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Gay Gene Found?

Would be very interesting to see the reaction if a Gay gene is actually found someday.

Yes, it would. I figure it is almost as likely as finding out the Earth is really flat.

Simple statement of fact, if sexual preference is genetic mono zygotic twins would always have the same preference because they have the same genes.

Eight major studies of identical twins in Australia, the U.S., and Scandinavia during the last two decades all arrive at the same conclusion: gays were not born that way. “At best genetics is a minor factor,” says Dr. Neil Whitehead, PhD. Whitehead worked for the New Zealand government as a scientific researcher for 24 years, then spent four years working for the United Nations and International Atomic Energy Agency. Most recently, he serves as a consultant to Japanese universities about the effects of radiation exposure. His PhD is in biochemistry and statistics.
Identical twins have the same genes or DNA. They are nurtured in equal prenatal conditions. If homosexuality is caused by genetics or prenatal conditions and one twin is gay, the co-twin should also be gay.
“Because they have identical DNA, it ought to be 100%,” Dr. Whitehead notes. But the studies reveal something else. “If an identical twin has same-sex attraction the chances the co-twin has it are only about 11% for men and 14% for women.”
Because identical twins are always genetically identical, homosexuality cannot be genetically dictated. “No-one is born gay,” he notes. “The predominant things that create homosexuality in one identical twin and not in the other have to be post-birth factors.”

Identical Twin Studies Prove Homosexuality is Not Genetic | OrthodoxNet.com Blog

In other words, I ain't going to hold my breath. Feel free to continue to live in a land where wishful thinking trumps science, you will fit right in with the people who insist that the planet is not getting warmer, the drooling idiots that insist that vaccines cause autism, the assholes that think GMOs are dangerous, and the brain dead nincompoops that believe that the Earth is only 6000 years old. At least you will be able to converse with people that match you intellectually.

Now that WAS debunked, dipstick!

Steve Sailer: iSteve: Twin studies debunked: Twins are "Similar but not identical"
Will liberals cheer aborting fetuses off with this gene?

I've been waiting for this one...just had to wait for you to get back from cruising the public parks looking for some dick.

Will right wing homophobes start becoming baby killers by aborting fetuses off with this gene?
Would be very interesting to see the reaction if a Gay gene is actually found someday.

Yes, it would. I figure it is almost as likely as finding out the Earth is really flat.

Simple statement of fact, if sexual preference is genetic mono zygotic twins would always have the same preference because they have the same genes.

Eight major studies of identical twins in Australia, the U.S., and Scandinavia during the last two decades all arrive at the same conclusion: gays were not born that way. “At best genetics is a minor factor,” says Dr. Neil Whitehead, PhD. Whitehead worked for the New Zealand government as a scientific researcher for 24 years, then spent four years working for the United Nations and International Atomic Energy Agency. Most recently, he serves as a consultant to Japanese universities about the effects of radiation exposure. His PhD is in biochemistry and statistics.
Identical twins have the same genes or DNA. They are nurtured in equal prenatal conditions. If homosexuality is caused by genetics or prenatal conditions and one twin is gay, the co-twin should also be gay.
“Because they have identical DNA, it ought to be 100%,” Dr. Whitehead notes. But the studies reveal something else. “If an identical twin has same-sex attraction the chances the co-twin has it are only about 11% for men and 14% for women.”
Because identical twins are always genetically identical, homosexuality cannot be genetically dictated. “No-one is born gay,” he notes. “The predominant things that create homosexuality in one identical twin and not in the other have to be post-birth factors.”

Identical Twin Studies Prove Homosexuality is Not Genetic | OrthodoxNet.com Blog

In other words, I ain't going to hold my breath. Feel free to continue to live in a land where wishful thinking trumps science, you will fit right in with the people who insist that the planet is not getting warmer, the drooling idiots that insist that vaccines cause autism, the assholes that think GMOs are dangerous, and the brain dead nincompoops that believe that the Earth is only 6000 years old. At least you will be able to converse with people that match you intellectually.

