Gay Marriage is a Lie: Honest or Disagree?

Really? My favorite sex act only requires what people here shoot off, their mouths, which would now be doing something useful for once.

Biologically no human sex act would include the mouth but thanks for playing.

If you're not using your mouth during sex, you're not playing, you're boring.

Been around all these years and still don't know the difference between sex and foreplay. No wonder you can't recognize the difference between a marriage and what ever it is gays have.
Biologically no human sex act would include the mouth but thanks for playing.

If you're not using your mouth during sex, you're not playing, you're boring.

Been around all these years and still don't know the difference between sex and foreplay. No wonder you can't recognize the difference between a marriage and what ever it is gays have.
Tell us, if you pop open a bedroom door and find your teenage daughter down on her knees, stripped to her panties, with her boyfriend's penis in her mouth, is that just foreplay? Sounds like sex to me.
Biologically no human sex act would include the mouth but thanks for playing.

If you're not using your mouth during sex, you're not playing, you're boring.

Been around all these years and still don't know the difference between sex and foreplay. No wonder you can't recognize the difference between a marriage and what ever it is gays have.

You think a mouth is only used for foreplay? :rofl: Oh, you poor noob!
Biologically no human sex act would include the mouth but thanks for playing.

If you're not using your mouth during sex, you're not playing, you're boring.

Been around all these years and still don't know the difference between sex and foreplay. No wonder you can't recognize the difference between a marriage and what ever it is gays have.

Zero imagination. You can still use your mouth during coitus. Geez, get a book or something.
I've had friends that thought they were infertile but many years later had kids, so you never know. Also, they can adopt or foster. Yes gays can too but the male/female relationship is what makes the family what it is. I know this is hard...but females and males are different. They bring different things to the table, different strengths and weaknesses, where the two combined make a better sum that the two parts. It's interesting stuff, you should look into it sometime.

I know science is hard, but it doesn't support your statements.

Extending their prior work on gender and family, Dr. Biblarz and Dr. Stacey of New York University, analyzed relevant studies about parenting, including available research on single-mother and single-father households, gay male parents and lesbian parents. Their review included 30 studies that compared two-parent lesbian couples to heterosexual coparents, 1 compared gay male to heterosexual coparents, and 2 compared lesbian to gay male coparents. They also reviewed 48 studies of single male or female parents.

In their analysis, the researchers found no evidence of gender-based parenting abilities, with the "exception of lactation," noting that very little about the gender of the parent has significance for children's psychological adjustment and social success. They found there are far more similarities than differences among children of lesbian and heterosexual parents. On average, two mothers tended to play with their children more, were less likely to use physical discipline, and were less likely to raise children with chauvinistic attitudes. Studies of gay male families are still limited.

And, it's not like we raise our children in bubbles. There are these things called families...and they extend beyond just the couple and their children. Despite being raised by two women, my son has managed to reach the age of 14 doing ALL the same things his friends do...with one small exception, he doesn't split his time between his divorced parents like all his friends do. Poor him.

"with the "exception of lactation", really? Didn't they miss a little thing like creating the kid, don't they fall a bit short in that area also? Keep pretending your relationship is equal to men and women, it can never be.

Do you know the difference between procreation and parenting? The two are not mutually exclusive.
The purpose of genders is to enable reproduction. That in no way establishes that sexual relations between humans are only for reproduction, in fact,

in terms of how common something is, the most natural human sex acts are those that are done for reasons other than reproduction.

By your reasoning, 99% of human sexual activity is abnormal.


much of sex is for pleasure. reproduction occurs because sex is pleasurable.

Humans, chimps, and dolphins are the only animals shown to have sex for fun. But chimps and dolphins only do it with the opposite sex.

Then you concede that the reproduction argument is bullshit. That was my point.

BTW, priests and nuns vow to be celibate. That's abnormal according to the nonsense being tossed around here;

why don't deny religious rights and protections to churches that revere an abnormal sexual lifestyle?

Religious people make the choice, are you saying it's nothing but a choice for gays?
If you're not using your mouth during sex, you're not playing, you're boring.

Been around all these years and still don't know the difference between sex and foreplay. No wonder you can't recognize the difference between a marriage and what ever it is gays have.

Zero imagination. You can still use your mouth during coitus. Geez, get a book or something.

Hmmm, only if you are a contortionist. can you send a diagram of a guy with his penis in a vagina and his tongue on the clit of the same woman?
Been around all these years and still don't know the difference between sex and foreplay. No wonder you can't recognize the difference between a marriage and what ever it is gays have.

Zero imagination. You can still use your mouth during coitus. Geez, get a book or something.

Hmmm, only if you are a contortionist. can you send a diagram of a guy with his penis in a vagina and his tongue on the clit of the same woman?

