Gay Marriage Fails In Maine

"The other side based many of its campaign ads on claims — disputed by state officials — that the new law would mean "homosexual marriage" would be taught in public schools. "

Deja vu. This is the same exact Bullshit they had in California, I wonder if they can get gay marraige overturned with resulting to lies?

How would marriage be explained then? If gay marriage was legal, why should it not addressed by educators?

i don't ever remember marriage being part of the curriculum in school.

keep swinging
"The other side based many of its campaign ads on claims — disputed by state officials — that the new law would mean "homosexual marriage" would be taught in public schools. "

Deja vu. This is the same exact Bullshit they had in California, I wonder if they can get gay marraige overturned with resulting to lies?

How would marriage be explained then? If gay marriage was legal, why should it not addressed by educators?

i don't ever remember marriage being part of the curriculum in school.

keep swinging

Me neither, but I do remember all kinds of things dealing with marriages being put before me. Like during story hour. I am sure you would agree that gay married couples should have their relationships included with other books teachers read to their students. To do otherwise would not be fair, would it? Why should stories that contain a traditional marriage be permitted, unless "My Two Dads" can also be read? Nice try. Keep swingin, poofter.
"The other side based many of its campaign ads on claims — disputed by state officials — that the new law would mean "homosexual marriage" would be taught in public schools. "

Deja vu. This is the same exact Bullshit they had in California, I wonder if they can get gay marraige overturned with resulting to lies?

How would marriage be explained then? If gay marriage was legal, why should it not addressed by educators?

i don't ever remember marriage being part of the curriculum in school.

keep swinging

Exactly del.

Marriage is just a word. Homosexual couples exist with or without it.

How'd pretending homosexuality doesn't exist work out for the past generations?
I ask this in all seriousness, as a married, heterosexual man:

Why would any other straight person give a rat's ass whether gay people get married or not? I mean - I've been married for almost nine years, and if some other group of women and men is so eager to join THIS club, I say, "more power to 'em". Not that I'm not happy being married, but really, is having it all legal and official making YOUR life some kind of heaven on Earth? (to Jessica Alba's husband, you ba$tard, don't answer that).

It's no skin off my nose if two lesbians get married - it's not like they were ever potential dates for me anyway (even if I wasn't already married). Really - are there people so insecure in their own sexuality that they're "terrified" of the idea that two dudes might tie the knot?

Geesh... let 'em all get married, so they too can experience the amazing joy of married life </sarcasm>. Why is this even an issue, unless some religious nut-cases are going off about the bible again (in which case - aren't you meant to be out chasing Darwin or something?)

Last point - I keep hearing about this "sacred" institution. In a country with a 45% divorce rate... um, yah.. I can see just how "sacred" it is, this holy covenant of state-sanctioned, IRS-approved living arrangements. *rolls eyes*

I see this question a lot. The answer is very simple. When a young impressionable child sees two grown men hugging and kissing each other walking down the street, with wedding bands on their fingers, or two grown women, it can be very confusing for them
,and can affect their normal mental development, with regard to human adult relationships. And no parent wants to have to explain Homosexuality to their child, in this day and age. Does this answer your question.?

Not really, no. I used to work in DC, and saw plenty of guy-guy and girl-girl couples walking around, holding hands in DuPont Circle, and it not only never bothered me, but it's not something I'm going to have any trouble explaining to my kids when they're old enough to ask, anymore than I'll feel any discomfort at about why daddy has blue eyes, and mommy (who is Asian) has brown eyes.

Kids aren't born with a lot of prejudice, from my personal experience (maybe your kids were?), it seems more that it's taught, or at least "picked up" from parents. Racism certainly seems to be that way.

I'll admit I'm not out marching in the streets to fight for same-sex marriage, but if it comes up for a vote, I'll vote in favor of allowing it, since I just don't view it as a threat, or a big deal. So what if my kids "see two grown men hugging and kissing each other", it's not like kids don't see two grown adults of opposite-genders doing the same thing.

Maybe I should ask this another way: is there anyone here who is completely non-religious who is adamantly opposed to same-sex marriages? I'd love to hear an atheist's explanation of their reasoning, actually - usually everyone I've heard speaking against it with any passion is, at root, basing their opposition on some Judeo-Christian code that I frankly don't share (I'm not a member of any church).

