Gay Marriage is a Lie: Honest or Disagree?

Yes you did make that argument in your gay/mental illness thread.
I don't have a gay/mental illness thread. Nor have I started any threads.
But don't feel bad, all you people run away from that argument once you're confronted with an unassailable rebuttal.

Male female is natural by design ONLY for one single aspect of 'pairing'. Reproduction.

Do you want to make an argument that more than 1% of all human sex acts are done for the explicit purpose of reproduction?

I'll help you. First you eliminate ALL sex acts involving contraception, ALL sex acts not involving penis in vagina, ALL sex acts after a woman is already pregnant, all sex acts after menopause or a hysterectomy or a vasectomy, all sex acts where either partner is known to be sterile for any other reason.

Now, go ahead and argue that what's left is more than 1% of all sex.
My comment was about what we call natural or normal in the pairing of humans. Mentioning genders apparently makes you fly off the handle. Sorry 'bout that.

Male/female is a normal pairing in the mammal world, unless like the monkeys mentioned above that can only find inferior males since the top dog has the herem. Where's all the lesbo monkeys, btw?
I can't say I heard that argument before. The gays are a creative lot, I'll give you that. But I think you missed his point. Not that other acts aren't possible, the purpose of the genders in a species is what? Once you figure that out you can then understand what people mean by natural unions.

The purpose of genders is to enable reproduction. That in no way establishes that sexual relations between humans are only for reproduction, in fact,

in terms of how common something is, the most natural human sex acts are those that are done for reasons other than reproduction.

By your reasoning, 99% of human sexual activity is abnormal.


much of sex is for pleasure. reproduction occurs because sex is pleasurable.

Humans, chimps, and dolphins are the only animals shown to have sex for fun. But chimps and dolphins only do it with the opposite sex.

That is an incredibly ignorant statement that shows just how little you actually know.

Please educate yourself a little.

List of mammals displaying homosexual behavior - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The purpose of genders is to enable reproduction. That in no way establishes that sexual relations between humans are only for reproduction, in fact,

in terms of how common something is, the most natural human sex acts are those that are done for reasons other than reproduction.

By your reasoning, 99% of human sexual activity is abnormal.


much of sex is for pleasure. reproduction occurs because sex is pleasurable.

Humans, chimps, and dolphins are the only animals shown to have sex for fun. But chimps and dolphins only do it with the opposite sex.

That is an incredibly ignorant statement that shows just how little you actually know.

Please educate yourself a little.

List of mammals displaying homosexual behavior - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

and that somehow makes gay marriage normal for humans?

if a male dog humps your leg, does that make leg humping normal for humans?

you libs are idiots.
What you forget is that parents are not the only role models. We don't raise our children in bubbles. My son can pee standing up, shoot a gun and play video games until his eyes fall out. My daughter played with dolls, wears pink, plays video games until her eyes fall out and can shoot a gun and a bow. They both do all the exact same things that all their friends do...except have to split their time between two houses.

And no, we don't have the "butch/fem" thing going on. Your fantasy is not my reality, sorry to disappoint you.

You're not just talking to me about the butch/femme thing. It's so commonly seen in the church of LGBT partnering that it's virtually an icon of their movement. You aren't fooling anyone by telling them the elephant isn't sitting directly in the middle of the living room...

No one has ever seen a version of this, right? What's really going on here? Inside their minds, not what's just superficially going on? Some part of them knows it's wrong, that there's a better arrangement. And they are manifesting that in their clothing and manners. You still have to wonder what the gal in the gown is seeing in the one dressed like a man. Closet heterosexuality anyone?

Just because that is the reality for some people does not mean it is the reality for all people. I know butch straight women and feminine lesbian women and a whole bunch of in between women.





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What you forget is that parents are not the only role models. We don't raise our children in bubbles. My son can pee standing up, shoot a gun and play video games until his eyes fall out. My daughter played with dolls, wears pink, plays video games until her eyes fall out and can shoot a gun and a bow. They both do all the exact same things that all their friends do...except have to split their time between two houses.

