Gay marriage legal in Massachussetts

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Originally posted by OCA
Where is the scientific proof? And remember theory and supposition is not allowed in this courtroom.

All over the net. Go look some up. I've posted enough for you to get a start. You obviously just want to ignore it.
Originally posted by OCA
Where is the scientific proof? And remember theory and supposition is not allowed in this courtroom.

well, since we're not allowing theory and supposition in the courtroom, you're 'proof' of homosexuality as a choice just got dismissed.

causes of homosexuality

What causes homosexuality?
To pose the question of what causes homosexuality is actually a judgment about homosexuals. If you ask for the causes of homosexuality you assume that this is a disorder and needs to be explained. It is better to find out what influences and processes determine sexual preferences, whether this is homosexuality, heterosexuality or something else. Physical causes for the development of a sexual preference could be certain brain structures or hormones and research is now being done on a certain homo gene. However, there hasn't been enough research to say anything reliable about this. Psychological causes for the development of a sexual preference could be certain thoughts or feelings that exist after a harmful event or in daily life. Finally, social factors could play a role, e.g education, nagging, and being unable to make contacts. However, not enough is known about these causes for sexual preferences.
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
you didn't ask for instances of homosexual marriage being normal. You asked for homosexuality being normal. Now that I provided the statement you want to change the question?

depravity exists only in the religious sense, I thought you weren't making a religious argument?

BULLSHIT! But if you think you are doing homosexuals a favor by comparing them to animals who lack the critical thinking and reasoning processes that we do then by all means stick with it. I for one think that is extremely disrespectful and does them no good.

Homosexual sex, marriage its all the same shit basically so again I will ask are there any instances of two male gorillas for example becoming lifelong mates? Not that this helps the human homosexuals argument but just a thought.

Depravity can exist both religiously and secularly, in this case its the latter.
Originally posted by OCA
BULLSHIT! But if you think you are doing homosexuals a favor by comparing them to animals who lack the critical thinking and reasoning processes that we do then by all means stick with it. I for one think that is extremely disrespectful and does them no good.

Homosexual sex, marriage its all the same shit basically so again I will ask are there any instances of two male gorillas for example becoming lifelong mates? Not that this helps the human homosexuals argument but just a thought.

Depravity can exist both religiously and secularly, in this case its the latter.

useless to argue with you. I proved you wrong on numerous counts and everytime you change the requirements.

I win, I'm done, you're dismissed.
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
well, since we're not allowing theory and supposition in the courtroom, you're 'proof' of homosexuality as a choice just got dismissed.

causes of homosexuality

What causes homosexuality?
To pose the question of what causes homosexuality is actually a judgment about homosexuals. If you ask for the causes of homosexuality you assume that this is a disorder and needs to be explained. It is better to find out what influences and processes determine sexual preferences, whether this is homosexuality, heterosexuality or something else. Physical causes for the development of a sexual preference could be certain brain structures or hormones and research is now being done on a certain homo gene. However, there hasn't been enough research to say anything reliable about this. Psychological causes for the development of a sexual preference could be certain thoughts or feelings that exist after a harmful event or in daily life. Finally, social factors could play a role, e.g education, nagging, and being unable to make contacts. However, not enough is known about these causes for sexual preferences.

Could be? Could play? I've given you way too much credit in the past.
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
useless to argue with you. I proved you wrong on numerous counts and everytime you change the requirements.

I win, I'm done, you're dismissed.

Nah thats your selfrighteousness talking. Have you ever lost an argument here in your mind?
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
All over the net. Go look some up. I've posted enough for you to get a start. You obviously just want to ignore it.

Go look definitive and solid up in the dictionary, while you are at it look theory and supposition up.
In nature it is common for a lion who has assumed the role of dominant male in a pride to kill the offspring of a formerly dominant male. However, we do not advocate the killing of children when a new male is in the life of a female among humans because there is an obvious victim, hence it would be immoral. Therefore natural and morality are not equal concepts.

Animals also do not get married at all, so the argument that it is unnatural and therefore immoral would also be apparently false.

There have been instances where animals that mate for life have been homosexual, a good example would be the penguin. This does not make homosexuality immoral or moral it simply makes it natural (as in found in nature). I would post examples of this, but they have been posted before so it would be redundant.

We have already proven that normal in and of itself does not make something immoral, and therefore cannot be used either as an argument for immorality.

The only argument against depravity you have would be religious and therefore since you say you are not arguing religion then you have no argument left.

Simply repeating the same question over and over does not make you right, it only makes you repetitive.
Originally posted by OCA
Go look definitive and solid up in the dictionary, while you are at it look theory and supposition up.