And finally - I read another post where one self-avowed conservative defined "conservatism" in part, by saying conservatives were opposed to government intrusion into people's lives. If I buy that argument, I'd think conservatives would want the government out of the "marriage" business altogether: stop issuing any sort of "official" recognition that you're cohabitating with your girlfriend, and rewarding your with lower taxes if you get your marriage legally signed by some bureaucrat. Hell, we could trim the size of the government by doing away with the whole marriage-courthouse thing. So then, if you want to get married, it's up to you, your potential spouse, and whatever preacher/rabbi/monk/mullah/ship's captain you two feel like having say the magic words. Less government, less intrusion, more civil rights all 'round, it just sounds like a winner to me.
How would marriage be explained then? If gay marriage was legal, why should it not addressed by educators?

i don't ever remember marriage being part of the curriculum in school.

keep swinging

Me neither, but I do remember all kinds of things dealing with marriages being put before me. Like during story hour. I am sure you would agree that gay married couples should have their relationships included with other books teachers read to their students. To do otherwise would not be fair, would it? Why should stories that contain a traditional marriage be permitted, unless "My Two Dads" can also be read? Nice try. Keep swingin, poofter.

so your contention is that if gay marriage is legalized, millions of children will be psychologically damaged during story hour?

you rode the short bus, huh?
How would marriage be explained then? If gay marriage was legal, why should it not addressed by educators?

i don't ever remember marriage being part of the curriculum in school.

keep swinging

Exactly del.

Marriage is just a word. Homosexual couples exist with or without it.

How'd pretending homosexuality doesn't exist work out for the past generations?

Who ever pretended such a thing? Or are you makin stuff up?
i don't ever remember marriage being part of the curriculum in school.

keep swinging

Me neither, but I do remember all kinds of things dealing with marriages being put before me. Like during story hour. I am sure you would agree that gay married couples should have their relationships included with other books teachers read to their students. To do otherwise would not be fair, would it? Why should stories that contain a traditional marriage be permitted, unless "My Two Dads" can also be read? Nice try. Keep swingin, poofter.

so your contention is that if gay marriage is legalized, millions of children will be psychologically damaged during story hour?

you rode the short bus, huh?

Not my contention at all, but I do understand how someone as intellectually challenged might infer that. My contention is very simple- if gay relationships are put on equal footing with traditional marriage, shouldn't it be ok to include in story hour tales that include gay relationships? Why should gay relationships not be included in the books read to third-graders?
I guess what you are really saying is that incestuous couples are even more heavily discriminated against than gay couples....

you guess wrong. incestuous couples are illegal. gay couples are not.

I guess there is a tendency to discriminate against the older party of an incentuous couple.

why shouldnt a brother and sister that want to be married to each other be allowed to do that very thing? What if they promise not to have sex (which is what the proscription involves). After all, its just marriage...
Not my contention at all, but I do understand how someone as intellectually challenged might infer that. My contention is very simple- if gay relationships are put on equal footing with traditional marriage, shouldn't it be ok to include in story hour tales that include gay relationships? Why should gay relationships not be included in the books read to third-graders?

True, why shouldn't it be ok.
Me neither, but I do remember all kinds of things dealing with marriages being put before me. Like during story hour. I am sure you would agree that gay married couples should have their relationships included with other books teachers read to their students. To do otherwise would not be fair, would it? Why should stories that contain a traditional marriage be permitted, unless "My Two Dads" can also be read? Nice try. Keep swingin, poofter.

so your contention is that if gay marriage is legalized, millions of children will be psychologically damaged during story hour?

you rode the short bus, huh?

Not my contention at all, but I do understand how someone as intellectually challenged might infer that. My contention is very simple- if gay relationships are put on equal footing with traditional marriage, shouldn't it be ok to include in story hour tales that include gay relationships? Why should gay relationships not be included in the books read to third-graders?

I'll bite. what would be the harm in informing children of a normal, legal form of relationship? Why would it be wrong, even if gay marriage WEREN'T legal to let children know that some people enter into loving relationships with people of the same gender,that love is not limited to heterosexual relationships, and in America we are tolerant and accepting of such behavior whereas other cultures are not?
Why should polygamist and incestuous relationships be hit with a double whammie- not being legal and not being able to marry, if the relationship involves consenting adults?

