Gay marriage legal in Massachussetts

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Originally posted by OCA
The argument, the one in which you are inferring that we are repressing homosexual feelings is just thrown out there when your side has hit an intellectual brick wall. In other words its ridiculous.

Um, I think you hit the brick wall when you turned a discussion on gay marriage into a discussion of gay sex and the normality of it.

It's irrelevant.
Can't you think of an abnormal married couple?
Maybe one of 50% that end in divorce, for example?

Off to lunch.
Originally posted by dilloduck
and you and newguy are the right and logical people here.?

who decided that?

Pardner, you can attack the messenger and not the message all you want it does you no good. Prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that homosexuality is normal and natural then you will at the same time prove that it is a moral act or behavior, until then....................
Originally posted by OCA
Pardner, logical and right thinking people don't even debate that immoral subject, its a given. Hey if you don't think so thank god you don't make the decisions in this country, WHEEEW!

in what way would homosexuality be labeled as 'immoral'.
Originally posted by OCA
Pardner, you can attack the messenger and not the message all you want it does you no good. Prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that homosexuality is normal and natural then you will at the same time prove that it is a moral act or behavior, until then....................

you define normal and natural Mr. Logic !
Originally posted by OCA
Pardner, you can attack the messenger and not the message all you want it does you no good. Prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that homosexuality is normal and natural then you will at the same time prove that it is a moral act or behavior, until then....................

now THAT was absolutely ridiculous.

morality and normality can only apply to homosexuality? You've already argued several instances where it isn't YET ridicule other points made to you, effective points, where we've already proven that something can be abnormal yet not immoral.
Originally posted by nycflasher
Um, I think you hit the brick wall when you turned a discussion on gay marriage into a discussion of gay sex and the normality of it.

It's irrelevant.
Can't you think of an abnormal married couple?
Maybe one of 50% that end in divorce, for example?

Off to lunch.

Man and woman, doesn't get any more normal than that. Whether there are no divorces in the gay community or 100's of thousands makes no difference, two people of the same sex don't belong together in that manner.
Originally posted by OCA
Man and woman, doesn't get any more normal than that. Whether there are no divorces in the gay community or 100's of thousands makes no difference, two people of the same sex don't belong together in that manner.

and again, who cares if thats normal and something different is not normal? abnormality does NOT define immorality
OCA--you have no interest in learning anything here----you set up parameters and then change them or redefine----you have made up your mind that no one will prove you wrong. Quit asking that question when you dont want answers
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
now THAT was absolutely ridiculous.

morality and normality can only apply to homosexuality? You've already argued several instances where it isn't YET ridicule other points made to you, effective points, where we've already proven that something can be abnormal yet not immoral.

BULLSHIT! Comparing homosexuality to an albino or lefthanded people or wearing glasses on the bridge of your nose is absolutely and utterly ridiculous and doesn't do your argument one damn bit of good.

Can you prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that homosexuality is natural and normal?
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
and again, who cares if thats normal and something different is not normal? abnormality does NOT define immorality

This is the point I have been trying to make with him for a long time, he keeps asking me to prove whether it is normal. I say it doesn't matter and ask him why it would matter, he again says it ins't normal.

Circular argument, recognizing no points from anybody.
Originally posted by OCA
BULLSHIT! Comparing homosexuality to an albino or lefthanded people or wearing glasses on the bridge of your nose is absolutely and utterly ridiculous and doesn't do your argument one damn bit of good.

Can you prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that homosexuality is natural and normal?

Can you prove that all things that are not normal are immoral?
Originally posted by OCA
BULLSHIT! Comparing homosexuality to an albino or lefthanded people or wearing glasses on the bridge of your nose is absolutely and utterly ridiculous and doesn't do your argument one damn bit of good.

Can you prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that homosexuality is natural and normal?

several instances of homosexuality have occured in numerous species throughout the animal kingdom. There, I've just proven its natural.

Normal is a useless argument, to you as well as anyone else, because 'normal' is defined as that which is assumed by a majority.
I resign--OCA--you are wasting my time-----keep your mind closed--you will go far---gl to anyone whose gonna hang in there on this one
Originally posted by no1tovote4
Can you prove that all things that are not normal are immoral?

I never said that all things that are not normal are immoral. The comparisons of left hands and albinos is ridiculous. You will never be able to prove that those things are depravity on the par with homosexuality and by the way those things are hereditary, homosexuality has never been proven to be hereditary or anything else, therefore it is a choice until proven otherwise.
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
several instances of homosexuality have occured in numerous species throughout the animal kingdom. There, I've just proven its natural.

Normal is a useless argument, to you as well as anyone else, because 'normal' is defined as that which is assumed by a majority.

Lets see, where are the instances of two animals of the same sex becoming mates for life? I've said all along, if you want to screw your buddy fine, just don't expect government to legalize your depravity.
Originally posted by OCA
I never said that all things that are not normal are immoral. The comparisons of left hands and albinos is ridiculous. You will never be able to prove that those things are depravity on the par with homosexuality and by the way those things are hereditary, homosexuality has never been proven to be hereditary or anything else, therefore it is a choice until proven otherwise.

But yet, you attempt to use abnormality as proof of immorality. Ignoring scientific proof is not COOL.
Originally posted by dilloduck
I resign--OCA--you are wasting my time-----keep your mind closed--you will go far---gl to anyone whose gonna hang in there on this one

Nah the fact that you didn't add one constructive thing to this argument was a waste of your time. You just ran up against a pitcher who is mowing them down. It happens.
Originally posted by OCA
Lets see, where are the instances of two animals of the same sex becoming mates for life? I've said all along, if you want to screw your buddy fine, just don't expect government to legalize your depravity.

you didn't ask for instances of homosexual marriage being normal. You asked for homosexuality being normal. Now that I provided the statement you want to change the question?

depravity exists only in the religious sense, I thought you weren't making a religious argument?
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
But yet, you attempt to use abnormality as proof of immorality. Ignoring scientific proof is not COOL.

Where is the scientific proof? And remember theory and supposition is not allowed in this courtroom.
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