And no, we don't have the "butch/fem" thing going on. Your fantasy is not my reality, sorry to disappoint you.

You're not just talking to me about the butch/femme thing. It's so commonly seen in the church of LGBT partnering that it's virtually an icon of their movement. You aren't fooling anyone by telling them the elephant isn't sitting directly in the middle of the living room...

No one has ever seen a version of this, right? What's really going on here? Inside their minds, not what's just superficially going on? Some part of them knows it's wrong, that there's a better arrangement. And they are manifesting that in their clothing and manners. You still have to wonder what the gal in the gown is seeing in the one dressed like a man. Closet heterosexuality anyone?

Just because that is the reality for some people does not mean it is the reality for all people. I know butch straight women and feminine lesbian women and a whole bunch of in between women.






which one are you?
much of sex is for pleasure. reproduction occurs because sex is pleasurable.

Humans, chimps, and dolphins are the only animals shown to have sex for fun. But chimps and dolphins only do it with the opposite sex.

That is an incredibly ignorant statement that shows just how little you actually know.

Please educate yourself a little.

List of mammals displaying homosexual behavior - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

and that somehow makes gay marriage normal for humans?

if a male dog humps your leg, does that make leg humping normal for humans?

you libs are idiots.

Animals hump legs and have more straight sex...does that mean leg humping is normal for humans?

You can't have it both ways, pardon the can't say "it just ain't nachrool" and then when it is pointed out that same sex pairing occurs in nature come back with "yeah, well dogs hump". That's just stupid.
That is an incredibly ignorant statement that shows just how little you actually know.

Please educate yourself a little.

List of mammals displaying homosexual behavior - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

and that somehow makes gay marriage normal for humans?

if a male dog humps your leg, does that make leg humping normal for humans?

you libs are idiots.

Animals hump legs and have more straight sex...does that mean leg humping is normal for humans?

You can't have it both ways, pardon the can't say "it just ain't nachrool" and then when it is pointed out that same sex pairing occurs in nature come back with "yeah, well dogs hump". That's just stupid.

as someone pointed out on the monkey thing. its only the inferior males that resort to homosexual behavior, because the strong males are screwing all the females.

Do I see a parallel between that and the human gay population? well, yeah.

Seriously wytch, I think you are an intelligent person and I don't care what you and your partner do behind closed doors. But don't flaunt it in the faces of those who believe it is perverse and don't demand that the govt force the rest of us to call it normal and acceptable.
What you forget is that parents are not the only role models. We don't raise our children in bubbles. My son can pee standing up, shoot a gun and play video games until his eyes fall out. My daughter played with dolls, wears pink, plays video games until her eyes fall out and can shoot a gun and a bow. They both do all the exact same things that all their friends do...except have to split their time between two houses.

And no, we don't have the "butch/fem" thing going on. Your fantasy is not my reality, sorry to disappoint you.

You're not just talking to me about the butch/femme thing. It's so commonly seen in the church of LGBT partnering that it's virtually an icon of their movement. You aren't fooling anyone by telling them the elephant isn't sitting directly in the middle of the living room...

No one has ever seen a version of this, right? What's really going on here? Inside their minds, not what's just superficially going on? Some part of them knows it's wrong, that there's a better arrangement. And they are manifesting that in their clothing and manners. You still have to wonder what the gal in the gown is seeing in the one dressed like a man. Closet heterosexuality anyone?

Just because that is the reality for some people does not mean it is the reality for all people. I know butch straight women and feminine lesbian women and a whole bunch of in between women.






first pic---butch right
second---butch right
third---butch left
fourth---butch left
fifth--butch right

sorry, but its always obvious. sometimes more than others, but its always there
and that somehow makes gay marriage normal for humans?

if a male dog humps your leg, does that make leg humping normal for humans?

you libs are idiots.

Animals hump legs and have more straight sex...does that mean leg humping is normal for humans?

