evidence that refutes my post , Bubba!!
Right at the start.
“Researchers concluded that gay fathers "don’t conform to roles of conventional fathers" making them "highly involved in their children's lives."

Yeah. No normal father is highly active in their child’s life.
Homosexuals always need to lie.
That is not what was said.YOU are the liar
Of course you need to move the goal posts. You said name one flaw and I did. Your study is full of shit.
You didn't find a flaw. You tossed in a red herring in order to distract from the topic

More proof that gay men play an integral role is providing homes for the more than 125,000 children awaiting adoption is the US ( Foster care in the U.S. - number of children waiting for adoption 2018 | Statista )

Highlights of the study:

The study looked at a total of 92 fathers as well as their 46 children, each aged between 1 and 6 years of age. The families were all adoptive, and mainly came together using adoption services of the Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux (CIUSSS)

Approximately 1/3 of the children in the care of CIUSS are adopted by gay fathers, which has been legal in Quebec since 2002.

What researchers found were that these parents were highly involved in their children’s lives, with both parents sharing the duties.

Both parents also displayed a wider palette of expression with their children versus straight couples. “They could be playmates, caregivers, protectors, role models, morality guides,” noted Feugé.

View attachment 323044

“What’s really interesting is that they don’t conform to roles of conventional fathers,” added Feugé. “They were able to redefine and propose new models of cultural notions of paternity and masculinity.”
Too bad 99.9 percent of gays do not want kids in the first place which is why they married a man
you have link to back up that wild claim..newbie?
Math does not need a link

Are you claiming that everyone in the gay bar is married and has an adopted child?

There are 65000 children living with a gay parent, 4.5 percent of adults are gay meaning 14805000, 65000 times 2 is 130000 so to be technical after the division .87 percent of all gays have a child.

Math works
Indeed it does..indeed it does...but you claimed..that 99.9% of all gay men who married did not want a child..because they were gay. That has nothing to do with math..and you cannot know just what these gay men desired out of being married ....or that the decision to have..or not to have... a child somehow played into their decision to be married.

You made a sweeping assumption that you have no way of backing up..and thought that some fancy footwork with the calculator would save you...ROTFLMAO!

Also..the current number of Gay men with children has absolutely nothing to do with the unknown number of gay men who may want kids..since you have no way of knowing that figure.

If you are truly new here..know that you have to bring up your game..if you are someone's sock..nice try!
Fact 99.13 percent of gays are childless. Sheesh if they really wanted a child they would have married a member of the opposite sex.

Argue the math all you want because 99.13 percent of gays are childless

By choice by the way

Fact: You are an arrogant ass who has nothing to offer but appeals to ignorance fallacies

Gay people do not have to marry someone of the opposite sex to have children and the fact that they marry the same sex in no way proves that they do not want children. That is just another logical fallacy, a non sequitor

Gay couples come to have children in their care by a variety of means , just like many hetero couples do


You made a funny..the one thing Gay couples seldom "come to have children"

Ya know I'm with ya on this argument..but i just can't let that one go!
What if Salmon swam upstream, battling raging rivers, climbing waterfalls, and braving hungry Bears just to Ghey off?

No Salmon and no Bears.


Daddy ! What are you doing to daddy ? Daddy says daddy got bit by a snake.

Two cowboys are staying a couple miles outside of town on a trail they used for herding cattle. While taking a shit behind a bush, one cowboys gets bitten on the penis by a rattle snake. He alerts his friend, who jumps on his horse and races toward town seeking a cure. He reaches the doctors office and runs inside. The doc explains to him that the only way to save his friend is to suck the poison out. The cowboy jumps back on his horse and races back to his ailing friend. When he reaches his camp, the frantic cowboy cries out "What did the doctor say?"
To which his friend replies "He said you're gonna die!

More proof that gay men play an integral role is providing homes for the more than 125,000 children awaiting adoption is the US ( Foster care in the U.S. - number of children waiting for adoption 2018 | Statista )

Highlights of the study:

The study looked at a total of 92 fathers as well as their 46 children, each aged between 1 and 6 years of age. The families were all adoptive, and mainly came together using adoption services of the Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux (CIUSSS)

Approximately 1/3 of the children in the care of CIUSS are adopted by gay fathers, which has been legal in Quebec since 2002.

What researchers found were that these parents were highly involved in their children’s lives, with both parents sharing the duties.

Both parents also displayed a wider palette of expression with their children versus straight couples. “They could be playmates, caregivers, protectors, role models, morality guides,” noted Feugé.

View attachment 323044

“What’s really interesting is that they don’t conform to roles of conventional fathers,” added Feugé. “They were able to redefine and propose new models of cultural notions of paternity and masculinity.”
Too bad 99.9 percent of gays do not want kids in the first place which is why they married a man
you have link to back up that wild claim..newbie?
Math does not need a link

Are you claiming that everyone in the gay bar is married and has an adopted child?

There are 65000 children living with a gay parent, 4.5 percent of adults are gay meaning 14805000, 65000 times 2 is 130000 so to be technical after the division .87 percent of all gays have a child.

