Gay marriage legal in Massachussetts

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We aren't granting them some new and special right. Massachussetts has become the first state to stop denying gay and lesbian couples the right to legal marriage.

I have asked the heterosexual anal sex question before also, and none of you anti-gay types out there want to answer it. I assume it's because it proves you wrong.

Originally posted by no1tovote4
That doesn't prove depravity, it simply describes what you think is gross.

Here is the definition of depravity:
\De*prav"i*ty\, n. [From Deprave: cf. L. pravitas crookedness, perverseness.] The state of being depraved or corrupted; a vitiated state of moral character; general badness of character; wickedness of mind or heart; absence of religious feeling and principle.

Not once does it mention gross. Getting mucous on your penis from the mucuous membranes in a vagina could also be considered gross, but obviously not depraved. What about heterosexual couples that engage in anal sex, are they depraved? Should we deny them marriage too? Getting a BJ obviously is not depraved. I know I won't stop a girl from going there. You still have not proved your point.

Little do you know that by providing that definition of depravity you have proved every point i've been trying to make on this issue in regards to mental states and capacities of homosexuals.
Originally posted by OCA
How about it RWA, you want some today? Just look at your compatriots on this issue, they are in tatters. Think hard about it.

the only thing thats in tatters is my opinion of your intelligence. I thought you had some. You want to talk about cognitive thought? try keeping your own phobias and fears to yourself or work them out, not try to make everyone else live by them.
My state is voting on gay marriage in November it appears. You all know what my vote will be. There are already groups both for and opposed to the ballot issue, which would put a definition of marriage as between a man and a woman in the Missouri Constitution. I will be joining one of the groups opposed to the ballot issue. We shouldn't constitutionalize bigotry.

Originally posted by OCA
I see that you are on the side of depravity as well as being a racist. Excellent! Good to know.

Blow it our your b-hole, Betty.
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
I've lost several, not ashamed to admit that I can't learn something new everyday. It's a shame that there are others so narrow minded in their thinking that they know it all.

I myself have lost arguments here and been proven wrong but on this issue, i'm sorry, its too important I won't back down from what I believe is right until i'm proven wrong beyond a shadow of a doubt. That does not make me narrowminded.
Originally posted by OCA
Little do you know that by providing that definition of depravity you have proved every point i've been trying to make on this issue in regards to mental states and capacities of homosexuals.

In what way? Using the definition above describe how homosexuals are depraved in a way that I cannot also describe how heterosexual sex is depraved.
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
the only thing thats in tatters is my opinion of your intelligence. I thought you had some. You want to talk about cognitive thought? try keeping your own phobias and fears to yourself or work them out, not try to make everyone else live by them.

I see, now we are back to fears and phobias. As if everyone in America opposed to this is just doing it out of fear instead of standing up for what is right.
Originally posted by OCA
I myself have lost arguments here and been proven wrong but on this issue, i'm sorry, its too important I won't back down from what I believe is right until i'm proven wrong beyond a shadow of a doubt. That does not make me narrowminded.

then tell us, what is it, exactly, that makes this issue that important to you? be definitive about your antipathy towards homosexuals and homosexuality.
Originally posted by OCA
I see, now we are back to fears and phobias. As if everyone in America opposed to this is just doing it out of fear instead of standing up for what is right.

So you're saying being gay is morally wrong. Why is it morally wrong? Who does it hurt? Who does it deceive? From whom does it steal? Which consenting adult is the victim?
Originally posted by acludem
I have asked the heterosexual anal sex question before also, and none of you anti-gay types out there want to answer it. I assume it's because it proves you wrong.


Actually, up until a few years ago, in many states it was actually illegal for a man and woman to have sex in any position other that missionary. I don't know if that has changed over the past several years, and can't actually remember how I came to possess that knowledge in the first place, but it was the law of the land at that time and may still be today in some places.

Don't assume that I think that the law was appropriate, just that it existed (and maybe still does in some states).
Originally posted by no1tovote4
In what way? Using the definition above describe how homosexuals are depraved in a way that I cannot also describe how heterosexual sex is depraved.

Man and woman vs man and man and woman and woman. Need pictures?
Originally posted by OCA
I see, now we are back to fears and phobias. As if everyone in America opposed to this is just doing it out of fear instead of standing up for what is right.

let see, theres THIS

Originally posted by OCA
Well lets see, sticking your dick in your buddy's ass, getting shit on said dick, giving your buddy a bj.....need I go on? And we are supposed to grant these people the right to marry? COME THE FUCK ON!

Now, tell me what isn't a phobia or fear about this response?
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
So you're saying being gay is morally wrong. Why is it morally wrong? Who does it hurt? Who does it deceive? From whom does it steal? Which consenting adult is the victim?
So, rtwng, you are opposed to any law that is based only on morality? Not flaming, just curious.
Originally posted by OCA
Man and woman vs man and man and woman and woman. Need pictures?

Still you do not describe what makes that depraved.

He thrusts his fists against the posts, but still insists he sees the ghosts.

There is nothing in your post to tell me what is depraved about it, it just repeats something.
Originally posted by OCA
Man and woman vs man and man and woman and woman. Need pictures?

You've described the combinations of genders possible in a two person relationship. Please illustrate how the gay pairs you mentioned are depraved, in your view.
Originally posted by Bullypulpit

Then if you don't believe in God, why do have the mark of the beast in that picture on the Presidents forhead?

You can't believe in the Devil without believing in the Lord. One does not exist without the other. Now which is it? Do you believe in the Lord or not? If not, then that 666 on the Presidents forhead means nothing.

Why do it?
Originally posted by TN_Independent
So, rtwng, you are opposed to any law that is based only on morality? Not flaming, just curious.

I think laws should be designed to protect us from each other and from government. Prohibitions on consensual adult sexual behavior fall into neither category.
Originally posted by no1tovote4
10 or 12 year olds cannot give consent and neither can dogs, horses or planets as I have seen some people suggest in this thread. You are going far out of your way to prove the idiocy and illogical nature of your own arguments.

Two adults that are not related and can give consent can be civily joined and it leads to people marrying planets? Give it a rest, that kind of imaginary enemy will only lead to paranoia and people laughing at you and children saying things like, "Look at the crazy man, Mommy!" just before they get slapped. A little jousting with windmills can only make you look insane, and never will be a good vehicle for presenting a good argument (to mix metaphors.)

You're showing your ignorance now. They want "children", and they want them NOW!

Wise up!
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