You can't have it both ways, pardon the can't say "it just ain't nachrool" and then when it is pointed out that same sex pairing occurs in nature come back with "yeah, well dogs hump". That's just stupid.

as someone pointed out on the monkey thing. its only the inferior males that resort to homosexual behavior, because the strong males are screwing all the females.

Do I see a parallel between that and the human gay population? well, yeah.

Seriously wytch, I think you are an intelligent person and I don't care what you and your partner do behind closed doors. But don't flaunt it in the faces of those who believe it is perverse and don't demand that the govt force the rest of us to call it normal and acceptable.

That is only one species of animal. Some species bond and pair for life with same sex mates. Some even raise stolen or abandoned young together.

Animals are straight, animals are gay. Humans are straight, humans are gay. Animals are in between, humans are in between. Do animals have the capacity for unconditional love? I've heard arguments both ways (oops, pun again) but we KNOW humans can.

Being gay is normal. It has existed in roughly the same numbers since the beginning of recorded civilization. We don't care what you, Fishy, think about our marriage. If it makes you feel better to think your marriage is somehow more special than mine, it doesn't bother me a bit. I'm just sorry you need that kind of validation, but whatever. I just want my legal marriage treated exactly the same as your legal marriage. It's not a difficult concept to grasp.
Gay Marriage Is A Lie: Lesbian Masha Gessen And Glenn Beck Agree

I ran into a disagreement with someone over Masha Gessen's statement
that Gay Marriage is a Lie. I thought she was being honest.

I believe that the religious and spiritual beliefs about marriage should remain private or through the church, and the state/govt should only handle civil contracts by consensus without any religious bias either way. So that part of marriage doesn't belong under govt jurisdiction.

What do you think?

Gay Marriage is a Lie: Destruction of Marriage, Masha Gessen - YouTube

i dont really care

if two adults want to form legal contract

that is their business

it is up to the state to file the paperwork
I've had friends that thought they were infertile but many years later had kids, so you never know. Also, they can adopt or foster. Yes gays can too but the male/female relationship is what makes the family what it is. I know this is hard...but females and males are different. They bring different things to the table, different strengths and weaknesses, where the two combined make a better sum that the two parts. It's interesting stuff, you should look into it sometime.

I know science is hard, but it doesn't support your statements.

Extending their prior work on gender and family, Dr. Biblarz and Dr. Stacey of New York University, analyzed relevant studies about parenting, including available research on single-mother and single-father households, gay male parents and lesbian parents. Their review included 30 studies that compared two-parent lesbian couples to heterosexual coparents, 1 compared gay male to heterosexual coparents, and 2 compared lesbian to gay male coparents. They also reviewed 48 studies of single male or female parents.

In their analysis, the researchers found no evidence of gender-based parenting abilities, with the "exception of lactation," noting that very little about the gender of the parent has significance for children's psychological adjustment and social success. They found there are far more similarities than differences among children of lesbian and heterosexual parents. On average, two mothers tended to play with their children more, were less likely to use physical discipline, and were less likely to raise children with chauvinistic attitudes. Studies of gay male families are still limited.

And, it's not like we raise our children in bubbles. There are these things called families...and they extend beyond just the couple and their children. Despite being raised by two women, my son has managed to reach the age of 14 doing ALL the same things his friends do...with one small exception, he doesn't split his time between his divorced parents like all his friends do. Poor him.

The gays always trot out their bogus studies of gay marriage in these kinds of debates. Most people don't know the facts well enough to discredit them. The truth is there is no valid scientific evidence that gay marriages can produce well adjusted children:

Flawed Studies Used For Promoting Same-Sex Marriage, Says Policy Institute

Flawed Studies Used For Promoting Same-Sex Marriage, Says Policy Institute
Gay activists have used flawed research in promoting the legalization of gay marriage, according to a recent paper published by the Institute for Marriage and Public Policy.
Writing in "Do Mothers and Fathers Matter?" by Maggie Gallagher and Joshua K. Baker, the authors claim that thousands of studies done over the past thirty years overwhelmingly show that children thrive best in intact, two-parent families consisting of a mother and a father.

