Gay Marriage Added To Democratic Platform

Gay rights is the new civil rights struggle. The GOP has taken their customary position. Far to the rear and against any equality.

They will eventually add this to their heritage of shame with women's rights, children's rights, black rights, worker's rights, and women's suffrage.

Republicans were not against any of those folks' rights.
But you got it right on the gay boogeyman issue.
The GOP needs to kick the religous right to the curb. I respect their beliefs but those beliefs have no place in THE LAW.

Neither do the selfish beliefs of you poofters. If there is no legitimate reason for governments to favor one type of relationship over another then there is no reason why consenting adults should not be able to enter into any arrangement they want and receive the protections of marriage. You homos are not that special.

You remind me of a cornerback we had years ago that always had some lame brain excuse and comeback when facts were laid upon his lap by his position coach.
There was always that label coach put on him and you remind me of him.
DUMBASS is what coach always called him.
It fits you perfectly. You know full well that the criminal code addresses the folks you are speaking of so why the continuous BS?
It is 4th and long Moe. Is this all you have?:badgrin:
It is also a simple fact that polygamists do not have equal protection under the law. Where is their marriage equality?

False analogy.

Polygamy, incest, and bestiality are all illegal, having been determined as harmful to society.

Homosexuality is not illegal, having been determined as not harmful to society.

You're joking right?

Homosexuality is far more harmful than polygamy is to society.

How has it specifically harmed you?
It is also a simple fact that polygamists do not have equal protection under the law. Where is their marriage equality?

False analogy.

Polygamy, incest, and bestiality are all illegal, having been determined as harmful to society.

Homosexuality is not illegal, having been determined as not harmful to society.

You're joking right?

Homosexuality is far more harmful than polygamy is to society.

In what ways?

BTW: I hope aren't going to dodge answering again.
It is also a simple fact that polygamists do not have equal protection under the law. Where is their marriage equality?

False analogy.

Polygamy, incest, and bestiality are all illegal, having been determined as harmful to society.

Homosexuality is not illegal, having been determined as not harmful to society.

You're joking right?

Homosexuality is far more harmful than polygamy is to society.

You're gonna have to back that one up with some facts. Where is the societal harm in allowing gay marriage? (or polygamy for that matter)
Republicans were not against any of those folks' rights.
But you got it right on the gay boogeyman issue.
The GOP needs to kick the religous right to the curb. I respect their beliefs but those beliefs have no place in THE LAW.

Neither do the selfish beliefs of you poofters. If there is no legitimate reason for governments to favor one type of relationship over another then there is no reason why consenting adults should not be able to enter into any arrangement they want and receive the protections of marriage. You homos are not that special.

You remind me of a cornerback we had years ago that always had some lame brain excuse and comeback when facts were laid upon his lap by his position coach.
There was always that label coach put on him and you remind me of him.
DUMBASS is what coach always called him.
It fits you perfectly. You know full well that the criminal code addresses the folks you are speaking of so why the continuous BS?
It is 4th and long Moe. Is this all you have?:badgrin:
No, the criminal code does not address the folks I am talking about. You are avoiding the issue. Two relatives, hell, make it three, want to get married but have no intent to engage in sexual relations. They, like you poofters, merely want the legal incidents of marriage, which have nothing to do with intercourse. Why are homo relationships deserving of the benefits, where these other law abiding citizens are not?
False analogy.

Polygamy, incest, and bestiality are all illegal, having been determined as harmful to society.

Homosexuality is not illegal, having been determined as not harmful to society.

You're joking right?

Homosexuality is far more harmful than polygamy is to society.

How has it specifically harmed you?

where did I say it had?

Why is it so difficult to have a conversation without straw men?
False analogy.

Polygamy, incest, and bestiality are all illegal, having been determined as harmful to society.

Homosexuality is not illegal, having been determined as not harmful to society.

You're joking right?

Homosexuality is far more harmful than polygamy is to society.

How has it specifically harmed you?
How have plural relationships, or incestuous ones for that matter, harmed you specifically?
I find it really funny that you homos focus on the sexual aspect of relationships you do not prefer, when it is not sexual rights you are after. I also find it funny that you completely avoid the issue of plural relationships. On top of that, cross dressers and mulleted bulldykes are also really funny.

I am a flannel shirt wearing, beer swillin, bourbon sipping, deer huntin, fishin, tobacco chewin, straight white male married for 36 years and Southern by the grace of God.
I have been shot at, beat up and left for dead. Played 4 quarters between the lines against some of the best. I was repoing cars and bounty hunting for cash before you had your face was covered with pimples.
I find it funny you do not know the law. We are a nation of THE LAW, not milk weak religous fools and their changing like the wind religous beliefs.
THE LAW protects the rights of those we may despise the most. THE LAW says homosexuals are legal citizens. Falling in love and being in a committed monogamous relationship with another adult of the same sex is not illegal. What you are stating are sexual crimes that are against THE LAW.
You know it so why the childish BS?
Gay folk do not bother me. Some of the hardest working people I know as I have seen them as law enforcement, prosecutors, attorneys of all kinds, military officers, former team mates that came out decades later, doctors and in all other areas of life.
Take the concrete collar off of your neck and you will feel better. Real freedom is protecting the rights of those you may disagree with.
Gay folks getting married affects you in no way. Get over it.
I believe it is much more like that you are a beerswillin, car stealing, deer killin mulleted lesbian, but that is beside the point. Homos don't bother me either. But you do not seem to understand what is necessary for a legal marriage. Sexual intercourse is not a requirement. Being in love is not a requirement. Being monogamous is not a requirement. So why would you grant to homos that which you would deny to other consenting, law abiding adults? Remove the shit from your bush pushing brain and you will feel better.
I don't see the potential for a significant uptick of voters from such a proclamation.

I do see how you could lose ones who otherwise supported you.


Those who are in favour of marriage equality are already on the Democratic side and those against it are on the Republican side. I can't imagine this decision does anything more than fire up "conservative" voters.

Oh, I think it does more than that. I think it insults the Christian democrats that felt that homosexuals were individuals with idividual rights. They were not going to "fight" gay marriage, but this "plank" has now made the impression that democrats "support" gay marriage (that is a slap in the face to many other religions, that would normally support the democrats). I think this man is deliberately seperating the country into tiny little "tribes" so they can be broken seperately, after he declares himself king.
It is sad that those who claim to "love" freedom will elevate a man that wants nothing more than to subjugate the people in this country. Just look at his Czars, Obamacare, and all the executive orders that he has done will little regard for "the people". Look at how he selectively enforces some laws, ignores others and stands in outright defiance of some. I would point out that he broke the "oath" he took to be sworn in as President, but those that love corruption and the fraud will just ignore it.
How has it specifically harmed you?

where did I say it had?

Why is it so difficult to have a conversation without straw men?

You said "Homosexuality is far more harmful than polygamy is to society."

Now....explain that statement....where IS the harm? Where is the GREATER harm?
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And plus I dont wanna see two men kiss, it's nasty, now two chicks can...if they're hot!
Those who are in favour of marriage equality are already on the Democratic side and those against it are on the Republican side. I can't imagine this decision does anything more than fire up "conservative" voters.


Believe it or not there is a significant segment of our population who could care less what you do in your personal life but feel marriage is between a man and a woman.

Acceptance of homosexuality sure feels forced on folks these days.

There is fallout from that.

As I am FORCED to accept overgrown Americans, who have CHOSEN* to be larger than optimum height, why complain about gay Americans' CONSTITUTIONAL rights?

*Nobody is BORN tall. ; )

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