Now that WAS debunked, dipstick!

Steve Sailer: iSteve: Twin studies debunked: Twins are "Similar but not identical"

I told him but I know he never looked because he was too concerned with being right instead of informed.
Your diversionary tactics are simply puerile. You only proved you are dishonest and desperate as show above. :lol:

Are you claiming now that your account wasn't hacked? Because I can show you the thread were you tried to tell me that, even using modern techniques, it is impossible to build the pyramids, and that proved that the blacks had a advanced civilization that spanned the world, but left absolutely no evidence behind.

I get it now, you aren't saying they came from Mars, you are saying they moved there. Did I get it right? Or was it Venus?

Please stop trying to take the focus off your retarded blunder. Your desperation is hilarious. You are making me laugh. :lol: You talk about science and you totally ignore you cant chose your "race"? Your kind of stupidity deserves a medal.:rofl:

What blunder was that? Mocking your stupidity? That may, or may not, be a blunder, but I am going to keep doing it.

By the way, did you ever come up with any evidence to back up your claim that every twin study ever conducted is bogus? I can show you some that set out to prove that sexual preference is genetic that still failed at the task, if you had a brain you might wonder why a study that is designed to accomplish one thing, and one thing only, and even makes up the data, still can't prove that one thing if there is absolutely no doubt that sexual preference is controlled by genes.
there is no gay gene.

The fear exhibited by you and others on the right that homosexuality might be genetically predetermined is palpable and telling, as you perceive such evidence as destroying your last, desperate attempts to deny gay Americans their civil liberties.

But fear not, rightists, whether one is gay as a consequence of genetics or choice is legally and Constitutionally irrelevant, the Fifth Amendment’s Liberty Clause guarantees every citizen the right to self-determination, to make decisions concerning his personal life free from interference by the state.

Taking a stance based on science is fear?

Every single study that was touted as proving that a gay gene exists doesn't even come close. Most of them didn't even make that claim, they were just reported that way by reporters that do not have a degree in science, and thought that a good headline would draw in a few readers. That trend only got worse after the Internet became the primary mode of information distillation.

On the other hand, if I am wrong, it should be pretty easy to show all the evidence and not resort to attacking me simply because you do not like the facts.

Did you ever consider the possibility
Are you claiming now that your account wasn't hacked? Because I can show you the thread were you tried to tell me that, even using modern techniques, it is impossible to build the pyramids, and that proved that the blacks had a advanced civilization that spanned the world, but left absolutely no evidence behind.

I get it now, you aren't saying they came from Mars, you are saying they moved there. Did I get it right? Or was it Venus?

Please stop trying to take the focus off your retarded blunder. Your desperation is hilarious. You are making me laugh. :lol: You talk about science and you totally ignore you cant chose your "race"? Your kind of stupidity deserves a medal.:rofl:

What blunder was that? Mocking your stupidity? That may, or may not, be a blunder, but I am going to keep doing it.

By the way, did you ever come up with any evidence to back up your claim that every twin study ever conducted is bogus? I can show you some that set out to prove that sexual preference is genetic that still failed at the task, if you had a brain you might wonder why a study that is designed to accomplish one thing, and one thing only, and even makes up the data, still can't prove that one thing if there is absolutely no doubt that sexual preference is controlled by genes.

The blunder where you claimed you controlled your ethnicity. I know you will keep attempting to move the focus off your blunder but everyone reading this thread can see you made it and are desperate to hide it to the point of claiming wild things about me you cant prove.

I see you did not seek your own sources. I gave you the information. You just chose to remain willfully ignorant. Someone however, got the link for you so you would have no excuse. Your twin study is a joke.
Unless your one of those dumb fucks that thinks homosexuality is a choice, then you have to admit that people are born that way. If youre born that way, then its clearly biological. If its biological, then why cant it be gene related? What is your fucking problem? Dont be an asshole.