Yet pro-gay researchers are using their own data to prove that children can be reared in same-sex households without any negative consequences, their paper says.

Gallagher and Baker point out a notable flaw in most of the research designs: most of the research does not directly compare children with a married mother and father, to children raised from birth by homosexual couples. Instead, the typical comparison made was between single heterosexual mothers--whose families are typically stressed by divorce conflict, absent fathers, and economic problems--to lesbian mothers.

Pro-gay researcher Judith Stacey claims that "...the research demonstrates that children of same-sex couples are as emotionally healthy and socially adjusted, and at least as educationally and socially successful, as children raised by heterosexual parents." In 1996, Stacey authored "The Father Fixation," an article critiquing the idea that fathers are necessary to children, which was published in the Utne Reader.

"Not One Study Conducted
According to Generally Accepted Research Standards"

But Stacey is incorrect, according to Steven Nock, a sociologist at the University of Virginia. Nock has studied several hundred studies on same-sex parenting. He observes that each of the studies he surveyed contained at least one fatal flaw of design or execution, and not one of them was conducted according to generally accepted standards of research.

The greatest flaw in many of these studies, he says, was that single lesbian mothers were compared to single heterosexual mothers. As Gallagher and Baker note, "Most of the gay parenting literature thus compares children in some fatherless families to children in other fatherless family forms." They conclude, "Children do best when raised by their own married mother and father."

Same-Sex Parenting and Junk Science

“No one should pay any attention to studies that are poorly done. They are just some stories, they really are not science.” Dr. Linda Waite

One the misleading claims commonly made by homosexual activists and their allies is that social science research proves that there are no significant differences in the social and psychological outcomes for children raised by same-sex “parents” when compared to those raised by heterosexual parents. (The term “parent” will be used for convenience, but with the recognition that no more than one member of a same-sex couple raising a child can be the biological parent.) However, independent evaluation of the studies commonly used to support these assertions have concluded that all of them fall far short of the minimum standards the social science disciplines require to be met for research findings to have any validity.

To make matters even more serious, these independent analysts find that the results of this research are often misrepresented by the researchers themselves, and even more often by those, such as these homosexual activists and their allies, who try to use them to make their case. In short, this whole body of research has to be considered as little more than “junk science,” that is often misapplied and misrepresented. Because these flawed studies are constantly being used to try to support such policies as legalizing same-sex marriage, promoting same-sex adoption, same-sex foster care and technologically-assisted conception for same-sex couples, it is important to more fully understand the criticisms of these studies.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

When held to the minimum standards of social science research, virtually all of the same-sex parenting research studies published to date have been found by other social scientists to be deficient for a wide range of reasons. Many of the researchers in this area are themselves homosexuals as well as activists for “gay rights.” This could be a source of subconscious bias even
in investigators who want to be as objective and professional as possible. Other problems with this body of research include using very small size samples in some of these studies or relying on “self reporting” by the same-sex parents themselves of the traits or characteristics of their children.

These studies are the same kind of stuff as the political pseudoscience trotted out by the homofascists about the nonexistent "gay gene" or the claims of the "born-gay" study (Harner-LeVay), the latter of which is unfalsified and has never been replicated in spite of the many attempts to do so by others; the supposed ineffectiveness of conversion or reparation therapy, which in fact is largely successful, particularly for those who were emotionally altered via prolonged or even episodic sexual abuse by same-sex pedophiles as children.

In the meantime, the best science overwhelmingly demonstrates that same-sex attraction (SSA) must necessarily be the result of environmental factors over time coupled with a concert of complex genetic factors that may for some combine to produce an inclination toward SSA, but that's not anything remotely the same as saying that homosexuality is an inevitable outcome as we know for a fact from twin studies, let alone innate or genetically predetermined.

Human sexuality and attraction are infinitely more complex matters than the pseudoscience and the political mantra of the homofascist agenda would have it. Indeed, it has been shown that SSA is quite often an acquired taste for many who had not previously been attracted to the same sex or engage in homosexual activities.