Because there are reasons that the majority of people feel that they should be illegal. I agree with incest being illegal. I do not agree that polygamy should be illegal but I am not of the majority in that opinion. As long as the majority believe that incest and polygamy are immoral and against the law then making gay marriage legal would in no way require making incestuous relationships or polygamy legal.


polygamy is only illegal as it applies to marriage.

Realizing that polygamy literally means "many marriage" that makes sense.

Not my contention at all, but I do understand how someone as intellectually challenged might infer that. My contention is very simple- if gay relationships are put on equal footing with traditional marriage, shouldn't it be ok to include in story hour tales that include gay relationships? Why should gay relationships not be included in the books read to third-graders?

True, why shouldn't it be ok.

Just tryin to be clear on exactly what the gay marriage crowd is really progressing towards....
so your contention is that if gay marriage is legalized, millions of children will be psychologically damaged during story hour?

you rode the short bus, huh?

Not my contention at all, but I do understand how someone as intellectually challenged might infer that. My contention is very simple- if gay relationships are put on equal footing with traditional marriage, shouldn't it be ok to include in story hour tales that include gay relationships? Why should gay relationships not be included in the books read to third-graders?

I'll bite. what would be the harm in informing children of a normal, legal form of relationship? Why would it be wrong, even if gay marriage WEREN'T legal to let children know that some people enter into loving relationships with people of the same gender,that love is not limited to heterosexual relationships, and in America we are tolerant and accepting of such behavior whereas other cultures are not?

Again- not agrrein or disagreein- just lookin for clarity.
Because there are reasons that the majority of people feel that they should be illegal. I agree with incest being illegal. I do not agree that polygamy should be illegal but I am not of the majority in that opinion. As long as the majority believe that incest and polygamy are immoral and against the law then making gay marriage legal would in no way require making incestuous relationships or polygamy legal.


polygamy is only illegal as it applies to marriage.

Realizing that polygamy literally means "many marriage" that makes sense.


polygamy is the opposite of monogamy- does not necessarily refer to marriage- although that is generally how it is understood.
Just tryin to be clear on exactly what the gay marriage crowd is really progressing towards....

That gay couples will be in children's literature?

(that wouldn't bug me).

How about that a public school cannot refrain from reading such a book due to its content. After all, we gotta treat all relationships equally.... would you have an issue with a school in Oklahoma that will read stories involving traditional marriages, but will not read stories involving gay marriages?
How about that a public school cannot refrain from reading such a book due to its content. After all, we gotta treat all relationships equally.... would you have an issue with a school in Oklahoma that will read stories involving traditional marriages, but will not read stories involving gay marriages?

If it's a public school and that's their PUBLIC policy, then sure(i'd have a problem with their refraining). If it's done quietly then perhaps noone would notice.

I don't see Indians or African Americans or Asian Americans putting up a stink about equality in Children's books, do you have an argument for them also?
i don't ever remember marriage being part of the curriculum in school.

keep swinging

Exactly del.

Marriage is just a word. Homosexual couples exist with or without it.

How'd pretending homosexuality doesn't exist work out for the past generations?

Who ever pretended such a thing? Or are you makin stuff up?

You're asking how do we explain it to the children, right? As if homosexuals don't exist without "Marriage" and that is just a bogus argument pretending as if being honest with children in an appropriate context is part of the scary gay agenda. :doubt:

How'd that head-in-the-sand approach work out for the last generation?

These families ALREADY exist and it is not unlawful for adults to be free to love whomever they love, so ask yourself what is the lesson in teaching children some families don't deserve equal access to the benefits of marriage?
"The other side based many of its campaign ads on claims — disputed by state officials — that the new law would mean "homosexual marriage" would be taught in public schools. "

Deja vu. This is the same exact Bullshit they had in California, I wonder if they can get gay marraige overturned with resulting to lies?

Modern Day American Religious Dogma-ists (I won't call them Christians):

Homosexuality bad because Old Testament says it's bad (along with pork, multi-textiled clothes, shaving your beard, etc.)

Homosexuality bad even tho Old Testament no longer listened to (those awkward Leviticus rules)

Homosexuality bad because a woman hating apostle letter writer said so...even tho Jesus never mentioned it.

BUT>>>>>>>>>>> It's ok to LIE even tho the Ten Commandments was very clear on that issue.

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