Ok, so you are obviously CONVINCED that it isnt gene related, so tell us, if its not in the genes, what is it? You better have a fucking answer or ill neg YOU.

Feel free to neg me for not having every answer in the universe. Unlike you, I have never claimed to know everything, or to never be wrong. All I can do is examine the evidence and form a rational conclusion based on that evidence. Until you, personally, can explain how sexual preference is genetic and also explain the fact that monozygotic twins can have different hardwired responses you have no business demanding I come up with explanations for anything.

Everything everyone does is a choice, the fact that you don't accept that does not make me stupid. Especially when I can cite conclusive scientific proof that backs my position up, and all you can do is point to anecdotal evidence.

Youre talking shit and neg repping people for thinking homosexuality might be genetic. Youre being an asshole. You say you dont have the answer? Then why the fuck are you so god damn sure it isnt gentic?

I fully support gay marriage and I stand behind the gay community 100%, but dont tell me sexuality is a choice. I would literally rather take a bullet to the head than have gay sex. The thought of it makes me cringe. It has that effect on hetrosexuals. I cant suddenly decide to be sexually attracted to men. Its impossible. It isnt a choice.

No, I am negging them for being stupid. I have personally posted multiple threads that conclusively prove that sexual preference is not genetic, yet idiots keep posting sensationalist studies simply because it makes them feel good to demean people based on who they sleep with.

By the way, did you notice that at least one of the idiots that insisted that sexual preference is genetic said we would be able to cure it in 20 years? Do you really think a shot will cure people of being gay?
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No, I say it with all the authority of decades of scientific research that conclusively proves that there is no gay gene.

What, exactly, do your base your opposition to the scientific research on again? Feelings?

Will you be mad when in a few decades scientists come up with gene and hormonal therapies that can make a Gay person Straight?
Scientists have found evidence to support the existence of a male genome which may influence homosexuality.

Dr Michael Bailey, from Northwestern University, studied*400 sets of twins to determine if some men are genetically inclined to be gay.
Yahoo News UK & Ireland - Latest World News & UK News Headlines


Link didn't go to article. Script issue maybe. This did though:
Gay Gene Discovery Suggests Sexual Orientation Not a Choice

"While the findings revealed genetics accounted for around 30% to 40% of a man's sexuality, the rest was based on social and environmental factors."

'Genes influence,' like I've figured all along. No gene is going to override will and make you go either way.

It's interesting stuff, but even if genes influenced us 51% or more, every step we take is ultimately the result of choice. Sex is about pleasure, and if ya close your eyes, males or females feel exactly the same (well ok, two-thirds the same...) :) But the preference we may exhibit is entirely psychological, not tactile.
Wow, look at that.

This is why I negged the OP, the study doesn't even say what he says it does. At best, it says that we get a predisposition for sexual preference from our genes, and I would argue that even that is based on the assumption that the mind does not exist separately from the body. Quantum mechanics has a lot to say about that, and we may never have all the answers, but we can be sure of one thing.

There is no gay gene.
No, I am negging them for being stupid. I have personally posted multiple threads that conclusively prove that sexual preference is not genetic, yet idiots k3eep posting sensationalist studies simply because it makes them feel good to demean people based on who they sleep with.

By the way, did you notice that at least one of the idiots that insisted that sexual preference is genetic said we would be able to cure it in 20 years? Do you really think a shot will cure people of being gay?

You just don't get it.

Human behavior and thoughts is very much a product of genetics and bio-chemistry.
Gay Gene Discovery Suggests Sexual Orientation Not a Choice

"While the findings revealed genetics accounted for around 30% to 40% of a man's sexuality, the rest was based on social and environmental factors."