Epigenetics|Rice|homosexuality|Is epigenetics a critical factor in homosexuality?

But in any event, the notion that this biologically and physiologically pathological attraction/behavior could possibly be psychologically normal or healthy is the baby talk of fools who, aside from the obvious, don’t know or disregard the testimony of history.

But more to the point, predicating civil rights protections, which must necessarily be imposed by the state against the naturally occurring associations and expressions of inherent human rights, on sexual behavior/attraction of any kind at all is the process of transforming the government of a democratic republic into a police state equipped to impose, via the depredations of fines or imprisonment, the acceptance of such and their inherent morality on others against their will.

It’s called tyranny, the criminalization of inalienable human rights! Here’s an example of yet another attempt by leftist thugs to overthrow the prerogatives of free association, ideological liberty and parental authority that will not hold up before the Supreme Court: Lies and Calculated LGBT Disinformation Muddy Conversion Therapy Debate

And clearly that is what thugs like Jones et. al. are claiming the law of the land to be!


Clearly, that has never been and is not now the law of land!

Clearly, that could never be a peacefully sustainable premise for any rule of law.

And everyone on this board who reads this can now clearly see (in the face of this stark and unassailably true revelation of the actually of things, unobscured by the rhetoric of demonization and the political demagoguery of these mindless, jackbooted thugs) and cannot deny in their hearts of hearts that the ultimate goal of the homofascists’ agenda is evil, which should also tell you all something about the ultimate nature of homosexuality itself.

“For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness” (Romans 1:18).
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That is only one species of animal. Some species bond and pair for life with same sex mates. Some even raise stolen or abandoned young together.
You said bonding. That doesn't equate to preferring the same sex and having relations. Most of your gibberish is just smoke and mirrors.
Animals are straight, animals are gay. Humans are straight, humans are gay. Animals are in between, humans are in between. Do animals have the capacity for unconditional love? I've heard arguments both ways (oops, pun again) but we KNOW humans can.
An assertion followed by a redirection. Cool.
Being gay is normal. It has existed in roughly the same numbers since the beginning of recorded civilization. We don't care what you, Fishy, think about our marriage. If it makes you feel better to think your marriage is somehow more special than mine, it doesn't bother me a bit. I'm just sorry you need that kind of validation, but whatever. I just want my legal marriage treated exactly the same as your legal marriage. It's not a difficult concept to grasp.
Where are those 5,000 year old stats on homosexual percentages? We don't all worship at your church so we won't all accept your dogma as doctrine. Societies should have the right to define marriage the way they want, and they have up until minority groups started propagandizing and trying to beat down any opposition with intimidation and distortions. But then again you are disinterested in history when it doesn't suit you.

If a state wants it, fine. If a state doesn't want it, that should be fine too, unless you're a tyrant.
The purpose of genders is to enable reproduction. That in no way establishes that sexual relations between humans are only for reproduction, in fact,

in terms of how common something is, the most natural human sex acts are those that are done for reasons other than reproduction.

By your reasoning, 99% of human sexual activity is abnormal.


much of sex is for pleasure. reproduction occurs because sex is pleasurable.

Humans, chimps, and dolphins are the only animals shown to have sex for fun. But chimps and dolphins only do it with the opposite sex.

That is an incredibly ignorant statement that shows just how little you actually know.

Please educate yourself a little.

List of mammals displaying homosexual behavior - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Well, I'm well aware of this phenomenon within the ranks of some mammalians, so you can't allege any ignorance on my part.

Now, to the real issue, what’s your point precisely?
:lol: So hung up on the stereotypes...Must be an age thing.

I'm in my mid-50's, and I admit I used to find myself accepting stereotypes. I was an LCPO when my squadron integrated females in the late 80's early 90's, and I was not a happy camper. I can still remember the conversations around the Goat Locker.