That's not the only place to put your mouth. The rest is up to you.
I know science is hard, but it doesn't support your statements.

Extending their prior work on gender and family, Dr. Biblarz and Dr. Stacey of New York University, analyzed relevant studies about parenting, including available research on single-mother and single-father households, gay male parents and lesbian parents. Their review included 30 studies that compared two-parent lesbian couples to heterosexual coparents, 1 compared gay male to heterosexual coparents, and 2 compared lesbian to gay male coparents. They also reviewed 48 studies of single male or female parents.

In their analysis, the researchers found no evidence of gender-based parenting abilities, with the "exception of lactation," noting that very little about the gender of the parent has significance for children's psychological adjustment and social success. They found there are far more similarities than differences among children of lesbian and heterosexual parents. On average, two mothers tended to play with their children more, were less likely to use physical discipline, and were less likely to raise children with chauvinistic attitudes. Studies of gay male families are still limited.

And, it's not like we raise our children in bubbles. There are these things called families...and they extend beyond just the couple and their children. Despite being raised by two women, my son has managed to reach the age of 14 doing ALL the same things his friends do...with one small exception, he doesn't split his time between his divorced parents like all his friends do. Poor him.

"with the "exception of lactation", really? Didn't they miss a little thing like creating the kid, don't they fall a bit short in that area also? Keep pretending your relationship is equal to men and women, it can never be.

Do you know the difference between procreation and parenting? The two are not mutually exclusive.

yes, they are and the concensus is that the best parenting is done by a male/female couple who are committed to each other and their children.

Certainly other combinations can do good parenting, but thats not the real issue.

Why can't you admit that your real issue is government mandated acceptance of homosexuality as a normal human condition? and you want that forced on everyone else by politically correct speech mandates and punishment for anyone who disagrees.

Is that your definition of freedom?
The state panders to voters. The religions for the most part adhere to God's teachings (as understood for thousands of years) and the concepts of natural law. So the panderers and the pandered can cling to what they demand to be true, and the rest of us will remain steadfast to the traditional truth of things.
Zero imagination. You can still use your mouth during coitus. Geez, get a book or something.

Hmmm, only if you are a contortionist. can you send a diagram of a guy with his penis in a vagina and his tongue on the clit of the same woman?

That's not the only place to put your mouth. The rest is up to you.

yes, licking nipples is possible and enjoyable. 69 also works but does not result in pregnancy.

Again, what two consenting adults do in private is no ones business but theirs.
Been around all these years and still don't know the difference between sex and foreplay. No wonder you can't recognize the difference between a marriage and what ever it is gays have.

Zero imagination. You can still use your mouth during coitus. Geez, get a book or something.

Hmmm, only if you are a contortionist. can you send a diagram of a guy with his penis in a vagina and his tongue on the clit of the same woman?
Never heard of kissing?
If you're not using your mouth during sex, you're not playing, you're boring.

Been around all these years and still don't know the difference between sex and foreplay. No wonder you can't recognize the difference between a marriage and what ever it is gays have.
Tell us, if you pop open a bedroom door and find your teenage daughter down on her knees, stripped to her panties, with her boyfriend's penis in her mouth, is that just foreplay? Sounds like sex to me.

not according to Bill Clinton.
Been around all these years and still don't know the difference between sex and foreplay. No wonder you can't recognize the difference between a marriage and what ever it is gays have.
Tell us, if you pop open a bedroom door and find your teenage daughter down on her knees, stripped to her panties, with her boyfriend's penis in her mouth, is that just foreplay? Sounds like sex to me.

not according to Bill Clinton.
Bill was just a big teenager at heart when it comes to sex.
If you're not using your mouth during sex, you're not playing, you're boring.

Been around all these years and still don't know the difference between sex and foreplay. No wonder you can't recognize the difference between a marriage and what ever it is gays have.
Tell us, if you pop open a bedroom door and find your teenage daughter down on her knees, stripped to her panties, with her boyfriend's penis in her mouth, is that just foreplay? Sounds like sex to me.

By definition, if I had a daughter, she would be engaged in sodomy, not sex. Glad I was here to help.
Tell us, if you pop open a bedroom door and find your teenage daughter down on her knees, stripped to her panties, with her boyfriend's penis in her mouth, is that just foreplay? Sounds like sex to me.

not according to Bill Clinton.
Bill was just a big teenager at heart when it comes to sex.

yeah, all teenagers get blow jobs in the oval office by an intern and then lie under oath about it. Clinton was and is a disgrace to the office of president
If you're not using your mouth during sex, you're not playing, you're boring.

Been around all these years and still don't know the difference between sex and foreplay. No wonder you can't recognize the difference between a marriage and what ever it is gays have.

You think a mouth is only used for foreplay? :rofl: Oh, you poor noob!

Biologically that's all it's good for. Play it's a different story, but you know that.

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