Gay hair stylist refuses to serve governor

According to this hairdresser all the baker would have to do is tell the gay couple that because of their political opinion on gay rights they can't get their cake.
The Law:

"As of July 1, 2003, New Mexico non-discrimination law extends to categories of "sexual orientation and gender identity" as well as "race, color, national origin, ancestry, sex, physical or mental handicap or serious medial condition." An Act Relating to Human Rights, N.M. S.B. 28 to be codified at ch. 196, N.M. Stat. Ann. §§ 28-1-2, 7, 9 (April 8, 2003); N.M. Stat. Ann. § 28-1-7 (2001).

Sexual orientation is defined to mean: heterosexuality, homosexuality or bisexuality, whether actual or perceived. Under the law, it is illegal to discriminate against gays, lesbians, bisexuals and heterosexuals in matters of employment, housing, credit, public accommodations and union membership. Sexual orientation discrimination is also prohibited in New Mexico public employment by executive order. New Mexico Exec. Order No. 85-15 (Apr. 1, 1985). linky dink

There's nothing in there about political views.

Nor about retail sales or private businesses.
If a business is open to the general public it's covered under places of public accommodations.
2 liberals on this thread have said the barber has no right to deny the governor service. Yet the circle jerk continues :dunno:

If you are counting me, you'd better recheck my post. I said that IF the barber's refusal is against the state's equal access laws........IF.

And that right there is the entire problem with these types of laws, morons like you want to selectively enforce them.

Either you can discriminate or you can't. NO exceptions.

Personally I believe she's within her rights, as is any business owner to say "nope don't want your business"
This is not a denial to a whole group, it is a denial to ONE person the hairdresser deems to be a blithering idiot.

Even a blithering idiot knows not to let a hostile near her hair.

Sure, uh-huh.

You wear your double standard like a pro.

sure does, but it's what we should expect

two faced hypocrites is the lefts standard

my vote is they should sue the blithering discriminating hairdresser
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The Law:

"As of July 1, 2003, New Mexico non-discrimination law extends to categories of "sexual orientation and gender identity" as well as "race, color, national origin, ancestry, sex, physical or mental handicap or serious medial condition." An Act Relating to Human Rights, N.M. S.B. 28 to be codified at ch. 196, N.M. Stat. Ann. §§ 28-1-2, 7, 9 (April 8, 2003); N.M. Stat. Ann. § 28-1-7 (2001).

Sexual orientation is defined to mean: heterosexuality, homosexuality or bisexuality, whether actual or perceived. Under the law, it is illegal to discriminate against gays, lesbians, bisexuals and heterosexuals in matters of employment, housing, credit, public accommodations and union membership. Sexual orientation discrimination is also prohibited in New Mexico public employment by executive order. New Mexico Exec. Order No. 85-15 (Apr. 1, 1985). linky dink

There's nothing in there about political views.

Nor about retail sales or private businesses.
If a business is open to the general public it's covered under places of public accommodations.
Yes, but this could be interpreted as the public walking in, and purchasing products that have already been created for anyone by the bakery, and then are set out for the public to purchase as such.

Now when it comes to customizing a product beyond the front counter, and then the customer making it known that the product will be for a gay wedding in which is totally against the cake makers or owners religious belief system, then I think it should be that the bakery would be well within it's religious rights not to serve the person that added work or customization of a product to be created for that specific reason. You see a creation of a product specifically for a stated purpose or goal, becomes more of personalized thing, and it is more of an art to be personally created by the cake maker for that person, and for their purpose as is stated. This should allow the cake maker to refuse to do this work based upon a strong personal religious belief. Now if the gay couple wanted to walk in and purchase a cake out of the front counter that is there for the random public to purchase, then I can understand not being able to profile and refuse service to a customer who just walks in to purchase a cake for whatever reason. Customizations becomes personal, and the cake maker should be able to refuse the process based upon religious grounds. Period! I should have been a judge..