I can still close my eyes and picture the Tweet shop and the day I was in going over some things with the LPO. Two PO2's were on the way out to replace a RADAR Receiver which weighed about 75lbs. One (the male, big guy) said to the other (female, little petite thing) "grab the toolbox and I'll get the receiver." He of course was going to heft it on his shoulder and carry it to the flight line. She said "bite me", slid the Receiver on to a handcart and rolled it out to the door. The guy got a look on his face like "What the fuck over???". But he picked up the toolbox and followed her.

The PO1 and I looked at each other and laughed our asses off.

After that I didn't care if you pissed sitting down or standing up as long as you could fix airplanes.

(I just realized, I was a Tweet long before there was a Twitter. :)) )

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I've had friends that thought they were infertile but many years later had kids, so you never know. Also, they can adopt or foster. Yes gays can too but the male/female relationship is what makes the family what it is. I know this is hard...but females and males are different. They bring different things to the table, different strengths and weaknesses, where the two combined make a better sum that the two parts. It's interesting stuff, you should look into it sometime.

I know science is hard, but it doesn't support your statements.

Extending their prior work on gender and family, Dr. Biblarz and Dr. Stacey of New York University, analyzed relevant studies about parenting, including available research on single-mother and single-father households, gay male parents and lesbian parents. Their review included 30 studies that compared two-parent lesbian couples to heterosexual coparents, 1 compared gay male to heterosexual coparents, and 2 compared lesbian to gay male coparents. They also reviewed 48 studies of single male or female parents.

In their analysis, the researchers found no evidence of gender-based parenting abilities, with the "exception of lactation," noting that very little about the gender of the parent has significance for children's psychological adjustment and social success. They found there are far more similarities than differences among children of lesbian and heterosexual parents. On average, two mothers tended to play with their children more, were less likely to use physical discipline, and were less likely to raise children with chauvinistic attitudes. Studies of gay male families are still limited.

And, it's not like we raise our children in bubbles. There are these things called families...and they extend beyond just the couple and their children. Despite being raised by two women, my son has managed to reach the age of 14 doing ALL the same things his friends do...with one small exception, he doesn't split his time between his divorced parents like all his friends do. Poor him.

"with the "exception of lactation", really? Didn't they miss a little thing like creating the kid, don't they fall a bit short in that area also? Keep pretending your relationship is equal to men and women, it can never be.
I've had friends that thought they were infertile but many years later had kids, so you never know. Also, they can adopt or foster. Yes gays can too but the male/female relationship is what makes the family what it is. I know this is hard...but females and males are different. They bring different things to the table, different strengths and weaknesses, where the two combined make a better sum that the two parts. It's interesting stuff, you should look into it sometime.

I know science is hard, but it doesn't support your statements.

Extending their prior work on gender and family, Dr. Biblarz and Dr. Stacey of New York University, analyzed relevant studies about parenting, including available research on single-mother and single-father households, gay male parents and lesbian parents. Their review included 30 studies that compared two-parent lesbian couples to heterosexual coparents, 1 compared gay male to heterosexual coparents, and 2 compared lesbian to gay male coparents. They also reviewed 48 studies of single male or female parents.

In their analysis, the researchers found no evidence of gender-based parenting abilities, with the "exception of lactation," noting that very little about the gender of the parent has significance for children's psychological adjustment and social success. They found there are far more similarities than differences among children of lesbian and heterosexual parents. On average, two mothers tended to play with their children more, were less likely to use physical discipline, and were less likely to raise children with chauvinistic attitudes. Studies of gay male families are still limited.

And, it's not like we raise our children in bubbles. There are these things called families...and they extend beyond just the couple and their children. Despite being raised by two women, my son has managed to reach the age of 14 doing ALL the same things his friends do...with one small exception, he doesn't split his time between his divorced parents like all his friends do. Poor him.

"with the "exception of lactation", really? Didn't they miss a little thing like creating the kid, don't they fall a bit short in that area also? Keep pretending your relationship is equal to men and women, it can never be.

Actually, considering how many "men and women" relationships can be totally fucked up.....that can be a good thing. :D

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