Just keep on going, regardless of rhyme, reason, and sense. You're really tearing the place up with your convincing points.
Lets see thats 3 or 4 down today and one of them is actually using that penguin article from months ago that got torn to shreds. Like I said if y'all want to compare homosexuals to animals who lack the cognitive processes of critical thinking and reasoning, well right or wrong too, then by all means do it, but i'm willing to give them a little more respect than that.
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
useless to argue with you. I proved you wrong on numerous counts and everytime you change the requirements.

I win, I'm done, you're dismissed.

What did you win DK? Or in the words of KL(whom I respect) would you like a cookie?
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
Just keep on going, regardless of rhyme, reason, and sense. You're really tearing the place up with your convincing points.

How about it RWA, you want some today? Just look at your compatriots on this issue, they are in tatters. Think hard about it.
Originally posted by OCA
Lets see thats 3 or 4 down today and one of them is actually using that penguin article from months ago that got torn to shreds. Like I said if y'all want to compare homosexuals to animals who lack the cognitive processes of critical thinking and reasoning, well right or wrong too, then by all means do it, but i'm willing to give them a little more respect than that.

Right, you didn't pose cogent arguments, you simply dismiss to ask the same question.

I am not trying to prove to you that it is natural or normal, simply that they are not valid arguments to make your point that it is immoral. What is your argument that homosexuality is immoral? You keep saying depravity, but that is according to religion which you have stated before is not your argument. Therefore when you have no argument left you resort to saying things like the above. Which addresses none of our arguments just continues with the same repetition with nothing to back you up.

Prove that it is depraved.
Originally posted by OCA
Lets see thats 3 or 4 down today and one of them is actually using that penguin article from months ago that got torn to shreds. Like I said if y'all want to compare homosexuals to animals who lack the cognitive processes of critical thinking and reasoning, well right or wrong too, then by all means do it, but i'm willing to give them a little more respect than that.

Yeah. You're such a respectful and delightful person.
Rules (laws, if you must) are set down for varied reasons. One of the reasons is morality. What is moral or not is always open to debate - but there are laws based on morality nonetheless.

Options? Basically there are two, as I see it .....

(1) We make no laws based on morality.


(2) We use acceptable (according to the views of the populus) moral guidelines to set acceptable limits.

I see very little leeway here... and therin lies the problem, I suppose.
Originally posted by no1tovote4
Right, you didn't pose cogent arguments, you simply dismiss to ask the same question.

I am not trying to prove to you that it is natural or normal, simply that they are not valid arguments to make your point that it is immoral. What is your argument that homosexuality is immoral? You keep saying depravity, but that is according to religion which you have stated before is not your argument. Therefore when you have no argument left you resort to saying things like the above. Which addresses none of our arguments just continues with the same repetition with nothing to back you up.

Prove that it is depraved.

Well lets see, sticking your dick in your buddy's ass, getting shit on said dick, giving your buddy a bj.....need I go on? And we are supposed to grant these people the right to marry? COME THE FUCK ON!
Originally posted by OCA
Well lets see, sticking your dick in your buddy's ass, getting shit on said dick, giving your buddy a bj.....need I go on? And we are supposed to grant these people the right to marry? COME THE FUCK ON!

This is just naked senseless bigotry.
Originally posted by TN_Independent
Rules (laws, if you must) are set down for varied reasons. One of the reasons is morality. What is moral or not is always open to debate - but there are laws based on morality nonetheless.

Options? Basically there are two, as I see it .....

(1) We make no laws based on morality.


(2) We use acceptable (according to the views of the populus) moral guidelines to set acceptable limits.

I see very little leeway here... and therin lies the problem, I suppose.

Tennessee that is exactly it. Society must have limits and guidelines or basically we have anarchy and I don't think we want that.

I say we put the gay marriage thing up to a vote state by state instead of it being decided by activist judges. No way that will happen though because the homosexual leadership knows they will lose everywhere.
Originally posted by OCA
Nah thats your selfrighteousness talking. Have you ever lost an argument here in your mind?

I've lost several, not ashamed to admit that I can't learn something new everyday. It's a shame that there are others so narrow minded in their thinking that they know it all.
Originally posted by OCA
Well lets see, sticking your dick in your buddy's ass, getting shit on said dick, giving your buddy a bj.....need I go on? And we are supposed to grant these people the right to marry? COME THE FUCK ON!

That doesn't prove depravity, it simply describes what you think is gross.

Here is the definition of depravity:
\De*prav"i*ty\, n. [From Deprave: cf. L. pravitas crookedness, perverseness.] The state of being depraved or corrupted; a vitiated state of moral character; general badness of character; wickedness of mind or heart; absence of religious feeling and principle.

Not once does it mention gross. Getting mucous on your penis from the mucuous membranes in a vagina could also be considered gross, but obviously not depraved. What about heterosexual couples that engage in anal sex, are they depraved? Should we deny them marriage too? Getting a BJ obviously is not depraved. I know I won't stop a girl from going there. You still have not proved your point.
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