Gay marriage legal in Massachussetts

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Originally posted by OCA
My harddrive is down right now and i'm on an old pos that doesn't allow me to search real well but somewhere in this thread posted by a guy named Big D are some stats on a little disease called AIDS. Before the big explosion of AIDS in the homosexual community were there any cases of AIDS among heterosexuals? How did AIDS get into the blood supply? Check out the rates of AIDS among the homosexual community as compared to others. They are their own victims.

We pass disease by shaking hands, is this immoral? Should we outlaw the sneeze? Coughing? There are many ways to pass disease, to say that all actions that pass disease are immoral would outlaw many normal activities in our society including heterosexual sexual acts.
Originally posted by OCA
My harddrive is down right now and i'm on an old pos that doesn't allow me to search real well but somewhere in this thread posted by a guy named Big D are some stats on a little disease called AIDS. Before the big explosion of AIDS in the homosexual community were there any cases of AIDS among heterosexuals? How did AIDS get into the blood supply? Check out the rates of AIDS among the homosexual community as compared to others. They are their own victims.

Don't blame the spread of AIDS on homosexuality alone. Its a blood borne pathogen. now, wouldn't you think that IV drug abuse had alot to do with is also?
Originally posted by no1tovote4

Just because it is not natural, does not mean it is immoral.

The funny part is, I don't recall anyone saying it was one, therefore the other.

It has been said that it is simply BOTH.

If we want to be stupid about symantics, we can say arsenic is natural, but we shouldn't involve that in our lifestyle, should we?

How about cannibalism of raw flesh?

Not right.

All of this is natural. -The point is it is not CORRECT.

By a simple standard of ethics mandated by rules required to allow man to live, and by generational survivability, not to mention all logic and Biblical reference,

Originally posted by OCA
Again irrelevant and completely unequal in terms of depravity actions.

Dammit, somebody tell vote that this line of argument he's using has been losing for 3 days now.

Somebody please answer the simple question of is homosexual natural and normal and please provide irrefuteable proof. I'm begginning to think no one is up to that task. Could it be it doesn't exist? Hmmmmm

OCA, again, normality really has nothing todo with the issue at hand...IMO.

Smoking is not really "normal" but millions of us do it and have been for years. And it is legal.

Picking your nose and eating it is not reallynormal, but I've sen people do it. Again, it is legal.
Originally posted by no1tovote4
We pass disease by shaking hands, is this immoral?

We transport GERMS which are then subject to layers of immune system functionallity starting with layers of skin and mucous which protect as barriers before the bloodstream is even introduced.

This is not the same as transporting VIRUSES by blood to blood contact.

Should we outlaw the sneeze? Coughing? There are many ways to pass disease, to say that all actions that pass disease are immoral would outlaw many normal activities in our society including heterosexual sexual acts.

As stated above, the immune system is being bypassed with homosexual activity. It is unsafe.
-The point is it is not CORRECT.

By a simple standard of ethics mandated by rules required to allow man to live, and by generational survivability, not to mention all logic and Biblical reference.

WTF does that mean??
Originally posted by dilloduck
-The point is it is not CORRECT.

By a simple standard of ethics mandated by rules required to allow man to live, and by generational survivability, not to mention all logic and Biblical reference.

WTF does that mean??

Originally posted by NewGuy
We transport GERMS which are then subject to layers of immune system functionallity starting with layers of skin and mucous which protect as barriers before the bloodstream is even introduced.

This is not the same as transporting VIRUSES by blood to blood contact.

As stated above, the immune system is being bypassed with homosexual activity. It is unsafe.

The system is bypassed in heterosex too. Unless your saying heterosexual sex does not transmit venereal diseases. Haven't you said enough foolish things for one day?
Originally posted by dilloduck
-The point is it is not CORRECT.

By a simple standard of ethics mandated by rules required to allow man to live, and by generational survivability, not to mention all logic and Biblical reference.

WTF does that mean??

Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
The system is bypassed in heterosex too. Unless your saying heterosexual sex does not transmit venereal diseases. Haven't you said enough foolish things for one day?

I know what heterosexual sex does.

Thanks to this quote of yours, you just advocated heterosexual monogamy.

Thanks for making my point again!
Originally posted by NewGuy
I know what heterosexual sex does.

Thanks to this quote of yours, you just advocated heterosexual monogamy.

Thanks for making my point again!

Yep. It transmits disease, just like gay sex.

Your point is bad. Saying gay sex transmits disease and then saying it's immoral due to that fact is inconsistently applied if you don't apply that line of reasoning within your own sexual community. You're a mess, Saul.
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
Don't blame the spread of AIDS on homosexuality alone. Its a blood borne pathogen. now, wouldn't you think that IV drug abuse had alot to do with is also?

I'm saying it was introduced into this country through homosexual sex for the most part and whether it would have gotten here some other way is another argument. Anyway homosexuals were warned back in the early days of what was happening yet they continued to act as if nothing was wrong until it was too late. IV drug users only got it one of two ways, either a homosexual who was already infected shared his needles or an IV drug user was infected through a blood transfusion in which blood was used from an HIV infected homosexual. In any case I think you can directly attribute the spread of AIDS in America at least to homosexuality. There are your victims.
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
Yep. It transmits disease, just like gay sex.

Your point is bad. Saying gay sex transmits disease and then saying it's immoral due to that fact is inconsistently applied if you don't apply that line of reasoning within your own sexual community. You're a mess, Saul.

Do you even know what you said here? :rolleyes:
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
Yes. But let's hear your interpretation, wackjob.

There would be no point. You have no argument and you even make my points for me. I would say we are through here.

The level of success by any opponent of yours is generally indicated by the level of insults you hurl.

I would say you have acknowledged defeat.
Originally posted by NewGuy
There would be no point. You have no argument and you even make my points for me. I would say we are through here.

The level of success by any opponent of yours is generally indicated by the level of insults you hurl.

I would say you have acknowledged defeat.

Whatever you say, Maude.
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