What I now wonder is is homophobia genetic? You'd think, that just as bigotry is often learned in the home, so would homophobia. But many animals including humans have pre-set evolutionary fears to certain things. Watching America's Funniest Home Videos the other day, one clip showed a toddler crying in response to its own shadow. Surely that couldn't have been a learned response? And other fears from our tree-dwelling ancestral history has us all fairly fearful of snakes and spiders. So could fear or aversion to same-sex sexuality and our biological imperative to reproduce be something natural as well?

I wonder if your brain can reach a logical conclusion.

Not really, you just proved it can't.
To be gay is just that. Whether it's genetic, partially genetic, or just choice, it is what it is. Though I am somewhat on the conservative side one's sexual orientation, even if it's just their S.O. du jour, is their business until they start messing in my business.

To be angry over being gay and dumping that anger on others?

Now that suggests a psychiatric issue that might actually be treatable.

I have never been angry at anyone just because of their sexual preference.

I do, however, get angry at stupid people who say thinks that are insulting to wide swaths of the population.
Scientists have found evidence to support the existence of a male genome which may influence homosexuality.

Dr Michael Bailey, from Northwestern University, studied*400 sets of twins to determine if some men are genetically inclined to be gay.

Yahoo News UK & Ireland - Latest World News & UK News Headlines


"The research builds on work by Dean Hamer, the American geneticist who identified an area on the X chromosome that appeared to influence male sexuality in the 1990s."

Yes it is interesting. They also think autism has something to do with the x chromosome as well. Does this mean we should stop trying to find a cure for autism?

Just saying....
So because you willingly made a choice to be gay you are angry that someone tricked you into believing being gay was not determined by some combination of genes and or factors outside your control?

No, I am disgusted that people would demean my personal choices by insisting that I didn't have a choice. All my choices were mine, even the bad ones, and they all make me who I am.

So you choose to hang out around public restrooms and stick your weenie through glory holes rather than accept your fabulousness?

I bet that was your idea of an insult.

If that is what people want, what the fuck difference does it make to you?
Feel free to neg me for not having every answer in the universe. Unlike you, I have never claimed to know everything, or to never be wrong. All I can do is examine the evidence and form a rational conclusion based on that evidence. Until you, personally, can explain how sexual preference is genetic and also explain the fact that monozygotic twins can have different hardwired responses you have no business demanding I come up with explanations for anything.

Everything everyone does is a choice, the fact that you don't accept that does not make me stupid. Especially when I can cite conclusive scientific proof that backs my position up, and all you can do is point to anecdotal evidence.

Youre talking shit and neg repping people for thinking homosexuality might be genetic. Youre being an asshole. You say you dont have the answer? Then why the fuck are you so god damn sure it isnt gentic?

I fully support gay marriage and I stand behind the gay community 100%, but dont tell me sexuality is a choice. I would literally rather take a bullet to the head than have gay sex. The thought of it makes me cringe. It has that effect on hetrosexuals. I cant suddenly decide to be sexually attracted to men. Its impossible. It isnt a choice.

No, I am negging them for being stupid. I have personally posted multiple threads that conclusively prove that sexual preference is not genetic, yet idiots k3eep posting sensationalist studies simply because it makes them feel good to demean people based on who they sleep with.

By the way, did you notice that at least one of the idiots that insisted that sexual preference is genetic said we would be able to cure it in 20 years? Do you really think a shot will cure people of being gay?

Listen, I can appreciate your position. Youre gay and the idea that you have something "wrong" with you that can be fixed with a shot is insulting. If i was gay, that would probably piss me off too. I get it, but nonetheless I still think its possible that a shot could prevent homosexuality in the future.

What I know is sexuality isn't a choice, and I know this because im completely heterosexual. I know im completely heterosexual because the idea of having sex with an ugly man or the most beautiful man in the world is equally cringe inducing. Being a good looking man doesn't soften the blow for me. Both scenarios sound like a nightmare. I have zero attraction to men and that will never change. It isn't a choice. Since I know it isn't a choice, then that means its something people are born with, which means its biological.
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