To add, so otherwise what if the request involved two men as figurines laying a top one another, as say in a sexual pose a top the cake or some sort of writing that is not appropriate to the cake maker within his or her beliefs ? So you see we can't predict what the request would be in a customization process of a cake, whether it is to it's shape or it's decorations and/or sayings as is written upon the cake. To force people to adhere to other peoples bad habits, wrong habits, strange habits, their perceived customs and/or weirdness is out right wrong, and it should not be something that is forced upon anyone.. Period! Didn't these people get into trouble for not wanting to bake a cake specifically for a gay couple ? If so, then they should be entitled to compensation for their being wrongfully accused of something that shouldn't have been a case to begin with, and they should be praised by their community for standing up for what they believe in always.
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where's Bucs? shouldn't he be in here whining about how Christian is this hairdresser?
The Abbey in West Hollywood does not want to serve patrons who do not support gay marriage. Apple does not want to sell stock to climate change deniers. Start the dividing line on political beliefs, legalize discrimination.
The Abbey in West Hollywood does not want to serve patrons who do not support gay marriage. Apple does not want to sell stock to climate change deniers. Start the dividing line on political beliefs, legalize discrimination.

don't forget Disney
I'm so sick of homosexuals and hearing about their victimhood
It's fine they discriminate on a person political views, but whatever don't to bake a cake for them they'll sue you out of business

what ever happened to them saying they just want to live their lives

keep out of their bedrooms, live and let live...
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The Abbey in West Hollywood does not want to serve patrons who do not support gay marriage. Apple does not want to sell stock to climate change deniers. Start the dividing line on political beliefs, legalize discrimination.
It may have to come to this eventually, because this nation has gone mad.
The Abbey in West Hollywood does not want to serve patrons who do not support gay marriage. Apple does not want to sell stock to climate change deniers. Start the dividing line on political beliefs, legalize discrimination.
It may have to come to this eventually, because this nation has gone mad.

and guess who pushed it there?
the left/progressives with the help of bought and paid for leftwing pravda lamestream media
Now big corporations are rearing their ugly heads and threatening states and the people in over some bill and who is it that is cheering them?
The Abbey in West Hollywood does not want to serve patrons who do not support gay marriage. Apple does not want to sell stock to climate change deniers. Start the dividing line on political beliefs, legalize discrimination.

don't forget Disney
I'm so sick of homosexuals and hearing about their victimhood
It's fine they discriminate on a person political views, but whatever don't to bake a cake for them they'll sue you out of business

what ever happened to them saying they just want to live their lives

keep out of their bedrooms, live and let live...
It could be that they want to bring everyone into their bedrooms as spectators cheering them on I guess (Hollywood being the biggest factor in bringing the lifestyle as well as other things more and more into focus/mainstream in these ways upon the big screen, in which reaches into everyone's home is what they hope for), so why hasn't this nation figured that one out yet ? I think it has.. And don't say you like women instead of men like the duck man did when he was asked, because that is cause for world war three according to the militant play book as was written for the gay agenda against people like the duck man who was set up. The playbook could be called "moving forward" as we have seen on MSNBC. Hey now "gay" has more meanings than just one thing these days doesn't it ? But seriously folks the being a hypocrite in life, well that is what the main problem is in all of this to date. So just don't be hypocrites, and most everything will work as it should in life for everyone.
The governor should file a lawsuit against the little whiny bigot for refusing to cut her hair.

Of course she won't, she has too much class (unlike the other side) and will simply go elsewhere.

Stylist Won't Cut Governor's Hair Over Gay Marriage Stance

Stylist Won't Cut Governor's Hair Over Gay Marriage Stance

Why would you want to cut the hair of the person who doesn't believe you deserve to be treated as an equal?
It might be fun.............once. :D

Exactly. And I certainly wouldn't want to eat a cake from someone who hated my guts.

2 liberals on this thread have said the barber has no right to deny the governor service. Yet the circle jerk continues :dunno:

If you are counting me, you'd better recheck my post. I said that IF the barber's refusal is against the state's equal access laws........IF.

And that right there is the entire problem with these types of laws, morons like you want to selectively enforce them.

Either you can discriminate or you can't. NO exceptions.

Personally I believe she's within her rights, as is any business owner to say "nope don't want your business"

If you are counting me, you'd better recheck my post. I said that IF the barber's refusal is against the state's equal access laws........IF.

And that right there is the entire problem with these types of laws, morons like you want to selectively enforce them.

Either you can discriminate or you can't. NO exceptions.

Personally I believe she's within her rights, as is any business owner to say "nope don't want your business"


It would be the first step. No company that won't serve gays or blacks or Mormon would hire gays or blacks or Mormons.

And Republicans say they aren't racist.

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