Gay marriage legal in Massachussetts

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Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
So you're saying being gay is morally wrong. Why is it morally wrong? Who does it hurt? Who does it deceive? From whom does it steal? Which consenting adult is the victim?

Dumbass I don't know how to explain it to you so you'll understand since you are obviously shortcircuiting somewhere. Man and woman belong together in order to procreate, i'm talking biologically not religiously. Man cannot procreate with man and woman with woman. Its as simple as 9th grade biology. Homosexuals when they malke that lifestyle choice are simply doing what is against nature and should not be rewarded for it. Plain and simple.

Neither is a victim(well until 1 contracts AIDS) and they should be allowed to have all the sex they want but the overwhelming majority of the populace does not agree with their lifestyle and should not have the will of a tiny minority shoved down its throat by a few judges destroying one of the basic tenements of our civilized society.
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
I think laws should be designed to protect us from each other and from government. Prohibitions on consensual adult sexual behavior fall into neither category.
With all due respect, that is not really the issue here. The issue is marriage.... and I guess it is all so much bally-hoo, really. Sexual preference is not being made illegal by the marriage legislation.
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
let see, theres THIS

Originally posted by OCA
Well lets see, sticking your dick in your buddy's ass, getting shit on said dick, giving your buddy a bj.....need I go on? And we are supposed to grant these people the right to marry? COME THE FUCK ON!

Now, tell me what isn't a phobia or fear about this response?

Well lets see I was describing depravity in vivid detail. Again I don't fear, I stand up for what is OBVIOUSLY right.
Originally posted by OCA
Dumbass I don't know how to explain it to you so you'll understand since you are obviously shortcircuiting somewhere. Man and woman belong together in order to procreate, i'm talking biologically not religiously. Man cannot procreate with man and woman with woman. Its as simple as 9th grade biology. Homosexuals when they malke that lifestyle choice are simply doing what is against nature and should not be rewarded for it. Plain and simple.

Neither is a victim(well until 1 contracts AIDS) and they should be allowed to have all the sex they want but the overwhelming majority of the populace does not agree with their lifestyle and should not have the will of a tiny minority shoved down its throat by a few judges destroying one of the basic tenements of our civilized society.

No New Tale to Tell

You cannot go against nature
Because when you do
Go against nature
It's part of nature too

Our little lives get complicated
It's a simple thing
Simple as a flower
And that's a complicated thing

No new tale to tell
No new tale to tell
No new tale to tell


My world is your world
People like to hear their names
I'm no exception
Please call my name
Call my name

No new tale to tell
No new tale to tell
No new tale to tell


When you're down
It's a long way up
When you're up
It's a long way down

It's all the same thing
No new tale to tell

No new tale to tell
Originally posted by TN_Independent
With all due respect, that is not really the issue here. The issue is marriage.... and I guess it is all so much bally-hoo, really. Sexual preference is not being made illegal by the marriage legislation.

With all due respect. You asked a general question about what laws should be based on. So when I answered it plainly, it was the issue, due to you asking the f#cking question regarding it.
Originally posted by OCA
Dumbass I don't know how to explain it to you so you'll understand since you are obviously shortcircuiting somewhere. Man and woman belong together in order to procreate, i'm talking biologically not religiously. Man cannot procreate with man and woman with woman. Its as simple as 9th grade biology. Homosexuals when they malke that lifestyle choice are simply doing what is against nature and should not be rewarded for it. Plain and simple.

Neither is a victim(well until 1 contracts AIDS) and they should be allowed to have all the sex they want but the overwhelming majority of the populace does not agree with their lifestyle and should not have the will of a tiny minority shoved down its throat by a few judges destroying one of the basic tenements of our civilized society.

If marriage was only to procreate, we would have to have laws about seniors getting married, about sterile couples getting married and many others. There are many other reasons other than procreating that people get married.

And as we have already proven that something against nature does not mean it is immoral.