Math works
Indeed it does..indeed it does...but you claimed..that 99.9% of all gay men who married did not want a child..because they were gay. That has nothing to do with math..and you cannot know just what these gay men desired out of being married ....or that the decision to have..or not to have... a child somehow played into their decision to be married.

You made a sweeping assumption that you have no way of backing up..and thought that some fancy footwork with the calculator would save you...ROTFLMAO!

Also..the current number of Gay men with children has absolutely nothing to do with the unknown number of gay men who may want kids..since you have no way of knowing that figure.

If you are truly new here..know that you have to bring up your game..if you are someone's sock..nice try!
Fact 99.13 percent of gays are childless. Sheesh if they really wanted a child they would have married a member of the opposite sex.

Argue the math all you want because 99.13 percent of gays are childless

By choice by the way

Fact: You are an arrogant ass who has nothing to offer but appeals to ignorance fallacies

Gay people do not have to marry someone of the opposite sex to have children and the fact that they marry the same sex in no way proves that they do not want children. That is just another logical fallacy, a non sequitor

Gay couples come to have children in their care by a variety of means , just like many hetero couples do


You made a funny..the one thing Gay couples seldom "come to have children"

Ya know I'm with ya on this argument..but i just can't let that one go!
:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:Very good, but I said "come to have..." Noy CUME to have.....
I'm neither angry or emotional. I am however amazed at the level of stupidity and bigotry being expressed here- although I should be-since I've been around here for a while. I post these things trying to stimulate a rational and objective discussion of the issue-trying to educate people and all that I get is bizarre and inane equine excrement from posters who have not intention of engaging in a rational and factual discussion. If I seem combative, that is why.

Perhaps you should find a different approach rather than your normal emotionally charged, combative, angry and insulting posts/responses.

You can catch more flies with honey ...
I'm neither angry or emotional. I am however amazed at the level of stupidity and bigotry being expressed here- although I should be-since I've been around here for a while. I post these things trying to stimulate a rational and objective discussion of the issue-trying to educate people and all that I get is bizarre and inane equine excrement from posters who have not intention of engaging in a rational and factual discussion. If I seem combative, that is why.

Perhaps you should find a different approach rather than your normal emotionally charged, combative, angry and insulting posts/responses.

You can catch more flies with honey ...
I'm not trying to catch flies. I'm swatting them
When a study says gay dads make better parents. It is safe to assume that they mean same sex male parents make better parents than heterosexual parents. This is a retelling of the popular gay opinion that women are unnecessary and unwelcome if not outright detrimental. A gay man is a better mother than a woman. A gay man is a better parent than a man who likes women.

That's what this is all about.
What if Salmon swam upstream, battling raging rivers, climbing waterfalls, and braving hungry Bears just to Ghey off?

No Salmon and no Bears.

View attachment 323349

View attachment 323348
What the fuck are you trying to say??! Spit it out.

Clearly you went to public school.

Gheyity is not the nature off life.

Now try and keep up darling.

If you need more help just ask again.
Get the hell out of here Chitwood if you don't have anything intelegent to contribute
When a study says gay dads make better parents. It is safe to assume that they mean same sex male parents make better parents than heterosexual parents. This is a retelling of the popular gay opinion that women are unnecessary and unwelcome if not outright detrimental. A gay man is a better mother than a woman. A gay man is a better parent than a man who likes women.

That's what this is all about.
You must be really tipsy if you think that a gay man is, or tries to be a mother
What if Salmon swam upstream, battling raging rivers, climbing waterfalls, and braving hungry Bears just to Ghey off?

No Salmon and no Bears.

View attachment 323349

View attachment 323348
What the fuck are you trying to say??! Spit it out.

Clearly you went to public school.

Gheyity is not the nature off life.

Now try and keep up darling.

If you need more help just ask again.
Get the hell out of here Chitwood if you don't have anything intelegent to contribute


My point is valid.

What does life need to do to survive tinker belle?
What if Salmon swam upstream, battling raging rivers, climbing waterfalls, and braving hungry Bears just to Ghey off?

No Salmon and no Bears.

View attachment 323349

View attachment 323348
What the fuck are you trying to say??! Spit it out.

Clearly you went to public school.

Gheyity is not the nature off life.

Now try and keep up darling.

If you need more help just ask again.
Get the hell out of here Chitwood if you don't have anything intelegent to contribute


My point is valid.

What does life need to do to survive tinker belle?
You made a point??:abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg:
Considering all of the imbeciles who make stupid comments about gays and say idiotic things like that gays "target children," it's good to have studies that debunk these dumb accusations.
Gays wanting a child aren't targeting and actively seeking children? How do they get them then, the stork? Might ought to think about your dumb comments before posting.

A person seeking to adopt a child is not "targeting" children. It's pretty dumb to say that adoption involves "targeting," which makes people who adopt children sound like sex criminals.
99.13 percent of gays do not have kids, nor do they want one either

Which means absolutely nothing in the context of this thread, even if your numbers could be correct given that I do not think that a national poll or study has been conducted.
This is all connected to the long-running Marxist agenda that seeks, ultimately, to undermine and destroy marriage and family.

Since when is anyone seeking to "to undermine and destroy marriage and family"? Where did this come from? The only people who can destroy a marriage are one or both of the people in it.
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