The majority of people thought interracial marriage was bad, and if votes were cast we probably would still be racially separate. Just because a majority think something does not mean it should be the law, and sometimes it is obvious that it shouldn't.

Nobody is going to forcibly marry you to some homosexual, you are not a victim.

You cannot describe it to me, because you removed the Bible from your argument long ago, and by any definition other than that of religion this is not immoral. Since there is no victim, as you stated above, there is no morality issue.
Originally posted by OCA
Well lets see I was describing depravity in vivid detail. Again I don't fear, I stand up for what is OBVIOUSLY right.

so the ONLY reason man and woman belong together is pro-creation, right? thats what all your 'natural order' arguments point to.
Originally posted by no1tovote4
If marriage was only to procreate, we would have to have laws about seniors getting married, about sterile couples getting married and many others. There are many other reasons other than procreating that people get married.

Nobody is going to forcibly marry you to some homosexual, you are not a victim.

You cannot describe it to me, because you removed the Bible from your argument long ago, and by any definition other than that of religion this is not immoral. Since there is no victim, as you stated above, there is no morality issue.

and their other argument about homosexual marriage will extinct the human race is ridiculous as well. Like everyone's going to find a same sex partner to marry once its legal. :rolleyes:
Well y'all know exactly where I stand on this issue so i'll wait to hear if someone can prove beyond a shadow of a doubt, no could be's or might play's, that homosexuality is natural and normal. I've got things to do, see y'all a little later on.
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
With all due respect. You asked a general question about what laws should be based on. So when I answered it plainly, it was the issue, due to you asking the f#cking question regarding it.
Well, isn't that nice.

To be precise, you avoided the first question. You danced around it in true political style.

You'll excuse me if I don't use vulgarity to emphasize the point, I presume.

Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
With all due respect. You asked a general question about what laws should be based on. So when I answered it plainly, it was the issue, due to you asking the f#cking question regarding it.

Also, the question was not general at all. It was specific. Should I repeat it for you?
Originally posted by OCA
Well y'all know exactly where I stand on this issue so i'll wait to hear if someone can prove beyond a shadow of a doubt, no could be's or might play's, that homosexuality is natural and normal. I've got things to do, see y'all a little later on.

We've answered a million times. It IS natural. It's NOT normal. Neither of these facts have any bearing on whether it's immoral.
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
We've answered a million times. It IS natural. It's NOT normal. Neither of these facts have any bearing on whether it's immoral.

Normal is SUCH a relative term isn't it.
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
so the ONLY reason man and woman belong together is pro-creation, right? thats what all your 'natural order' arguments point to.

Wait a sec before I leave I ran across this.

That is not the only reason, there are a myriad of reasons but that is one of the main ones. You know lets cut the bullshit, how do two men and two women together, how do those two couples go with the flow of nature and not against it?
Originally posted by Big D
Over 75 percent of AIDS infections result from homosexual activity or drug use and only two percent result from blood transfusions.

All over American society people are working to discourage smoking, alcohol, toxic pollution and high fat diets for the simple reason that they reduce human life expectancy. Yet none of these threats reduces life expectancy as much as homosexual conduct.
Why would we do anything to promote such a lifestyle? There are kids watching us.

It's amazing how these factual posts that should shut a lot of people up are simply IGNORED!
Originally posted by TN_Independent
Well, isn't that nice.

To be precise, you avoided the first question. You danced around it in true political style.

You'll excuse me if I don't use vulgarity to emphasize the point, I presume.


He is a know-it-all who dances around may issues.
Originally posted by OCA
Wait a sec before I leave I ran across this.

That is not the only reason, there are a myriad of reasons but that is one of the main ones. You know lets cut the bullshit, how do two men and two women together, how do those two couples go with the flow of nature and not against it?

They exist, don't they?
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
We've answered a million times. It IS natural. It's NOT normal. Neither of these facts have any bearing on whether it's immoral.

So RWA do you have a natural attraction toward males for sexual purposes? :D
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